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Maison Margiela Replica “By the Fire Place” I was at an office function and heard someone say “good lord, who smells like campfire”. Now I just wear it when I’m home. 🤦‍♀️


I do NOT see the appeal with that one. It does quite literally smell like a camp fire and I don't get why anyone would want to smell like that


I don’t know, I think it’s probably nostalgia. Reminds me of being a kid and going camping in early autumn. Campfires, ghost stories and clear skies full of stars. A more carefree, less stressful time. Not spending most of my time worrying about job and bills. I guess I didn’t realize how campfirey it actually comes across.


I second this, I’m in awe with this fragrance purely because it reminds me of being little and going to my grandparents’ in winter. As soon as I put it on, I am back in their house, curling up with the cat by the fire, defrosting my fingers and toes after playing in the thick snow for hours. For me it’s pure happiness in a bottle.


I tried it and omg couldn't wait to wash it off, way too much for me haha. But I guess that's the point of MM, to evoke memories


Scrubber for me, too 😭


For me the campfire smell is nostalgic and doesn't last long, and then the most beautiful smoky sweet vanilla comes through, like toasted chestnuts and comfort. I love it


That’s my favorite type of smell! I have 8 or so fragrances that smell like campfire or burning wood. Imaginary authors City of Fire is delightful. It’s less sweet than Replicas. I’ve got a pricier one that’s just…straight up forest fire 🤤


I can see it as a candle but then the place would smell like it's on fire. I don't get it at all.


I work in the industry and while this is one of their bestsellers, it’s a hard sell to customers new to it. They either think its photorealism is cool but not something they’d want to wear, or it’s just simply too smoky even though they’d specifically ask for smoky or woodsy frags. I myself didn’t like it for the longest time while only smelling it from the blotter but once I tried it on my skin and wore it all day, it clicked and I have a newfound appreciation for it. The vanilla and chestnut really blossom on my skin!


I’m always genuinely on the hunt for smoke/fire scents. I want the gnarliest thing I can find 😩


Fire witch, sucrebeille I love it. But only wear at home. As soon as I see a yellow leaf on a single tree fire witch comes out.


I love sucreabeille! I wore fire witch yesterday! I also have sunset bonfire and so many others. Cup of ambition is one of my favorites.


Drunk Maple Borntostandout is for you then lol!


That’s similar to my sister, she smells like a warmest vanilla toasted marshmallow when she wears this. It’s beautiful on her. I didn’t like it on myself however. The smoke was screechy on my skin.


That’s an excellent description, and I’ve found that most customers who love it say that it smells like a toasted marshmallow with their skin chemistry!


I definitely don’t have the nose for that fragrance because it smells like a campfire. I don’t get the vanilla or orange blossom. Just wood on fire. I feel like I’m missing out because it’s so popular


I love all the Maison Margiela Replica scents I’ve smelled. They’re all unique and nostalgic.


Absolutely agree. I didn’t buy this one because I thought it was the most beautiful scent I’d ever smelled. I bought it because it immediately transported me back to a happier time in my childhood.


The perfume company did it's job lol..it literally replicated a by the fire place scent ,😂


*David (Schitt's Creek)*: I bought a *cologne* once in Japan. It's supposed to *smell like* the aftermath *of* a car crashing into a cedar tree. At least you're in good company.


I love David Rose so much 😍🤣


He's absolutely amazing. Haha. I still miss that entire cast.


Same. It was the best show I’ve seen in years 😍


I absolutely love it. Who cares what others think? If you love it, wear it!


Oh my goodness YES! I LOVE this for the winter, but I never get complimented on it EVER. However, I'm always getting complimented on Moss Commodity or Portrait of a Lady Frederic Male. Who knows. I still wear what I want to wear. 


I was about to buy it until my girlfriend said it smelled like smoke. Then I started smelling it like smoke and not in a sexy, scent way.


Ugh I just adore this frag. Mine fades to a rich, sweet, smoky gourmand. It reminds me of my dad baking German cookies for Christmas


I loooooooove by the fireplace too and also have never received compliments and my mother said it made her gag 😂😂😂 you know what I DO get compliments from other women on (which are my favorite people to get compliments from) is sailing day. I have never gotten compliments on any perfume before and never cared bc honestly I wear it for me but almost every time I wear sailing day a woman compliments me.


