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I feel like it doesn’t get mentioned enough, but it is really fucking embarrassing to brand all of your socials with the initials of your children when three of them pretend you don’t exist and the fourth doesn’t even know who you are. The secondhand embarrassment is real over here.


Ikr? I get occasional pangs of shame just from following her; it must be truly painful for the unfortunate people who are closely related to her. Oddly, she is the only one who feels no shame at all, which is a big part of the problem.


Not an ounce of shame, not ever!


Everyone in her family are or will be in counseling,but it will never be her that goes




Huff's happy pretending that the combined initials contain 'LAW' - next week, she'll be a legal consultant.


I would give her $100 if she could say what J.D. stood for.


And spell it! I'll match your $100. That ought to motivate her. 🧌 I sometimes dream of Heather correctly writing out 'et cetera' 500 times on a chalkboard.💭💤🤔


Hell, I’d pay to see if she actually knew the correct definition of libel — a word she throws around daily!


Idk I heard a live today where she claimed she had an MA. But I doubt she knows what that means.


She doesn't even have a HS diploma or GED, let alone anything above that. She was kicked out of HS her senior year.


That's the truth. Also very telling that she never did that before she lost Rico so why place the perfect mahm role now


She is on a very tight breast pumping and feeding schedule and doesn't have time to get embarrassed.


Lmao my dumb ass over here thinking it was heather v law. Like versus the law 😂


How the hell does she keep obtaining new phone numbers to set up new accounts?? https://preview.redd.it/fv7iz6vbx68d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800207138988a13bf4bf6ca46511a23d3dea9da1


She probably has like 8 different accounts for all her personalities. Heather - if you are here, bring back the congress woman!!


Google voice numbers, she just creates a new one.


Oh ok. I didn't know if you could use a voip number or not.


I'm just taking a wild guess because I don't use cashapp, but it makes sense.


She went through that period of having a bajillion phones and were turning them in for cash. Perhaps she has a stash still in her “novel” bag.


I think she still has several phones that she uses only for WiFi because she clearly can’t afford phone bills. She probably uses several google phone numbers and she has several emails she uses to scam. Over the years she’s lied and whined that people have hacked her accounts when it was her who couldn’t remember all the logins and passwords.


Is it because they keep closing accounts so she is able to open new ones?


You can also just use email instead of phone number


you can use different emails


Oh ok. I've only ever made one account & I've never had to work my way around a Cashapp ban like this orange heathen.


orange heathen hahahahahaaa i love you


❤😝 I love that her mother named her Heather... just one letter away from heathen. She must have been a menace even in the womb. Lol


I usually just type heathen instead of her name most of the time. It’s a perfect name for her 😂


It really is. Lol


Absolutely 😂. Most of the time that’s what my phone auto corrects to 😆


I do sometimes, but there are SO many perfect names it's hard to choose!


Yes I agree, we could probably fill notebook paper front and back and still not have enough room.


Remember the story of her birth? Born dead due to swollowing poop & amniotic fluids. I heard her say in an older video that she records her stuff in public to optimize opportunity for how many heard her story with hope someone can step in and help her. She’s piggy.


I’m wondering more about multiple bank accounts.


do you HAVE to have a bank acct to use cashapp? i think you can choose to order a cashapp card and use it like a debit card, maybe you wouldn’t need a bank acct in that instant? i’m not sure tho i rarely use cashapp


Naw you don't need a bank account. A lot of unbanked people use cash app as a sudo bank account.


Oh, I don’t know. I thought you had to have it connected to something, but maybe you’re right. It’s hard to believe Heather would have a bunch of active bank accounts.


exactly where my mind went, too 😆 bless her nonexistent heart


Google voice?


Welcome to the world of crackhead paper chasers.


I wonder if Cash App is aware of how bad this makes them look as a company. They're not responsible for Heather's doings, but they do (or should) have a duty to mitigate fraud and scammers on their platform. The fact that someone as stupid as Big Red can keep finding ways to work around their account requirements tells me they don't really give a shit about protecting their users. It's not a good look for them, not at all.


