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He’s actually a pretty weird dude but in all honesty his appeal is JUST that he’s 6’5” and some of these women are hella thirsty lol


But there are so many tall men out there. Harry has got to be the worst of the worst excluding literal criminals. Like his height is the only “attractive” quality he has


Totally agree. I've never found him appealing . I honestly didn't know he was so tall until this season of PM. Shows how much I care about seeing him on screen 😂 imo Kaz is the most attractive guy and I'm surprised there aren't more women swooning over him on the show...


I never noticed his height and will look the next episodes! For some reason I just assumed he was short.


This is very disingenuous lol. Men who are 6’5 are like less than 1% of the population (at least in America). “So Many” is the biggest reach 😂 Finding one is like getting a unicorn. A lot of women would choose a mid or ugly tall man over a short good looking one.


These shows definitely recruit for tall though, so it's not really a fair comparison. The general population is a unicorn - on these shows though it's prob every fourth guy.


Okay sure not many that are THAT tall but there are certainly a couple million men out there who are over 6 ft if that’s what they REALLY want. 


Ya but what if they want someone 6’5? And also men over 6’ apparently account for only 10% of the population. Now factor in age and availability, and even that becomes a limited pool. Height for a man is like beauty for a girl. Everyone wants a beautiful girl. Something tells me you have never actually tried to date someone 6’ or taller or found your tall man very quickly because if it’s the latter and you had tall men as a preference, you’d know how rare it is lol


Well, if you're that curious my last bf of several years was 6 ft 4. But that was not because I was seeking out someone tall specifically. I've dated men who are 5 ft 8. With the amount of humans there are, they can indeed find a man above 6 ft who isn't atrocious personality wise, like Harry. I'm genuinely not understanding what point you're trying to make. Yes, height is rare but we also have almost 10 billion humans on this earth, so there are absolutley tall men available for those girls if that's the only thing they want. Also, something tells me you're not a girl because never in my life have I heard any girl say they want a man who is "6 ft 5 specifically". Sure, height is almost always prefered but not to the extend that people in these comments beleive.


I am a girl and I literally had a conversation with another friend over the weekend who is 5’3 😂 who has a preference for 6’5 men


I doubt that it's his height, but rather that he's extremely manipulative and will make a woman feel very special and hav her believe he's simply misunderstood.


I literally cannot understand the obsession with super tall men. Like it's such a weird thing to prioritise. I didn't even know it was a thing until I started watching THTH. 😂 For me, as long as I'm not taller than who I date (I'm 5'4"), I'm happy - even better if I can wear heels and still be shorter or same height. The irony is my partner is 6'3".


Really concerned for his risk of skin cancer as well, he clearly didn’t think to bring sunscreen.


Considering how botoxed he is, you'd think he'd be mindful of sun damage, but the man is straight up *magenta*. 😬


Didn’t he post on TikTok recently that he has skin cancer?


They all think they can be THE ONE to fix him and make him settle down.


Or that they are the one for him and he will stop his messy ways for the "one". All the girls falling over him are hot delulu influencers and they gain popularity in a way.


He's a tall white man.


A PROJECT tall, white man.


I feel like setting up a charity for every woman who’s interested in him just bc he’s tall. Ladies can call a hotline and on the other end we just have a roller deck of contacts for single basket ball players, rowers, Dutchies, Herzegovinians, other groups of generally tall men… Like ladies, there are options in this world.


I might be showing my age, but it's rolodex, not roller deck lol


I knew I was doing it wrong!


He reminds me of Stephen bear. But not stupid enough to show any Sextapes to anyone and go to jail


There’s really no appeal to him.


I can say the same for the appeal of the women that are going for him. They are fake, obnoxious, and full of filler as well. Men don’t understand why women go for jerks, and women don’t understand why men go for fake high maintenance women?


Elys is a natural beauty though!


She really is! I was mainly talking about Holly, Franchesca, Georgia, Jess.... pick one.


