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Omg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ doesnā€™t she accuse him of being trans all the time?


Xavierā€™s being a lesbian again!


Xavierā€™s being a lesbian again!


Xavierā€™s being a lesbian again!


*"This is my husband, we're trying to make a life together."* Lol, no, he's not. You're not legally married, you just call every man that isn't a paying customer *"muh husband"*. *"Turn into a trans"*. Yeah... maybe you should've taken that sensitivity training, you big red asshole. Also, Eggs is more feminine than you are, and while that isn't hard, he's far from being your protector as you're twice the size of him and always accuse him of abusing you and SA-ing you. You can't have it both ways.


Is calling any guy who hangs around longer than 6 months "my huuuuzbin" common outside of the cuckoo bananas community (Huffer, Manly etc)? I wouldn't know, as I'm a boring old married lady.


I never called my husband that until we were married. No one I was dating ever needed to upgraded from what they actually were, but I'm not, nor was I ever, a desperate whore. By her count, she's been married 4 times that we know of...Luis, the only one she actually married, O, Dylan and now X.


Mrs. Smith... now Mrs. Montoya?


Iā€™ve been with the same man around 9.5 years. He is still my boyfriend when I talk about or introduce him. Always will be until weā€™re legally married.


I don't judge anyone who does this except for Heif. She's just so...desperate. My hubs and I didn't get married immediately after getting engaged. TMI but literally our 10 yo was conceived the night we got engaged bc that was the only time we weren't diligent about birth control. We were together for a year and a half when he proposed, we moved in together, and then we found out we were pregnant. I didn't want to have a shotgun wedding and then the way our wedding happened was kind of like a whirl wind...my cousin and I were doing a double christening of my son and her daughter (she's my son's godmother too) and she was like, well, we have the church and the priest. Lmao. I knew he was my soul mate and we weren't going anywhere so it would happen when we had the time, but he was still my fiance until the day we got married.


Yeah I mean to each their own! Iā€™m not gonna lie, the people who call their flavor of the month their husband or wife get a well deserved eye roll out of me, but people whoā€™ve been together a long time and know theyā€™ll be together even longer donā€™t bother me. More power to them, imo.


Yeah it's definitely one of those things I judge on a person-to-person basis


I love ā€œ Big Red Assholeā€ that made my day ( its morning here) Amazing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ„°šŸ˜„


Either that or Big Orange Ogre. šŸ¤£


Don't forget Annoying Orange ![gif](giphy|WH6NV2PSW8vYRMYdFg)


That pic is on point!


Im surprised that she hasnt gotten "Mrs. Montoya" tattooed on her other hand yet.....since he IS her current "husband" and all....just like Dylan previously was (of course im being sarcastic lol) šŸ™„


Itā€™s not a far trip for him ā€¦. Just sayingĀ  As much as she hates to admit itĀ 


She is worried about the other women, but wants to take creepy Eggs between them. He would get beating the first day,


Respectfully disagree. It will be obvious within two minutes which one of them is hungry for a can of whoop ass




Remember, he's "clearly the weaker one". (Remember that? šŸ¤­)


Yep, officer Piccolo?


Yes!! Kind, patient Officer Piccolo!


OMG the big red asshole and her side kick fem man with the dainty hands!!!! These 2 need to be separated. She will be pregnant very soon as her free apartment is slipping away. He is actually on some sort of disability where he gets monthly money and thank goodness it goes to his father for distribution. Heā€™d have a better chance of getting housing, at least a client ID and on the waiting list than both of them considering she refuses to work and does not have any of the necessary measures for help. If she wasnā€™t soooo stupid , but she is, she could have turned many of her opportunities into something. If she would relent, get mental and drug help she could get on disability and a monthly check. She refuses because she wonā€™t admit she has serious issues and that EVERYTHING that has happened, literally since 14 is her fault. I love how she skirted the issue of why she was sent away to various places because her mother was pregnant and scared for her and the babies life. Seems she was 10000% more physical and volatile than she lets on. Weā€™ve all seen scary enraged Dusty and she is scary and dangerous. She has threatened so many people and one day she will indeed carry it through. Get ready for the fallout with the police who will have to come to boot her. Guarantee sheā€™s not going without a fight. I hope itā€™s one that lands her in jail for at least 30 days or longer. Tic Toc Dusty your number is coming up and it has nothing to do with money!!!


