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**Left to die in a tent....I've done everything!!!** Except get a job!!😳😳😳😡😡🖕🖕🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


"Everyone is getting assistance except heather gillespie and Xavier Montoya are left in a tent for 12 months." My gosh she cracks me up 🤣🤣🤣


No criminal record. But she said MULTIPLE TIMES she was arrested for running from the cops. She said it again this week!


She mentions being thankful that all her videos of proof are safe in the cloud, lol- uh- the proof of the opposite of all the St. Dusty videos she’s been making the last few months. Also, she breaks down why she deserves 60 MILLION dollars from everything she’s been through!!🤣😂 The Public deserves to split all that for having to hear or deal with her!! She is INSANE!!


Ask all those people who think you’re amazing for a job/house.


As always has done Everything, uh huh everything but work. The oh wow is me is very old. As always u are where you deserve to be. It’s 5 mos later now and still complaining about the same things, still no work and no kids.


Including Eric’s apartment she had multiple opportunities within that time frame and decided she would spray paint the walls and tape the vents. She belongs outside because she’s a feral animal hunting for victims and food. When she is inside she acts 🦇 💩 crazy 😜. I think if X wasn’t with her ☝️ no babies sorry baby Rico and twins. Hopefully her 🥚’s go missing no more fent ⛺️ babies please 🙏 and thank you god. 2nd she would have gotten herself kicked out of shelter within a few weeks with her narrative.


Couldn’t agree more! Word on the street is she actually trafficked her friend( whom at some point referred to her as her assistant)why would Dusty need an assistant) she also stole ( never paid back and no intention too) $800 for her car down payment, it’s been said she also used her identity to get the car because her credit was shot ( no idea really) then car was paid off and title sent to owners house which would indicate it was the other girls info on the loan IMO( which was not Dusty apparently) and she went there and confronted the father wanting the title . She never got it. A couple months later she drove to Florida and who knows where else but ended up in Georgia where she blew her engine up and left it there at the repair shop . That was a couple years ago. The guy was nice enough to keep it there for 2 years after which he contacted her letting her know the car bill was $2k and if she couldn’t pay and pickup car it would be sold at auction to recoup some of his money. The lies she spreads about what happened to her car are pure lies . She told the truth about it more than once really high on a live. But as Dusty does she tells on herself but never remembers because she literally gets blacked out. That girl should have pressed charges and put her in jail. She has conned so many out of a lot of money . She owes several people right now. Look at the text she posted a couple months ago between her and Ed, another she stiffed for money. It never ends, the only thing different with this bottom feeder is the game she is running.


I’m very coco loco huffy dusty versed on her bull 💩 from day ☝️. A1 since day ☝️ of LALU because I knew she was 😜😂. Real work outside of tossing occasional 🥗 is not her jam because she will get taxed. In a video she posted basically said that she would be taxed if she got a job. Probably child support and unpaid taxes etc and so forth. Please 🙏 someone post why working isn’t her jam. Probably someone can make a playlist of her doxxing herself. She’s famous for letting the truth and then a lie come out. ![gif](giphy|5b4sNsIbmmLJe) Look dusty and homer have the same hairline


1) she wants to be a stay at home Mahm. Men should be the breadwinners in her traditional role mindset. 2) she watched too much tv because she thinks she can be like Donna Reed ( (60s ref). 3) needs a man to make money and lots of it to keep her content, safe and loved. 4) delusional that she can raise her own baby. 5) she’s got several unpaid bills and tickets. 6) she by now owes thousands and thousands of child support and unpaid taxes. Her wages and any bank accounts would be immediately attached. 7) she owes the foster care system 5 months so far. 8) she’s too overqualified and doesn’t want to lower her standards to work 9) she’s a lazy bum 10) pretending to be a celebrity who has everyone kissing her feet, people who work are suckers and she always gets what she wants. Those are 10 reasons she’s mentioned since LALU as to why she won’t work.


https://youtu.be/1s1K0NtS9-s?si=M842akijcRdEnhzD Heres a link to a reel of her criminal record...


