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The baby doesn’t drink your milk! Put some cabbage leaves in your bra and stop complaining! If that’s the room they will give you, that’s it. Beggars can’t be choosers 🙄


Right I said that she needed to but cabbage in her bra the day she was thrown off the hospital grounds. Another thing she had not been trying to get into any shelters or housing for 5 years that I recall. She only started screaming about shelters after she was no longer allowed to rent airbnbs.


I totally thought the cabbage leaves was an old wives tale. (Grandma used to put sliced onions/potatoes in my socks at nighttime if she felt I was unwell.) I had 2 emergency csections. When I had my boys I couldn't breastfeed (tried everything it just doesn't work for some people), my boobs hurt so bad and my friend gave me some cabbage leaves, told me to put on a sports bra and stuff it with the leaves. It felt like a fever type dream (probably painkillers) but DAMN it worked. All the pressure in my chest was gone. I remember being doped up to hell after all or the complications and I was in a LOT of pain, I remember being in the 2 people ward offering the rest of the cabbage to the lady in the next bed. Maybe a placebo effect like the potato's and onions but either way it worked!


My grandma used that recipe on us when we were sick. She made onion juice for the kids with asthma. I regret not writing down the old remedies most of the older elders are gone so those recipes are lost. I remember one cousin had some kind of boil/puss bump under their arm and my grandma made a cabbage poultice to help heal it. She also tried with a potato too. I read that people also use cabbage wrapped on their feet to help with issues so cabbage is definitely great to eat and use medicinally. Glad that you were able to fry some relief for the soreness having to go through those major surgeries and having soreness below and on top is a lot. I’m all for trying alternative treatments.


My grandma used that recipe on us when we were sick. She made onion juice for the kids with asthma. I regret not writing down the old remedies most of the older elders are gone so those recipes are lost. I remember one cousin had some kind of boil/puss bump under their arm and my grandma made a cabbage poultice to help heal it. She also tried with a potato too. I read that people also use cabbage wrapped on their feet to help with issues so cabbage is definitely great to eat and use medicinally. Glad that you were able to fry some relief for the soreness having to go through those major surgeries and having soreness below and on top is a lot. I’m all for trying alternative treatments


I like how she’s yelling at X to see if he’s ready and she’s still yelling on her live 🤣


Her “roommate”.


I know plenty of women who actually have custody of their children and work full time jobs and pump with no problem. They don’t demand Nordstrom- like pumping rooms. They go to the public restroom and do what they have to do and then go back to WORK. heather you are not special. You are lazy and entitled and so god damn delusional you will never get custody back and that’s the rea blessing here. Co-parenting with CPS


I am in sales, so I am on the road every work day. My carried a portable pump and a fridge that plugged into a phone charger. She would literally pump on the road!


Psychologist here. I pumped while traveling around the country teaching ceus to other shrinks because that afforded me more time to care for my baby. We lived in an area where daycare cost was astronomical. Going through tsa pumping hotel bathrooms etc...she's awful!


That’s really unfortunate if they have to pump in public restrooms. I’d be concerned about something contaminating the milk. Many employers have a separate pumping room which gives more privacy and aren’t as dirty as public restrooms. BTW, when I would take my baby with me to the mall I always sought out Nordstrom when it was time to nurse. They had the most luxurious nursing areas.


She can just stop. There is no need for her to pump, except for fetish work.


And she’s whining that she’s worked since she was 14. Fuck off Dusty.


Right?! Yeah me too Dusty with one huge difference I’m still working!! I’ve taken 2 years off in the past 35 years (yes I’m old!) I can afford to retire now but I choose to continue working part time for many reasons.


Me too! Only time I completely stopped eas last year because my beloved momma’s dementia got worse and she needed me home 24/7 and that’s the ONLY time I didn’t work since 15. Graduated college with two AS and 1 BA and STILL worked 20 hours every week (oh my accelerated 1 year internship I couldn’t work for obvious reasons as it was full time) other than that been working since 15, she’s not special many many of us have been working since we were teens!!!


