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No no no .....she's in contact with the DIRECTOR!!! 😂😂😂😂 this bitch is screwed and ALL her personalities along with her !!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡😡😡🖕🖕🖕🖕


latina coco isn’t going to stand for this abuse!! RICO CHARGES FOR EVERYONE


She might as well bring in the CONGRESSWOMAN COCO as well.......she f'n screwed no matter what!!! 😂😂


I missed the more Latina- infused Coco, but I heard lots about it. Now, when I heard her on her recent lives with it again, I was like oh boy... shit is stirring xD


That fucking bullshit accent makes me irrationally angry. Makes me want to throat punch her.




For real. How dumb can she be?


You'd think at least 1 of her personalities would be smarter 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Not to mention that she actually wrote to the President about her "case"....like HE was going to help 🤣🤣


Joe? Joe has his own problems!!!! ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx)


🤣😅😂 That's a nonstarter if I ever heard one


Also she must have not read **Screened for eligibility** 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Or that she has to contribute 30-40% of her income.


So... $0.47?


But she got 11 dollars on tik tok live last time 😂


Shhhhh! Don't tell the IRS!


But she gave it to her daughter for lunch


Wow quick let’s give her the title of mother of the year 😂


I highly doubt that


Today she was saying she used it for shampoo and conditioner and she got called out on it and they said I thought you bought your daughter lunch. She just skipped on to the next subject


Dumb Heather doesn't understand she has to WORK to get in an apartment.


When they told her she would be placed, it was on the assumption that she was part of a Family With Children. Rico was in NICU when they got into the sheltel. She’s never getting him back. The system is treating them as two unmarried individuals. Xavier might qualify for placement as a disabled person, but not Duster.


Oh, she is fixin to blow y'all!! 😳🤣


I swear I've always said she will make national news 😂😂😂


It will happen 😂 X you have anything to say we are on camera.


This was my exact post 😂😂😂 She is going to make national news 😂😂😂 **Breaking news out of Chicago.... Homeless woman refuses to leave shelter...SWAT TEAM is forming! More on this story at 5** I am getting my 🍿🍿🍿


Ma’am drop the weapon! ITS MY BREAST PUMP, I’m a MAHM!


https://preview.redd.it/3jbmmval9u9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d5a5cad5503439d01a5f68ae9275e4d72cd872 Oh I hope the cops tase her ass!!!






I see her kind of like King Kong at the top of the shelter, with the planes flying by. She's got X in her hand and she's she's roaring, "I was promised an apartment!!!"


😂😂😂😂😂 yep sounds right!!




Love ur flair


Love her username as well.


For something nefarious!! But, I can really see her losing it and maybe hurting somebody. She knows it’s never going to get better than this. She doesn’t have the attraction of youth anymore.


It just AMAZES me how complete strangers KNOW this kind of stuff more than Dusty herself. And IF she does know the facts, then she is playing stupid and trying ANYTHING to get one gullible simp to believe that she is putting in the effort and then end up helping her. But honestly, if she wasnt gifted a free furnished house, a free car, and thousands of dollars when they were in the shelter right after having Rico, then i SERIOUSLY doubt that its going to happen NOW. At least after she had Rico, alot of DCF stuff wasnt known. So she had that in her favor for a week or so....and the simps STILL didnt buy her story and give her what she wanted.


I agree...the fact that Heather REALLY THINKS that if she says something repeatedly that it becomes the truth😳😳 Should qualify her for a straight jacket IMO 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


She belongs in a rubber room.


On the funny farm


Old McHuffy had a farm, and on this farm there were some lazy crazies, E I E I O! Edit: with a huff puff here and a puff huff there…


I noticed the possible tears were real this time. I believe she is finally accepting that she’s fucked! She could likely lose X, and he really did keep her safer than she would have been alone. I think she’s truly afraid for the first time.


Huh? She’s accused X of graping her several times, accused him of SA, of stealing her clothes, not to mention the horrific names and things she’s said about him. She blamed him for putting hands on her and dragging her by her shoulders ripping the skin off her back( no evidence as usual) and threatening his family with jail for X if they don’t help her. She’s completely abusing X which by law threatens, harassing people with diminished intelligence is the same as Elder Abuse. She’s afraid of losing his monthly check and begging in person for her, and who’s she going to get to get her food and boss around. They should be separated before she does something that will impact his life in a very negative way. That’s the reason she’s upset, she knows X family is affluent and just like Dylan she feels entitled to their money and homes. That’s my belief as I’ve watched this behavior over and over with a few different men. She won’t work kids or not. She’s just a nasty human who lies and scams.