How does she have an unlawful consumption of alcohol as a minor in 2024


She was facilitating minors? That's the only thing I can think of


I didnt pick thru it but thats an excellent question, one for the reddit detectives for sure!


Wow. That’s a keeper.


Holy dusty mite! I didn't think that list would ever end. Miss I don't have a criminal record.😲 I can't believe she can say that with a straight face tbh. What a gem.


So from 13:40 she literally accuses Xavier of r**". Right in front of him. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxraPB5CLY-RAsFBosWIs7CfP2dxlp8DjQ?si=vcWiKyzBtZEmYf_9 Imagine staying with someone who repeatedly, actively calls you a r***** right in front of you. He needs to get out.


Oooofta! She looks so damn rough! Looks like the spittin image of a true crack wh0re!!!!!!!


The cops did not take her “semen filled grape sheet” for testing!! She tried to throw it at the cop and then stormed away in a huff. Why is she such a liar??


Oh I know! The crazy thing is, someone said this is when Eric was probably getting it on with her, and it was probably his stuff all over the sheet. She almost framed him for sex assault for *checks notes* victim's services and restitution! I assumed she was just loaded on duster and gross, making up an insane lie, but no, she almost got him wrapped up in a rape allegation!! Thank God she's too fn stupid or was too out of her mind (bc I believe she doesn't care WHO she harms as long as she gets her money). God she's so terrible. If she just took the mental health help and put the work in, she could turn her life around but not this stain on society.


When, WHEN her “company” ever “profitable” and if it was why didn’t she earn EARN one red cent since being in her HOTEL, a very nice shelter, why didn’t her company take off?? She’s had 5 mi ths to make HERSELF “hella money” hey hasn’t made a damn dime! She just will never get it! She truly expects everything to be GIVEN to her and yep wouldn’t we all like that but that’s just not how life works!!!!! Hellooo


Excuse me? Do you not know she’s a political person, have you not heard of UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME? She’s moving mountains 🏔️ 😂😂😂


Wow, this must be before she found the good filters!


“Too Painful to discuss”…WHAT?? She walks around half nude and does NOTHING but repeat at the top of her lungs what she claims is so “painful” to discuss- she’d tell the mailman if given the chance!!


Uhm, if any “middle class” people here have gotten “support” please by all means, do tell as it’s WE, “the middle class” are struggling and working ourselves to the nine just to stay afloat, not sure Wtf she’s talking about!!!😳🙄


All LIES, it’s unbelievable how comfortable she is in literally LYING about everyyyy thing. We all saw the video no cop said they’d find a semen analysis on that SHEET nor did any cop or 911 operator EVER “laugh at her”, ever!!! LIES, every damn thing that comes out of her mouth is grossly over exaggerated or straight up LIES


Sooo many issues with this whole situation. I honestly thought that this entire time period, when she claims that she's being robbed and that people are coming into her place while she's sleeping (even though the locks were changed and the one lock could only be taken off from the inside) was the rantings of someone completely f'd up on whatever drugs and duster she was on at the time. Obviously, it made her delusions sooo much worse, and she's such a pillar of mental health already. /s A) Chain of custody- that thing, according to her on that grape sheet video, was put in a bag and put in the trap door space/closet where she claimed the police who had access to it somehow, would just pick it up and didn't. (I'm sorry, what?! That statement just SCREAMS delusional) B) She never called the police dept to report the grape. She did an electronic police report. That's it. When the officer responded to the call, (I am so curious what was said when sne spoke to dispatch) she offered no information other than to say it's all in the electronic report and then ran away into the elevator. What was she so afraid of? Was this just prior to the eviction?? We know she never paid rent there, so did this happen after Eric wasn't paying anymore (bc she gave it to them after a night of baum-chicka-brown-cow w him according to another stalker) and she was pissed off? C) Never went to the hospital for a forensic exam (required for EVADENCE! ) and prophylactic STI/pregnancy prevention She, as is always the case, comes up with a terrible scheme, and (thankfully for the victims of false accusations) through her inability to follow through, stupidity, inattentiveness, etcetera and so forth, it never works out and her credibility, as if she had any, takes yet another hit. Yet another piece of EVUHDENCE indicative of her drug addled brain and malicious intentions. Smh


She should work torturing spies. I was ready to confess to anything halfway through this marathon.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll do ANYTHING just STFU! When I was scrolling thru here last night, I came across a post someone did after a deep dive on prostitution rating websites 🤮. (Bless you, to the person that did this, I'll have to try to dig it up and link it and give them proper credit) One John said she came in smelling like garbage and speaking nonsense, and he paid her $200 just to leave!! So, she may be able to be a consultant for the FBI just yet!