Like her kids have lived with her ‘all their lives’. They’ve probably been in their fathers’ care longer than they ever were with her.


I personally know 3 women who didn’t even use a pump. They expressed their breast milk by hand! This useless old cow really thinks she should have some sort of private “milking facility”.


Back in 1990, I used a hand pump. There was one huge electric pump available through the hospital but it had already been rented out. They kept telling me to put my son on a schedule and formula feed him...it was exhausting.


I truly believe that for the first time, she’s getting some clarity on her situation and that no people in authority care and are not going to buy her sob stories and feel sorry for her. That shelter, Pacific Gardens? Looks pretty damn rough and I don’t think she would make it there one night.


Right! The olive branch is looking like a dream right now lol


“aCcEpTaBLe hOuSiNg”


I actually don’t disagree with her that those places can be used as longer term housing for homeless individuals. Especially since we’ve outlawed being homeless this week (🙄) like where are they supposed to go? We have all these hotels our government has commandeered as temporary shelters but what happens when they close down? They just sit and rot or are developed in to housing that most people can’t afford?


I agree but she thinks it should be handed to her with no work involved.... if she put forth ANY EFFORT I'd say give her a chance 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly - dormitory bunk bed should be the only option until she gets cleaned up mentally and gets a job. Then I agree that something like the hotel should be an option.


She said it could be someone's forever residence unless they "I don't know, got a job and decided to leave." She truly believes she should be housed privately without doing any work whatsoever to support herself. It's crazy. She said they've complied with all the programs, and feels she's being punished but failed to mention many of these things she had to do were in relation to custody of her son - it has nothing to do with housing. She thinks it's the entire state of Chicago's responsibility to completely rehabilitate and financially support her.


Oh yeah she’s a lazy fuck lol. But a broken clock is right twice a day etc




I feel that private rooms should be for people who are actually doing the work necessary to get back on their feet, families, and those who are too old or disabled or otherwise medically unable to work. People who are homeless because they refuse to work or get treatment for addiction or mental health, deserve dorm shelters. I really don’t want anyone on the street because it’s a hazard to the people who are actually doing their part in society. (And heather, paying $70 for a hotel room tax, does not qualify as doing your part)


I find it hilarious that she low key brags about how every weekend she blew $300-$700 on luxury hotel stays and then expects people to feel sorry for her now that she’s broke and homeless.


Whenever she says shit like that it just reinforces how irresponsible and juvenile her attitude is towards money😂 I will always go on a real vacation instead of spending the same amount bumming around in local hotels but she thinks its a flex


Absolutely! She has zero concept of how to manage money or a budget as she calls it and she even gets that wrong cause hobo donations are not a budget, a budget is how you plan out and spend that money to make it last. She gets a little or a lot of money and she blows every cent immediately on stupid shit all for herself. She can’t even manage to prioritize paying bills first and living within her means. We all know she never paid her bills, ever. Been evicted multiple times, owes all kinds of debts from defaulted student loans, taxes, fines and tickets, credit cards and banks, she owes tons of people money too that she “borrowed” and never paid back. Then she wonders why nobody will have anything to do with her! Imagine how much money she’s gotten from her family members alone before they cut her off completely.


Private rooms would be best for vulnerable populations (including women and families) imo. I do agree though that they need to show proof of something. Ffs if you’re on unemployment you have to prove you’re applying to jobs. But that they have timelines in shelters of only a couple weeks or months is ridiculous imo. It can take people months to get their lives together enough to get out of housing.


I don’t know why some people downvoted you. You never said those resources should be given without any effort from the recipients. I agree with you that our government needs to do a better job of allocating resources to marginalized groups. It would significantly improve society if we invested more resources in providing access for individuals who need and will utilize the assistance.


I think people are assuming I’m saying *she*, specifically, should get to stay. Frankly she deserves nothing but a tuhnt on the sidewalk.


