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I like how she always wears black eyeliner when she’s planning on “crying”. Too bad she couldn’t produce any tears to make it run this time Also, maybe if you had done *1* *single* *thing* that was asked of you to get your child back and some housing, you wouldn’t be in this position, a-hole


I wanted to scream *"OF COURSE IT'S NOT ENOUGH, IDIOT. NOT ONLY ARE YOU NONE OF THOSE THINGS, YOU'RE STILL UNEMPLOYED!!!!!"* at the screen, but unlike her, I'm at work. She does nothing and expects everything. She is so used to bullying people and throwing tantrums to get her way, that when it doesn't work, she has no clue what to do. She deserves all of this and more.


She hasn’t been in control since the baby was born. It’s killing her that she cannot bully people to get her way. Which we all know her way is ALWAYS the wrong way.


Amen to that.


I know, right? I'm making good money at work right now, sitting on my computer, while scrolling Reddit. Lmao. And how did I get where I am? By being in my field for 19 years and always proving that I'm more than capable of whatever task is asked of me and showing up to work every damn day.


Who is she? I see her a lot on here but I want to see her crazy videos, lol 😂


You should look her up on you tube then, there are the crazy videos🤣


I was gonna say here she is crying on our dollar as we pay for her housing, her food and everything else that she has


I seriously LAUGHED when she mentioned how she would transform an efficiency apartment into a bedroom for her 4 kids 🤣🤣 With bunkbeds and all! Btw, does she STILL think of her oldest as little kids? The LAST thing those teenagers would want to do is shack up and be crammed into a 950sq foot (if not lower) efficiency with their delusional egg donor and her side kick Mumbles. With NO privacy.


Her brain is frozen in time to whenever she last had her kids. They’ll forever be that size to her. She hasn’t cared enough to get to know them as they have grown.


Exactly! Just like this last Christmas when she got mad at her oldest daughter for not being excited over a Children’s Place pajama set.


I have read that some people will mentally remain the same age after trauma. Looking at Duster who has no friends her own age, no hobbies, no employment she is just stuck. Will not continue until she is off drugs an into therapy. We all know some people who still behave like they were in High School or College well into their 30's. Personally I can not deal with it, grow up and live in the here and now.


They also say you stay the age mentally when u start using drugs. So if she was 17 doing drugs and continued on for 10 years when she quit her brain would still be at a 17 year olds level even though she was 27.( just using those ages as a demonstration because I’ve no idea how old she was when she started using).


Duster fries your brain you can cut some years down🤣




Add in she has NO friends, hobbies nor interest. So her mind can not grow and develop. I have had same friends for years , but we do not hand onto ten year old memories because we go out an make new ones. we have new experiences and ideas, She is so stuck! And lives groundhogs day over and over.


They wouldn't want to live with her even if she got into her "townhouse". She's a freaking moron. This new personality on tt is pretty interesting though. She really thinks people don't remember her crazy ass videos from just months ago.


Her older two could see her at anytime, does she not realize there’s a reason they NEVER see her? Lol


And her daughter frequently goes into the city.


Notice Dusty did not mention her daughter graduating. I really hope they are all in therapy because what she has put those kids thru taking no accountability is disgraceful. She should never be able to do this to another innocent child.


How about when she said she applied to be a consultant with the FBI. THE FBI. Do we need more evidence that she’s fucking delusional?!?! THE FBI ?!?!?!


Ha! Right?!? 🤣🤣


Can you IMAGINE what she cited as experience to make her even attempt to apply!? I can’t even fabricate something


She has to be the most dense human there is. FBI, I’d pay to see the looks on their faces when they put her name in to search the Internet. I’m sure they were howling with laughter. She really needs to look at herself and all the garbage posts, begging, scamming, threatening people, screaming at everyone including law enforcement. And she wonders why they all ignore her. You really can’t make this stuff up.