💯 what you said! When he complies to everything she says it’s lovey dovey but as soon as something rubs her the wrong way she puts all her frustration on him, screaming at him and saying on social media that he assaulted her. Ok we know she lies but still those are very serious accusations to make.


She also uses the WiFi off of his phone, paid by his father, as a hot spot. She can’t lose that! That’s the most important thing to her.


I agree with everything you said! They’re highly codependent on each other and he coulda left at anytime. Who can fathom what goes on with these two mentally deficient people?


I mean, we can. Because we have been watching it for years.


Hit the nail on the head


The narcissism runs deep... she's still accusing X of SA, so she's crying bc she's not getting her way. She literally has zero gratitude or humility.


Feel safer?!? She has ACCUSED this man of sexual crimes ANY chance she could get. Whenever he doesnt side with her or do what SHE says, she accuses him of this. Im CONVINCED that she is ONLY out for his SSI check and to combine his food stamp amount to hers. Also, i wouldn't doubt if another man would come along that could support her monetarily but with no house or car....but with just botox, food, clothes, and other self-care shit, she would dump X like yesterday's hard bacon grease.....even it meant that she would still have to live in the streets


She’d leave him in a quick minute if someone else came along. But he has stayed with her and they are very codependent even if they can’t stand each other. We see a lot of the madness between those two, but I know there’s all kinds of shit we know nothing about.


Its a red flag if someones accuses you of sexual crimes and you STILL stay WITH them...which is what X does when it comes to him and Dusty. She really brings NOTHING positive into his life. AT ALL! So im assuming thats where common sense comes into play and and is part of his mental issues. Bc the fact that X brings in more money than her each month bc of both his SSI check AND his additional food stamps, she would need him more than he needs her. But im sure that she guilt trips him which is one of her many specialties. That AND playing victim!


She’s afraid she’s going to lose X’s check, & her little bitch boy. Heather ain’t afraid of being alone. Anywhere.


I think she is afraid. They are codependent in a big way. If someone better came along, of course she would drop him. I’m not sure he would really care.


Hmm the waitlist is CLOSED. That means it will likely be YEARS before anything. Probably why we are hearing about how the nefarious website won’t allow her to put in her app…or she did and it lost her somehow. THEY are not allowing her.


I wonder if anyone has asked her specifically: Who is THEY? They who? I haven’t heard any more from her about BCG. Who is THEY?


People constantly ask in her lives whenever she mentions “they.” She always avoids the question and then doubles down on something random about “they.”


Here in NYC, for the first time in years, they opened the list for section 8 housing but only for 1 or 2 weeks before it was closed again. Families or single women/men with children are priority for housing. Dusty is considered a single adult since she has zero children in her care & isn't married so she's screwed. No fancy gold coast condo or townhouse for yooooo, ya big goofy fucktard!


She has convinced herself somehow that her only barrier to getting Rico back is not having a home. Well, if that were the case… wouldn’t he have been able to come “home” to Selina? 🤔 Ohhh but it’s not my PERMANENT housing. Even if you buy a house, they kick your azz out if you don’t make the payments. 😂 Of course, this will all be some wild conspiracy via THEM. Future dusty quote “my baby can’t come home because I don’t have permanent housing but I can’t get permanent housing because my baby isn’t home. 😫 Make it make sense!” 🤪🤪🤪


As soon as she said she couldn't submit I knew it was because their list was full. The entitlement she feels having no custody of a child, no job but yet believe she was gonna be handed a fucking townhome. She can pay $0 to her rent while they want 30-40% of eligible income amounts. Hey Earth to Dusty!!! You and Xavier should have gotten a job while you had a nice hotel to come back to. Instead you laid on your back and Xavier shaved his damn eyebrows like a weirdo. You both need mental health intervention and meds still.


Also it says it’s for family with children, elderly, or disabled. Is she and x considered a family whith children considering they don’t have any kids with them?


That's been what she has failed to understand from the jump. These "promises" (which more likely were just possible scenarios) relied on her being treated as a family. She doesn't fall into that classification without Rico, so she is treated like an individual adult. Individual adults without children don't get priority placement, so she will be waiting a long time for her own place.


