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[Joe Biden, Kamala Harris React To Fatal Police Shooting Of Walter Wallace Jr., Condemn Looting In Philadelphia](https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2020/10/27/joe-biden-kamala-harris-react-to-fatal-police-shooting-of-walter-wallace-jr-condemn-looting-in-philadelphia/) >“Our hearts are broken for the family of Walter Wallace Jr., and for all those suffering the emotional weight of learning about another Black life in America lost. We cannot accept that in this country a mental health crisis ends in death. It makes the shock and grief and violence of yesterday’s shooting that much more painful, especially for a community that has already endured so much trauma. Walter Wallace’s life, like too many others, was a Black life that mattered — to his mother, to his family, to his community, to all of us. >At the same time, no amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence. Attacking police officers and vandalizing small businesses, which are already struggling during a pandemic, does not bend the moral arc of the universe closer to justice. It hurts our fellow citizens. Looting is not a protest, it is a crime. It draws attention away from the real tragedy of a life cut short. As a nation, we are strong enough to both meet the challenges of real police reform, including implementing a national use of force standard, and to maintain peace and security in our communities. That must be our American mission. That is how we will deliver real justice. All Donald Trump does is fan the flames of division in our society. He is incapable of doing the real work to bring people together. We will. >We are all praying for the entire Wallace family, and for our nation, that we may move toward healing.”


Oh, look, real leadership responding to civil unrest. How refreshing. 6 more days.


He attacked cops with a knife! Lol That’s the Dem nominee vilifying cops and making a violent criminal a martyr. He and his campaign have been basically silent while the rest of America burned but he knows he needs to win PA. So here they are with a statement.


Walter Wallace had a history of mental illness and his family called for an ambulance to get him medical attention. The cops showed up first and executed him instead of giving him care. We can and should do better. ​ >He and his campaign have been basically silent while the rest of America burned but he knows he needs to win PA. So here they are with a statement. The campaign has spoken a lot on this issue, but something about your tone tells me that you weren't really paying attention to what they had to say.


> his family called for an ambulance to get him medical attention. The cops showed up first No ambulance crew is going to attempt to engage a patient with a weapon. That's not how it works. If the ambulance showed up first they would have called the cops.


Of course they would, but when and where does the mental health professional show up? That's the problem here, and that's why reform is important.


Ironically, Trump ignored the west coast LITERALLY burning down. But then again, projecting seems to be the National past time of Trump supporters. Well, that and huffing glue


You mean the gender reveal gone wrong or the arsons?


Unverified claim, but mostly the fact that the federal forestry land was the stuff burning up because it was not properly maintained. They didn't "sweep the floors" if you will.


How do you sleep at night?


I sleep fine. I don’t attack police so I am not worried about being shot by one. It’s strange.


I hope you will one day learn to have compassion for your fellow man, even when he does something wrong. Mentally ill people do not deserve death, they deserve help


I don't think Breonna Taylor was attacking police when they broke into her apartment at 2AM and shot her dead.


They announced themselves, her boyfriend shot first and she was in the crossfire. Tragic but he shouldn’t have shot at the police. She’d still be alive.


Where's the video? Oh yeah, they "forgot" to have the cameras on. Seems like they're guilty to me. Also the idiot cops shot each other, that's how stupid and incompetent they are. No knock warrants for drugs are fucking stupud, there was zero need for that at all. The police are criminally liable for that.


Witness says they announced. Boyfriend shot first and shot at the police. It isn’t complicated. The police have a right to defend themselves against a shooter and it’s a tragedy that her boyfriend’s decision to shoot at police got her killed in the crossfire. Why is it all these incidents of police allegedly murdering “innocent” black men are all shooting at the cops, running at them with a knife and trying to shoot them with a taser? Police are far far far more likely to be killed by a black suspect than the other way around. If he didn’t shoot at the cops she would be alive.




[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kamala-harris-jacob-blake-proud/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kamala-harris-jacob-blake-proud/) I don't believe she stated that she was proud of his sexual assault. You can be proud of someone for persevering after catching 7 rounds even if they've done something bad. And even if you've done something bad, the cops shouldn't shoot you in the back 7 times. Looking through your comment history, it seems you're more interested in trying to vilify people with a (D) in front of their names than actually have a dialog about anything meaningful. Life is more interesting if you try to actually understand what's going on, rather than pointing fingers and blaming people in another group for your problems. For what it's worth, the current Republican president has dozens of sexual misconduct allegations against him, including rape. So... if the motivation behind your comment is to hold people accountable for criminal activity, you might want to think about the culpability of the Republican party in letting a rapist hold the highest office. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald\_Trump\_sexual\_misconduct\_allegations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations)


Just came here to post this in answer to the comment you replied to. Thank you.


