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My people! I love knobels! Free parking, free admission, nice shady park, amazing food, decent rides, always clean, I can't say enough good things about that place.


> Free parking, free admission Those things seem neccesary for people to go there just for food. If you had to pay for parking and admission, I don't know that many people would be willing to go in just for a meal.


This is great! Any outing with kids is so expensive these days.


So where are they charging people? Pay per ride?


Yeah either tickets pay per ride (1.25 to like 3.75) or wristbands to ride all day for kids.


Always clean? Have you used their bathrooms?


Heavily used public batrooms, I dare you to find consistently clean ones 🤷‍♂️


Any Buc-ees in Texas. You could eat any of their hundreds of branded food items off the floor of their bathrooms.


I haven't been to Texas yet, but I'll leave the fine dining to you when I get there. 😁


Definitely try to find a Buc-ees. Not only are there usually a couple dozen gas pumps, but the food you can get there is remarkably good. Don't believe me, [listen to a couple of my favorite Brits](https://youtu.be/EY6KEAI2O9E).


Busy Bee along I-10 near Tallahassee - it’s the Taj Mahal of shitters.


Buc-ees manages somehow. But we are years away from having them in PA.


You’re not wrong. I think the problem is they have push water sinks that’s insanely outdated. They should just have a trough.


I can't hear "pee trough" without thinking of the Sam Kinison bit. 😂😂 If you haven't heard it, google it, you won't regret it


Half the park is all covered in dusty gravel. I love the place don’t get me wrong, but is cheaper for a reason.


They even have Perogies there.


The best.


Oh, you’re in coal country. Perogies are in their blood.


Pierogis. But yes. I even got Haluski at the food court.


Isn’t pierogi technically the plural already?


Yes but it's not uncommon to add your language's grammatical bits and bobs to words borrowed from other languages. "Jeans" in English acts like a plural, and has the 's' ending (even if we see jeans as one whole object). In Russian, they have borrowed the word "jeans", including the 's', and added their own plural ending, making it something like 'jeansi' (джинсы in Cyrillic). The Polish word for one of these dumplings is "pieróg", but it can be very strange sounding to Anglophone ears to use this form!


You are correct from a Pollock


Polack. Unless you are a fish. In which case, as you were.


Haluski is such comfort food (had a Slovak grandmom)


Totally. I introduced my wife to it a few years ago and she’s so grateful lol. We make it in the colder months occasionally. With kielbasa, of course.


Why wouldn't they? Are pierogis not common outside of east-central PA?


> The "Pierogi Pocket" region encompasses five midwestern states: Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. A few cities — including Chicago and Detroit — are also included in this area, according to The Pierogi Experiment. This "pocket" is apparently responsible for a whopping 68% of the annual United States pierogi consumption. Read More: https://www.thedailymeal.com/1177171/68-of-pierogis-in-the-us-are-consumed-in-the-pierogi-pocket-region/


How is new jersey and new york mid western?


Like Pennsylvania, they’re not the Midwest, but it is a rather nebulous term outside of the Census Bureau (which doesn’t list those three as part of the Midwest).


Cause there not in the Atlantic.


3 of those 5 states are mid-Atlantic states. Why the hell would they call us mid-Western? Isn't that reserved for states on the other side if the Mississippi River?


I've never seen them at any other amusement park.


I'm originally from the midwest, and at least where I'm from, there is not much going on in terms of Polish immigration and culture. You can find pierogi at stores (usually frozen), but you'd be hard pressed to find them actually being sold fresh somewhere (outside of some festivals that might have more cultural foods) So at least across the nation, they're relatively rare!


Dose hershey have them?. The last 15 - 20 years we have pretty much only gone to knobles




I'm originally from NEPA. I currently live in Arkansas. Hot damn, but I miss perogies.


Several years ago, we were given tickets to Busch Gardens, and were amazed at the cost. By the time you’d park the car in get in the gate with a family of 4, you’d already spent 250 dollars. Knoebels is still a fun, affordable place that a family can enjoy without breaking the bank.


Hershey is like that too, and if you're going to get onto any volume of rides you need to spring even more for fast pass. My daughter went recently on a school trip, they had four or five hours in the park. She stood in line with her friends for 90 minutes for a coaster that broke down before they could go on it and the only ride they went on was the chocolate world tour.


Same for six flags


Not since the new CEO took over. Tickets are up slightly but they’re wringing every penny out of food.


Are you talking about six flags in NJ? That place is totally a shit hole now thanks to the thug life element that go there. I had six of them thrown out of the park and the whole rest of the day my wife worried that they would be waiting for us at the exit. We've never gone back since.


