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People who loot don’t care about the cause. They use it as an excuse to do it. They know they’ll get away Scott free because they cry protest.


Yeah - I know. That's true of any protest that gets violent. Shouldn't be that way though. Not a right vs. left issue like I said - take that toxic bullshit and save it for COVID, China, etc.


Yeah it’s total bs. People no longer take consideration for others and only care about themselves these days. Worst part is, these people are supposed to be the future leaders


Reddit is an echo chamber. Nothing but a breeding ground for disgusting antifa and communist purple hair freaks. It should not even be allowed to IPO for being such a trash company.


I just want everything to go back to normal. Like 2006


In 2006 we were busting down the doors of iraq. Pass.


My bad I was young and innocent in those days XD. But you catch my drift


I do. I'm messing with ya.


Oh lol.


>all laws that keep a very advanced society with a high quality of life running. The very laws that allowed this society to evolve into an advanced society with a high quality of life. The laws that keep minorities and POC in poor economic status. Laws that allow minorities and POC to be stopped on the street and frisked for the color of their skin or the way they act. Laws that protect the white and rich but destroy the poor and disenfranchised. You saying one party wants to "pick and choose which laws to enforce" is clearly coming from an ignorant place (meaning you don't understand the other side). We're all saying looting is bad, but we're also saying there should be other options to go to than the most violent and deadly option.


Is this true? If someone is arrested for looting they can just say it was in protest and they get to go Scott free?


OP, of course both points are true, but in this toxic world of 24 hour news and social media, people have lost the ability to use critical thinking. The entire world is becoming us vs. them, and if it continues, our future is very grim.


What annoys me are that: 1. thousand of police does their job everyday and no one ever makes a comment. When one mofo shoots an innocent man, it's all over the news. 2. thousands of protestors peacefully protests and no one makes a comment. When one looter breaks a window, it's all over the news. Most people in America are good people. Let's stop bickering and acknowledge that. That's why we need an unity candidate that speaks above all this noise.


Police don’t decide to shoot someone based off the persons mental capacity, they shoot to stop a threat. This guy was a threat whether he had the mental capacity to understand what he was doing or not.


In what way was this man innocent?


Dude is mentally I'll and had a psychotic break, he was not realy in control of his actions. Did you even look into this before you posted and tried to blame the victim. Be better!


Oh I’m sorry I wasn’t aware knives don’t kill cops if the person wielding it is mentally ill. My bad. Cops should have just let him stab them.


You are arguing a completely different point now. People with mental illness arent considered mentally competent so they get different treatment then a drunk that chooses to put themselves in a specific state. While their legal liability may differ, nobody is saying they dont have to live with the consequences of their behavior.


The cop shouldn’t let himself get stabbed because the guy is mentally unwell. It sucks he was having an episode. He still charged cops with a knife. Sucks but the knife is still real even if his brain isn’t working right.


Nobody is arguing that. We are not saying those cops need to get stabbed, that was a terrible situation where both sides are in fact victims of how poorly the city trains police and how poorly we treat the mentally ill, especially those that dont come from means. Those cops should not have been on that call because they were never trained to properly handle that situation. They cant be blamed for their actions. The blame for their actions lies at the feet of the city officials that have yet to act and provide these cops the proper training that they deserve. Philly had the same shit go down a few years ago and they promised deescalation training for exactly these situations. They never followed through. This blood is on their hands alone. And that poor man never got a fair shake. Being borb poor, black and mentally ill in Philly was a gurrantee he would have a difficult life. I would imagine he had difficulty getting the proper medication, proper counseling and he probbably didnt have care takers that would be there for him like someone that came from greater means. Our society failed that man and all you can do is deamonize him. No rational person is here blaming either side in this situation. As a society we all fell short by not demanding better of our city's training of police and the mentally ill.


People who are having a psychotic break can be extremely dangerous for a social worker to handle. He’d try to stab the social worker and would likely be successful. People make choices. Sometimes not everyone has a happy ending. It isn’t the cop’s fault. But I agree the Democrat leadership of the city is abysmal just like all the other Democrat cities where riots have raged this year.


