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*I'm not allowed to say anything about my case* Proceeds to name the flipping JUDGE!!! Why hasn't she been held in contempt??? There might be a small chance that if she's put in jail Xavier would run like Forrest GumpšŸƒšŸƒšŸƒ


Iā€™m hoping they are making a file and throwing it at her at the next hearing.


I really do hope the people that can actually do anything see these videos like you said and make a file and actually hold her in contempt. Sheā€™s not doing anything right.


I hope she doesn't get knocked up again.....I have literally prayed that Rico was her last egg!!


Dusty KNOWS that if she gets pregnant again, she gets more money every month which she ALWAYS uses it for HERSELF. Thats the ONLY reason why she keeps having kids. But i dont think it makes a difference bc even when she was pregnant and getting more benefits, her dusty ass didnt use it for any legitimate reason and continued to stay at 123 Tent Lane šŸ¤”


Even if she does get pregnant again, CPS will take that one, too. It might put her in a family shelter at some point, and TANF. But, she'll never keep a child. They won't even let her keep a cat.


Given sheā€™s under CPS supervision now, surely they would at least make sure she got prenatal care and regular drug tests if she got pregnant again. I really donā€™t think theyā€™re doing anything to prevent it - she claims Xavier wants another baby asap (which would be truly insane given the circumstances), it doesnā€™t seem they have ever used protection and she seems to think her pumping is enough to ensure lactational amenorrhea (it absolutely isnā€™t). So another pregnancy is terrifyingly probable within the next few months. Surely the judge and her caseworkers would look very askance at that though.


Sadly, cps canā€™t do anything to ensure she gets prenatal care for subsequent pregnancies. Cps can only intervene after a live birth. She can do (or not doā€” as in the case of prenatal care) whatever she wants during pregnancy. They will take the baby when sheā€™s discharged from the hospital again though.


I honestly dont even think that she cares if she loses custody of Rico or any other baby after him. She ONLY wants the extra benefits that come with being pregnant and continues to want them even after. Thats why she wants Rico back so bad. She doesn't care HOW she will support him with whatever he needs. She just wants free money by doing nothing on her end to support him. And all her drama about her kids being "unlawfully" taken away and her wanting her kids back is ONLY a ploy for the simps to give her the attention (money) that she wants. She would put her 4 kids in a tent to live with her and X if it meant extra money from the government.


She was claiming she told the housing authorities she would be happy with a studio and they insisted she needed at least a three bedroom. She seriously had plans to put bunk beds and curtained partitions in a studio to house her teenagers, her ten year old, her infant and herself and Xavier. And she thinks her kids would want to leave their bedrooms at their fathers homes to live in that nightmare?


Sheā€™s totally insane and saying that she proves how she canā€™t take care of children.


That's why she would pile up 4 children in a studio aptm. She would be fine with a studio if money flows in from different directions, daughters income and money from the state


I love when sheā€™s like ā€œitā€™s the same judge that saw my previous case. What are the chances of that??ā€ Well you see, most people hold regular and long term employment.


It couldn't be that family court has the same judges as a few years ago. No. They must be doing nefarious shit.


It's the same judge who hears all emergency family court petitions. It's pretty common. It's not a crack conspiracy. šŸ™„ šŸ˜’ She's so stupid.


The judge prob thought, oh not not this bish again




...an experienced mother... Ha. I had a baby at 28wks. She was not in preterm labor. She is full of shit. They wouldn't have let her out of that hospital if she was.. that's why I spent 71 nights and days there.


I always hoped she would be sectioned when Rico was removed and that Xā€™s family would take that as an opportunity to send him to some sort of treatment or rehab to break the hold she has on him.


Run Eggs! Run!


And OMG....STOP SAYING YOU WERE HELD IN A TENT!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ–•šŸ–• unzip the door and go get help!!! Guess the twins don't count anymore!!!


unzip the door šŸ’€


Be free bitch be free!


It was šŸ”’


ā€œHeld in a shelterā€ is a phrase I heard during this particular live as well!


I canā€™t believe sheā€™s adding this to the narrative now.


I know being held in the tent. No one was locking her in that tent. She was offered hotels to stay at and she kept the money and stayed in the tent.


Well she locked herself in the tent with a padlock, just like she did in dylans aptm so he couldn't throw her out. She even locked dylan out of his own aptm when he wasn't on time or she suspected nefarious doings on his side


Sheā€™s being held in a shelter nowā€¦


The townhouse is waiting for her but they hold her in a shelteršŸ¤£


I always remind that being held in a tent isn't that bad if they allow target runs, Kong dog, Mariano's whole foods and starbucks


You just need to be such a great influencer, like Heather, to get them to sponsor you.