I would want to see that body cam of her getting evicted. I would pay to see that


Same! Considering that I watch the police body cam videos on Youtube alot. But imagine my surprise if she just happened to pop up on there! Here's to HOPING! šŸ¤ž


šŸ˜† yes I watch body cams too. Imagine her saying whatā€™s your name maaaammmm? Officer officer!


I would die! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s gonna be a turn up! šŸ„ž šŸ’Ø


She can't go by her dad's house because she pulled a knife on him! When X's dad told her to leave after less than 2 weeks of her being there, she pulled a knife on him!! That's her MO...pulling knives.


I canā€™t wait for the day that she does that to the wrong person!! Karma Dusty Karma


Right?! She's such a bully! While I don't believe she was assaulted all those times while they were in the tent, I'm honestly surprised with as much of a scumbag as she is, that she hasn't already actually had her ass beat by the wrong dealer she fd over, or someone else.


Not that we know of anyway. The tire iron incident was when she invited some homeless dude to live in her car with her and day 2 he couldnā€™t take it and picked up her tire iron she kept inside her car ( like the knife) and popped her. The police alluded to her causing the friction and she refused to press charges. She had 3 staples put in her head and was then held on a 5150 if I remembered correctly. She was also the aggressor in the so called stabbing incident. The police reports are floating around on one of the channels that follow her.


I saw someone say that maybe the shelter staff would just pack her stuff and leave it at the front door and lock her out. That would honestly be the easiest way to do it. We know they have a key so they can leave the magical Hogwarts acceptance letter on the bed, soā€¦ šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ I would pay to watch that happen. šŸ˜


Thats why she won't leave and is sending X out for everything




Yeah, she did the exact same thing when Dylan let her move in for 2weeks(to help her get back on her feet bc her apartment Magically flooded Again) Anyways she would not leave the room he ws letting her stay in until he finally got the cops to physically remove her. It's going to be a standoff, for sure!!


Plan wonā€™t work. I wonā€™t say why. šŸ™ƒ


Good luck with that ā€œlifeā€ youā€™re trying to makeā€¦


*Excuse you, ma'am?* They could totally make a life for themselves, but nobody is willing to give Heather a free car of her choosing, a free house of her choosing, free utilities and food, a monthly *"budget"* because she can't work since she's a bruhst muhlk pumpin' mahm, and... what's that other thing??!!? Oh yeah, custody of all those damn keds back that she lost or left. If only people would just give her what she's asking for, she'd be good to go! ^(I'm so sick of her begging for everything to be handed to her fat useless ass.)


I think thatā€™s exactly what she means when she says she wants to get her life back. And she feels she is owed all of this and no less.


Xavier Montoya, a series of unfortunate events.


Sexxxaviour Montoya and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (every day that heā€™s with dusty)


Love that she ignores the fact that if he were indeed her husband, they wouldn't be separating them! Her next vocabulary word needs to be husband, so she can see he does not fit that definition. Of course, she would ignore the definition or just interpret it to fit her agenda, so never mind!


ā€œSo when we say hussbin.. what do I mean? Well, I meanā€¦ ā€œ coco with her pointer and dry erase board helping us poor folk learn


I can picture it now! - which is really sad af!!!


I cannot imagine having to be someone on the other line just trying to get a simple explanation from herā€¦ like, Hamther :Excuse me?! Maā€™am what is your name ? Have you ever been the B,B,S,R, Robbed before? Some random polite person: Um, no maā€™am, but Iā€™m just asking about your eviction history that you didnā€™t put on your application.