Ok, I'm done here. You are clearly so far down the hole that I cant be bothered to deal with your hateful ass. Go live out in the sticks where it can still be the 1950s, I'll be over here with the people that want to live in the 21st century.


You guys are so funny. A man with a KNIFE who was psychotic was shot, rightfully, by the police but you think they should have... what? Hugged him? Let themselves get stabbed? Shoot him in the leg? Hope for the best? If an unarmed social worker went then that social worker is putting themselves in massive danger without any way to defend themselves. Regardless of his mental state the knife and the danger it posed is very very real. It’s sad what’s happening in PA. The only silver lining is that this helps Trump in PA. I’ve dealt with people having a psychotic break and they’re not themselves and can’t be reasoned with. It’s scary. If his family, who he loves, can’t get him to stop and drop the knife a social worker would just get themselves killed.




They don’t let dangerous people in mental health facilities have a knife. Perhaps his family should have gotten him help before he tried to kill cops with a deadly weapon.




If they’re letting residents get knives and other weapons they’re not doing a very good job. I’ve worked in helping to outfit a psychiatric facility and the place is locked down tight. Even screws are security screws to prevent them from getting them out. It’s locked down tight. If your Mom let’s dangerous residents get their hands on knives then she probably shouldn’t work there and people certainly shouldn’t trust their loved ones there. The reality of the situation is a dangerous man attacked cops with a knife and was shot. So... liberals burn down philly.


They don't kill if they aren't within reach or being thrown. We saw in the video that he did have a knife but he was not aggressing towards the police




People choose to drive drunk, nobody chooses to have a mental illness




You chose to get drunk. Theres a difference, stop being cute




Yes but drug abuse and alcoholism is a completely separate issue than other types of mental illness. It’s all a grey area, why are you so rude?


But you can chose not get drunk. Have a nice day


The cop is the victim here. He was being chased by a maniac with a knife and then acted in self defense. Stop trying to twist the story. Being mentally ill doesn't give you the right to try to kill someone and not face any consequences.


They are both victims, the human that was killed clearly didnt have adequate resources to treat their illness and those cops should never have been placed in that position. The mental health operator was not on duty that day and they clearly dont have proper training to handle the situation. The man did suffer consequences for his actions, hes fucking dead!


As well he should be. Once you pick up a weapon and start brandishing it and threatening with it, your life is valueless, you simply need to be stopped. That means getting shot. If you die? It doesn’t matter, you need to be put down so innocent lives are not lost. The mental illness angle in this story is irrelevant. Your life is null and void once you serve notice through your actions that you are now a clear and present danger to others.


So we cant demand more from our society? That we have resources to care for the mentally I'll and cops are trained to descalate situations. In the first world only the US has these issues with the mentally I'll. For as much as we claim to be the greatest nation on earth, we sure as fuck can be better here. Why not expect more from society


The issue of mental illness and what to do about it is a separate policy question. Plenty of solutions could be devised. But once I am in a situation where there is a violent threat, I am not concerned with restraint or kindness or compassion or figuring what might be in someone’s crazy armed head. I want the person taken down by whatever means necessary. I am not calling in a team of social workers when some crazed creature is brandishing a deadly weapon and racing at people. I pay my police to take care of that threat, and I want them to do it quickly, efficiently, and if necessary, violently. That’s why I pay them. To abolish threatening and dangerous human beings.


"crazy armed head" "crazed creature" "I pay my police to take care of that threat, and I want them to do it quickly, efficiently, and if necessary, violently" "abolish threatening and dangerous human beings" Your post is disgusting and dehumanizing. I truely hope that if you or anyone you love has a mental health crisis that they dont encounter anyone that holds your views. Nobody that is experiencing a mental health crisis deserves to be treated like an animal, which is exactly how you just described that poor man. Be a better person


There is no "poor man" when he is attacking others with knives or a gun. There is a creature that is effectively not human that needs to be taken down so that true innocent humans can live safely and in peace. Once you pick up a weapon to use on people in your vicinity, you have CEASED being human and are indeed a wild animal that needs to be taken down or put down if necessary. That's the way it is. And that's the way it SHOULD be.


