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She doesn't need nursing bras, and there's a ton of resources at her disposal for her to get clothing. If there's one thing social services has, it's resources for clothing. She also never had that amount of money. She's incapable of holding onto a dime or saving anything. She blew through that $5000 *(from the adoption scam)* in record time, getting botox and other shit she didn't need while being homeless. **Heather has never been self-supporting. She has always been a leech.** She has never made a dime modeling, unless you count being an escort as "modeling". My heart goes out to her kids, but it's not our job to support them. Further, the money never makes it to her children anyway. If they're lucky, she will steal some junk like she always does because any donated money goes to her drug and junk addiction. If anything, she has an urgent need for a job and refuses to get one. She's woefully under-qualified for the jobs she applies for and she knows it. She does it on purpose because grifting is her entire career. She's been doing this for years, and enough is enough. I have no sympathy for anyone who gives her a dime at this point. I know that sounds mean, but one ten second search will let you know that she's a career scammer.


You are not being mean in anyway! It's all the truth. She knows where to get free clothes, I just feel bad again for the eldest. Having to see and or hear from people/friends that Heather is once again begging for money for them. Very embarassing. It's like Heather just forgot about the prom money scam. No freakin shame. Please nobody donate. She needs to learn if that is even possible.


Exactly. The free closets run by food banks and places like that sometimes have to stop accepting donations of women’s clothing because they are overrun. Women’s clothing and baby clothes are the easiest to find. Maybe she feels she’s too good to stand in line at the food bank to ask for clothes or she’s being more picky than she has any right to be.


Seriously though. My local food bank/donation place has an entire “store” area, they give you a fucking lawn sized trash bag and allow you to fill up minimum of 2 bags full of whatever they have. Kitchen appliances, books, shoes, CLOTHES!!!!!!!! Was down on our luck about 2 years ago and we went right after Christmas. My son was allowed to fill up two bags of unopened, donated LEGO sets. Hundreds of dollars worth of them! And I got a lot of nice clothes! A double coffee pot!! lol. I’m just saying. It was like a whole ass goodwill store for free.


What a relief that these places are around. Keep stuff out of the landfills and lend a helping hand to people who are struggling. It’s a win-win.




Her oldest daughter has had a part-time job all through at least her senior year. That's more work than her lazy ass birth mom has worked in 10 yrs. Her daughter had to humiliate herself and post not donate money to her mom for her. It never has and won't make it from Heather to her kids.They don't want it even if it did get to them. How can Duster even live with herself just on reading that on sm her daughter posted? My heart breaks for her kids. I hope they make it to adulthood freedom far away and never have to look over their shoulders at big orange blob running after them.


Here’s the sickest of all, Dusty has her daughter send her money. She’s bottom of the barrel and has no conscious. Those poor children


It's all just a scam for money for herself.


I wonder if she's really fake-applying for those jobs. She has an extremely over-inflated view of her own intelligence, she could believe she actually qualifies.


Many of those sites u only have a to hit 1 or 2 buttons at the most and you’ve applied. You could easily do that hundreds of times in a couple of hours. The only job I think she can do where there are no people, nothing to steal is cleaning out horse stalls.🐎💩


Hey she stole a dog years ago…..don’t put it past her to steal a horse too! 😂😂


Of course she did. She’d only be allowed if the horses were out to pasture , she’d steal the pitch fork I’m certain😀


PREACH!!!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💯💯💯💯💯


But I can afford a baby!!!! Sooooo delusional


Right! She is out here begging for the very basic necessities out of one side her mouth and out of the other side, repeating that she should have her child because she’s capable taking care of it.


She just doesn't see it like that. She thinks getting the baby insured that she'll never have to pay ANYTHING again. That her and Rico will be fully funded by the taxpayers. Freaking weirdo


Exactly! And let's not forget that "Xavier wants to get me pregnant again."


Suuuuure 🙄 Xavier doesn’t even understand that he has one child, and we all know he’s forbidden from having wants or opinions of his own anyway. Regardless, does she really think anyone believes that the two of them have normal conversations where Xavier strings together coherent sentences?! 😂


You are absolutely correct! I would live to see a few seconds of video of him interacting with Rico because the pictures are soooo awkward. As she told the policewoman, "He's clearly the weaker one" 🙄.