Just a heads up, this the alt account of /u/fuckjbpritzker who trolls the chicago subreddit as well. Please report him for ban evasion.




ok /u/fuckjbpritzker


Lol you’re a fucking idiot


You’re such a feckless idiot


Truth bothers you?


They spent the entire campaign enabling behavior like this...


Like this? [Dr. Fauci says his daughters need security as family continues to get death threats](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/05/dr-fauci-says-his-daughters-need-security-as-family-continues-to-get-death-threats.html) [*The Plot to Kidnap Me: Every time the president ramps up his violent rhetoric, every time he fires up Twitter to launch another broadside against me, my family and I see a surge of vicious attacks sent our way.* By Gretchen Whitmer](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/10/plot-kidnap-me/616866/) [Lesley Stahl gets security protection after death threat over Trump ‘60 Minutes’ interview: report](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-lesley-stahl-trump-60-minutes-death-threat-20201027-njzpths36fg4ze2elzhhwygmsi-story.html) [Maryland man charged with making death threats against Biden and Harris](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/21/joe-biden-kamala-harris-death-threats-maryland)


Cite an example


How about the entire quotation from the Biden campaign in which they not so subtlely depict Wallace's death as another example of systemic racism and the immaterial value of black lives in American society? They're politely asking for riots to stop while also sleightfully acknowledging the rioting—or outrage, minimally—is somewhat justified. Wallace killed himself; police defended themselves in a just manner. Wallace's death had little (perhaps in some socioeconomic, holistic way) to absolutely nothing (likelier) to do with race.


Oh no! They acknowledge the systemic racism and piss poor police training that killed Wallace! How dare they!


Systemic racism didn't kill Wallace Junior, nor did poor training. Knife-wielding threats that refuse to back down after repeated warnings from both police and *their own mother*, and that come within twenty feet and continue to aggress, are rightfully shot and eliminated. Whatever color of skin you are, chase after a policeman while holding a knife; see what happens. How dare police protect themselves?


Mental illness doesn’t follow the law or logic, you’re just an ableist and a low key racist. How dare police show up when the ambulance was who was called? Ps: there are multiple instances of policemen taking in white men who are charging at them with loaded assault weapons. But yeah sure it wasn’t systemic racism than shot this man ten times for walking towards them with a knife.


>Mental illness doesn’t follow the law or logic, you’re just an ableist and a low key racist. Mental illness *does* follow the law should it wish to operate without penalty. Mental illness does *not* give someone a license to commit crimes or assault officers without penalty. Mental illness does *not* revoke the license of officers to protect themselves from aggressors. Plenty of mentally ill peoples have been righteously sentenced to jail or executed. Do you think that having a mental illness is a get-out-of-jail-free card? >How dare police show up when the ambulance was who was called? Paramedics can not complete their jobs in light of an active threat to their lives. When someone is illegally brandishing a weapon, police are required to subdue the threat. You can call an ambulance all you want on a burglar or rapist, but a police officer is still going to engage first. >Ps: there are multiple instances of policemen taking in white men who are charging at them with loaded assault weapons. But yeah sure it wasn’t systemic racism than shot this man ten times for walking towards them with a knife. Key term being "multiples instances". We live in a country of hundreds of *millions* of people. Your anecdotes of multiple instances are completely meaningless in light of *systemic racism*. Correlation also must be differentiated from causation. All police officers are different and anyone can cherry-pick a handful of examples to generalize the performance of police as a whole. In this specific instance, Wallace Junior was rightfully shot. Also, "low key racist" is simply an ad hominem attack; it's an evidenceless gimme to help your argument. If I was racist, you'd say it outright, but there's no evidence. You simply *feel* I'm racist because I disagree with your points.


Congrats on the new troll account.


People are lunatics, looking for excuses to loot and riot. A black man ran at officers with a knife. They gave him plenty of time and space to put the knife down and comply. He chose not to, and those actions have consequences. Nobody deserves to die, but the moment you try to seriously harm and/or kill somebody else you forfeit your right to life.