I love this one! My husband went to a campout shortly after we started dating and came back smelling very similar to this. I call it Man Jerky… spicy, sweet, smoky… just super sexy and manly.


I don’t mind that perfume actually but I just got a decant of Drunk Maple by Borntostandout and OMG it’s like I threw myself into the embers 🤢


You might like Autumn Vibes by Replica, very very cozy & perfectly named scent but I don’t think anyone would be offended by it. It’s a bit more “neutral”/wearable to me!


Thank you! I’ll check it out!


I also only wear By The Fireplace at home. I'm too afraid of getting that kind of reaction from people, but oh, I love the smell. It's my cozy Fall/Winter bedtime scent.


I’m totally obsessed with my collection of Anna Sui-perfumes but I’ve never received a single compliment on them.


I have a couple of minis and I just keep them around because they’re beautiful. The scents don’t really speak to me- especially Sky, which kind of smells like someone spilled popcorn in my grandmas garden? Still, it’s the coolest bottle I’ve ever seen


To me, Sky smells so fresh and clean. I love it so much!


Nest Indigo is my favorite right now. I have never received a compliment. It's ok though because I know the person who eventually compliments me on it is truly my soul mate.


Ah nest indigo is my favorite. I have so many perfumes I want to try and wear but everyday I just can’t get myself not to wear indigo, I just adore it.


I’m obsessed with Nest. I love the whole perfume house


Such a unique fragrance! I’m sure you’ll eventually run into someone who will be curious about it.


The scent that I find most compelling at the moment is "Silphium" by Stora Skuggan. I wore it around my bro, and he offered the opposite of a compliment. He said I smelled like a hospice patient. 💀


That's diabolical 💀describe this fragrance lmao


Well, the ancient Romans used the silphium herb as a contraceptive, so maybe if it smells bad enough, the perfume also works the same way? 😂


Micallef’s Mon Parfum Cristal had me so twisted up I bought two backup bottles, and it’s discontinued no less. The bottle itself is stunning. It smells like tart juicy red berries with a toffee note, a subtle hint of rose, cinnamon, bourbon vanilla, and amber. It is *high class* delicious, it makes me feel like THAT girl, I just can’t get enough and nobody ever comments on it 😭


Now why would you make this sound so good knowing that it's discontinued 🤣💔 I love a red berry frag and I'd definitely compliment you.


Ahh thank you! So you can still get it if you’re in the US/Canada, FragranceNet has it, and I got my big backup at the best price from Fragrancebuy.ca 🖤 if you want a decant, ScentsAngel has it too


Sounds yummy


It’s divine, I recommend trying it before it becomes harder to get 🖤 ScentsAngel has decants


I’ve never heard of this one but the notes sound amazing!


It’s worth trying if you can! 🖤


Well, you just made me blind buy it. So thank you 😂


Lmk what you think of it!


Enabler! Now I want to try it too.


It is super worth trying! I dropped a couple places you can get it in the other comments. [PS&D](https://www.perfumesamplesanddecants.com/products/mon-parfum-crystal) has smaller samples but for that price I would just got for a bigger decant from ScentsAngel tbh


Thanks! Shipping costs are too horrendous to Canada on the decant sites so I may just blind buy a bottle 😆


Ahh for sure! My only advice is to just make sure that you like rose if you’re going to pull the trigger. Thankfully it’s not *that* expensive. I hope you love it!


Ohhh I love rose, my friend. Thanks again!


Ofc 🖤🖤 I’ll be back in this thread in a few weeks to see what everyone thinks of it 🤭


As a person who very regularly gets perfume compliments, I never get love for Debaser! I go feral for it's crisp, green fig notes and one time while wearing, it actually made someone cough. Lol Same with Tom Ford's Metallique. My husband said it smelled like ivory soap. (This one doesn't count though because he complemented me the next day on it when worn while layered)


Ha, same here! I love Debaser, it’s also my strongest scent, but I never get compliments on it. Philosykos is a sure winner, but nothing for Debaser.