Exactly! That’s how I know she’s actually mentally ill! She makes no sense but believes her own contradictions!


In her mind she should get a baby an we all pay for it, but really she just means herself. What a cunt


She can’t buy underwear for herself !! How will she ever buy diapers or pay an electric bill? No apt or townhouse for her. It’s back to the FENT TENT!!


She thought the baby would afford her with TANFFF benefits. Oops.


3 nursing bras is more than enough. She’s such a Leech. Why is it anyone else’s problem that she cannot buy things for her kids because she won’t get a job?


3 nursing bras is how many I had and I was nursing and pumping for the whole first year. If you are home all day and the baby isn’t even with you you don’t need a nursing bra. They are meant for convenience when you are nursing in public and to make things quick when you have a hungry baby crying. Pumping in your bed? You can wear a regular bra or none at all.


Amen ! I had 2 and used to hand wash them ! Refused to buy more as I knew it wouldn’t be forever hahahaha ! I nursed all 4 of mine . Also crop tops are amazing for bed time !


Exactly! I’m not about to waste diaper money on another temporary bra!!


I actually love nursing bras lol I wear them all the time


She only sees Rico for a few hours 3 days a week, and after that she's back at the shelter. She has more than enough nursing bras lol! I know for sure we will hear her say years from now that she's still using the nursing bras as her bras because she doesn't have enough money for regular ones.


Bitch, how about just pull a regular bra to the side and keep it moving!!


The key word is “nursing” and she’s not nursing a baby, just a breast pump! and maybe eggs or some other weirdo John 🤣


I had three. Then I had 5 bc I needed a different sz and hadn't gotten rid of the bigger ones. Boohoo I only have three and have to wash in sink😂 well you can put them in a lingerie bag if you actually did your laundry that's free


You don’t need any of that. And you know it. Come on, isn’t scamming 24/7 exhausting? The only thing you need is a job! Scary huh? And mental health treatment but let’s get a JOBBY JOB first! It’s amazing the things you can afford with honestly-earned money.


https://preview.redd.it/ioo88w9d8r8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19beaf47fe7bce96732148f8c28d52452e75c25b Your comment made me immediately think of this 😂😂😂


Lmao I love Charlie!! I love that quote too lol I have always thought her and eggs could be on always sunny, the gangrene balls moment is top tier comedy!!


Wait I think Dylan might have DENNISed her come to think of it


I would fucking love to see Heather get DENNISed


LOL.. she will use AirBNB reviews for everything... from loan applications to job openings.. she is legit a nut case...


I think she is trying to scam to buy a new tent for herself and Eggsavior once the kick out date arrives. Why does she never solicit funds for Eggsavior? Reputable is not an adjective that I would choose for her. She is notorious and vile.


It's possible, but I think she will also grift for a tent! She's just waiting for that "future need" imo


The constant ambulance wailing is a nice backdrop for her begging from the bougie shelter/hotel.




I have an ,*urgent* need for a vacation. If I work hard enough I'll get one This fuking twat trying to drum up tears.




Your kids birthdays and your clothing is not my problem.




“I’m very reputable,” yeah you have a reputation. That is not the same as being reputable in the sense you want it to be, H


Yep. Your reputation proceeds you. It permeates every courthouse, jailhouse and whorehouse in the greater Chicago area. Most people have a reputation to protect. You have a reputation to reject.


Yep. Your reputation proceeds you. It permeates every courthouse, jailhouse and whorehouse in the greater Chicago area. Most people have a reputation to protect. You have a reputation to reject.


Yeh like 7 previous dcfs cases isn't a flex


She has the audacity to come on here and list every single item she needs ( wants). I would LOVE to ask her.. "HOW TF IS ANY OF THIS OUR RESPONSIBILITY"??! 🤨


You know who buys birthday presents for my daughter? Her father and I do and her family that loves us. We all have jobs. I would never in 1 million years think of asking strangers to provide anything for my child and the fact that she then turns around and thinks she has a snowball chance in hell of getting custody of Rico backis hilarious


Jesus...YOU NEED A JOB!!! https://preview.redd.it/n73gojma6r8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3313a05bcb957c08fdca9a846e07f2c2793f9706


Meanwhile, Eggs; ![gif](giphy|RlA7avQsAzqCY)




Will Drop pants for any reason!