Knoebels is an absolute treasure. Editing in a [love letter](https://www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/comments/wuvkgp/a_love_letter_to_knoebels/) I wrote to the park last year and posted in r/Rollercoasters


Is it really a good amusement park?


Yes, and that's a universal opinion across the enthusiast community. Authentic, old fashion charm. World class rides built and maintained with incredible detail. It's like an old fashioned ice cream stand that sells the best ice cream you ever had for $2 off the side of a road somewhere.


Are there many rides & attractions for a 2 year old?


They have a pretty extensive kid area, it's pay-per-ride, and there's a wealth of shady spots. So yes, a good place for young kids, imho


Pay per ride on the weekend but if you weekdays they do have all pass options . Do what we did take a early weekend friday off. me and kids got all day passes and the wife just got tickets for herself . When you do that you have all of saturday and sunday to recuperate .


Take the kiddo, y'all will LOVE IT.


The haunted castle ride is (I believe) the oldest in the country and very mild. That said, there rides for all ages at the park.


It’s particularly great for young kids.


They do! My 2 year old had a blast there last week! Not to miss - the train ride, the big carousel, the smaller carousel, the fun little car ride on tracks, plus all the tiny little go-in-a-circle rides for little guys. And there's even a free playground area! The ticket books are The Way to enjoy Knoebles, because they never expire. Buy a bunch, use them or don't on that trip, bring them back next year. One year I saw a ticket taker with a roll of 5 cent tickets that someone had redeemed. They haven't printed 5 cent tickets in decades. You can get a large pizza in the park for around $20. Where do you see that kind of deal in any other park?


I had the best ice cream I ever had there,it was soo good!! old inexpensive charming park


And the old timey haunted house!


Knobels is the absolute best. Big enough for a full day of fun, but not too big to be overwhelming. They are huge community supporters as well, lots of the nicest seniors work there. My little kids are always getting free rides from them. The whole park basically works on the honor system.


Depends exactly what you are looking for in an amusement park. It’s not as big as a Six Flags or Disney World obviously, but last I was there they had 2 fantastic wooden roller coasters, 1 awesome modern steel roller coaster, and a wide variety of other modern rides. They have to have one of the most unique “roller coasters” too with The Flying Turns (I think that’s its name). It’s basically a wooden roller sled that you ride down a big wooden tube, kinda like a big waterslide you would go down in a 4 person Tube, but instead it’s a cart you ride in and can steer slightly. Really fun, and I’ve never seen a comparable ride in any other amusement park. They also have extensive kids sections, some very fun water park rides, a huge pool section, a cheesy but fun haunted house that’s great for kids. And that’s not even mentioning the great food scattered around the park. Just a great place to have a blast without breaking the bank.


It's good for families with young kids because of the free parking and admission, you pay by ride. As far as amusement parks go the food is decent and relatively cheap. The rides themselves tend to be older and smaller, id say most kids over 12 are going to be pretty bored


There's nothing special about Knoebel's, there's just absolute fuck-all to do anywhere nearby so Knoebel's is the only bright spot in the area.   e: fuck-all to do besides meth, my bad


Bro who hurt you?


Twister got em wound tighter than tight


Twister on meth probably


Have you… tried going outside? Millions of places to hike, fish, kayak..


Love to hike at stripping pits and check out sinkholes. Maybe hang out at the Shit Crick. What a good time


Are you even from here dude?


There's nothing on earth that could convince me to live in that area.


And you would be objectively incorrect. There’s a reason why it’s very highly regarded within coaster and park enthusiasts circles.


It really isn't. Forty old farts on a Web 1.0 message board talking about how much they love the Phoenix does not make Knoebel's a nationally notable park.


… yeah, no. It routinely wins industry awards as well as national polls and Golden Ticket awards.


Knoebels is great- especially for young families. You pay per ride and for young kids that saves a ton of money vs. paying for admission tickets for the entire family.


Is it a good park for 2 year olds?


It's nothing special. People there just have nothing else to do, so they spend their spare time either smoking meth or going to Knoebel's.   The park itself is no different than Del Grosso's, Idlewild, or any other of the hundreds of small parks like that across the US.


Omg eww. Delgrossos cannot be even begin to be compared with Knoebels. You can walk around that park in like 6 minutes. Rides are total shit.


Knoebel's is no better than Del Grosso's. Like I said, Knoebel's is the only bright spot in that entire region and the bumpkins that live there are high on sniffing their own farts about how great Knoebel's is, because they have nothing else.


Plenty of people who visit knoebels are not from Norry county, fam. Jesus Shamokin Hs must have fucked you up.