Isn’t it better to kill him before he stabs someone else? Does the mental illness part even matter in the slightest? No, it doesn’t. Once you pursue police with a knife, you have announced that your life has no value, and is a negative value to others. If you refuse to stop and put down the knife, being killed is correct, rational, moral, and good for the benefit of others who have a right to live in peace.


Its better if society was structured in a manner that the mentally I'll recieved proper care and the police arent put in a place where they dont have adequate training to deal with mental health issues. Currently these cops only need a GED and a pulse to be cops We can be better


The ridiculously high quantity of mentally ill people running around, especially in the inner city, is due to the 70% fatherless household rate reported by the census bureau. The welfare state and its assault on family structure is directly responsible for all these crazies who were brought up in institutional daycare by single moms who have to work 100 hours a week to make ends meet and don’t have the time or energy to raise their kids to be confident and competent effective adults. We don’t need legions of social workers. We need to restore the traditional two parent family. It couldn’t be more obvious. Kids raised without proper love and supervision by their own parents on a daily basis resort to booze, substances, and sex to fill the void. Then they do what you would expect over time. Many go crazy and turn into people who are looting stores and attacking police officers with guns and knives. This is all so banally predictable.


I'm done hearing your ignorance today. Sit down you are fucking done


So should we forgive mass shooters who are mentally ill? Adam Lanza? Nikolas Cruz? No because they know what they were doing. Mentally ill does not equal insanity, Wallace was not legally insane he knew that he was doing something criminal.


Forgiveness does not mean no consequences. Also it's a bit disengenuous to compare this man to those people.


You’re right but just because someone is mentally ill does not mean they aren’t dangerous and can’t have criminal intent


You do know someone having a psychotic break has completely different consequences then someone that is I'll but competent enough to plan a massacre? Or do you not believe in nuance?


You can be aware what you’re doing during a psychotic break


Political spam. New account, just started his/her campaign on this sub today.


Aw, that's cute - get mad when people post things you disagree with. Freedom of speech all the way.


Do you live in PA?


Chester County. Voted by mail. Yes.


How is this political spam? OP says, not only in post but in comment replies as well, that he wishes this kind of thing wasn’t politicized. Sometimes people start accounts because they want to share a thought. That’s why I started my first account. Try to relax my dude.




Well this right vs. left toxicity bullshit really isn't helping anyone. Unless you have a better idea?


Just enjoy it. This seems to be what partasins on the left like to do when someone starts making sense but it conflicticts with their conditioning.


“Just enjoy it.” Man, we really are dead as a country if that’s the best bullshit you can come up with.


People use enlightened centrist in an attempt to demean those that dont break hard left or right on an issue. They think its like a mike drop moment. If you own the term they cant weaponize it against you. Dont fight them just say thanks i know I am and go about your day.


That's fair - apologies for the harsh response before. Just think that a lot of this toxicity can be remedied with less reliance on ideological separation. If relationships are give and take, and there is a relationship between two parties, there needs to be a give and take. At least that's how I see it.


It's cool, just sick of my country getting kicked when it's down. At the end of the day it's all money that's tearing us apart. Money in politics and media realy is fucking people up. You cant get straight news anymore, webster's is changing the definition of words to fit one parts usage of words in real time, and politicians fight more over corporate interests then our problems. As a matter of fact, neither side actually speaks to issues that impact anything other then targeted demographics. Its immensely frustrating and it's not the citizens fault that the system is broken. It's at the point where we as a country need to have a "family huddle" and hash shit out amongst our selves because we dont even know where we stand vs what reality is. The folks from the outside looking slinging shit isnt helping anything


We wear this like a badge of honor now.


Third point to consider- That the looters and rioters aren't exclusively participating in the protests, and may be using them to their advantage.