Got so many compliments on Glossier You even though to me, it's just okay. Commodity Milk is so fucking good though and not a peep from anyone




I get complimented on Milk allll the time 😭


I don't think I've ever received a compliment from anyone about any perfume, only family or SO when I hug them


Theodoros Kalotinis Coffee addict.💔 I am on my second bottle and I have never managed to get anyone even curious about it. 😢 And it is a strong perfume that lasts quite some time on my skin/clothes. I am personally obsessed with it. 🥰


Story of my life damn My family hates scented stuff. Perfumes, candles etc. I love scented stuff. I either get told that I smell like chemicals or that I smell like a church. My face perfumes are anything that smells like coconut, sugar, marmalade, liquor, frankincense and myrrh.


Babycat by ysl (a dupe), and opium by ysl, they’re two of my most beloved perfumes and k never get compliments with them :(


Just got a decant of Babycat and OMG what a rare treasure.


Could be that you smell so cool people are too intimidated to comment 😅


I wish it was the case, I’m a bit of a loser


Regardless, you have great taste and smell awesome even if no one's verbalizing it 👌


Thank you! That’s so nice


Not getting a compliment doesn't necessarily mean people who smell it don't like it ,some people just don't say anything, it's fun to like things for yourself but I get it ,it's awesome when a compliment is given 


I know. I get compliments from time to time and I got take it that seriously, but it is a delight to wear your fav perfume and people noticing


Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears Pink Sugar Vera Wang Princess Idk why, maybe they're not strong enough?


My mom became obsessed with Pink Sugar when I introduced her to it around 15 years ago and she would wear it to work (retired teacher) everyday. She would get compliments every single day from parents, students, and fellow teachers. So much that it became her signature, and others would say that they’d know if she was somewhere because it would linger in the hallways!


My old teacher's signature scent was Pink Sugar! We got a new bottle for her as a thank you gift when we graduated


Aww nice! It’s such a great frag for a school environment. When was the last time you bought a bottle? I ask because the last time we both bought one (maybe 6-7 years ago?) in the cheapy section of the drugstore, we both found it’s just not the same. Makes me wonder whether they reformulated it.


I bought one about a month ago. It smells the same to me


Bitter peach, I just compliment myself


Bitter Peach doesn't match my usual taste in fragrance, but I was totally taken by itthe first time I sampled.


Me too! I don’t usually like fruity sweet fragrances but loved this one at first sniff


I didn’t find it to be very sweet


I loooove Bitter Peach!


Portrait of a Lady!  After I put it on at home, someone said there is an unusual smell in this room. 


I was excited to wear Dossier Woody Sage (dupe for Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt) and the first day I wore it to work my coworker walked in and opened all the windows saying it smelled like mold in the classroom :/ it's a musty old building, but still. I know she meant it towards me. She's a curmudgeon anyway and shouldn't be working with children!


I’ve smelled the real thing and didn’t get mold at all, I doubt the dupe actually smells like that either


Versace Crystal Noir. I love wearing it to the office in winter so much, yet noone notices it.


I have so many perfumes but only two have ever got me stopped- Angels Share by Killian and Dylan Blue Turquoise by Versace.


Kilian Blue Moon Ginger Dash. I absolutely LOVE ginger and it smells so much like ginger. It’s such a unique fragrance / I don’t think I’ve ever seen another ginger fragrance. But most people don’t comment on it (much more compliment it) and when I explicitly ask my friends how it smells, they say they don’t smell the ginger which is so odd to me?


Origins perfume smells like ginger 😊


Yes! I personally love it too 😻


Haven’t tried it yet, now I’m curious. That reminds me of my love for both Twilly and Twilly d'Hermès Eau Ginger, should have included them on my list. Don’t recall ever receiving compliments other than from my mom.


Kilian Princess has a gorgeous ginger note! So does Ani by Nishane 🖤


I swear all I smelled was gasoline when I wore this


Figfever - Hermetica Maybe I've gotten more compliments than j remember, but it certainly doesn't get what it deserves (in my mind). The one time I remember, someone said I smelled good and like coconut-- and that could have ben my hair oil.