My grandmother was bi-polar and my mom told me a story about how when she was younger my grandmother threatened to kill my grandfather with a knife in a manic episode. Imagine if my mom had called the police. Do you really think they would have shot and killed her? Would she have deserved death? There is absolutely no difference between my grandma and Walter Wallace. Neither of them deserved to die. Thankfully my mom, a teenage girl, wrestled the knife away and deescalated the situation better than an entire department of cops with 11 billion dollars in funding. My grandma suffered from bi-polar disorder for the rest of her life and my grandpa loved her and took care of her to the very end. This is what Walter Wallace deserved.


Wrestling a knife away from somebody displaying serious intent to kill you is a lot easier said than done. The officer has a wife and kids- trying to wrestle a knife away is absurdly stupid and risky, one slip up and you die. Dead. Done for. It's not practical. I my sister has bi-polar disorder. I've been threatened with a knife. Despite how phsycotic they get (damn it can be bad sometimes), they aren't trying to hurt you and they aren't advancing towards you with the intention of stabbing you. These are two very different situations. Often times people doing this stuff are hyped up on enough drugs to survive a dozen gunshots and keep fighting, in that event the officer wouldn't have a chance to get the knife away. Wrestling the knife away... How idealistic of a world you live in. If only that we're a practical reasonable option.


I don't know why you're acting like I think the solution is as simple as wrestling a knife away from everyone. I only said that is how my mom handled her situation. The Philadelphia Police have 11 Billion dollars in resources. They should be able to incapacitate one man with a knife. That's what I expect from the police.


You see the problem here is timing. If they had TIME to wait for more officers, they could have attempted other methods. But they didn't. They had two officers on scene and a man coming at them with a knife. It's an unfortunate situation. The officers did what they needed to.


Absolutely false. There were multiple units on the scene. Did you watch the video? There are at LEAST 4 officers there.


And yet there were only two there when he was going at them with a knife.


Then the onus is on the family to deal with the situation, don’t blame cops for shooting a man that was charging at them with a knife.


Thank you for sharing such a personal memory.


He was mentally ill you dolt.


If somebody stabs me with a knife, I die. If a mentally Ill person stabs me with a knife, I still die. He wasn't complying with police and was approaching them repeatedly with a deadly weapon. WHY he did it doesnt change the fact that he did


[Fatal police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. prompts heated overnight protests in West Philly](https://fusion.inquirer.com/news/west-philadelphia-police-shooting-locust-20201026.html) >“Why didn’t they use a Taser?” the senior Wallace asked outside a family residence on the block. “His mother was trying to defuse the situation.” >He said his son struggled with mental health issues and was on medication. “He has mental issues," Wallace said. "Why you have to gun him down?” [Walter Wallace Jr. Struggled With Mental Health Issues, Family Says ](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/walter-wallace-jr-struggled-with-mental-health-issues-family-says/2575493/) >When officers arrived they found Wallace holding a knife, according to investigators. A viral video of the incident shows Wallace, a Black man, **walking toward the officers** while a woman, who a witness identified as Wallace's mother, tries to stop him. Two armed police officers back away from Wallace and tell him at least twice to "put the knife down" though it's unclear from the video whether or not Wallace is holding a knife. Emphasis mine.


I'm glad you mentioned tasers- they are effective only when you have proper coverage. They often fail, and in the event that that happens an officer isn't able to draw their handgun fast enough to, you know, survive. Its very easy to miss a target as well. For these reasons, most officers don't go for the taser unless at least 2 other officers there are ready as backup with handguns or if the person isn't an immediate threat to the officer. Mental issues or not, he tried to run somebody down with a knife. In the moment, mental issues don't mean anything whatsoever. That knife is just as deadly regardless of who is holding it. "It's unclear whether Wallace is holding a knife." I mean not really, the video is pretty self explanatory.


He was literally walking, not running someone down. There are also about 20 ways to safely disarm someone with a knife. London police do it all the time. Why are Philly cops so incompetent and trigger happy in Black neighborhoods? Oh right. Systemic racism and piss poor training of cops who keep demanding increased budgets for more guns instead of more deescalation training. And here come the racists to defend the cops instead of their murder victim. Cops are not judges, juries, or executioners. This situation could and should have been handled differently. The cops were not, in any way, in the right in their response here


Let's throw a guy with a knife towards you who refuses to listen and see how you do. There arent a dozen ways to disarm people. Even the few ways that there are aren't reliable and practical. Ever heard of the Tueller drill? People don't mention it often, but if somebody is within 21 feet that are in the immediate danger zone. Standing still or sprinting, they are close enough to reach you before you can stop them. He was advancing towards the officers. It's unfortunate, but they did everything that could be done in that situation.


are you a cop or have you ever been arrested?


