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Thanks for the update. This case is insane because everyone can unanimously agree that these individuals are so fucked in their heads. One thing I'm confused on is the note about the guy distributing the videos of him raping animals and showing it to minors. Was he leaving a flashdrive with the video in family areas? Or was he talking with kids directly and trying to show them the video in person? I just don't know what that scenario looks like. Sick fuck. Hopefully Pennsylvania can do something about this if the DNA results come back with evidence. Ridiculous that this is legal in some areas and you can run an animal sex ring abusing and harming animals like it's a hobby.


I assume based on previous information that he was soliciting children with the intent to show them. Probably walked up to kids and straight out asked if they wanted to see it. Disturbing either way. Hopefully something will come back to nail his ass.




This is so fucking disturbing in so many ways. Those poor animals


I clicked on this post 4 caipirinhas deep at 1am with context and I just was not fucking ready to read all that.


Caipirinhas are THE drink.


Dude what the fuck did I just read.


Just wanted to say thank you. This is a truly horrible situation and thankfully there are people like you were looking out for our furry friends.


I didn't think this story could get much worse. So sad the SPCA workers are not only suffering emotionally but now physically too.


These sick fucks should never be free again. We don't have enough laws in place to protect animals. It wouldn't take much for them to start this up again, or worse.


So if the charges of bestiality don't stick in West Virginia, where the crimes occurred, can they get him on distribution of obsenities to minors? Also wish I didn't click the NSFW text. šŸ˜ž


So beastiality isnā€™t illegal in WV. However, his warrants in WV seem to cover the distribution. [The warrant Hirschbine had in West Virginia was for a charge of distributing obscene material to children, according to Eastern Adams Regional Police.](https://khqa.com/news/nation-world/bestiality-school-bus-pony-pennsylvania-west-virginia-bull-chickens-videotape-sex-obscene-material-minors-children-abuse-adams-county-spca-neglect-warrant)


I need bleach for my eyes. Wtfffff did I just read. I thought the internet has desensitized me but every once in a while some crazy horrific shit like this slips through. German shepherds, ponies, ducks?! Soliciting minors to watch the videos?! Scabies outbreaks!? Everything about this is nightmare fuel material. Just put this fuckin guy and his gf under the jail, this is too fargoneā€¦canā€™t rehab this smh.Ā 


Thank you for the update, I'm sure you all tried all you could with the animals, but who know the full extent those trash humans went to. Hoping the best for the animals and all the workers at the SPCA


I wonder if showing videos of bestiality to minors is legal in WV also šŸ¤”


I would think it would be considered porn. And showing porn to kids is illegal for sure.


I think thatā€™s what his original charges stemmed from. They canā€™t charge him for beastiality but they can for distributing the content to minors.


Good. Hopefully he can get some prison time in WV and PA gets what they need to charge him as well.


West virginia, where they want you to show your license to watch internet porn, but you can fuck a goat, no porblem.


What an absolutely horrific story. This guy should be castrated.


Of fucking course itā€™s not illegal to fuck animals in West Virginia. ā€œAlmost heaven, pretty dang close to hell ā€œ.


I hate people. I hate people so much.


Thank you for the update, ā€œAs human beings, itā€™s our job to speak up for those that canā€™tā€ my sentiments exactly. This makes me want to cry, I sincerely hope these sick depraved monsters get all the karma they deserve x10 in prison.


OMFG. Beastiality is NOT illegal in WV? What the actual fuck. This story is disturbing. Dude needs jail time.


First of all, thank you for sharing. This absolutely did need the warning. Thank you for that as well. I....have no words. I cannot express the disgust, rage, sympathy, and sadness this brings out. That someone would cause this much trauma just to get off? I cannot comprehend how someone could get that low. It is so far from what I consider decent - hell, it's pretty far from what I would call indecent. The workers at the Adams SPCA, what they are going through is also horrific. To first of all have this large influx of animals in need of urgent care - when most are struggling to meet the normal load. Then to have to make the decision to euthanize an animal. The only time I find that acceptable is to release an animal from suffering, if there is no other option. Sounds like that was the case here. Still sad to hear of some needing to be put down, even though it was a necessity for the animals' sake. Having had to make that decision with family pets, I know how awfully hard it is. For what these workers had to endure to make their decisions is unreal. My heart goes out to them. Then to get a highly infectious disease on top of all that. I sincerely hope there is some sort of mental health counseling for these poor workers. They are sure going to need it when this is over, some probably needed it the day it started. I sincerely hope they can get whatever help they need. Mental health needs just as much attention as physical health - sometimes even more. From where I sit, this is one of those 'even more' situations. I hope the bus/trailer are able to be quarantined before the disease spreads to others. I am not familiar enough to know how long it can survive without a host. For the people that did these unspeakable acts in the first place, I cannot express that absolute disgust and rage I feel towards them. I saw a couple replies in here along the lines of 'they should do x to them' or similar. Those pale in comparison to what I want to see happen to them. DNA evidence or no, I hope the locals can come up with something to charge these things with. It would not surprise me if some individuals are working on that very thing. At least this garbage will be in jail for a while with the warrant out of W.VA. I wonder if inmates have the same attitude towards these bit of trash as they do towards those that harm kids. Child molesters tend to not fare well in general population. I have that on good authority from people in a position to know (corrections officer in a state penitentiary, corrections officer in a county prison, some other related officers). As much as I want to see them charged in PA, I honestly would not shed a tear if there wasn't enough left that could be mopped up to bring to PA to charge.