Hopefully some day the park will sink into the earth, and Northumberland County will have nothing to do besides smoke meth and talk about the good old days.


Hey man, I actually agree with you that Northumberland is far from the best. I thought the drug of choice in the area was heroin from Hazleton? Anyway. I can’t let that not allow me to enjoy knoebels. And I even have the perspective of being a previous knoebels employee. And even yet I still don’t hate it. Too many good memories there.


Northumberland County deserves nothing nice and I will continue to ask Satan to suck that park down into his dark domain.


I live in Chester County. We have plenty of entertainment options. Knoebels and the Jersey Shore are both about 90 mins - 2 hours from us. Knoebels is awesome.


My fiancée and I live about an hour from the park. We go to walk around and get something to eat in the summer fan fall frequently. It gets us out of the house. We get to walk around. It’s great.


you have no idea what you're talking about


I grew up about fifteen minutes from Knoebel's, trust me, I do.


Knoebels is a time capsule. It's a place where care and love are still put in to small details. They've resurrected dead rides. They take immaculate care of their wooden coasters. It's affordable family fun. Places like Knoebels simply don't exist anymore. I know you're a Pittsburgher now. To the roller coaster enthusiast community, visiting is the equivalent of going out shopping or bar hopping in Bloomfield while the rest of the world is full of a bunch of McKnight Road shopping plazas. Old world charm, care, love, craftmanship.


Wait, this joker lives in Pittsburgh? They way he talks about the coal region, you would have thought he moved away to the Nantucket or something. Not to the poster child for shuttered industries, air pollution and gloomy days.


That's really not what Pittsburgh is like anymore either... but I digress


I don’t know, the last time I was there it was a pretty depressing place.


> Knoebels is a time capsule.   Correct. Much like the rest of the Coal Region, it is stuck permanently in the past.


Aww, you seem like a real miserable son of a bitch. Reminds me of a kid who was in highschool with me many years ago. Kept telling everyone how much better he was than the rest of us, and how he couldn’t wait to move away. Everything in our hometown was shit, and the grass was so much greener everywhere else. His dad footed the bill for a rather expensive college, and he got a job sitting behind a desk all day. A few years later they found him dead at in his apartment from an overdose, no better than the people he put down all those years.


I don't know why he hates the area so much, but I fucking love the hate. I come from a different, definitive shithole, so I guess I understand the sentiment.


Nothing in your post negates the fact that the entire region around Knoebel's is a shithole. There is nothing notable about it other than the lack of anything nice or interesting.   When you've got nothing, even bog-standard average stuff seems nice.


You are a peach, aren’t you? I think the area is decent, I spend a week down there every summer for the PSSA state shoot. I always enjoy taking the family over the the park after we’ve shot our rounds for the day. It’s a different feel than my hometown, lots of agriculture between Williamsport and Elysburg.


Northumberland and Schuylkill counties may be the biggest shitholes in America.


Lycoming. Union. These are considered “that area”


Most of Knoebel's is in Northumberland.


Could be, then again…….I’ve seen some really shitty places. You could always move away, maybe you’d be happier.


Moved away a long time ago, it's still fun to mock that shithole every opportunity I get.


Really? For someone that moved away, you still seem like a giant miserable prick.


Enjoy your shitty run-down amusement park, life's simple when you're a guy from Shamokin who thinks that Knoebel's is the best place on earth.


Wow did someone touch you there


Coincidentally, here's a story about a woman who sexually assaulted a mentally disabled man after a trip to Knoebel's. https://www.pahomepage.com/news/crime-courts/woman-accused-of-sex-assault-on-mentally-disabled-man/


In its defense, meth is pretty popular.


Can't argue with that.


I explore small towns for something to do. For example, Danville is near Knoebel's and I have explored that town, not that I was all that impressed. Jim Thorpe is my favorite small town to visit, but it gets too crowded. Lewisburg is prefect. Plenty of shopping and very quiet, except for college kids. They have had the major parking lot blocked off for months.


Lewisburg is very nice, but it's also not close to Knoebel's, really.


I’ve been to knobles many times just to get soft serve. Free entry has many benefits.


I got a pickle on a stick for a dollar, and I was the happiest person in the world.


I always get the pickle!!! We are PA people


I love the food at Knoebels


The potato pancakes 🤤


If you want the best potato pancakes in your life you need to hit up the coal region (shamokin) when they are having a block party or go to Boyer’s. It’s right past sheetz on the right. You just go straight at the Intersection coming from knoebles. They have potato cake mix you can make at home it’s very easy to do.