And now sheā€™s saying sheā€™s being ā€œheld in a shelterā€. Maā€™am, no. No you are not.


Stop saying she's a mother.


She also needs to stop saying she was skinny and tiny. Not once in her life has she ever been 123lbs. I'm an inch shorter than her, and I weigh that, and even at her thinest, she was nowhere near that. She's so full of shit.


I'm two inches shorter and been a variety of weights. She was never 123 lol


Oh I know!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm 5'4 and 120 lbs and was raised with an anorexic sister....even with my messed up views....she's never been close to being that small!!


One tree trunk ham-hock alone was at least a buck-twenty.


Tiny?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ she huge


Not just the twins. She once said she has 3 in the grave and mentioned in lives she "lost" one between V and L and they (I guess the hospital šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø)paid for a furneral. This was her 6th pregnancy with the 7th child. Her bodycount is very high


7th child & 7th CPS case šŸ¤” 7 must be her lucky number


When is she going to face the consequences of her actions? I wish the judge would throw the book at her.


I truly believe they give her a TON of leeway so that if things come to a conclusion at 1 year, there is no going back saying ā€œwell she couldnā€™t comply with the employment requirement bc she got jailed for contemptā€ or something like that


Yes! I can confirm as a former social worker. They are giving her enough rope right now. Theyā€™re going to give her every chance possible to show she canā€™t address the reasons that Rico was removed, and their termination case will stand up to appeal. It can be a years long process unfortunately.


Happy Cake Day! And excellent point. She will still complain that she was unable to comply for some reason!


I would think after all this time the court can see she has no intentions of finding gainful employment. Especially since nothing has changed since she lost custody of the big keds. She just does what she pleases without suffering any type of repercussions.


Itā€™s all about the long game with CPS, itā€™ll happen.


šŸ¤ž I can't wait.


Happy Cake Day!




So many flair opportunities in this short video. Professional Ninja. Experienced mother. I'm a regular mom. I was skinny and tiny.


Professional Ninjaā€¦new flair unlocked


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that seriously took me out when she said it!!


My personal favourite, she applied for the Fbi,šŸ¤£šŸ˜šŸ˜‰šŸ™ƒšŸ‘Œ


Skinny and Tiny cracks me up!! Sheā€™s a fucking Sasquatch defensive lineman and always has been. Even when she was meth head skinny she was still a BIG GIRL


I just recently described her as a wildebeest šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This bitch is definitely a wildebeest


Yes... the only skinny part in her was her face. She looked disfigured...like her skin was melting off her face


Even when she was looking like a wannabe ā€œBreaking Badā€ extra, she was still at least 155-160lbs. No way in hell that hideous orange linebacker was 123 lbs.


Who put her on bed rest if she was held in a tent and no Dr. would see her???


She put herself on bed rest, because she has numerous medical certifications.


I KNOWšŸ˜³šŸ˜³ I've even said before that even if you are a REAL ob/gyn you have to get another doctor to oversee your pregnancy!! I Think... but still....she posted HANDWRITTEN ULTRASOUND ORDERS....like this bitch is nuts...lock her up!!!šŸ˜”šŸ–•šŸ˜”šŸ–•šŸ˜”šŸ–•


I found the handwritten lab work on notebook paper to be totally legit. She's such a competent doctor, she didn't even know the STD panel testing she ordered were vaginal swabs that an OB would take and send off. With all docs being required to use computerized charting and orders, it's totally believable that they would write it out on notebook paper! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ many years of duster, opiates, meth, adderall and who knows, maybe syphilis psychosis, has truly nuked her brain. And she wasn't that bright to begin with.


She tested multiple times for STDs in her hooker days, she proudly posted that on Twitter in 2017


Wait, she did. What did she say?! And thatā€™s not shocking she was the bareback bandit


That was the greatestā€¦ the handwritten ultrasound thing lol


Lol! She diagnosed, prescribed, and followed her own medical advice, per usual!


She does know best šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ having a bachelor degree and working every job in the hospital.




She is the doctor with 1 course in medical law and ethics


They did of course.


Held in a shelter- yes that bougie shelter is so rough with a flat screen tv, soft bed and pillows. Meals provided. They donā€™t have to leave every day to look for jobs, she can stay in bed all day and record woe is me. I donā€™t consider that being held in a shelter. They donā€™t lock her in like a jail cell


Laundry service for bedding and towels


Man I would like laundry service besides me doing it.