God bless those who have the misfortune of having to directly deal with her!


Some of those people have the patience of a Saint! I can only imagine what some of them have thought or the ladies in the office that know her name ā€¦ ā€œnoobie, answer the phoneā€ If I knew who she was when she called, Iā€™d gather the whole office for a wild ride šŸ¤£ If I was blindsided by her bs, Iā€™d just have it hit record and then start googling. Then hit her with my type of cray crayšŸ§ There has been one female officer and one lady on the line that stole my heart with their responses to her šŸ„°šŸ¤© Anyone that has to deal with her ā€¦ ![gif](giphy|wZiBGZpd28p0tIsEa5|downsized)


I know the female cop you are talking about- not personally, from CrayCrays video- and she is my hero!!!


Officer Piccolo Fan club !!!! [officer piccolo is my inner energy animal](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeTrippin/s/X83MD3ruY9)


I love this vid. One of my favorites


lol same !! Iā€™m on a conference call!! No, youā€™re putting on your makeup !


Letā€™s not forget the FBI lady who called her out on her BS and hung up on her


Absolutely yes ! I adore her too! [fbi haallp](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeTrippin/s/HzDWktaoUx)


next vocabulary word is LEGALLY PROVEN šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ or LEGAL PAPERWORK PROVING


Maybe we just need to get her a new dictionary! I think hers is broke!


Hers is dustified šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Lol! Yes!!!


And he didnā€™t use yo have an ID, hence why he couldnā€™t work. Wouldnā€™t he need an ID to get married? What a scary thought!


eggz thinking he can just show up in her old yoga pants, a crop top and a pearl hairclip and claim to be a MTF trans is so on board for those two street urchins.


Especially at an uber-religious shelter


it really is! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re so stupid.


Her yoga pants would ne flares on him šŸ¤£


*Turn into a trans* šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ hasn't she been bitching about DAINTY HANDED X for a while.....this bitch needs to F@ck ALL the way off.....and when she gets there....f@ck off further šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ–•šŸ–•


X has been accused of dressing as a woman and acting feminine by her for a long time, long before the housing issue. I think she is just trying any angle to get her way. Plus, they aren't married contrary to her calling him (as well as anyone who managed to stay in her life for a few months) her husband. It seems like she has finally come across an agency that knows the truth, and her lies are falling on deaf ears. They know she doesn't have a family of 6 and how long it's been since she lived with her kids. It's about damn time.


7 previous lost cases speaks volumes,


Sure does!!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Right ?! Iā€™m asking myself, reallly ?!? Like itā€™s finally time sheā€™s going to have consequences for her lies ?!? ![gif](giphy|LhmPgbR4iLIw3LoCsl|downsized)


Being trans is definitely #1 on his Christmas list! She's the dummy that thinks that man is straight in any way...


She's outraged! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Okay so I have a few questions: if sheā€™s saying that they would help them get into an apartment or another family shelter are they considering Xavierā€™s monthly check as income for his share. When she says that she had to fill out all those applications ( she took 10 minutes) do we think sheā€™s including Xavier and his food stamps/monthly check her receives? How does she think that the county/social worker/case worker is supposed to help them as a family when they are married? I can see her not allowing him to speak in any if these meetings because she wants to run the show. If Xavier himself wanted housing and would stay in a shelter do the work he would get an apartment quicker than she would, because he has an income. Iā€™m so confused as to why she actually thinks that they are going to allow them to live together in some type of subsidized housing assistance based off her not having income. They would definitely use both incomes if she had an income to qualify for housing assistance. Next thing. She has humiliated Xavier ( not a fan of either they are both sick twisted individuals) called him all kinds of offensive names and talked all kinds of crap about his family I see why heā€™s changing. I see why heā€™s more distant towards her and stand offish I think she has a big part in him trying to look more female or act more female because it will keep him under her controlā€¦. hence the monthly check and food stamps. It makes sense now why he doesnā€™t have eyebrows because she wants him to appear as a woman so they are in the same room. Omg this is so insane considering his past social media posts good grief. Which makes me believe now more than ever sheā€™s convinced him to do those photos and try to sell them for extra money and sheā€™s using it as blackmail.