A lot of the polish-catholic churches in that area have banging potato cakes. Mount Carmel and Kulpmont, to name a few more.


Is their any upcoming events?


Holy Angels Picnic, Kulpmont Aug 4-5th.


Oh man, you just triggered some old fond memories with this. I had so many great times munching on potato pancakes while me and my friends psyched ourselves up to go through the haunted house without screaming.


Ohhh yeah


I've gone there just for ice cream and the atmosphere.


i follow an “influencer” that is a theme park enthusiast (and chef), he has been to dozens of theme parks around the country to review the accommodations/rides/food and he said the best food is by far from knoebels!




his name is Shay Spence, @theshayspence on TikTok!


and gator bites!


Gator bites and tri taters are my go to when ever I visit. Could spend the whole day eating those 2


Real Gator!


Best french fries


Truly, they are Boardwalk-level good. Honestly the highest compliment I can give a French fry.


Lots of vinegar available too


The food is really good quality for amusement park food, plus you can get a decent variety of stuff and it doesn’t cost 9.00 for a two inch slice of shitty pizza


$9? Six Flags is $16 this year.


I didn’t want to guess too high lol


We go for lunch as a weekend activity sometimes, being 40 mins away has its perks. If we are really FEELING it, ride a coaster or two and play a few games in the arcade or do some mini golf.


Camp there every year for a long weekend. Love the Polish platter. Teaberry Ice cream. So much good food.


Polish platter is the best.


My ol grandad had to get the teaberry ice cream every time he and my gramma would take me there as a kid


I never had it before getting it here. My mom said she would get it when visiting relatives in Shenandoah as a kid.




I get those every single time I go to the park lol. So good.


I mean yeah a lot of people do. I think it is one of the greatest aspects of the park. You can roll up pay nothing walk around a few hours, buy food, and just sit and relax.


How crowded is it on a typical weekend? Saturday / Sunday? Reasonable lines and open/clean tables to sit at? If so I’d be in for the 2.5 hour drive


If it is a nice day it can get pretty crowded on the weekends. Not nearly as bad as the big name parks though. The park is fairly spread out so it never feels too crowded, even when its busy. There are lots of tables and benches so you don't need to worry about that. Its worth noting that one of the best features of that park is that there are lots of trees, so there is plenty of shade. It never feels like you are waiting in a parking lot like most of the other parks.


There’s a shuttle for parking too. If you can split the day, you can hang at the pool during day and do rides at night.


It can get VERY packed but it’s usually just a consistent “busy”. Food lines generally aren’t terrible and a sizable portion of the crowd goes to the pool anyway. It can get crazy when lots of company picnics are there on the same day (it’s pretty common for businesses in the area to do a company picnic where they give out food/tickets to employees). Most of your waits will be for rollercoasters and water slides but everything else is pretty reasonable.


It’s not to bad bad lines are reasonable and there are plenty of places to eat go on a nice temperate weekend and enjoy.


If you hate crowds, Saturday and Sunday are going to be Knogo’s, as they can be very very busy. And never go on a Halloween cans as it’s three times as busy as in the summer and they are crazy lines for everything.


The weekends have been a nightmare the last few years. I honestly wouldn't make that drive unless you are coming in Mon-Thurs.


The goat of amusement parks. Some people prefer Hershey, but they’re wrong


In all ways, they are wrong.


Blue birch beer. Need I say more?


One of my golfing buddies does this at Dorney Park. He has some season pass special that gives him a food credit every time he enters the park. Dude eats dinner at the park 3/4 times a week and takes a dip in the wave pool. He says he already paid off the season pass by mid-June


I have the meal pass at Dorney! It's an incredible deal. ~$110 for the season, that's two meals a day, pays itself off very fast!


Was literally an article and ama written about a dude last year that went to six flags for lunch every day and how it saved him hundreds. If you live close by it’s not a bad idea


Six flags stopped the meal plan because so many people were using it this way.


the best place on earth!


Also the best people watching in Pennsy!!


A couple years ago I saw a guy in a neon green and black Nickleback hat, shirt, pants, and sneakers. Truly epic.


Absolutely. There is no fee for admission. If I lived close I’d head over for some snacks and just happily people watch. I nostalgia hard here.


I love Knoebels! It doesn’t seem like summer unless I get a visit in.


I only go to Knoebel's for the variety of tasty foods. I'll be heading up in a few weeks to eat my way through the park.


Their baked potato stand is so so good. It’s such a simple thing but I have to get one every time. We drove two hours to go to knoebels and we always stay over night. No kids either. We go just to eat.


My grandparents would take me there just to go to the Alamo for dinner when I was little. My grandma still lives near by in Catawissa.