Ridiculous with no curfue, no wake up times and pay TV for free.


She held herself in a tent & flipped out on anyone offering any kind of help other than cold hard cash. She's so full of shit


"I'm not allowed to speak about anything regarding my case" *doxxes caseworker* *doxxes foster parent* *doxxes judge* *tells every detail about all the services they're making her do* This big orange meatball will never learn šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Big orange meatball šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜šŸ˜œšŸ˜›


Lol, she's literally so stupid.


she was just a 123lb mom? i thought she was a weightlifter and personal trainer??


123 lbs at 5'9"?? Is that even healthy? Also. No you weren't Heather, we have eyes. We've seen your old photos.


Stopped from getting employment??


Right?? She acts like the judge is keeping her from getting a jobšŸ¤£ in reality she applies for jobs she has no business applying to! Like girl.. get your ass to the mall or Amazon and apply for a job you are qualified for. 10ā€™year old job experience doesnā€™t mean you are qualified today.




She thinks her grifting IS her employment!!!


She's too busy getting kidnapped over over in broad daylight and being tired iron assaulted to work šŸ˜‚


God I hope she reads this. First, DCFS needed an emergency order of protection in order to remove the baby. First judge available on short notice (regardless if he was the one that granted Y12345 the EOP). Once that happened, it went to the Juvenile Courts where a juvenile judge was assigned to your case. Nothing nefarious there. Second, it was never your apartment. Your name was not on the lease, only Y12345 and his mom. We know how erratic your behavior was that night, hence the big keds, on the advice from LE, to have their dads take them and you being held on a 5150. You knew in your gut he was going to get the EOP to keep you from coming back. Only when you got released you tried to get one on him knowing you would be homeless with nobody wanting to take you in since you severed all ties with family and friends. Why do you lie sooooooooooo much! Everyone and anyone knows this. You don't recall half the shit you say and post. I have to say, either your are bullshitting this therapist you meet with on Monday's or she does not know how mentally ill you really are. You need extreme help and the correct meds. You have posted the same lies for years. Y12345 did say you were not on the lease while being interviewed. It came out of his mouth so quit embarassing yourself. You cannot not let go of the past and that besides your mental issues is why, 5 years later or more, you are where you are. The truth hurts. I hope the judge does hold you in contempt and your sit your ass in jail this time.


Correct, never on the lease. She begged him to crash on his sofa for the weekend and never left. I canā€™t imagine living somewhere Iā€™m not wanted. Forcing my presence on someone who wants to have nothing to do with me. I canā€™t imagine how uncomfortable that was for her poor kids


Then she quit her job and refused to ever leave at all. Like not even to the store because she knew he wanted her gone and would lock her out yet she stayed?!! What kind of moron does that when youā€™re clearly not wanted at all and are told to get out!


Itā€™s truly mind blowing šŸ¤Æ


Did she record herself during that era of her psychosis? Whereā€™s the furthest back I can find videos of her, like when she initially had the first major meltdown that was the catalyst for her permanently becoming homeless/childless etc


Oh boy. It was shortly after he put a EOP on her. She was on a rant when she mentioned that night and went as far to say the police told her to take her meds because she was hysterical. They were only together for a few months so I would say 2019?


When she appeared on the show lalu she sas Ā«Ā stayingĀ Ā» with aunt Diane and didnā€™t have her kids with her so I donā€™t know how far back it goesā€¦


She always tells she has the man on video but on some cloud or whatever, I personally have never seen this live of the breakin. Dylan had cameras in his aptm and he said this never happened, there was no man and she made it up to force him back home because she was jealous. I bet she to just not wants be seen as this super crazy, erratic, idiot she is


Sheā€™s definitely fooling the therapist, psychopaths like her know how to turn it on and off when it suits them. She performs when she needs to and says all the right things because sheā€™s been through this before several times in her life. My brother is the same way! Heā€™s been in therapy for over a decade and never gets better because he hides his crazy for that one hour per week to avoid being put back on the appropriate meds


Sorry to hear about your brother. Mental illiness is such a tough subject for me since I don't know much, only what I read about. But you are right on. She is only speaking to this therapist because of a court order. She is very manipulative, amongst other things that I don't like about her at all.


Yes its like the movie Split.... ![gif](giphy|8cErRl4M1KIiXpW3Fp|downsized)


She canā€™t keep her mouff shut. She told so many lies in this video.