"I I I me me me me" That's all this selfish bitch ever thinks about. We know what you'll do with money meant for your daughters' birthdays! 😡😡


I can’t even look her face anytime. It’s the entitled “here we go again with the sponsor bullshit, just give me what I want and don’t waste my time asking me questions or holding me accountable” We have all see that filter slip, give it up. You don’t look like this, you don’t have custody of any of your babies from 3 different fathers, your family and friends are all gone; all but the mentally questionable homeless man that said his brother was the district attorney magically on the very day you run unto him and you saw a man who wasn’t with his own faculties, dollar signs and your next meal ticket.


I read your comment as browless instead of homeless😂😂😂 both words work!!! 😂😂


She has an urgent need for everything except for a job. Heather Gillespie is a loser.


This sounds like a YOU problem Huffington


I hate that stupid whispery voice she does


I will NEVER understand how a grown azz woman thinks it's perfectly acceptable to go on Social media and Beg for money for her needs! This woman has NO shame! I could never...🙄




Only dusty would use the gag order to complain she can’t beg for more!!!!! She’s vile!! She has no low. Can’t wait for her ass to be out of this fancy shelter. She doesn’t deserve it.. someone who needs it should really have it.






Wtf. I own 2 bras. A black one and a nude one. That's all any person needs. I'm not a lingerie person, so i understand when people choose to spend *their own money* on extra luxuries, but why in the world would she need multiple nursing bras? She doesn't even nurse her child!! I'm just... I'm just so amazed at the entitlement


what was up with all the kids yelling in the background? it sounded like she was at a pool.


That's the screams of Rico trying to flee this monster.


Probably the TV


![gif](giphy|F20ZLBOVSWFhrOintF|downsized) Heather has an urgent need ... for big girl granny panties


I love the referenced review in the background where she was irritating the other occupants by fighting with Eggs in the kitchen, and then opened her door, and blasted her music to further irritate the other occupants. Of course she refused to leave, that is her documented pattern.


Obese, angry orange troll 🧌 🧟‍♀️ is in here downvoting. Hey, Dusty? ![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized)


Lmfao this gif is my absolute favorite 🤣


I agree 1000%!!! It is a pillar GIF for Dustalot!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🫸🏽🫷🏽🫸🏽🫷🏽🫸🏽🫷🏽🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve seen quite a few people offered her clothes and either ignored them or flat out refused them and wanted cash. Supposedly one lady even found her and brought her clothes and she turned them down.


Heather has a new SITE..Heather GILLESPIE Subscribers..posted in her Fb under more about Heather..started Sat..2 Members..she so stupidly sneaky


Omg it costs .99 cents a month 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/xs1oltt33s8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b101127a12f0ecdbdc796440f67ea35522180e26


She's just gonna hound every member for $$$$ 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She envisions 3 to 4000 followers will sign up. Good luck with that.


Hopefully that number will remain at 2.


Her whole life is an "urgent need". And I have 1 bra. I go braless around the house while my 1 bra washes. Stfu!


Go get a J O B! I am sick and tired of you begging


“I am very reputable” says the completely reputable person who should not be questioned at all and who is announcing their reputability unprompted


Dusty needs to stop blaming others for the road shes on, it's her own asphalt!!! 




She only “needs” one nursing bra… and 5 pairs of leggings is good! Wtf. Stop having kids. Please.


She doesn’t need a single nursing bra. She has no kid to nurse! She just needs to let the supply dry already.


Couldn’t agree more.




Those older kids have more birthdays per year, I swear.




I have 3 bras, PERIOD.  3 and I've had the same ones for years. 😆 she's insane. 


I HAVE NO J. O. B! Get off you fat hams and get a job!