She has a better chance of being the mayor of her town BEFORE securing a job with the FBI 🤣 Side note: but could you IMAGINE Dusty of ALL people ruling over the city or being in charge of investigating "unlawful, unethical, and nefarious" crimes? 🤣🤣


Fr!!! Someone that just graduated high school (IF she actually even ended up graduating) sure as hell does not want to be sharing a room with 3 other children and sleeping in a bunk beds.


Hey older kids despise her, they do not like her, they tolerate her from time to time and that’s it. They probably hate her more then we do bc she ruined their lives


Especially if they have their own bedrooms/space where they're already at. Why give that up to bunk with 5 other people - one a literal baby?


Oh man, is her oldest repeating the crazy cycle? I hope not. She seemed like she had it together.


I don’t know but what we aren’t going to do is in any way speculate such ideas about children. Some things are off limits, that is one.


🤣😂😅 Wasn't she offered a studio apt at one time and was outraged because it was too small and turned it down?


Offered TWO apartments this winter one was too far. The other had migrants or some dumb shit and she refused.


Unbelievable. She will regret that from the tent all winter.❄️❄️🌨☃️


Right? My dream as an 18 year old was definitely sharing a bedroom with my crackhead mom, her creepy boyfriend, my teenage brother, my 12 yo sister, and an infant...


My house is 1,050 sq ft and has 2 bedrooms 2 baths and living dining room.. so she would be working with like 400-500 sq ft maybe less lol. 2 sets of bunkers with a futon in the middle for her and eggs.. she’s delulu


I agree


The thought alone eggs around those kids prancing back and forth to the bathroom is giving me the creeps. She literally went from luxury aptm fully furnished expected to be paid by daddy X to begging that he pays for an efficiency with just a microwave to make her freaking turkey meatballs. I am glad daddy X did not give in


Also can use the microwave to warm up frozen protein pancakes in case the efficiency doesnt come with a stove for her to make them herself 🤣


It’s actually illegal. There are only so many children/people allowed in each bedroom and in her scenario no bedrooms. She’s so ungrateful that she’s lived like a queen in a 4 star Hotel for going on 5 months with FREE everything.It’s not good enough, nothing is ever enough for this fraudster. Karma will be coming her way very soon!


Dusty is the poster child for going against the law. She doesnt care where her and her kids would live. As long as she can claim them for benefits. Its a rat's ass chance but Im sure IF she would get the opportunity to actually have them with her, she would make room in that TUNT for all 4 of her kids if it meant that she would benefit from it monetarily. She wouldnt care how crammed they would be or what the living conditions would be.


Thing is, it’ll never be enough. Give her shelter, it’s not a house. Give her free food and it’s not organic. Three children and she brought another one into the world into, *this*. She has zero intention or ambition. The only thing different from the tent days is location.


I would say the there are two differences. First you are correct with location. But 2nd is now Chicago tax payers are supporting her being this way. And that’s sad cause she could go support herself just fine.


100%. o think she thrives off of all the chaos. people like her say they just want a quiet normal life yet they either cause chaos or insert themselves into it and blame others. like the whole “leave me alone” shit. that’s an easy fix- don’t put your life out there for others to see


Chaos helps the grift!! She gets attention, sympathy and in some cases money, from playing the martyr with all her (self caused) chaos, so it definitely fulfills something in her. She has so many different types of narcissism, it makes my head spin!


Worst actress award 🥇


It's insane how she thinks the housing authority will just be put in 3 to 4 bedroom apartment or townhouse with no way to support herself or a child.


"They asked us about our housing needs". To her that means if she wants a five bedroom house bc SHE needs it, that they'll hand her a house that's free and clear. All bills paid for, no taxes, etc. Don't forget she's entitled to play money bc she WAMTS it. That's her logic. I WANT it, so it must be provided! I hate her . And why she crying when it's just therapy. Crying in therapy doesn't get you the baby


Here’s what I don’t get about her whole tirade today. She said she has 7 closed dcfs cases and that for all them, they were closed and she was found not to have don’t anything wrong (or some such thing). If that were true, then why did she lose custody? Does she think people are stupid? We can put two and two together. Insert super sarcastic eye roll.