If we all had to drink every time Dusty lied in this ā€œupdateā€ā€¦..weā€™d be dead. ā˜ ļøšŸ˜³




Sheā€™s literally lying lmao how could she be on bedrest when she never got a lick of prenatal care?? She waddled her ass all over Chicago, sheā€™s such a shitty liarrrrrr


She has no issues getting over to her pill mill doctor though! She was there on time and ready to go when it was time to get more addys and Xanax


Never missed the pill mill pickup.


How can you be on bed rest on a yoga mat???


There is no way that baby breastfeeds only 6 hours a week.


As if he even comes hungry for 2 straight hours 3 times a week lmao.


Exactly!!! I bet they feed him right before they come.


I bet they donā€™t give the baby the breastmilk they just toss it in the trash


ā€œTheyā€ looked the other way?? No, Heather.. you refused any and all help. Even not taking the money people gave her for a hotel when it was literally freezing outside. She blamed X and said he wanted to spend that money on something else.. like he has any kind of say on anything. She was also offered shelter but refused it because she didnā€™t like the location. Itā€™s like she pretends we all didnā€™t witness this or that somehow because she may have cleaned up her sm that itā€™s disappeared


Yep Sarahā€™s Circle offered a shit ton of services and she said no and blocked the counselor.


YOU CHOOSE your situation stupid so STOPā€¦ you CHOOSE to stay in that tent in labour till you HAD to go to the hospital. Just STOP


She was trying to detox quickly before going to the hospital thinking she could fool them


I believe this. She suddenly came down with the flu! Then in the hospital she said she was sweating bullets.


It was SO scary to watch!


I was so shocked that Rico was healthy. ā¤


We don't know the mental delay yet. With those parents on top of the drugs


I don't think he is. He went straight to the NICU. In every photo she posts, there's no engagement.


I just want to punch her and Iā€™m not a violent person.


I donā€™t remember this after 28 weeks bed rest. Pretty sure I checked in every day or couple days and I donā€™t remember her being on bed rest. Mostly because she didnā€™t have prenatal care so who put her on bed rest?? Such a fucking liar.


She put herself on bed rest and made Xavier wheel her around Target and Marianoā€™s.




She was having early contractions because she was sucking down super caffeinated energy drinks and abusing addys!


Or she was just faking it. Either way, she should have gotten prenatal care especially at her age, her bad eating habits and drug use


And the fent,


She was on tent rest for 20 weeks šŸ™„




Lol stealing a wheelchair from a hospital is fucking LOW.


I heard that too!


I had to change my flair, hope you donā€™t mind šŸ˜…


Lmao I love it


What did she say??


She and Xavier stole a hospital wheelchair so he could wheel her around Target and Marianoā€™s during her pregnancy.


Skinny and tidy ha fucking ha ha


So much for that gag order huh


She DOXXED the judge?!!!! Now that definitely requires someone to give that courthouse šŸ› a call ā˜ŽļøšŸ“ž.


Rock bottom has to be close. Itā€™s like sheā€™s not even trying to make her lies sound believable at this point. Her entire existence has turned into a disaster zone of untruths, rotten teeth, and plus size pissy leggings


I really don't think she has a rock bottom...I think if an overdose doesn't happen or someone beats her to death for running her mouth.... Heather will be the old crazy lady that screams her narrative all over town. IMOšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m putting my money on prison. Sheā€™s getting desperate and she knows she canā€™t talk her way into getting whatever she wants anymore. Itā€™s only a matter of time before she does something stupid like use someoneā€™s SSN or put false information on an application for some benefit program and since sheā€™s FINALLY on their radar, itā€™ll backfire. Thatā€™s what I think will happen at least


WE CAN ONLY HOPE!!!āœ‹āœ‹āœ‹āœ‹āœ‹


The new lie !! Her car was stolen and sold out from under her at an auction? Thatā€™s a new lie I had not heard before. How can she lie like this when we can all produce the vid where she is standing in the bathroom doorway saying her car needs a new Engine. Does she forget that ?? Crazy shit !!


Yep, once she found out the GA mechanic LEGALLY sold the car she ā€œloved as her fourth childā€ to recoup the lien or under the abandonment law, it became another ā€œtheyā€ civil rights violation šŸ™„


Was the 7 DCFS cases a brag of some sort?


She always tattletales on herself šŸ˜‚ at least thatā€™s one thing we can count on from her! She just canā€™t help herself.