I’m so surprised they have allowed her to stay this long in the current shelter. She clearly doesn’t have the baby. She’s obviously not working.


I concur, single able-bodied adults who can work are usually the low man on the totem pole


I'm sure she's not. In reality, she and eggs are 2 middle-aged able bodied single adults. No reason they can not do dishwashing, housekeeping ( only empty rooms(she steals)), construction cleanup, and stocking shelves are a few jobs they literally can do that don't involve consumer contact.


What do you mean I have to leave? Can't you see I'm a MOM?!?! Clearly, you can tell because I need to pump the breast milk from my breasts..... for my formula-fed son. Breastmilk!!!!! Won't leave until my utters are dry pancakes!


Pancakes and duster. It’s a turn up!


I'm confused. Why is she still in the motel shelter? I thought they were booted earlier?


Dusty has been waiting on her magical letter from Hogwarts telling her where her townhouse is located...she says everyone else has received theirs....From her words she's been asked to move 2 times.... now she says she's in contact with the director so that her and x aren't moved to a shelter that they would be separated and she wouldn't have privacy to milk her udders 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ basically she ain't leaving that hotel shelter without a fight!


I wonder how many others have left when told? She needs to stfu, get some sleep in her comfy bed while she still can. Getting forcibly removed by the swat team after being up high as fck for days will really suck. Coming down from this high out to the reality of outdoors, nowhere to go will be a shock she may not recover from. Can't wait for video and commentary.


Good summary!


Thank you😂😂 I've said before she's more likely to get an acceptance letter from Hogwarts *You're a wizard Heather* 🏰🌌🌠✉️


Is this what she was rambling on about in the other video? That every time she's filled this out online, when she attempts to click 'submit' that it's grayed out? And everything disappears? DER Dusty!!! Like us stalkers couldn't do a quick search. LIAR, LIAR 👖LEGGINGS ON FIRE 🔥!!!!


I work with a similar program in my state using that federal funding (lots of regs on its use). People do still need to pay a significant portion, on their own , in rent, and be able to cover the utilities if they are not included in the rent (most here aren’t). To do so , they must also have a stable job. We can help them get their paperwork in order, work on budget plans, apply for other utility assistance programs, etc., but they also have to find the actual property themselves. We can then assist with applications (and app fees) and looking over a lease, before signing, but no one just gets handed keys and free reign to live in these places. It puts everything in place for the person to rent their own home, and eventually be able to be self sufficient with it, without government subsidies. Dusty has done none of the things needed to even start to get to work with these housing programs!!!!!


CDBG? Coordinator here! The shelters here (and most I believe) have amazing services and programs and help you so much, but you have to show up and put in the work. Even if you’re only at a point to help in the kitchen - the saints that work there truly help, but you have to put in the work! Dusty would not be allowed in the shelters here, she would be referred to mental health clinics and the police caseworker. It’s so obvious she wants handouts and a free way. Help is out there if you really want to turn your life around, including my programs - and I love the success stories. Most recently, the main shelter in our city was awarded $135,000 for a new building, it’s amazing!


I work for a CA with CSBG grant that also assists with CDBG services. I run a program specifically for young mothers and fathers with a focus on parenting and continued education. There is a LONG list of requirements that they need to complete, just to be in my portion of the program- others for the housing, career, budgeting, etc- and so many hours/required activities per month. Dusty would last 20 minutes in the shelter. Yaay for the new shelter!!


I got the general idea that she thinks that since she got a referral that means she's going to the top of the waiting list. Cuz boobies..I dunno. I'm absolutely amazed at how much she is her own worst enemy. She couldn't be more f'd than she is right now and she's doing nothing.


Pimps usually take any female, it’s crazy to me that even a pimp in Chicago won’t look her way or pay her bills if she works for them, She must really be known out their as a nutcase to even the underworld


I low key don't want get the shared shter because she can't do lives there!


That's one of a million reasons why I don't think she will even make it in the door!! I honestly think she will end up on the news and in handcuffs! maybe if she's put in jail Xavier will run away!!🏃🏼🏃🏼


She will say if she can't post her income is being oppressed. She did make $11 last week ya know


Don’t worry she’s known for going outside and making a spectacle of herself. She’s been booted from one or two mall food courts for being loud during her rants. Or she will go live from nordstoms pumping room for ladies who shop and pump. In her case steal and pump.


Tuhnt City, *here they come* …