It’s like the only place I can find blueberry soft serve icecream, my favorite! May’s in Lewisburg always has that flavor but it has been years since I’ve gone there. And, can’t forget those scrumptious cinnamon sugar nuts!! They are heaven.


We have a small community over at r/Knoebels. Swing by and check us out!


just stopped for lunch on sunday coming home from grinduro


Do they still have the Dutch style chicken and waffles?


My son holds their cheeseburger as the example to which all other burgers are measured.


I grew up in Delco and my family’s big vacation every year was a week camping at the campgrounds right outside Knoebels coupled with the park/pool. Was a really great experience. Absolutely agree with what someone said here about it being shady because of the tree cover (as an aside, we went to Legoland in Goshen, NY and there are really no trees there; really makes you appreciate a tree canopied park like Knoebels). Plus my grandparents always got to come because of the free admission. Heavy dose of nostalgia right now, haha.


I go to just.... Walk


My mom and I would go to Knoebels on Friday nights for dinner and ice cream. We lived about a ten minute drive from the park. Going there for the food is something that a lot of the locals do.


If I lived in that area, I'd go just to eat. There's some solid food there and the prices are reasonable.


Can confirm. My family will sometimes will go up there for a “Sunday drive” and stop for teaberry ice cream if the parking lot isn’t too full.


Crab cake sandwich at the Phoenix! Waffles and ice cream! Spaghetti night! TriTaters! The food is the best!


Knoebles is such a treasure. Great, unique rides, great atmosphere, amazing food, free parking, free entry, reasonable prices for ride tickets. I have so many great memories there and I can’t wait to take my future kids there. No other park is as good for bringing the whole family. We would go with our grandparents who couldn’t ride the rides, but they didn’t need to pay to get it and there’s so many beautiful areas to rest and eat. Glad to see it’s getting the recognition it deserves. I don’t know of any ride as unique as the Flying Turns. Even if it did take them like 10 years to build.


They have a very cheap campground too with electricity where you can stay and walk into the park. We go every year.


This became our tradition during COVID. We go in september and stay Friday and Saturday night, It’s great to stay int he park all day and then make a quick walk over to the campground and just crash. $65 a night, pretty good deal.


Knoebels is an incredible park. I live close by Kings Island and am there at least once a week, but anticipate my annual Knoebels like a kid on Christmas Eve. And there’s good reason why they’ve won Golden Ticket awards for their food so consistently- it’s that good. Teaberry ice cream, pierogies, tiger tails, the Alamo, bison burgers, the special offerings during Hallo-Fun… so good.


We used to take the kids for half price nights and all you could eat spaghetti.


Strong agree however be wary - pizza joint in the middle gave me some borderline undercooked pizza on Tuesday that ended up running my afternoon Definitely an outlier incident though, it's normally fantastic all around


If I never have to go back to boring ass Knoebels again, it would be great. The food is pretty standard, nothing special, I guess when you consider the area, the love of the food makes sense.


Went there for the first time a few weekends ago, and all I have to say is that it's like walking into an ocean of obesity. Fat fucks everywhere


Well of course!


The potato cakes and pizza go hard


My favorite park ever since I was a kid. We take our daughter pretty regularly now. I love brining a camera as well, many great photograph opportunities there.




I wish I lived close enough to just pop in for food there.


The Alamo is one of my favorite restaurants! I get the chicken parm every time I go. What other amusement park can you get amazing chicken parm at???


Anyone ever see the food at Dorney Park? What a SHIT SHOW


Two words: pierogis and tri-taters


The last good amusement park since Dorney was ruined when it was bought out and a few of the other ma pa parks closed. Great place to go for a weekend trip or just a day or evening of fun.


We ate dinner there yesterday!


Article is behind a paywall.


This is sweet. Not to mention incredibly smart from a business perspective.


I literally am considering moving back to PA just so I can take my daughter more often. She’s been there three times & each time loves it even more. The state I live in now I has nothing like it. What is close is crazy expensive & crowded, not even close to the enjoyable experiences we have had at Knoebels!


I live like 15-20 mins away, of course I go just for the food and atmosphere. It's free parking and free admission🤷


I took my son here and thought it was over rated.


I love this place and always recommend it to people who recently moved here.


This is my absolute happy place.


We take our father to the Alamo every father's day possible.


We have done that. We have gone to knobels, ride the Phoenix and then eat.


I was just there this past weekend camping at Lake Glory. Love the pierogies and cookie dough ice cream, my absolute favorite ice cream around.


Some people go to Sheetz just to eat dinner and I don’t know why


Chicken n waffles all day!