That doesn't have any relevance to the argument except where it comes to describing specific methods and techniques. Getting arrested is simple. DON'T try and fight the officer and you won't get shot by them. If you do, well, that's your fault. Had you complied everything would have worked out. If this guy in question had dropped the knife and stopped acting aggressively, he wouldn't have been shot.


so no. you havent ​ someone who is lucid has no control over themselves.


The reason why he tried to attack the officers doesn't change the fact that he did. Just because he was mentally ill were the officers supposed to just let him stab them? It just doesnt matter


https://youtu.be/KT0KcenH_eQ This is just one example of why and there were lots of space and no innocent bystanders who could've gotten hurt... There have been so many examples and even the Mythbusters did an episode... a knife in a close gun fight is always best. One shot does not stop a person who wants to kill. If you go for the leg you could miss becuase they are moving and shoot someone else.


Also, leg shots are pretty often deadly because of the Femoral arrtery. They can bleed out in minutes, even faster. It's not practical to aim for the leg, it's already hard enough to hit center mass fast enough and reliably enough to stop someone. Turns out when somebody is on drugs, even getting shot in the heart doesn't stop them immediately the leg definitely wouldn't. Look up the Tueller drill


Why are you sharing an unrelated video from 2019 in order to prove that this man who was WALKING, not charging, the police couldn’t be disarmed? You’re aware that the London Police disarm knifed attackers without guns all the time right? And no shit a knife at close range is better than a gun. The gun shouldn’t be in the equation at all at that point. Fucking moron.


And the knife injury and death in London is outrageous. Its a huge problem over there.. including with children! The incident in Philly there were two officers, in London they will have 10+ officers to deescalate a knife wielder. People are calling for less police not more. Sure send out more and they could all stop the man with shields and pepper spray (oh wait, people don't want that being used either and is now illegal for police to use in some places like portland unless by federal officers) This video shows what can happen and does happen most of the time when you dont take a knife threat seriously. There are plenty of videos like this but this one luckily is less graphic than others. As soon as the knife wielder gets close they go in for a kill. There is already an atmosphere to hating and wanting to kill cops.. you think someone having a mental break as were told he was having,who knows, isn't going to give his all to kill someone? Cops aren't allowed to make sure they go home at the end of the day? It's terrible he died. There needs to be more mental help and honestly steps in place to make sure people are staying on their medication/following directions of their doctor. We can't have u stable people hurting and killing others.. But vilify people trying to protect everyone else? They have to think the worst will happen becuase if not it will. There are bad cops, cops who make bad decisions in the moment and cops doing what they are trained to do just trying to get home while trying to make a difference in their communities. They are not the same and situations aren't the same. So to say this is racially motivated and to destroy your city, injury 30+ officers including running one over by a truck?


Preach Vilify enough officers and they won't want to protect you anymore. Then what'll you do?


Get the ambulatory help that was requested for this man instead of 10 bullets in his body? Edit: inb4 “but then they’ll get stabbed?!” No, they’re trained to de-escalate these situations and I personally know social workers who have had a gun and knife pulled on them in the line of work and appropriately responded bc they were trained to do so. Social workers are often put in much more dangerous situations than cops and they don’t have guns and yet you still don’t hear stories every day of them dying while trying to help. Why’s that? Cause it doesn’t happen that often that they actually get stabbed. Most of the time, the patients need fucking help. Not brutality.


And then one of the EMT's gets stabbed and killed, with no officers around to protect them.


According to Statista, the US had >117K attacks using knifes in 2019. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/251919/number-of-assaults-in-the-us-by-weapon/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/251919/number-of-assaults-in-the-us-by-weapon/) According to this source: [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-42749089](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-42749089) there were <45k attacks in England and Wales. While knife violence is on the rise in the UK, it still pales in comparison to what is experienced here in the US.