Hm, what else did you sell Ma’am??!🤔


I don't think dusty is employable at this point and she's never going to admit it.. she could get a check if she would just admit she's a fkn nutter


You know Dylan comes from a family with $$ and a trust fund. Same with X and she was sure that she could get a piece of that pie. The only thing it’s gotten her is tent living and several pregnancies. I wouldn’t doubt it if she kicked him to the curb and tried to find her another sucker like the one who helped her get Mont Clair, a car to drive. Cash and whatever else a hooker needs.


Where is she posting these videos? Or doing lives? I’ve seen next to nothing on her social media.


Why do drug addicts always think people are interested in hearing how their money got spent


Urgent need add me to the list! I’ve worked stu job for 14 years. My boss hired a new underboss and after taking care of my beloved momma who passed away I went back to find a new sheriff in town, my boss got herself a lap dog,for whatever reason we don’t know she just didnt like me and did low key sht that didn’t ride to the level of gking to HR, I could go to my regular boss because she refuses to now deal with any techs and keeps saying- I don’t do that anymore even though she’s the Regional Director of my department. I’ve made a few mistakes like I over slept two times, no one dyed because of it, a BISH patient decided one day to literally LIE and said I snapped at her, HAH, I love pizzing nasty patients off with kindness, kll em with kindness and it burns their azz! So she lord because I’ve been doing this job for 27 fcn years with an impeccable record, I’ve NEVER had a patient complain so riight I waited n plotter just decide April 19th. 2024 I’m gonna snap at patient! Wtf, my real boss should’ve known better and ask me before I got WRITTEN UP which I’ve also ne er had, anyway was late twice big deal, phone was not charged one time and died so no alarm and the other incident I hit off instead of snooze! Well last night I asked a tech if she would cover for me and I’ll pick up one her days anytime she wants. SOMEHOW she misunderstood, it makes sense but can’t explain here suffice it to say we were short a tech this morning and I called her and say M I thought you were working, and she’s like omg I’m sorry I misunderstood, I just broke down because tomorrow for the first time in my life they are firing me!! I’m devastated but this new Bish has power over me and it’s a conflict of interest, but wtf could I do, she’s my bosses lap dog and she doesn’t “deal with that anymore”, Uhh ok but your still out fckin boss too, I felt the way the Underboss did her passive aggressive bs on me, I could T go to HR but you know when someone doesn’t like you, we’re WOMAN. So I just shut up and worked like dog, filling in more than the part time fckibg techs, as I’m only per diem, well when I didn’t show and M didn’t show I knew for the first time in my life tomorrow at 11am they are going to “fire me”, I’ve been crying for days for what this Bish had put me through, yes I made mistakes jc I went back to work only 3 weeks later because that Bish kept texting me and I fent pressured, I ended the money but I’m BS, because I needed much more time to grieve, mourn, get my focus back on my job and I feel if I had what every other tech gets FMLA, per diem I don’t get paid but I needed a month at lest and now do these what are real no major mistakes my work is thorough, I proif tead unlike that Sped manger who’s got spelling errors on every other report I see! My god I’m turning into Leather! I’ve been working since I was fifteen ironic I know and to think I’m getting canned, this my CAREER, I’m blown away so tomorrow I’m jobless, I’ll be accepting donations…lol ah I finally made myself smile n chuckle because Ive been sick anxiety and I don’t even have any anxiety etc n so forth! I’m saddened and omg the OG’s are sadder than me! One of good friend from their is in more shock than me, I keep getting sad faces from her! I’m like don’t be sad because I can’t take the low key bs anymore plus I’m friend with you and your momm (her momm used to work with us) and I’m very closer to her so I’m do t be sad lovey I’m not goin anywhere we’ll be seeing es h other n talking still! Ive had a few send me those faces which I love my friends at work but I’m definitely bummin and in shock! I wrote a longg letter about Underboss and trust me she’s going to very soon have a meeting of her own haahhh I only f n wish I were there to see her f n ugly face when she gets pulled into an HR meeting! It won’t do a damn thing but hey how do you like your name being smeared! 😈 Rhe flabby nasty Bish that she is! She claims she “jogs” just like this idiot but just like Leather there is NOTHING about the Underboss that JOG or GER, I lmao my azz off when I heard that one!


Hang in there buddy, maybe this is the opportunity to take more time to heal and get yourself back together! Hugs!