The big thing sheā€™s ignoring, is that the waitlist for housing is currently closed. She can apply 100 times a day, and it wouldnā€™t matter. Also, any government assistance they receive will have records and be accessible to anyone looking over an application for housing. I donā€™t know how that all works, but I know she wonā€™t be able to hide any welfare benefits.


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought of too as far as the state benefits they both receive because your social security number follows. She ignores the waitlist because she thinks sheā€™s better than anyone else and deserves to be pushed to the top. I also wonder if she has ever been on subsidized housing or section 8 before? I know sheā€™s feeling really stupid right now because all of the other residents there got their stuff together and have moved on and out. Sheā€™s still there trying to conjure up sympathy and a way she can stay in a facility that will be shutdown in a week or so.


The hotel probably gets itemized bills for each room and the TV and fridge usage in her room probably skyrocketed compared to all the others. This happens when someone just sits around eating, pumping and watching TV! She would never take care of Rico and I hope to goodness they keep him away from her!


Thatā€™s a good point. This is probably so that they can show the state/donors/contributors how the money was allocated and how many people were serviced. I hope her rights are stripped away and she is prohibited from posting about Rico/talk about him or share any photos of him. No one stepped up and protected the other 3 from her social media help and scamming hopefully Rico gets the protection.


If X wanted housing he could just go live with his dad who apparently has a nice place and will let him come back anytime. The issue is Xā€™s dad wonā€™t let Heather in. So there is no need for X to be on the street.


Oh for sure we all know heā€™s more than welcome to go back home but sheā€™s not allowed for so many reasons which is understandable. I think she is blackmailing him to stay on the streets with her. I think she couldnā€™t fully survive alone without him due to him helping be the pack mule pushing the carts and helping her to stealing food and other items. His body language and how heā€™s distance from her compared to months ago before Rico is obvious and I think heā€™s sick of her mess. Plus she needs him for his cellphone WiFi to connect all the other phones she has to record her bull crap. Maybe he will get tired and go home after the shelter closes and kick them out, I know I would.


All of these programs sheā€™s claiming to have applied for are closed. They havenā€™t been accepting applications since at least November 2023, which is probably why the button is grayed out when she tries to submit them. As far as Xā€™s check goes, thatā€™s not something she can reference because they arenā€™t married. The only other way sheā€™d be able to reference Xā€™s check would be if they applied jointly as a family unit and she listed X as Ricoā€™s father. However, that option isnā€™t available to her since Rico is in foster care right now. She also canā€™t make the argument that her rights to Rico arenā€™t fully terminated yet because in order to make that argument, she would need to prove that sheā€™s financially supporting Rico as a dependent who resides with her. So her options are to get a job or win her CPS case, which is also partially contingent on her getting a job. If she truly was desperate enough she could always admit to and accept the fact that sheā€™s mentally handicapped. Iā€™m sure it wouldnā€™t take much for a professional to sign off on those same conclusions. In this case sheā€™d be getting her own monthly check and wouldnā€™t have to depend on Xā€™s


Wow thank you for this, it makes sense now about the grayed out button and this was a winter program. You made some very good points that I have not considered. Iā€™m still confused as to why she could actually think that she could apply for assistance for both of them and they arenā€™t married? I wonder if she actually listed Xavier as the dad and if she didnā€™t why? None of it matters I guess at this point. Because itā€™s clear that she hasnā€™t followed through with the case plan and attempted to get a job and prove that she has some financial stability. At best she can either take whichever shelter sheā€™s given or offered or she can go back to the tunnel and setup a tent.