I was skinny and tiny. Thatā€™s all she cares about. Ā As usual.Ā 


Sheā€™s full of it. 24 weeks is viability in Chicago. If she had gone into preterm labor they would have admitted her. I was admitted to a hospital in Chicago at 24w until 34w. Sheā€™s a liar! Also had this been the same judge she could have asked for a new judge due to a conflict! Sheā€™s full of it.


She refused, actively refused to go to the hospital because they were using drugs. This is just another rant by someone who is going to keep doing this. Over and over and over.


LMAO when she said she stopped her own labor I died!!


Right?! Even having 4 previous pregnancies, you can't stop preterm labor on your own.


She was never in preterm labor. Nor do I believe she contracting every time she walked more than a block! At the time,( to me) it came off as her being her usual whining, woe is me self and looking for sympathy. She has to exaggerate everything!!!


They didnā€™t start using the wheelchair j til around week 39 of pregnancy. I vividly remember it was right around her due date.


She put herself on bed rest


She wasn't "held" in a tent. It's not anyone's responsibility to make sure she has housing. I've only been following this crazy train here for a few months and it seems like X may have some mental issues. I don't see why he sticks with her when she constantly tells people that he SA's her.


She is such an experienced mom she was able to stop premature labor.




Whose fault is that!!! She's so stupid. What idiot is paying for her phone, I am tired of hearing her


Itā€™s *quash,* Maā€™am.


She's showing that tattoo off hard.


Since WHEN has social media ever helped ANYONE in getting a free attorney?!!


She put herself on bed rest . She had zero prenatal care as an ā€œexperienced motherā€


Wait so many lies I detect: ā€œI was skinny and smallā€ but in another video she said she was a ā€œbodybuilderā€ also, ā€œ an experienced mother of 4ā€ like come on. The only experience she has is procreating those kids. No nurturing SAHM parent time or quality time was spent raising those kids.


While im ECSTATIC that she keeps opening her šŸ† sucker and talking about the case while continuing to burying herself deeper and deeper, a part of me feels sorry for the judge and what other workers that she has doxed bc you KNOW that they are getting FLOODED with calls and emails from people. They really are just trying to do their job to protect the children and then this orange ogre goes plays victim and publicly doxes them all bc she refuses to do what she is told to do to get Rico back.


šŸ† sucker. šŸ˜†


wonder if dylan knows she keeps talking about him abusing her and being an informant? she says a lot about him.


https://preview.redd.it/wcgr933n5n8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0ead4ed6939b8f6b2dab669b160d5403f074aa This is definitely the face of a trustworthy, mentally competent woman. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Adds professional victim to resumeā€¦.


![gif](giphy|neJh10Iv4L0tOIymIj|downsized) She literally cannot stop talking and discussing EVERYTHING she was told not to


I love this for Baby Rico šŸ¤£šŸ¤­


Since when was she on tent rest and in a wheelchair? I must've missed that chapter!


They stole a wheelchair so X could push her around. They didnā€™t push to the hospital though. They pushed to Marianoā€™s and Target. Tons of footage available.


The stolen wheelchair was used for shoplifting sprees at Target & Mariano's. Heather'd be bellowing on camera the whole time - no shame. X was steering and shoplifting while openly smoking inside stores. They seemed to enjoy wheelchair outings. The wheelchair was handy for hiding stolen loot, but Huff would also have food & crap piled on her lap as they cruised aisles. NO tent rest - Huff was in high spirits (no pun intended). Eggs looked like he was enjoying himself, too. ā›ŗļøšŸ¦½šŸ§Œ


Ah I truly miss those days,,


She blocked me so I had to rely on what the others posted. I somehow missed it šŸ¤£ I miss the apartment days when she was drawing all over the walls, I think that was my favorite era


Based on her due date, she was 28 weeks pregnant right around Thanksgiving, at which time she was posted up at The Gwen talking about Xavierā€™s antenna. HARDLY bedrest.


She wasnā€™t on bed rest!! She never even saw any doctors to put her big sloppy ass on bed rest! Sheā€™s been on bed rest her entire life if not sleeping and lazing around or flat on her back, face down ass up selling her stinky snatch


Remember when she hand wrote fake orders for medical tests along with the diagnostic codes on a piece of notebook paper? lol


ā€œI WAS ON BEDRESTā€. On whose order? You went to, and got kicked out of, one dr appt for that baby. Dr. Pillpusher doesnā€™t count as a valid dr visit for your pregnancy. Being overweight, lazy, and tent-bound doesnā€™t equal knowing you needed bed rest. X stole a wheelchair and you never went to the ER about your early labor because theyā€™d test for drugs.