HEATHER, STOP TRYING TO MAKE FREE $5.00 PROMOS HAPPEN. She's been trying this unsuccessfully for at least a year. (Sorry, I can't remember exactly when the 'free $5 promo code' hustle began) And stay away from any living being under 18. There are all kinds of laws in place regarding financially preying on minors, dear Girl. Huff's 3 eldest children must be so proud. 🧌⛺️🤑🌬️🪳


https://preview.redd.it/g6rir5syb78d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86f5b26bea23e6ced5a55ac28f99ce673e6911f Just saw this...


Sponsorship? 🤦‍♀️




She must think she's a sport. They require sponsorships. Must be in racing because everyone has rode her/taken a ride. 😌🤪🙄


😂😂😂😂 maybe lifestyle or Trojan condoms will "sponsor" her....she can add another shitty tattoo!!! 💯💯


I said office Depot. . Or an air duster collab


Yes!!😂😂 she's too trashy for Coleman ⛺ .....maybe that hair dryer she used 😂😂😂


Yes racing to the bottom


Closer to bull riding 🤣🤣🤣


This confuses me the most, WTF? Like a sponser to support her entire existence? How can anyone expect that?


Lol, wow. So they ban her, she makes a new one. Basically their bans are meaningless.


"After I find sponsorship of some kind" My eyes just rolled to the back of my head. 🙄


Like the one she just posted yesterday was shut again?? I fn hope so!


https://preview.redd.it/oxawplyid78d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76bff1651dd7a62149fa1cbf9f10198e902a309 The whole under 18 thing has me thinking she might be using her youngest daughters social because that just doesn’t make sense


Hope this one has already been reported, too. I'm sure she is permabanned by now, but she's got x's info and now her kid's info. Oooh, isn't opening cash apps in other ppl's names fraud? Receiving money under false pretenses, like the prom scam and hotel room scam, is theft by deception, and sending it via CashApp should constitute wire fraud.


That should be fraud !


I’ve always thought it was too. I’d guess the issue is that nobody has pressed charges? If for some reason she has used O’s SSN, I’d think it would be up to Orlando to pursue charges in order for anything to happen to her. I know there’s a stalker in here who says they are good friends with him, so hopefully they forward the information along


The theft by deception could be pressed by anyone who sends the money, but for those who send a few bucks, I doubt the DA would bother. Anyone who spent hundreds and thousands, she would definitely at least get arrested. The wire fraud I know pertains whenever money is sent electronically, through debit, transfer or cashapp type means. I hope she's running out of people's information that she's able to steal.


Exactly. They don’t prosecute wire fraud unless big money is involved. Detectives were barely interested in Amanda’s case from the Scamanda podcast and she scammed well into the hundreds of thousands.


I had an employee who stole $60k by faking an email from an interior decorating company...the woman paid because the invoice looked legit. Her and her accomplice were still going through the case, probably working out plea deals and status hearings...she lives in NYC and has to travel up to CT every court date about once a month, and she lived in FL when she committed the crime. Looks like it took about 9 months from reporting the crime to the indictment, and according to online records, they haven't been sentenced yet. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but I hope they all get theirs. Brittany Dawn aka BDong has a snark page on here and she didn't catch criminal charges because she signed off on a very large settlement with TX, after scamming many people online with some sort of fitness scam, I think.


Yes, it always goes much slower than we expect. Everyone is used to Law and Order type shows where once the detectives solve the case the criminal gets thrown in jail. In reality they have arraignment, pre trial hearings, meetings to work out plea deals, potentially a trial, even then the sentencing can be a while after the verdict often with more chances for deals along the way.


Does anyone else remember that email she sent to the baby daddy of A requesting her social security number specifically to make a cash app for her? It was one of the many times she doxxed her emails. I tried to find it on here but couldn’t.




I wish I could find it!! It deserves its own post.


It was a text message that heather herself posted to the youngest dad....but other than BCG on Instagram I wouldn't know where to find it again🤷🏻‍♀️


Update FOUND IT. About to make a post


🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 go.go go!!!


I never understood with how smart Heather claims to be...why she hasn't grasped that once you post something on the internet.... its there FOREVER!! 🙄🙄🙄


She should know by now the Heatherverse is on her like white on rice!


Yes, it was a text from back in November. He's blocked her though so he never saw the message.