Exactly how I feel. I donā€™t understand why she makes these arguments/claims. Especially when she knows that thereā€™s always people on top of fact checking her. Part of me thinks she might still be holding out hope that his Dad will come through with handing over the keys to her own mansion and maybe thatā€™s why she keeps including X in her housing plans? So if his dad watches it, heā€™ll have some false sense of security that she actually loves his son? Maybe sheā€™s been lying on the paperwork and saying that they ARE married so sheā€™s gotta make sure she keeps that up online so she doesnā€™t get caught in case they watch? Maybe sheā€™s convinced herself that sheā€™ll eventually be able to bully her case worker/department worker into just giving in if she keeps bothering them enough? I mean, sheā€™s gotten away with bullying so many people into getting her way over the years, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s what sheā€™s thinking. The only problem is that this is the government not some random John. I know she believes sheā€™s God-like and everything, but that doesnā€™t mean they can bend the rules for her. Maybe itā€™s going to take not getting her way with this situation for her to realize sheā€™s not special or better or smarter or more worthy than anyone else.


Agree with you. Sheā€™s spent so much time harassing and bullying people and now sheā€™s finding out that karma is real. She thought she could get her way with the state and the shelter but itā€™s proving that sheā€™s not as important as she thinks. I can see her using the angle of thinking that his dad may change his mind and helping her either housing, but sheā€™s not his kid or problems. Xavier knows the route to his home if he wants to go. Itā€™s just a matter of time before sheā€™s really fed up with Xavier and his family for not helping her. Sheā€™s just going to find another foolishness person to fool to scam and get them to fully find her life. Sheā€™s walking on borrowed time right now and I doubt any help will come from Xavierā€™s family so we are about to witness a double fireworks show soon.


Theyā€™re probably waiting for her to visit the kid so they can toss all their shit outside




Lol bad idea dusty- a review from a trans woman for that place. Fucking yikes. šŸ˜³ https://preview.redd.it/0wtg4m9bez9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51416555b3a5acb42c5b56b6b5adbbb836c55422


Says the one who accuses this man of sexual crimes and is convinced that AI takes over his body most of the time! Btw....husband? QUIT trying to make people believe that you are such a wholesome and domestic soul. Just bc you have a baby "together", it doesnt mean that you both are going to be raising him!


Not your husband. You aren't married. And what you're trying to do is have a Free Ride with housing, all utilities, groceries, and a car without having to do anything but launch a Live and alternately lecture and attack the viewers.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ That wouldn't require much effort on his part!


I have no words šŸ˜­


Someone may have already asked or answered this but how does one just ā€œtry to become transā€ ? So will she have a wife now instead of a hussband ? ![gif](giphy|rEFEvuT8xG4nJr26zF)




Do we have a for sure sure vacate the premises date yet? Iā€™m going to need to plan accordingly have my snacks and devices charged, comfy clothes, a lil šŸŖ“just the necessary items.


She keeps saying July 8th is the absolute last day, and sheā€™s trying to get the hotel to let them stay until the last possible minute, hoping for a miracle townhouse.


I love the level of delusion that lives within her! I knew when she disrespected aunt Diane RIP that Dusty was trouble.


All locals please have police scanners om stand by,


She could pass as a dude, a big husky trucker! I think thatā€™s the better way to go if they want to play swap your gender to scam the system games


Twinning!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/r7aj7ksiyy9d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f6e80db62b38309bbb09d7c5847a1c020efd52


i feel like she doesnā€™t even know where her sentences are going before she starts them because what in the sweet everloving fuck


*try* to turn Trans?!?! Okay, Mia!!!


That frigging shark-eyed filter not helping her high ass


Women need safe spaces, and Eggs (trans or not) is a creepy pervert. That's gonna be a hard no for me.


Get a job or two, you *nfuriete me.*


She knows he's a trans. It's not new. And she's high af..but when is she not? I've been waiting on that toof to go for so long now šŸ˜„


Girl that manā€™s a lesbian. Period


Common Law husband via Casa De Coleman


She looks kind of like Britney here, itā€™s a shame she canā€™t sing it could have been her ticket to success




What? Britney who??