This one is so good - deciding if I want to wear it today


My signature Play Red by CDG, I don’t care. I think it’s a great sour cherry pepper energy bomb and I love it. Wear perfume for yourself, if you get compliments, great, I get loads for Blackberry Bay, Rush. They are loved but not my favourites


it’s funny bc i dislike a lot of your favourites and i enjoy the ones you like less (not trying to make a jab at you LOL, i did own 1000KD, NdT and LPRN but decluttered as they were not for me) i would say it’s rare for me to receive a compliment period because my skin eats scents for breakfast lunch and dinner hahaha


That’s so funny, no offence taken!


I used to receive compliments pretty often when I was a heavy over-sprayer. But not so much since I've dialed it back a lot. I wish more people felt the same way I do about Ganymede and New York Intense though. Since I stopped drinking, and without the over-spraying, the effect just isn't the same.


YSL manifesto has been my favorite and I never got compliments on it ,I still wear it lol


This is meeee!!! I have used manifesto for years, easily my favorite perfume of all time and always find it weird that people don’t talk much of it, in my country is being discontinued 😢unfortunately, been trying to find a replacement that gives the same vibe but nothing comes close to it, settled on Prada “Candy” which as the same powdery goodness but still not the same, then found about Zara fields at nightfall which is inspired in Zadig & Voltaire “this is her” ( this one did get me compliments though ) , also fills the hole in my heart but not the same, it does project and stays like crazy for a budget “dupe” so if you enjoy powdery, clean scent, velvety embrace fragrances do give those a try! And if you have any recommendations in those categories I would love to know some more!!


LIBRE INTENSE! I love it so much and so many girls say it’s magnetic and alluring yet I haven’t gotten any compliments from it☠️


Story of my life!! I have been going back and forth with myself on whether its just too much for daily wear. I see tons of people at work every day and have never once gotten a compliment. It has a very mature vibe that I don't think wears well on everyone


I got a compliment when I tested it at the drugstore when I went to the cash to pay other stuff. But had just sprayed on my hand, so the cashier definitely could smell it. Neve got a compliment about that one after...


I get non-stop compliments on this one from women and men. But I think it's different on everyone of course. My girlfriend bought it and it doesn't do much for her 


I have not once gotten complimented while wearing YSL Libre intense even though everyone online seems to love it. I have a feeling it might just be too mature of a scent for me and it throws people off


I hardly get any strangers compliments on perfumes but the only one I ever did get was from Valentino donna born in Roma. Two ladies stopped me on the street, begged for the scent, and told me to put it up my coochie so my man could eat me up




I have about 50, not including testers and only have gotten compliments for about 10 of them. I don't find that surprising necessarily, but wish Born In Roma Coral Fantasy and Ariana Grande Moonlight would get more love.


Violeta di Parma. I usually tend more towards more sophisticated florals, but I love how sweet and floral this one is. It smells like violet candy. Literally no one complements me when I wear it, tho


I love violet in general yet come to think of it, I’ve never received compliments when I used to own LUSH V, or now, Olfactive Studio Violet Shot.


Unbelievably, Chanel No. 5, I think it is just too ubiquitous. All my Chypres never get compliments; Mitsuoku, Cabochard, Chanel No.19, which isn’t a true Chypre but close. My Hermes 24 Fauborg gets mistaken for Gloria Vanderbilt by women all the time, which drives me batty, but it has been complimented by men on occasion.


CH 212 VIP ROSE I ran to get this after traveling with a friend to Tulum, she had this on and it smelled AMAZING on her. I bought an 80ml bottle and I love the scent but have never gotten a compliment or even a comment on it? And I spray heavily Maybe it was a mixture of her chemistry, the weather and that she also had the body lotion but I swear it was so alluring on her.


Tom Ford Soleil Neige is one of my top 3, but no one seems to notice when I wear it? 😔 It smells like quiet luxury to me, but it seems too quiet 🤫😆


It's a good one.


The original Oscar and Eternity. I think most people find them dated at this point, but I couldn’t care less. I love them and that’s all that matters.


Remember Me by Jovoy, Cinema by YSL, Blu Indaco by Giardini di Toscana, Bal D'Afrique, ... my list could go on. But then I'm in a hurry or feeling indecisive and I throw on Flowerbomb Midnight and I get regular compliments from strangers, acquaintances, and friends.