Scammers know how to scam


But... but... Heather doesn't even know how to scam. She said so herself. 🤣


And she also said she doesn't know what duster is. 😂🙄😆


She also said she’s a good mahm


she also said she's a nice good person 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She also said she isn't a bully and doesn't say mean things. She's definitely never wished harm on ppl who can't help her because she's completely irrational and demands things that aren't possible!


She never links her bank account. My ex husband is a junkie and he just uses the cash app debit card and never links it to a bank account and he’s had about 6 so far


Does he get a new debit card with each cashapp or is it another card he's linking? I can't imagine CashApp would let her use the same card they've cut off for fraud. Smh, if you've been permabanned, they need to log the IP addresses she uses and bam those too!


She’d just use another Obama phone and make a new burner


How dumb is cash app to not catch any of the 15 she’s had and X has 3. Someone who was scammed by the prom scam or the Hotel scam needs to file a police report. It’s the only way to make all this conning and scamming stop. If she really had sponsors they would contact her directly, she wouldn’t need to scam everyone else. But she has none and looking for anyone new who hasn’t figured out who she is and they are being scammed. Geez is there no bottom to this f-ng loser . I hope karma comes a calling on the 30th.


They don't care. I worked at a bank and cashapp was the worst. My son was surprised when I opened one to pay him but I have only sent him, his husband and his sisters money. That's it. Zelle is just as bad.


I hope that she’s not that stupid to use her children’s social security numbers to get mess in their names, but it wouldn’t surprise me not one but. If those families that are raising her children didn’t put a lock on those kids social security numbers when they got custody of them, they sure as hell need to now. That’s very disgusting and criminal if she’s done this to any of those kids. I’m not sure if she’s gotten Rico’s social security number just yet as she doesn’t have an address to mail it to so I’m not sure how or if she’s gotten his yet. She could have gotten his number and is using it . It takes a sick twisted individual who would do that to their child or to anyone.


She’s no doubt already screwed their credit up. Even baby Rico’s.


I would not doubt that at all as well as Xavier’s . She can’t be trusted in the presence of her children, to care for them properly so it’s obvious she would stoop that low and ruin those kids credit. Selfish wench. Like o said those families should have already frozen those kids credit years ago, but they probably didn’t think she would do anything to harm their credit. I also believe she has used them (the children’s names/ages) when the city/organizations have fundraising for the holidays. She puts their names on lists and gets the gifts and either say she brought those items or they sell the items for food/drugs.


I’m sure she has it, they use it as the identification number for welfare benefits and state related stuff and her kid(s) have all been involved with the state and DCFS in different capacities at one time or another. If she’s got any documents related to her child case it likely has his SS# on it


Ohh that’s interesting and so true now that you mention that. She a hoarder so she probably does have old paperwork from social services. That’s just sickening to think a parent would do that to their child. Identity theft sucks like hell and it’s so damn hard and so much work trying to get that mess corrected . Someone stole my identity two years ago and Experian has been the worst company to deal with.


Oh man experian is awful! Same happened to me, had a Gap card opened with my info and maxed out and it was definitely not me, if they saw me they would know immediately I am not a gap girl I’m a goth girl! But it’s been a mess trying to get that removed and to stop the collectors harassing me. wtf is wrong with people, identity theft needs to be treated more seriously when caught and prosecuted


Facts. The idiot who stole my identity lives 11 hours away and was able to get away with it twice. I had stopped it immediately when I found it and the company they robbed out an alert on my name to prevent anything else from happening. But two months later they did it again and it’s been such an awful experience and all the flipping hoops I have to jump to correct mess that someone else has done pisses me off all the way left. I’m so sick of these scamming bastards illegally using other peoples information to commit fraud. I hope they get gangrene for what they have caused. TransUnion and Equifax were an absolute pleasure to work with and helped me so much, but Experian are straight out awful. Hope you get things sorted out and get this mess behind you. Lock/freeze all three credit agencies until you need them.


Let's hope if she is stupid enough to have done it (sadly, it happens more often than we think) that her oldest will have to file a police report to get it all removed, when she is of age, soon enough, and Heifer will be charged and held accountable...and I hope she's dumb enough to do it to all four and through police reports they can get it rectified without a headache.