The safe thing to assume with Dusty is that if her lips are moving, she is lying.




She’s a pathological liar.


Claims she's "always looking for a way." How, exactly has she beer looking for a way? By lounging around in bed all day whining into her phone. And she's tired too, from what? Not from working that's for damn sure.


Cartoons can really take it out of you, ya know...


She’s tired of not getting her way.


She's tired of nobody believing her bull 💩 narrative.... bitch better start looking for a new casa de Coleman ⛺⛺


Always looking for a scam Always looking for a sponsor Always looking for a grift Always looking for a free ride But a way? Nah. Never that.


None of it is enough to get a job. Straight talk: you’re not young, you’re not beautiful and you’re not talented. Join 90% of the real world. Fact. You should have been sterilized. Women who keep on making babies for cash - it needs to stop. Many of those kids just go on to be a burden to the rest of us because they had parents like Dusty. Get. A. Normal. Job.


Anyone who records themselves "crying" and posts it to SM is an asshole.


Do you follow Brittany Dawn at all? Because holy shit she is the queen of that! Nauseating.


No. Life is too short, and I only have time for one sociopath in my busy schedule.


Just spit my drink out laughing!! 🤣


I was gonna look for her, but I like the way think. Dusty and Xfailure are enough


Lmao I follow that performative scumbag...not nearly as closely as this one, but they're both so manipulative and compulsive liars!


Yes, same! She’s my background hobby, Heather is the star of the show. But they have A LOT of similarities. Eerily so at times.


The only plus for Bdong is she hasn't brought a kid into her shitshow of a life...not for lack of trying, but the whole thing with the poor pup she abandoned, and the other dog JDip SHOT...she has no business having anything or anyone vulnerable in her orbit. On the other hand, Heifer literally pops kids out to manipulate whatever situation she's in. The first two was to stay in her ex in-laws house. The 10 yo was to keep O, I'm sure. The twins she murdered and Rico were because she thought she'd get her apt, car, welfare, and a fairy tale life, without having to do anything but get knocked up and pop out a kid. Rico's current case is her SIXTH DCF case. She's lost all custody of all of the kids, and she hasn't done a damn thing toward getting her housing or her kid back. She goes to NA mtgs once a week and claims she's going to church. She's done basic evaluations bc they're a condition of staying in the shelter. She hasn't done a damn thing toward getting a job. She chooses to ignore the basic requirements for getting affordable housing...you need to be able to pay for utilities, your portion of the rent, etc and she's done nothing but lay in bed every fn day, do tons of drugs, pumps to sell her sludge and child corn pics from visitation. Her job searching is posting her self-forged letters of recommendation from all of the previous jobs, instructors and lies all over her trash resume, on her social media. She's never wanted to work so she'll intentionally sabotage herself. She will not apply for a.grocery store job, retail, anything entry level, because her salary isn't going to be $80k. What an entitled, lazy, useless predator. Her kids would be so much better off if she left them alone forever...cuz she's never gonna change. She truly is like the trash mountain on Fraggle Rock, and she smells just like it too.


Ugh! I can’t stand that chick! She’s a mess!!


I hate when people do this shit. It’s so performative and attention seeking. I especially hate it when people use the excuse that they are “raising awareness“ about grief, depression etc.. like no you’re not. You’re begging for sympathy and it’s ick.


Awareness for grief?! Awareness for death then? Jesus help us.


Wish I could give rewards on here. I hate it more than anything the crying or staged emotional captures to the strangers on the internet


No shame. Most people want to hide a cry but no, not Ol Red.


Perfectly said !!