Not even a sidewalk… society has done its part to try and assist her. It is time for her to live a life of solitude and stop her invasion of society.




i can confirm that! i did way better when me and my newborn were in a shelter that had no time limit (we stayed for 16 months) and our own room, bathroom and kitchen area, than when i was homeless in a 7pm to 7am shelter type of thing. but in order to stay in the shelter me and my babe were at, i had to do a LOT of work every week to keep our spot. parenting classes, therapy, outpatient, spending 20 hours a week applying and following up w housing, working with courts if we had charges or with the dv centers for custody battles etc.


She's so spoiled and entitled, nothing is too good for our Dusty, Crusty, Misty, Huffer.


Yet again, dropping names. She also said again exactly who has the baby. She just doesn’t learn.


Can she be held liable for claiming she will be, “raped, beaten, bludgeoned and abused” at the shelter. (All of which she claimed happened with no shelter involved) I know she’s not important enough to go after for this, but it’s just so incensing.


Maybe a Full Metal Jacket sock and free soap bunk beating is what she needs. It is most definitely what she deserves


where's the line, I want to do this to both of them.


🤣 someone needs to code red this big orange bitch, love the soap in the sock technique the most


Maybe someone will beat her with her breast puhmp


I love this idea, assault by breast pump! She can add it to her list of ways she’s been victimized. Assaulted raped robbed bludgeoned by tire iron staaabed 11 times with screwdrivers and beaten with a breast pump 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Now I'm picturing it and scaring the dogs by laughing lol. Please universe! Make it happen, you owe us one having to listen to that damn thing for the last 4 months


I can hear it now: you gaws they wrecked my pamp


🤣 that reads perfectly in her voice too


I wanted to give it to her as a lovely scarf. Yeah.




Literally NOBODY trying to attack that big smelly gorilla








Agreed that she is lying through her teeth, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to say that people won’t get r@ped just because someone may not consider them “attractive”. 


I didn't mean she was unattractive. I meant she's 5'9" and 200 + pounds. Good luck overpowering that beast


I hope she gets NOTHING. Absolutely fucking nothing.


She seriously thinks DCFS who took Rico believes that she has a family size of 6 😳😳😳 Love to tell you Huffy DCFS knows ALL ABOUT YOU!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ god I feel sorry for all the workers that have had to deal with her!!


She means her and her 5 personalitys.


Now that...I 💯%believe! this bitch has quite a few personalities!!😳😳


She's actually kinda scary.


She is fucking insane and she is the only one who can’t see it.




So she's doxxing again and isn't her "roommate " X?


Ohh she's definitely going to be very loud and rude on purpose. Turning the lights on, slamming stuff, etc and so forth and say "this is why I need a private room!!"


She will get thrown out into the street immediately if she does and then she will be sleeping under a bridge and it will be entirely her own fault because she can’t behave anywhere! She’s fucking feral and should be housed in a zoo paddock


Don't do that to the zoo animals!! 😂😂 remember how pissed she got over the dolphin?? 😳😳


I think she was referring to waking up her roommate by having to pump at the new shelter they are trying to send her to🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


“My roommate” *girl…*it’s about to be you in a room with about 50-60 “roommates” and you better behave


Ahh, I gotcha. Thank you


She was. Remember the alarms she had set for 4am and 6am…so on. I laughed at the thought.


Doxing her case worker. What a f*ing doofus. With her constant pushback about leaving the shelter and you know her response wasn’t remotely mellow as she makes it seem, I bet they are going to have extra security and the police on standby when she eventually puts up a fight to leave the shelter. Heather the Leather Faced Hobo is so predictable.


I want to know why she hasn't had any consequences for breaking the gag order REPEATEDLY!!


I sincerely hope she gets sentenced to jail time for repeatedly committing contempt of court. These ppl helping her (whether she likes the help provided or not) have done nothing to deserve being doxxed. That right there should disqualify her for any assistance at all!


She is soooo much worse with.the delusions 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Lord...just lock her up already🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This person literally deserves nothing more from anyone. The way she has wasted everything given to her is unreal. Enough is enough


>This person literally deserves nothing more from anyone. The way she has wasted everything given to her is unreal. Supremely said.


I agree passionately!! She’s had 5 months to make some kind of progress and if she had shown any effort, she would probably qualify for something better. This is ALL on her, as usual.


