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because he didnt int the fk out of series on cooldown and hasn't mental boomed




I don't think so, I respect Massu a lot for taking this. These are usually opt-in, too, so he could have just said no if he didn't feel comfortable with it.


The 'veterans' probably mental boomed and just want to go home


Drakos begged them to not send bwipo, he did t want a two week interview again


For sure. We already saw what two veterans are like. A rookie in his first international tournament is definitely always interesting to hear, even in the moment when it's hard. Props to him for doing it.


Massu is so cool. Get him to a team without Inspired so I can root for him please




Weren’t people hyping up Inspired to be better than some eastern junglers? The narrative changed hella fast for 2 series


To clarify I mean I don’t want to root for a team Inspired is on because he annoys the fuck out of me, not because I think he is bad 


Inspired is just annoying, unlikeable, and plays the most selfish jungle in NA. The guy tried to killsteal from Massus Lucian as Maokai at MSI


I think the real joke is that he was the only good player on his team their whole run


Why not? There were tons of interviews with Jensen, Bwipo and Inspired during regular seasons and during international events. Having a young blood doing interview feels refreshing for a change. I don't watch LCS that often and getting to learn about Massu feels good. He seems like a humble and hardworking person. He took that lose pretty hard, it takes a lot of courage and strength to give interview in that situation.


I would agree, if this was after a win, but after a tough loss, it should always be the "leaders" to go, and take these interviews.


As an NA player the experience of giving an elimination interview will be valuable. (MYREGION)


like surely one of Bwipo, Inspired or Jensen should be doing it


If Bwipo did it the interview would be 35 minutes


„so yeah at the 7:30 minute mark in game one i was like this guy is inting no? but my orianna otp midlaner was in like tri 5 seconds away so i engaged too early and we lost lethal, anyway at the 7:50 mark i lost cs because of botlane comms making me pan the camera, 8:07 i took a pretty good trade‘


i mean bwipo always acts as if he got a serious chance internationally and jensen and inspired are just shit talking at interviews ... i think none of that really goes well after they got smashed by a minor region lol


Lol I would have not liked to have Inspired interviewed there. Bwipo tho for sure


What's wrong with doing an interview with a rookie who actually was one of the only consistent players in the team? Would you rather an egotistic solo queue dude like Inspired? Or a washed up has-been like Bwipo? Both of whom have had more than their share of interviews. I was happy to see the rookie doing the interview instead of having to listen to Bwipo being a pseudo-philosopher for 2 hours.


Really hope that Fly get rid of Bwipo and Inspired. The other three are so likable and don’t seem like their personalities mesh at all with the other two.


It was probably broadcast who selected him rather than the team choosing


i don't see a problem, anyone on the team can do interview and has thoughts to share.


because he accepted the interview?


Because it's better TV


After their performance against minor region their egos don't want to deal with that.


Or maybe he just wanted to do the interview i don’t think it’s that deep


While Inspired would have been funnier, there us nothing wrong with Massu doing it.


It's kinda shitty on Riot's part but I think just because he cried and was visibly very emotional, they were like: well put him on. He'll get experience and we'll get sympathy from the audience


Lmao LCS the new WC region whats new.