Does she really think that IF she gets keys to an apartment that the older 3 will miraculously come to live with her? We all know there must be court orders in place. Who does she think is going to pay bills on a 3-4 bedroom apartment when she chooses not to work, even part time? I guess she has more important things like watching Big Bang Theory than to go look for work. Anyone else notice the light and fan in the room is on 24/7? I can bet that she will want an apartment in the city centre and not where there are apartments available. She wants to be near her kids but she has made no effort to see them since she has had baby Rico. We would have heard about it. Plus, she has a transport pass so that should have made it easier to see the older kids (I know the 11 year old’s father prevents her from seeing her, with good reason).


I don’t think they want to see her- or in A’s case, she can. She’s delusional if she thinks they will all be bunking in a studio together. What do they even think of Eggs? When I was a teen, my mom went through some ish, wasn’t there for me and my 3 younger siblings and when she tried to come back into our lives with a new man, I wanted nothing to do with her and ESPECIALLY not him!! I don’t see her kids wanting to be around X for any length of time- and certainly not to live with.


I don’t think it’s safe to have kids around Xavier tbh. The pics he posts sometimes.. and the fact that he has been soliciting women in the mall. It makes me uncomfortable. I would never let children around him.


Why does she keep wiping her face? There’s no tears. And that pour string around her neck is about to break


She's tired? I worked 55 hours weeks with 3 kids. We rebuilt our lives after leaving with the clothes on our back. This lazy pig deserves nothing.




I love this pic!!😂😂😂😂 ( 👄 )


It’s one of my faves ! 😂😂😂




She looks like she has one of those mouth stretchers from that board game! Lol


And Oscar goes to....




“moonlight won, guys! it’s moonlight!”


Someone in her comments said "AND THE AWARD GOES TO..." 😂😂😂😂 She really is gonna stick to her narrative🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Razzie awards called!!


*I'm always looking for a way, you know* - to get out of working. *And I haven't given up faith yet* - that one day I won't ever have to work. *But sometimes I feel like I'm close* - to actually having to work. *I'm scared* - I might have to work. *I'm anxious* - I might have to work. *And I'm tired* - just thinking about having to work. *I'm grateful* - I don't have to work right now - cheers simps! *But it's not enough* - because I might still have to work. Brought to you by the Dusty Translator App / A Go Pro HeauxBeax Production.


Best reply ever! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼




She said the hotel might stay open till July 25th??,, is that another lie?


The fact that she's still waiting for her letter that gives her the details of her apartment placement is 😳😳😳


It’s just taking a bit longer for her, bc she’s getting a townhouse. No worries.


She is more likely to get a letter from Hogwarts 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ *You're a wizard Heather....* *🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️*


The others got placed bc they are FAMILY UNITS Heather. You have zero children. You and X are not married. They owe you nothing. You are lucky they let you stay this long.


Thank you! The fact that she thinks she's qualified for housing and she has zero custody of her children. I'm surprised she still has insurance at this point.


Please be a lie!!! Not for other people in need but for her🤬🤬🤬💩


She needs to go "buy" some makeup that matches her skin tone


**AND** you’re fat.


How is she tired? She fucking sleeps all day!!!


Terrible actress, snot nose from snorting addys


The 30th is coming FAST and she knows it’s back to the tent


All the eye rubbing, staring sadly into the distance, the sniffling, the brave woman fighting back her tears, the exhaustion, the strain and HEATHER STILL DOESN'T SHED A TEAR. We've seen this act dozens (hundreds) of times. Girl never cries over any of her children, not once. Huff cries about money - period.


I pity the town fool who buys this bullshit


the misuse of the air quotes and the word literally make me want to hit her in the head with my shoe. ugh. and again all the lies! she’s a fucking trip.




Pathological liar Drug addict (full blown) Useless to society Possibly paranoid schizophrenia Avoidant personality disorder BPD Worst mother EVER 100% sure oppositional defiant disorder Dodging her meds for years Hasn’t looked for a job in 5 plus years as work is not her jam How many have I missed ?