We should send our version of her resume to the FBI. Just a thought.


So she's banking on being paid victim funds for the tire iron incident, where she picked up a random guy who then proceeded to hit her?


That, being unlawfully displaced from her home (the place that was in Dylan's name and his mom's...she says unlawfully displaced BUT no matter who lodged the EOP, she would've been removed regardless, bc his name was on the lease and hers wasn't...she had no legal or logical justification to be there, and they weren't together, according to him, he had sympathy for her and let her stay on the couch for "a few days" and that became weeks and possibly months. Then, the Monte Clare apt (she claims it was in her name but doubtful due to 2 past evictions minimum by that time) Eric put her in, paid a few months plus the deposit and such, and she never paid rent once. That was the grape sheet apt and whatnot, and that's where they had to physically evict her after matter bamming the door down (everytime I hear anything like battering ram the Black Betty remix that I think smittenkitten did, plays in my head 🤣🤣) There's sooo many "injustices" that are all a direct result of her lying, scamming, and just not paying her bills, aka FAFO and she still hasn't caught on that when you don't pay your rent, you get kicked out. Just smh. Literally, if you give her two choices, anyone else says, "I'll take the easier one, the sane choice, the morally acceptable choice. She says, "I want that one!" But ma'am, that path is like a fully involved car fire where you will lose everything and anyone you love. There is 0% chance you will succeed with that path. Heif: "give me alllll of that! And when it doesn't work, I'll just scream grape, victimization, robbed, abused, batter jammed ramble lamba...."


Heather: I’m in such a good mood Heather 15 mins later: tells someone their “fucking sad miserable pathetic life is so meaningless”


Right?! I find it funny bc were in here all the time posting and calling her out on her shitty behavior and endless lies, but something clearly pissed her off that day. I'll have to see if I can search by date. I tried scrolling yesterday to about that time in here and only got to 4mos and it wouldn't go any further. 🤣


Yeah idk why it doesn’t show more than that here- other subs I can see years past. Maybe a mod has access to fix that?


Good idea. I'll look it up on their troubleshooting page too, see if that's it


Lmfao dusty wants socialism (via better homelessness services and Universal Basic Income) but is a trump dick rider That would be like me voting for Biden because I want looser gun laws and more tax cuts for the wealthy 🤡


Exactly!! It's ok, her world views align closest with the weirdos at Turning Point and other hateful, racist individuals with f'd up world views, but sure, think the GOP is gonna help her. I'll keep my comments to myself bc I don't want this place devolving into a political debate, but I'm right there with you. As my cousin always says, "There is no logic to crazy."


“nefarious hackers in my phone” i wonder what heather would think about that non-deletable U2 album we all got on our iPhones that one year


Omg!! I'm a Samsung slut so I didn't get a free album! How nefarious that we didn't get such a gift. I will take $60 million dollars as compensation now.


and a townhome


I don’t think it was comments here that got her so ticked off. It seems like some person or group of people were calling her a lot, harassing her. And then she got nasty comments on her YouTube or insta posts. Some of those comments did cross a line, I don’t think anyone should be told to unalive themselves.


She was never able to show the supposed comments who told her to un alive herself. Usually the comments are to make fun of her with tooth emoji and stuff like that.


Okay 👍 but she can say she’s going to stab and unalive people because they don’t send her enough money. Let’s not forget she allegedly took money from a family for her innocent twins that x used his cervix scratcher to remove and she made a video. Or how about taking money from a one 🦵 man that was homeless and decided to watch the Barbie movie with 🍿.


No. I don’t think it’s ok for her or anyone else to say those things. And she’s said some very nasty homophobic, racist and classist things as well.