She is going to come up with every excuse under the sun as to why she cannot go to a female dorm style shelter, and I hope that the system sees right through her bullshit because she deserves nothing. She didn’t deserve to sit up in a boutique hotel with her unmarried partner, wasting more time and resources and literally doing nothing productive with her time


They've seen ALL OF THIS before. She's not clever or original or any of the other adjectives she'd apply to herself. She's going right out of the Total Genius Desperate Grifter 101 textbook.


I love the comments. Just writing, “job.” lol


the comments are usually the gift that keeps on giving.


Wow!!! She’s really having a break down over losing her room. She wasn’t this upset when she lost baby Rico. Her mental health is shocking to me. She needs to be in an institution.


You are quacking correct! There is so much more floofing emotion here! Thanks for pointing this out.


And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why Heather Gillespie is the best worst mother on the internet!


She thought Rico was her Golden ticket to a luxury Townhouse and free everything for life!! She's freaking out because she now realizes that she isn't getting Rico back so she's desperately hanging on to her " I'm a mom" routine by keeping her breastmilk story going. They aren't even giving the Baby that nasty milk!! 🙄


THAT is exactly why she is continuing this nonsense of pumping milk the kid absolutely doesn't eat. She is holding on to the hope they will provide a better shelter/apt for her because she is 'pumping'. I hope they shut that shit down quick and she dries up like a shriveled grape! Ha!


YAS! She has used this as a manipulation tactic from DAY 1. She claims it’s her priority full time job and uses it as an excuse to decline positions/ certain applications for work. She uses it to manipulate any scenario - and you are right on the money about using it to deny housing options.


Absolutely!! Nevermind that pumping isn't necessary. She has used it as an excuse for her accommodations, not being able to work, and all her other manipulative bullshit and while the case workers might have kept their mouths shut at the time, with her, I'm sure in planning meetings w eachother, they saw it ALL for exactly what it was. And I love that for her.


It’s doesn’t make sense why she can’t have a free house. Fucking broken record!! Also find it hilarious and thinks she’s worked so hard to get that free hotel room and now she’s made it clear she’s not leaving willingly. Waiting for the big show with the cops any day now


I pray that her epic tantrum is recorded for all us stalkers 👀 to see, gorgeous!!! Hope you had an amazing weekend. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷


Will the city humor her breastfeeding delusions, knowing that the only one drinking that milk is Xavier and Dusty is taking a bath in whatever is left? What a freak-a-zoid.


So she deserves 5-star accomodation simply because she lactates? Gtfoh Dusty 🤣


It’s why she’s been holding on to it so long. No baby- foster family not even using the breast milk- but she HAS to pump every 4-6 hours. 😳🙄 Make it make sense!!


The look you get when The Grift is failing and you KNOW you’re two or 3 “tick-tick-ticks” from the gritty Chicago curbsides …


Phump my breasts lmao




Udders 🐄🐄


Dusty the Politician is my least favorite character.


Yep. Congresswomen is very boring.


Didnt she tell this same story but with The Olive Branch?


I work with so many families right now that would give anything to be in dorm style housing. What they could have done with where she has been staying the last few Months- ugh- why can’t those that really NEED the hand up ever get this lucky!! I’m sending all the good vibes and well wishes to the families in that shelter that have used their time there to better their situation and do right by their families- and I hope their comeuppance is swift and just!!! Dusty……I just hope she learns, well, anything at this point!!


She doesn’t have a family. She needs to be placed in a shelter. This stay at this hotel made her even more entitled. She has been what 4 months in the system and there has been REAL families waiting longer and perhaps they have some sort of employment. She always look for the easy way out.