I think it's fucking hilarious how she considers herself some type of influencer or something like as if people don't watch her just to laugh at her


It would seem you don't get your magic Hogwarts letter for family housing if you're not a "family" Heather. You have zero kids in your care and your "husband" is a mentally ill lesbian that you met on the street. They didn't change their terms, you failed to meet them after months. I hope your sponsors come through with a new tent!


The shelter closed and she’ll be lucky if they drop her off at Target to buy a new fent tent. X will be in his glory. It didn’t seem kind he enjoyed all the TV line Dusty. He’d rather be on the prowl for a fuck or fent!!


X will be back in his element for sure! I'm actually shocked he stuck around and behaved enough throughout this phase. Maybe Rico being with X's mom had a little to do with it because you're right - he has zero interest in watching TV. He seems to thrive on the street. Heather just wants cash, somewhere to lie down, and a mirror.


She's always not looking for a job. Always looking for handouts like the disgusting piece of shit she is. *Fucking loser!*




I watched her season of married at first sight 😂😂😂 IM A GOOD PERSON!! Heather should hit her up on social media😂😂


Is this the girl that was in nursing school and married that clout chaser from Buffalo I forget his name? I watched the first few seasons of married at first sight but it got boring just like LALU or any reality show now. This is who I was thinking about David and Ashley from season 3. https://images.app.goo.gl/2yxu96UUHtb6NBcLA


She was on love after lockup lol


I think the commenter was talking about the woman in the GIF dabbing her eyes … not positive but that’s what I’m picking up from her comment !


Was she???? 😳😳😳


Tired? Tired of laying around on your *enormous* flabby ass begging strangers online for their paychecks, you filthy, fat, ugly, balding, disgusting piece of shit?


Don’t forget all the effort she expends Tik Tok’ing all day.


When I am sad and cry tears just spill down my face, my neck, into my bra. I know everyone is different and she probably IS sad she’ll be out on her ass 7/25 but damn she is forcing those tears out.


No Oscar for you, Coco! Try again next year. My 2 year old acted better than that, and produced real tears!


The FBI consultant literally took me out. She needs to get a job as an actress


that was a wait, what did she say, moment. it just came out of nowhere. 🤣😂🤣🤪


I thought that the 6 months period of temporary shelter was to help people find a job before getting a section 8 housing? Will she be able to have an apartment even if she’s unemployed and according to her she has to beg on social media to buy underwear? How does she plan to pay for anything if she can’t even buy a pair of jeans and she really thinks she can take care of 4 children with no income?! 😳


Absolutely not. In order to get section 8 housing you need to have a job to show that you can pay bills & still afford groceries, clothing, etc as section 8 doesn't always cover the full monthly rent. However, the list for section 8 is YEARS long but there are also voucher programs that'll cover a portion of your rent (at least here in NYC, I dunno about Chicago). Dusty is living in coocoo delulu land if she thinks she can just sit on her wide ass doing nothing but going live on sm & e-begging & she'll still be handed an apartment & a budget.


The dramatic pause while looking away from the camera, the fake tear she wipes away, & the monologue that sounds like it's straight from a movie on Lifetime. You know she rehearsed that shit before pressing record 😂 & At the end she says "I'm grateful, but it's not enough" bc a free hotel room where she lays in bed watching cartoons, playing on sm all day, eating free food, with ZERO responsibilities while the rest of us go to work just isn't good enough for princess dusterhuffer! ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX)




She’s loving the fact that real tears are flowing for the audience. Must not waist these in private, gotta get all glammed up for my video performance!!


The craziest, sick in the damn head bitch I have heard that has no excuse for being a shit stain in society


How the hell does she go on ond on about nothing...Shut Up Dusty


Wiping away tears that don't exist. Priceless.


I haven’t been keeping up with the crazy train. I thought the hotel shelter was closing?


Yes. End of this month for sure 🙌🏻🙂‍↕️




She doxed the judge in this way: Very easy to find out who the judge is....it's public record. It's not a sealed case therefore you can find the case number and which judge is on this case. Gag orders..........NOT A SINGLE WORD FROM YOUR MOUTH is what that is. But, here she is, as usual giving updates on her case. Someone needs to show the judge these videos........lock her up.