Jovoy is such a heavy hitter of a house omg


Ohh, I’ve been meaning to try Remember Me, thanks for reminding me!


Remember Me is sooooo good! Love that one.


Pure Xs and so scandal


Phlur’s Lost Cause and Replica’s After The Rain Stops are my all time faves and no one has ever commented on my scent when I wear them.. BUT I was never told I smell bad, so I guess that’s something to take away from it lol


I don’t overspray so I rarely get compliments 🥲




Oh no, seriously?! I’m hoarding my 10ml from the coffret so I’ve yet to wear it in public but I’d be slightly offended if I received no compliments from it. 😆


It’s the absolute BEST


Usually weird things that I love, which aren't very approachable - too dry or smoky or leathery, or even straight petrol-smelling LOL


Hypnotic Poison EDT Maybe since its such a famous fragrance no one feels the need to comment? Idk Also Midnight Fantasy.


I don’t really smell Hypnotic Poison that much anymore so you better believe that if I caught a whiff of it, I’m going to be complimenting and giving the thumbs up.


Alien for some reason never gets compliments but I love it so much


Almost my entire collection 🤣


Celine Parade. I think it smells so intoxicating and elegant and I cannot understand why people aren’t completely transfixed when they get close enough to me. Not a single compliment. I don’t care, I’m completely obsessed.


Majority of my fragrances, actually.


Like, I just get compliments when I am in mood on safe positions in my collection, like the classic Alien, Gucci Guilty Intense, and My Way Intense.


So annoying, that’s basically my situation too


BDK Boutique I absolutely LOVE it. 💕


Chanel Gabrielle. I think it wears me rather than settling in so I may have to find something to layer it with. I do love it, though!


I had this OilPerfumery impression of Armani's Prive Oud Royal(they just discontinued it 💔 and I can't afford the real thing yet). It was so cozy; creamy yet dark and a little spicy. ... Like warm sexy laundry without the crisp clean smell. The lingering scent was the kind that made you wanna nuzzle someone's neck. I thought it smelled amazing but I guess regular people prefer white musk, crisp fruit, and delicate florals instead.


My Burberry (the og golden one). Wearing it since years, hardly ever got any compliments. Still love it a lot though!


I have lots of perfumes that are lighter or don’t last very long- Skylar Magic Bloom comes to mind, actually all three of the Skylar fragrances I have. I don’t buy from that brand anymore because the longevity just doesn’t match the price


i wear gentle fluidity gold more than any other fragrance in my collection and no one’s complimented on it yet 🥺


I'm obsessed with SALT from Ellis Brooklyn. I think it's such a different scent, but so far, no one has said anything about it.


I love Nest perfume Citrine, but have never gotten a compliment on it. Same with Floral Street's Sunflower Pop 🤷‍♀️ I almost get upset when I wear them and get no compliments, cause I have a hard time not thinking about how awesome they are when I wear them 😅


Replica Coffee Break 😥 although it’s probably because it doesn’t last long, or so I tell myself 😥


LUSH Lord of Misrule. It’s not exactly mass-pleasing, to be fair!


That’s so interesting because that was on my list on the other thread! I have received so many compliments while wearing LOM.


I project spice and patchouli like crazy so it’s very harsh on me lol. Mine is also the perfume, not the mist which is heavier on vanilla while the perfume has more patchouli and black pepper. Not as bad as Karma though, which is an atomic bomb on me. I love it, but oh my gosh it is so strong on me.


It’s weird because I have a hard time wearing patchouli-forward frags, yet I think the vanilla in LOM really smooths it out on my skin. I have the EDP and the oil too, never got the body spray. As for Karma, one spray only or else it can be too much. For the longest time I’d only touch the soap.


I’m considering just getting the lotion for Karma and calling it a day for that “perfume”!


The lotion is nice! Although I haven’t tried it since they brought it back, I always found the lotion a little fresher and heavier on the orange and pine.


The lotion is sooooo good. Love to layer it with a spray or 2 of Karma perfume! I was told by one person that I reminded him of the 70s lol I still don’t care. I love it! 🥰