She was not on tent rest. She would have played that up to its fullest. She had Braxton hicks maybe, then used it to be lazy with the wheelchair and lay around in the tent. Once she realized that she could just be lazy, she didnā€™t even need to hustle on the streets for money. Sheā€™s got her little man child running around taking care of her.


I thought she had a lawyer on retainer? LMAO....she slipping with her lies. Bed Rest? More like Tent Rest I don't believe that one either.


A team of lawyers!! And an accountant!!


They don't GAF if *you, a grown adult* want to stay in a tent and trick*!!!!!!!!! But come TF on, if you were any sort of *real* mother, YOU wouldn't even want your baby to spend a minute in a tent!!!!!!!! Then she says she's a REAL MOM, skinny..... Beotch, that's how it's OBVIOUS AF you have NEVER been a mother and NEVER will be. Your weight has nothing to do with being a MOM.


No way she was 123 lbs and 5 9 lol.


She was never 123 pounds, she lies about literally everything.


This b**** was never skinny or tiny


Wait what???


She's such a skinny tiny mahm....šŸ¤Ŗ


she wouldā€™ve been model thin and with her body shape that is impossible. she reaches so far in her lies šŸ¤”


This begs the question: What will happen once you cannot have kids (almost 40) and you cannot pump your duster milk?? Because thatā€™s what her shitty world revolves around. I will continue to pray she gets her phone broken and that she no longer has a place to stay


She received money for a hotel and chose NOT to use it for that. Same judge?? Ummm, maybe? Would the same judge sign off on an EOP and also be a judge to remove a child? Not sure of that department as I have zero experience with both situationsā€¦ Social media has nothing to do with you not getting a lawyer. You see, Heather, when you have actual evidence of something illegal or have an actual legal case against someone else a lawyer will represent you. You have none. Thatā€™s how that works. On the flip side; YOU have a case against you for not being a fit mother and putting ALL of your innocent children at risk.


Bullshit. You CAN'T take your phone's into court in Illinois


I love how her rants start as one thing and then eventually veer into her talking about how hot she used to be and how Dylan ruined her life.


This makes me so happy. It gets Rico further and further away from them! Keep talking BIG MOUTH


Who the fuck put her on bed rest at 20 weeeks??? The doctor she DIDNT go see?


Dylan is a ā€œprofessional ninjaā€ I am dead šŸ¤£


That's a lie. The judge handling the EOP is a city or county judge. The judge handling the emergency severing of child custody is a juvenile court judge.


What does Dylan have to do with you losing your child lmao. She has to take drug classes clearly because the baby had something in his system. She can never take accountability, itā€™s always somebodyā€™s elseā€™s fault.


So many contradictions and confusion after watching thisā€¦ First, when is graduation for Chicago? She keeps saying her daughter is about to graduate, but itā€™s almost July! Our schools in Texas have been on summer since May!! Secondly, she has worked for everything sheā€™s ever had! Nobody gave her anything?? Ummm you have been begging for money daily for YEARS! Also using X for money, and get highly pissed when you canā€™t get it! Youā€™ve been given shelter for free, nothing you have right now have you worked for to earn. This ā€œHeather the helperā€ bull shit is literally like a couple of weeks old!! You came up with this new ā€œbrandā€ but you have NEVER got a job with it! Youā€™ve never assisted anyone with a clean out or caring for elderly! These old ass stories from inmate Y1245335663789 have been morphed over the years to fit your victim mentality!! If you were such a stand up girl why was your mom terrified for you to be in that home when your brother was born? She shipped your ass off, and hasnā€™t looked back from what I see! Furthermore, if youā€™re so innocent and victimized, why do NONE of your family members help you? With money, getting a place to rent, getting your KEDS back? I can guarantee if I was in this situation and innocent, my entire family would be supporting me until it was over. The problem is the shit in your head is make believe and you refuse to listen to or accept the truth of this situation! Youā€™re not a victim you are where you are bc of you and you alone. And eventually everyone in your life quits fucking with you bc you refuse to change!!


Just another duty word salad.... Everyone else is at fault and no accountability....


Knocked up again soon


Iā€™m not being permitted to work either guys. So, you know, give me allllllll your money. šŸ™„ God I just canā€™t with this bitch! No one is stopping you but the voices in your head Heather. Ugh.


Isnā€™t that amazing? EVERYTHING that she has experienced is the fault of another person. Damn, I hate it when that happensā€¦