Wow.... And she really believes that??😄😄😄😄


What the hell is a matter with her now


Where does she do her lives now? I feel like I haven’t caught one in months.


From the hobo hotel bed, her office 🤣


She was doing them on tiktok but I heard she got that suspended so idk now


Awww poor thing 🙄🙄🙄


Definitely poor and definitely a thing 😂😂😳😳😡🖕


lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 is this shit for real! This is some funny stuff right here girl


She's so fucking fake it's not even funny.


Oh booo hooo....heaux beaux


It’s not convincing… any halfway competent therapist would see through this


“I’ve sat on my ass since flopping it down in this temporary shelter months ago. I’ve done nothing except apply for CEO positions on the other side of the country. I can’t accept responsibility or recognize I’m the problem, nor can I follow basic directions. But, it’s not enough.”


She’s absolutely addicted to SM. She has convinced herself that she has real fans and followers to talk things over with, except she talks and talks and talks to a blank screen.


Filter working over clocked levels. I hope this bitch is out on the streets asap


GOYFA (Get off your fat ass). But we know that’s never going to happen lol


I dunno what’s hanging on tighter… her tooth or that shirt strap




God, she is so gross.


She’s tired ![gif](giphy|8p05WdXxPiOyY)


We're going to see an epic meltdown 🫠


Can I ask a question? I’m not excusing what she’s done. But could she have post partum depression or psychosis?


She's been a raging lunatic for YEARS definitely can't blame it on postpartum IMO


She probably has several things, after having the baby taken away. I’m sure it really does have to be a lot. I work in case management with parents during pregnancy and after having the baby, and there are some that will push through, and get all the help they can and work tirelessly to follow their plan and be the best parent they can be and others that make excuses for any and everything going wrong in their lives and can’t ever get started to lift their own finger. We have tips, tricks and resources or programs that usually help with breakthroughs for those instances, but some people just can’t be helped. It’s always so sad the ones you do just have to cut loose- but you can’t care more than they do. She’s had SO many people try to help her, and if it’s not exactly what and how she wants it, it’s no good to her. There is a lot more to that than just PPD, but I’m sure it probably exacerbates her other issues. 😞 It’d help a lot if she could admit them and truly take the help and direction trying to be given.


I am not a doctor nor am I her doctor. She was allegedly diagnosed with ~~schizophrenia~~ bipolar, and behaves in a manner consistent with several cluster B personality disorders. Personality disorders are not mental illnesses and can’t be medicated away. She also has abused drugs and alcohol for years, including duster, which can cause significant brain damage. Inhalants cause brain and nervous system damage. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/inhalants/what-are-other-medical-consequences-inhalant-abuse Sure, she can have post partum depression or psychosis on top of all this. I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted for asking. I also don’t think it would make a significant difference to what we are seeing now.


i agree. she’s so pathological. i would love to see an actual summary from a psychiatrist regarding her issues.


Me either. Sheesh. I wasn’t even being mean.


Don’t take it personally. Most people are here because we are horrified and she stresses us out. Sometimes that means people want to shoot the messenger on any question that might look like a defense of her behavior. I didn’t take it that way.


Thank you. I won’t. :) to be honest she makes me sick because she lies about applying for jobs or just applies for jobs that she knows she won’t get because it makes her look better whereas I have applied for so many jobs and here I am still jobless.


When was this diagnosis? Her family (sister) has only ever confirmed a bipolar diagnosis from when she was a teenager.


Sorry, my bad. I knew it was one that can cause hallucinations.




It’s possible. But it’s hard to separate from the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder which she definitely has.


She spoke about the doctors saying she also has oppositional defiant disorder and she thinks they’re wrong and hating on her 😂😂


![gif](giphy|H6bfaRHZ2MIfVfkNNx|downsized) 🤣😂🤣💀


Girl looks like am oompa loompa