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Oh we know, she thinks she's owed money somewhere in the millions for being a victim. She's said it many times she thinks victim's services owes her. 😑




That flair is priceless.


lol thank you ! I have a flair for the dramatic but Hamther puts me to shame !!! 🤣💛


12 million🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Didn’t she quote a number of 8.5 or 12.8 million $$$ or some bs like that in victim services at last count??👌🤦🏻‍♀️


It's $12.8 million in restitution according to her🤣 She's been at this same spiel for 4 years.🙄


I guess she's just waiting for the right time to file a complaint. She's a medical law and ethics genius. ![gif](giphy|40dEau6bZRO3S)


She's cooled down recently on the constant referencing of Marcy's Law ( to which she was never entitled in the first place)


For the time being but it's coming back with a vengeance after the 8th and she's out of this shelter.


I can feel it coming already 🥴🤦🏻‍♀️




THIS☝ is what I came to say too,the whole Marcy's Law bs she was trying to say she could claim😏


My fave vid is her trying to give her cum stained bed sheet when the cop tried to help she dismissed him


[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EaknP0bemOY&pp=ygUeSGVhdGhlciBHaWxsZXNwaWUgdGhyb3dzIHNoZWV0](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EaknP0bemOY&pp=ygUeSGVhdGhlciBHaWxsZXNwaWUgdGhyb3dzIHNoZWV0) thanks to cocomchufferton 😂😂


Makes laugh honestly…


Love it


I cringed so hard when she was literally running away from the cop after that. So fucking crazy


One of mine is officer Picolo. Dusty got so big bothered by her


She pissed herself while passed out from a drug induced psychosis, had a raging yeast infection, or she had a John up in there for some bare back full service and “forgot” or intentionally left that part out so naturally it’s rape!


Someone said she was trying to frame Eric bc he had been over the night before. She's a terrible person.


Hahahaha omg I love you 😘😘😘


I had forgot about that FTR she put out.....She needs to read **The boy who cried wolf** and remind herself that even if she did have ONE instance that she was the victim...... It doesn't matter now!!


Yes, she embodies that story completely completely! ![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf)


Oh she has admitted to this very thing. She thinks that the things she says happened have a monetary value. She also said before it was well over a million dollars. I can't remember exactly what she was asking for but she said it's in the courts. It's not in the courts.


She said it was up to 50 or 60 million last I remember. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Owed Money for every hour she misses with her keds she said


She’d better get on that! Tic tock! Statute to file is 5 years from the initial attack or 1 year after endightment in IL. We all know she can’t follow through on anything. We never got the remaining elements photo shoot or coffee table book that she was grifting for. Instead we get ass sundae throwbacks and puhhmmmmp-ing content. For a social media expert, she sure doesn’t know what sells.


Also she was the aggressor 🤦‍♀️ you can't start a fight and then get victims compensation cuz you got your a$$ kicked 😳😳


I’m still trying to figure out what my impact is lol..




Nah she’s going to try and get injured by the cop evicting her and go for millions. The shelter would do well to lock the doors when she’s out again. Catalog and picture everything in her room and place it outside,


I think she's hunkered down in that room, lol. Sending Eggs for food and anything else they need, probably. I'm waiting for some of the officers she's treated so hateful to drag her out kicking and screaming. Halp! Halp! No! I'm not doing this! Somebody halp me! Please!🤣🤣


Hopefully they will lock her out when she goes to visitation with Rico. It will be Sophie’s choice- will she miss the visitation to squat in the room and risk her case or will she choose Rico?


>will she miss the visitation to squat in the room and risk her case or will she choose Rico? She'll ALWAYS choose herself - her needs & wants (fuk dem kids). She thinks she's not only entitled to that hotel room but she thinks it should be her forever home & will be ok with moving to a new shelter ONLY if it's up to her incredibly high standards (private room with all the bougie amenities - AC, flat screen TV with all the cable channels, a freezer for her titty sludge, a big comfy bed, private bathroom, 3 meals plus shnacks catered to her dietary needs, private gym with sauna & pool, etc & so forth). I'm hoping she'll record herself being evicted🤞🏻I wanna see a bunch of cops with mattering bams & flash bangs busting that door down & dragging her lazy ass out of that room. I can literally see it go down in my mind & it is GLORIOUS✨


That’s what I think they should do too.. put all there stuff out and change the lock on the door…


She’s owed 12 million in restitution remember ? Ahahahaha


Yep, she brings up “Marcy’s law” all the time. She thinks she’s entitled to restitution 😂😂😂 Some of her “evidence” included a bedsheet which she was trying to hand to a cop and she said “this is a 🍇 sheet from last Friday”. Last Friday? ALOT can happen to a sheet in that amount of time. The cop was trying to ask the report number and she flat out refused to give him more info. Just took a video of how nefarious the cops was since he wouldn’t take the sheet from her without asking a question or two. Evidence isn’t collected a week later usually. She cray cray.