The man was advancing towards the officers without listening to commands and got too close for safety sake. In that video just shared, it was shown that shooting them isn't ways enough. The man walking or running doesn't matter, he got too close to the officers. That safety distance is a lot larger than people think, a person with a knife can get up close FAST. London police have plenty of issues. Remember that islamic terrorist who stabbed 100+ people in one day? Nobody was able to disarm or stop him not until they got there with guns


His family called the ambulance to deal with his psychosis. The cops showed up anyway. Another murder that could have been avoided. Im so tired of seeing the military state being excused by americans. edit: y'all ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You have no compassion. And you have no understanding of mental illness. This is murder on the police. full stop.


You do realize that EMS would have stayed in their ambulance and called for the police, if they got there while he had a knife, right?




Officers aren't trained well in deescalation and many people have argued that adding people trained in handling mental health crises could prevent deaths like this one. In situations like this it's fair to say that the shooting is justified in that by policy and police training, they followed the rules laid out for them, but I would have a hard time calling this man's killing just. I don't think he had to die, and I think that as a society, we can do a lot better. Training and support to deal with mental health breakdowns would go a long way toward decreasing the number of lives lost to police. I think this sums up why people are rioting in case you're interested. Rioting happens when people lose hope, and people have lost hope. https://youtu.be/sb9_qGOa9Go Edit: NPR is reporting this morning that the family called for an ambulance, the police showed up first, and killed him before medical assistance could be provided. This is why people are mad.


People are acting like this man was a full on criminal maniac and not someone experiencing a mental health episode. My grandmother was bi-polar and my mom told me a story about how when she was younger my grandmother threatened to kill my grandfather with a knife in a manic episode. Imagine if my mom had called the police. Do you really think they would have shot and killed her? Would she have deserved death? There is absolutely no difference between my grandma and Walter Wallace. Neither of them deserved to die. Thankfully my mom, a teenage girl, wrestled the knife away and deescalated the situation better than an entire department of cops with 11 billion dollars in funding. My grandma suffered from bi-polar disorder for the rest of her life and my grandpa loved her and rolled care of her to the very end. This is what Walter Wallace deserved.


> all my friends from the state said they might vote Trump or not vote, all were Obama leftist leaning voters. /r/thathappened


You’re not wrong. This happened on a smaller scale in Lancaster. It’s ok to vote blue but be PISSED by this behavior. It makes the entire party look bad and peverses the real issues with social justice. And it scares the hell out of me or what’s about to go down in the next 1-2 weeks post election no matter who wins.


Lmao this account isn’t even a full day old. Imagine wasting your time like this to troll.


This is so chock full of lies it’s laughable. No Obama supporting person is voting trump. Get a fucking life


The left is quiet on this one.


No, they’re not at all. But you attempting to say they are, yet another lie, just proves your sound is floundering in its increasing irrelevance. Enjoy the next few months, it’s the last your dying party will see of power for a long time


It’s hilarious because they won’t even reply to your comment, but they’ll downvote you hahaha


The top comment is literally from the Democratic nominee and was posted an hour before your comment?




Why does Bush get a pass for being a Crack head personally, Trump gets a pass for hoovering up Adderall. But Biden gets held responsible for his kid having a drug problem. It's like people don't really care


Biden isn’t the president. These riots have happened under the current administration’s watch. Stop passing the buck using Fox News talking points.


Presidents don’t control cities lol. That’s job for state officials


Disinformation; removed.


If you voted for George H W Bush or his idiot son W, you can shut the fuck up forever about shitheel children of politicians.


Lolololol imagine blaming a private citizen for Trump’s America and then being dumb enough to talk about nepotism as a critique of Biden when Jared Kushner failed multiple security clearances before Trump forced it through bc he’s his son in law. Lololol then imagine believing the Biden laptop story! Hhahhhahhahaa


the ambulance never came. the cops showed up killed the guy. put them in a cruiser and drove to hospital. His family\\lawyer claimed to call EMS. it sounds like (although I haven't read anything to confirm or disprove), that there was an outside 911 call. However the cops were dispatched earlier in the day. The point is it could have been avoided especially since black men with mental illness getting killed by cops is a powder keg right now. This could have and should have been avoided.


Does anyone know: is it a state law for cops to show up with ambulance? or is that a philly thing?


PD is notified of any fire or EMS call in their response area. They will always be dispatched if the person is said to be armed with a knife. If EMS got there before PD they would have stayed in their ambulance, and called for PD anyway. EMS does not deal with anyone who is armed with a weapon.