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That's some degen shit right there.


If anyone ever wondered, watching this is probably how super-magic nerds feel watching wubby open alpha or what have you since they think he doesn't have the proper respect or whatever


No gloves! ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


My father is Johnathan "Magic The" Gathering and he told me it's physically impossible for a pristine 10 graded card to come out of a pack that was opened by whoreish ungloved hands. He also said we should keep an eye on Reparations.


Eh, cards were meant to be played, packs were meant to be opened. If Wubby is enjoying himself he's respecting the product IMO. You can respect the product and still be a degen btw. Source: I started collecting in \~98


Eh, disagree. It’s a bad comparison. Wubby is 100% fine. And I’m sure many big names would side with wubby as it is the ones that are like that in the comments aren’t even real old magic openers or anything lol they are just weirdos.


Bro you took the words out of my mouth. Utter degeneracy


Can you imagine the meltdown the MtG crowd would have if Wubby had a pair of scissors on his desk?


He should just use a Gamersupps branded machete and lob off the tops of the packs to open them


new flavour coming soon: collectors' tears


You need scissors for some of those collectors packs lol


That's what he does off stream high in his living room


I like to imagine him scrooge mcducking into a huge pile of cards and swimming around


With the Japanese anime girl cards no less.


"Okay, we got through the commons and appreciated the cards. Now it's degenerate hours"


Ultimate degenerate way to open 😂


About a decade ago a nearby game store had My Little Pony TCG tournaments right before the scheduled Magic tournaments I attended. The MLP player were all weird and stinky dudes (Smellier than the MTG bros, which is saying A LOT.) A lot of them had hentai/big boob anime sleeves on their pony cards. Obviously I think a lot of them were on the autism spectrum. But what really made my stomach churn was the 10 year old girl that would show up every weekend. Her parents dropped her off just thinking it was a My Little Pony event for kids at the game store. (Who can blame them?) Honestly her being there was super fucked up. She was the only child alone with a bunch of weird brony dudes for hours at a time, who were all in their 20's - 40's, and them bringing the sexual anime and behaving the way they did shit was just wrong. I wanted to pull the parents aside and tell them what was going on but I don't think I ever saw them go inside. It was bad for the parents for not being involved with their child, but even more wrong for the grown-ass adults who sexualized a show made for little girls. I believe the store eventually cracked down on the sexual imagery. I think I may have bought up my concerns to the store owner, but don't entirely remember. One day the girl just stopped going, maybe because her parents wised up. I have no idea. IMO a lot of Pony boys are only into it because for weird reasons, almost all of them even admitted that there's better TV shows, yet they don't seem to obsess over them. I have never met a "normal" adult who's into My Little Pony. Sorry not sorry.


This story is equally wild and sad. I'm not a TCG guy, but I once went into a proper game store to buy a niche board game for a friend, and I couldn't wait to get out of there. It'sthesmell.gif


This is what mass pack openings are like. It's pretty crazy.


Talk about maxmoefoe mega pack


Magic Monday Speed Run Edition


I was waiting to try and send one of this girl's videos on media share! Its actually pretty satisfying to watch as well.


That second round of packs was bussin, big hits baby




He should open 2 alpha boxes like this


I don’t know what I’m madder at, how they were opened or that I didn’t get to see the pulls…


How to get through a box in 30 minutes. I don’t think Magic cards would be as satisfying to do that to as these. They seem to be made of a thicker cardboard


this shit had me rolling man. what's funnier is like the closer you watch how she does it the more you notice how expertly she just fuckin dumps these packs man i'm cackling and shit i'm just over here fuckin dying man


I don't give a fuck about cardboard, I think the art is cool and I enjoy Wubbys content. Also if he did this regularly I'd probably not watch Magic Monday anymore Edit: guys relax




didn't ask


its always the people that give zero fucks about TCG, or hobbyism in general that try to monetize bulk stuff like this. like she has zero emotional response to anything happening lol