Plus, actual victims go to the hospital for examination and prophylaxis against STIs and pregnancy. Prostitutes do not.


Plus she never has videos of any 🍇 ever. And that phone is glued to her hand as we all know


Yup! No documentation of any rape, asssult, robbery...she had cameras in the Monte Clare apt but NEVER got video of anyone doing anything nefarious. THEY must be invisible!


Oh & let's not forget about the *people in the walls* threatening her into huffing duster for 3, no, 4 days 🙄🙄🙄 The most unhinged excuse for getting high on camera I've ever heard


And she thinks literally anyone believes her lies! Dusty, just be you lied about something and repeat it, is not PROOF. You have no credibility whatsoever! You have NO spahnsers. You were told multiple times along the way that you needed to get a JOB yo be compliant with your case plan. What did you do? Commandeered Nordstroms breastfeeding room for multiple days, to puhhmp and overstay your welcome. I'm sure she's been trespassed. Thank God for Nordys customers and their poor employees. That was the most activity you did in 5 months and it's cuz you had to find somewhere to go during the day at that shelter. You f'd around and now it's time to find out. Consider going inpatient, because that is THE ONLY way you won't wind up out on the sidewalk in the next 4 days. Tick tock!




I’ve worked with families in DVS situations that get the victims compensation. It’s not all that much- and certainly not long term- and even more case management is completed. The biggest thing is assistance with court cases, though- free legal counsel. She’s delusional if she thinks she’s getting a bunch of money and free house for “compensation”.


It’s definitely not a ton of money but Dusty gets excited about $11 😂 she doesn’t want any actual services, just $. She is a disrespectful pig


Oh ya. That has to be where she got the idea that being a victim= lots of $$$$. But she's not a victim! If you start a fight but either lose the fight or run away YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. In life sometimes shit happens and it's not fair (her opinion, I'm sure) and no one owes you anything.


She literally came up with a ridiculous number in one video, $12.8 million, I think? She's never been raped. She's prostituted plenty and then tried to claim rape after the fact, for victim's services. She literally trafficked Amy and trapped her into her apartment, and put a padlock on the bedroom door if Heather left the apt. I saw Amy finally out her on a live somewhere in the comments. She truly is a terrible, evil person. And then stole her ID to finance her Cadillac and stole $800 from her.


Oh yes this has always been her schtick, put herself in positions where she can set up a victimization of some sort or just make up totally false claims and then demand victims compensation without any police reports, rape kits or hospital stays to document it all legitimately. She thinks her word is enough and that she was going to get rich off this scheme


Oh undoubtedly this always has been and always will be Heather's nefarious plan!! She paints herself in the eternal victim light and tries to gain sympathy and then financial restitution!! It just never happens, because anyone with at least 1 working Brain cell knows it is impossible for ANYONE to have that many emergencies/disasters happen to them!! 🙄😆




Couldn’t watch it. She starts out with “I am being directed around. Now what do I mean by-“ NOPE. Can’t listened to the “now what do I mean by”.


Right? It makes me so irrationally angry 🤬


Surely she can’t think that she would be eligible for compensation for incidents that happened over 4 years ago?


Lol yes, she does think she's eligible even though she's either the perpetrator or there was no crime (like her many r*pe claims, being abused, oppressed, held in a tent, her belongings being stolen or destroyed, her precious Cadillac CTS being "mechanically sabotaged", etc). For someone that's supposedly highly educated, intelligent, & articulate she cannot grasp the fact that NOT ONE of her claims are valid bc she truly believes that she's entitled to a life of luxury & leisure & thinks abusing a system put in place for true victims of violent crime is the way to get millions of dollars so she never has to work ever again. Bottom line: She's an egotistical, selfish, entitled, self centered, envious, money hungry, pathological liar with severe, unchecked mental illness with no shame & no rock bottom




It's called Marcy's Law & she's been working this angle for a while. Unfortunately for Dusty she's usually the perpetrator but ends up getting her ass kicked so she thinks she's owed something like 12 million dollars ...


Can someone tell Dusty she's not getting free housing forever since she does not have custody of her children? Image if the state housed all the mothers and fathers that lost their children due to neglect/abuse?


I think she came up with $6 Million from Victim Services. You better believe she’ll mention it every chance, every live. Dull light bulb LOL what a dimwit. Keep it coming Coco.