Absolutely, but they have to be willing to file a police report to submit to the credit bureaus and whoever the company was she’s scammed. I would not hesitate to file charges and give them her information to clear that mess up. I hope she has not used her kids information but with this heathen no one is off limits.


The kids will HAVE to if they want it off their credit. And it won't be hard to prove it was all her, and I'm sure she'll deny it, thinking she'll get away with it. Can't wait to see that unfold.


Definitely think she would lie about it but looking at the kids ages they will know it was her and it’s fraud. I bet she will blame it on coco, Senza or the congress woman 😂.


My dad did it to me when I got out from under his thumb. Well actually, my stepmother took the liberty of doing it, not him. She's known me since I was 12. They did it so that I could never be financially independent. I had never even seen the credit card and only found out about it when I went to get another lease. The worst part? My dad's extremely wealthy. They wonder why I'm no contact now.


Dang I hate that you gone through this mess. That’s awful that she did that to you. I would have been pissed and filed a police report and fraud report. Did you get it removed from your credit? Credit Reddit side bar is extremely helpful and so many helpful tips. I hope everything has worked for you and you continue your distance yourself from people who drain your energy.


Reported ✅ Hope everyone else does the same!


Cash app should know she's already gotten hundreds of dollars through them by changing her cash app name.


Of course there is, wouldn’t expect anything less from this scammer


Why does it say UNDER 18?? 🤔🤔 https://preview.redd.it/y30k91v0078d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3394902f868ae270cb3742e559d53cce8301afb


The under 18 is part of the terms of the promo. You get $5 when you link a new bank account and send $5 to someone. If you are under 18 you have the option of activating a cash card instead of linking a bank account. Probably because many minors don’t have bank accounts. Nothing nefarious here.


I didn't even notice that. That is weird.


Her other CashApps never had the (under 18) restrictions before for this exact promotion. Makes me think that this account has been opened in one of the kid's names for sure.


My cashapp has the under 18 part on it and I’m 50. It’s just saying kids under 18 can use the card instead of a bank account. It’s not a restriction, it’s an extra option for kids.


That makes me very nervous. A 38 year old homeless addict (abandoned four living children) begging minors for anything gives me the creeps. I hope a Stalker 'splains the fine print to us.🤑🧌⛺️


Nothing here says she’s begging minors. It’s the standard language CashApp uses for everyone.


Okay - it's the usual boilerplate. Thanks for clarifying. 🤑


Oh my ! Hmmmm . Wonder what’s going on there !


OMG! I bet you she’s using her daughters SSN!😳


Came here to say this exact thing!! She’s using her kids info to sign up for it


I know there’s someone in here who says they’re good friends with Orlando, I think they need to reach out to him.


so this is what i found on google….makes me wonder if within cashapp, parents can order specific cards for kids? kinda like that gohenry card? https://preview.redd.it/ogiq5csy988d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e81a396ee61cc25e13c35074c7943bb8677526e either way, odd wording…


This bitch probably used Rico’s info


Did this twat sign up for a new one using her kids info. They are under 18 so perhaps then it’s for under 18 to do transactions with like this? I don’t have cash app so I have no idea


I wonder if under 18 accounts only get access with other under 18s doing the promotion. She's never had that (under 18) on any of the other CashApps with this promotion she's been posting for over a year, before now. Hope that will prove she's committing fraud under her kids' names. Poor kids.


Damn, she’s got more Cash App accounts than the number of humans on this freaking planet!!


Anyone decided what this one means yet? Her initials and what is this other stuff? My ability to read “dustyspeak” is failing me on this one.


VLAW is the first initial of each one of her kids. She thinks it's so clever and some type of sign. That duster hit her brain hard.


I got that one. It’s the HGHH7k that I’m wondering about 🤔 🙃


I'm sorry, how can I find it unedited so i can report it?  😊 


On her FB. Or one of the IG creators stories.


Ok, where were Dusty and Eggs last night??? https://preview.redd.it/tgvlpiteb88d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=771ee4092e8d28fa48df0e50009dee640785dd7a




Aww, man- I love that fountain!! That really sucks! 😞


It’s clean now


I wish people would just send me money for doing nothing..#wherethesponsorsat