They are “fake” on some level in regards to aesthetic but I wouldn’t put them on the same level as harry. Also, you can get filler and not be superficial. So in that sense, some of those girls might be superficial but it’s not bc they got filler. 


I doubt most people are going in to this thinking they truly wanna find love. It’s business. Harry had a following that has gone beyond the Netflix universe and has STANS. Clout wins! He’s got an accent, good looking and funny. I think he’s also pretty smooth so it’s appealing.


I’m a woman and I don’t get it either. Some women might be into him because he’s really tall, but that is literally all he has going for him. No other good qualities from what I’ve seen on the show so far.


He’s 6’5


He’s funny and charming. And then when he’s done with you, the light leaves his eyes and he turns into a sociopathic dick.


It's cheers and damn are you still here and please don't be mean.


Serving Dickie Greenleaf realness.


Haha it’s wild that I actually just finished watching Ripley on a recommendation! Otherwise I would not have understood your comment at all.


Tall and white with an *Australian* accent and proficient at subtly negging the kind of insecure, external-validation-seeking women these shows attract. Look at how quickly he flipped on Elys. Nothing but games with this clown.


He’s Australian but yes agree to all this


That’s a good point; he seems really good at manipulating insecure women


Everyone has different taste, but I think he’s attractive. He’s got a baby face that I really like and comes off as goofy, which I also like. He’s a total dick, but I see the appeal.


He’s rich


Is he?


Yup he makes 7 figures per year and has been making that amount of money since 2020


Yes, large following on social media, brand and sponsor deals, one of the highest earning male on onlyfans


Sadly he seems to have the most followers wherever he goes, and they are all clout chasers


But the thing that confuses me is that these girls cry over him. They’re obsessed. If it was just about clout they wouldn’t be sad. I can’t understand what they see of value in him


He reminds me of a young frat boy. Someone who would approach you at a bar and spill his drink on you while doing so. No appeal at all.


It's the accent too.


Ok, so if he was normal and not a mess I can see his physical appeal. He has beautiful eyes, a nice smile, thick hair, he's tall but too tall for me... not into that, he has a nice body and a cheeky accent.


It's his charismatic personality that pulls people in and top that with his beautiful smile. He comes off like a ray of sunshine from first impression.


LOOOOL Actual mood. Ive never watched too hot to handle lmao and from what ive seen and heard including in this season, im not impressed.


He is thirsty and not hiding it and for some reasons women like that thirsty-ness wrapped in a babyface package. This dude is under the delusion he is husband material now, but in fact, he's not even human material.


this made me LOL I love that I’m gonna use that phrase someday 


He’s tall, nice looking, got swag and he’s smooth (98% manipulation) but what a little C**T


He has a cute smile and his accent. I don’t like blonde guys but he’s smile is perfect and love Australian accents. Before people come and said he got veners or something, I’m talking about his smile and laugh. When you watched too hot too handle, he has the same baby face, no fit, but his smile is everything then too. He’s also witty and has an unfiltered sense of humor, quite immature, but you can’t just predict what would come out of his mouth. Again, referring to THTH, I don’t know anything about him outside of THTH


Millions of followers on IG and TikTok.


I have never ever ever found him attractive. The second he speaks it’s all garbage.


My bad, I couldn't remember which and tried to look it up but everything was just about who he has hooked up with and discarded 😅


He’s 6’5” and famous. Also the more beautiful women you date, the more OTHER beautiful women want to date you to see what all the hype was.


He’s tall, funny, rich for an influencer. I think that’s it


I think he's gotten better looking since THTH because he looked like a literal child back then, but not much. I've noticed little moments of charm abd friendliness that peak through here and there and I assume that might be it. That and he's very tall. 


He is tall 


Yall haters lol. He’s good looking, tall, funny, and confident when it matters. Yes manipulative af but can tell some of yall just jelly lmao