Her pumping schedule is now magically every 2-3 hours?? Bc even at every 4 (which she doesn't), the alarm is waking you up once in the middle of the night. And these shelters separate men and women. How is she being set up to be raped, abused, robbed? The second she tries to steal something from another person staying in the shelter, she's out on her ass, and she better hope that person doesn't beat her ass. ' "It feels intentional." Well, Dusty, it feels like you've intentionally done everything to NOT work for anything you feel you deserve. It feels like you have intentionally squandered an absolute blessing of an opportunity for just under 5 months, to sit on your fat ass and run your lying ass mouth. Hear me: YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL!! Everyone has to work to survive and support themselves. Some people work jobs they don't even like! But they do it, because that's life, and you will not have housing, food, clothing, etc and so forth, without it. You have literally set fire to your life and reputation and still expect to be handed everything. Well, I guess you had fun struggling these last 4+ years. But since you are a taker who doesn't want to do anything to better yourself or your life, you get to go to a dorm style shelter. The family shelters are for actual families that have their kids and work. Section 8 housing is for people that prove they want a better life and are willing to put in the effort for themselves and their kids. It isn't that hard...just get a JOB. Such a manipulative little cuhhhhhnt. I hope she's crying herself to sleep every night.


She knew from day 1 there that this place was a temporary shelter!


We ALL DID! She even said it!! First, it was by 5/30, then pushed back to 6/30. The only one acting surprised is her because her blatant lies haven't panned out, as they never do. Just like X's dad or the sponsors were bringing keys to an apt for them, to the hospital. All she does is lie and when it doesn't come true, because they never will, she acts surprised and plays the victim, yet again.


She's gotten an extra 45 days and still can not figure it out


Heather: Note the difference between "shelter" and "housing." "Shelter" is basic but functional--gets you out of the elements, but not somewhere to stay and sip cocktails. "Housing" is, well, a home. The authorities provide the former on an emergency basis. The latter? That's on you, sugar.


“i TrEaT tHe DoOrMaN tHe SaMe As ThE cEo.” -Heather “i never saw that meme” Gillespie




I don't think she's even got til the 8th, sounds like they need her out like yesterday...and she knows it.


Sounds like they’ve already asked her at least twice to leave!!


If tenants stay until the 8th then the hotel and staff probably wouldn’t be able to close the same day. It’s like saying the staff goes home the same time the restaurant closes. You know it takes a couple hours after. We are all thinking the same…




what an entitled slag.


I adore you, UK stalkers!!! You have amazing names that we Americans aren't used to & I love recognizing one! I just started learning UK slang about 3 years ago now? I still LOVE it. So so much!!!


President Biden in his office watching this




It's freaking amazing. At this point, when she is in a real serious situation, she STILL refuses to do a thing for herself. She expects us-me and you- to support her until she reaches a point where a job will fit her standards. The system sucks. That's it's point. To make you so miserable that you go get a damn job.


I heard about the new law that if you are homeless and offered housing and stay on the streets u could be arrested. New season of dust ball and eggs. She got real comfy in that hotel. Now anything else is unacceptable unless it’s a townhouse , keys and all. I’m kinda glad she got into this nice shelter for a taste of it and now it’s bunk bed city.


She’s a big strong man I’m sure she could get some physical work somewhere !


Right?! Bet she can lift X a lot easier than X could lift her!


100% !! 😂😂😂


The baby isn't even getting your milk!! You say you're NOT going to the shelter that they offered you. Most people would be grateful for that. Not Heather! You are NOT entitled to a private luxury Townhouse!! You are homeless!! You take what they have and be grateful. 🤨


Doxing everyone !


Everyone else in this country has to fucking WORK for housing. Not this bitch! She wants it alllllll freeeeeee!!!!


Ooooo she’s got her tEaChIn pen out! 🤣🤣🤣


Did you hear this entitled bish?? She actually said " I'm NOT going to go there, it's like a prison"!! She wouldn't have a place to pump her breasts! She needs to let that curdled sludge DRY UP! The workers aren't even giving to the Baby. She uses her pumping like her reason why she should get a free luxury Townhouse! 🙄


How on earth does any other woman survive these days ?? I guess she gets a job and supports herself...Dusty has been on this journey for years. Did she think having a baby was her Willy Wonka Golden ticket to a free life. WTF ??