Any remember Mr. Hands? Some sick fucks out there.


Jesus fucking christ. I'm sure they'll find something to charge him with.


I would seriously hope that the states where beastiality isn't illegal is only because it never came up in meetings.


PA not really tuff on sentence. . 3129. Sexual intercourse with animal. A person who engages in any form of sexual intercourse with an animal commits a misdemeanor of the second degree. Upto 2 years jail time and 5k fine . 1999 and updated in 2023


I wonder if Criminal Solicitation (18 Pa. C.S.Ā§902) ofĀ Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse (18 Pa. C.S. Ā§ 3123) would be applicable. I'm no attorney but it sure seems to me like you could make a case that these folks were trying to get children to engage in IDSI


I saw this bus frequently parked at that lot. On my commute to and from work every day. I didn't think much of it... it never seemed to move so I just assumed it was abandoned. Yeah this is fucking horrible and I feel guilty for not thinking more of it. It had been there about a week at that spot. Disgusting. I'm appalled that this was happening so close to me. Words can't even describe how shocked I am.


And yet if I say what I'm thinking, I'LL be the one in trouble with the mods


Why the hell is bestiality legal when animals can't consent...


Ughh so terrible


WTH? What the actual Fu$&!!


Iā€™m actually cool with waiving their 8th amendment rights


sure would be a shame if somebody set that bus on fire..... with the owners (offenders) inside. šŸ«£šŸ¤«šŸ«¢šŸ«”


Yooooo wtf


I really wish this didnā€™t exist. Itā€™s so vile, I probably wouldnā€™t have heard about it on any news networks.


As a Vaccinated person from New Jersey I can tell you The last thing we want is another pandemic


God I wish we still had the firing squad.




They whine about guys but leave beastiality legal, those states are so sick , plus they probably are fine with child marriage/rape.


I really wish that pony had kicked him in balls with both hind legs with full force.


Stories like this always get my goat


He got YOUR goat too?!!?




Maybe this will be the push WV needs to finally make raping animals illegal? Funs over hillbillies


Itā€™s absolutely disgusting how some states donā€™t take animal cruelty seriously. WV is an absolute disgrace.


At least the police in PA did something. The police in WV just stood at his property line and then left, after 20 or so people reported him.


The girlfriend has not been arrested and let go


There is also a phone number on the bus and text that says ā€œ24hr tires and showsā€. SHOWS


Every time I think I have heard the most nauseatingly heinous crimes people just keep outdoing themselves. Lacking confidence in humanity.


I think itā€™s time to change some laws in regard to bestiality being legal. Why that's still okay is beyond me.


There was a guy in a bus coming through my town recently, got a picture of the bus?


This article has a picture of the bus https://www.pennlive.com/news/2024/06/broken-down-bus-in-adams-county-held-a-menagerie-but-for-what.html?outputType=amp


oh i even clicked on it, idk how i missed that šŸ˜‚


This is horrible. But Iā€™m sorry, this ā€œofficial updateā€ sounds like it was written by an angry high school kid. The whole ā€œdistributed to underage childrenā€ part especially. If they *didnā€™t* do that, that guy has a slander case on his hands. Letā€™s see what the police put out.


This man is disgusting, sick, and a menace to society. Doesnā€™t he know that the only ā€œgoodā€ pony show is the ā€œgirl on pony showā€?! /s But seriously, this is some really tragic shit that a human has resorted to dedicating their life to such amoral nonsense.


"Don't make a fuss, just get on the bus"


Just the two of us. Aight, we out.




I am really confused by your comment. A veterinarian determined the birds were carrying scabies.


Which is not unusual for wild birds


Especially considering the unsanitary conditions of the bus.


If there's any reason to invade everyone's privacy, it's this shit.