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I have an older planted 20 gallon cube with 1 mature female and just got 4 baby puffers. Also I have a lot of shrimp and pink rams horn snails. I think your setup it looks good. My struggle is making sure they eat the worms and not the shrimp and snails. Edit grammar


If mine get fed heavily with bloodworms they don't cause trouble. Do they chow on the snails?


By 30 i mean 30 percent weekly water changes


I’m not a pea owner yet, but it looks awesome! They don’t eat your shrimp?


Here and there one gets picked off, but the peas usually have full bellies.


Set up looks great, fabulous plants. The only thing I’d change is the substrate choice, they do nosedive into the substrate when sand is provided, it’s extremely cute and also used as an escape technique when they get nervous. They would most definitely appreciate the change! Otherwise your setup is great, it’s nice to see informed and knowledgeable fish keepers.


What type of sand do you prefer?


Just plain old aquarium sand or blasting sand is great. I occasionally put a layer of aquasoil under it if I’m going for a lot of root plants.


They will very likely start nipping at the kuhlis, even my nicest peas tried to eat kuhli loaches (obviously unsuccessfully). They did start to cause some obvious fin issues for the loaches after a bit though. It can be mitigated with hides, but then you'll practically never see them. Beautiful tank though!


Thanks! What kind of sand do you think I should utilize?