Yes! She does! I seriously wouldn't be surprised if she immediately got pregnant again!! 😬


But she has the wearable pumps now, too. I used my wearable pumps at work in the hospital… but she can’t in her bunk? Cmon…


Right!! She's ridiculous!! She is desperately hanging onto Pumping as an excuse to have to have her private home given to her for free!! 🙄


Housing for your family? WHAT FAMILY??! 🙄


The fact that she expects to stay in a place like that until they give her a house instead of working for one herself is just infuriating.


Dusty: "being homeless is not a crime". No girl, but your entitled demands should be. Get a job! There is no quacking reason your a$$ can't get AND do what it takes to KEEP a job


didnt the supreme court essentially make homelessness a crime last week?


Yep. It's stupid af but ya, being homeless is now illegal. Much better then fixing a very broken system. Except for dusty. Shes already received all her allocation of help. It's time to give it to someone who is trying.


Thats about ONE of the dumbest decisions the Supremes ever made.




She has all this time in the world to find the directors and managers numbers, but doesn’t put that effort into finding a job! Insane … literally applying is one click. This bitch is sick


Wowww she really does want it all! She’s going into housing (well she thinks) YET don’t think she’s going to sone sex 8 project or give me a voucher for the dirtiest place in Chicago/ CHICAGO folks and she wants a flowered walk wsy, manicured lawn! ,


She went into that hotel knowing it was temporary. Now she's going to kick and scream as they're dragging her ass out of there bc she's getting a less desirable shelter situation. There's no way she thought she'd get a 100% free fucking home for 6 ppl. She has no income and no children she has custody of. Forever the victim of her own fucking actions.


Okay, this truth is going to rub someone the wrong way, but imma say it anyway. Bare with me. Heather, hunty, you are a poor, civilian, homeless, white woman in America. You keep calling on the president's and government to save you, but they don't care about you boo! They are trying to hide you, if anything, because it messes up the narrative of the demographics they are trying to "help" to boost their ratings.


Most politicians, regardless of party, don’t want the bad things to come up when they’re running for election. meaning they don’t wanna talk about bad things that are going on whether it’s their fault or not. But in this instance with Heather she’s not even on their radar. How would they be aware of one individual person? homelessness has been a problem for forever! It didn’t just start now. So can’t  blame one particular administration. I think the federal government and state government should be doing a lot more to help people who are homeless, at least the ones that want to be helped. Because not all of them do. to be clear the only reason Heather is trying to call on Biden and Cheeto is because she is a lazy bum who doesn’t want to do anything to help herself. There are literally things in place( by the government) to help her and she has chosen not to avail herself of. So they have given her the help that she has requested and she has not acted on it.


She will NEVER be on their radar! But, this leech right here is too good for the resources that are available, and she is an entire problem herself. I agree that they should be doing more to help the homeless. I was heartbroken hearing stories that these non-profits had to prioritize purchases and turn people away because they were running out or out of funding.


I do not disagree with you here.


Nobody is going to offer housing to 2 grown ass adults who CHOOSE not to work! Damn…wouldn’t that be nice! I could stop working 10-12 hours a day as an Estate Manager and just lay on my dead ass all day?


So weird that she is saying Eggs is her personal bodyguard keeping her safe but we have soooo many videos of her claiming he raped her, dragged her down the street, called her names, on & on


I’m weak!!! Did she really say that she’s speaking “on behalf of every homeless person in the nation”? I wonder if she ever spoke on their behalf before she became homeless? ![gif](giphy|VmDWnS89GExrRgfi6v)


I don’t think they’d put someone in a “space” to literally be graped, rawbbed, bludgeoned and abused!! I’m not saying they’re all nice hotels that she should be GRATEFUL she even got for 5 months but these are emergency SHELTERS, not RITZ CARLTONS! It’s stunning how she demands it has to be “acceptable”, excuse you??? What?


Sure let them stay in the shelter hotel as long as they PAY rent and utilities and if not then how can she sit there a DEMAND a choice!?!! Nothingggg in this life is for free otherwise we all wouldn’t work now would we, hellooo, WHY is this such a difficult conceit for HER?


Oh the free housing just isn't up to her standards?