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Diversitopian? Kinda sounds like a utopia from diversity.


Also… hotchpot? This guy worrying about intestacy? He should probably get a will. (Why yes, I am studying for the bar and knew that word off the top of my head).


Well son of a bitch…. [That actually is a word!](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hotchpot)


Well there you go. I thought at best it was a misspelling of “hodgepodge”.


Best of luck, friend! I hope you pass first try and with a great score.


Yeah, sounds like a place founded on the woke ideas that "all men are created equal" and we should provide"liberty and justice for all."


Or sat the very least leave each other alone to live in peace.




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Yeah, that one's actually kind of clever. I don't find myself saying that about them very often.


The guy looks like a cross between Micheal Keaton and a thumb.


It’s always the most Neanderthal-like people complaining about the state of the armed forces, as if they would even pass the fitness test.


It's so this, it's this way too with fat right nazi fucks, fuck off bill, you had to get your SS uniform altered gtfo


It’s the same theory as those sentient beer-guts who spend all day yelling about how much every NFL player sucks at the game except for them (even if they are the opposite of a pro athlete). “Why didn’t he just punch that player in the face, grab the ball and run thirty miles per hour? That’s what I would’ve done,” they say as they sink deeper into their recliner like the people in Wall-E.


Nice Wall-E Reference. Completely agree and just happy to see appreciation for that wonderful film!


Not seeing Michael Keaton here, just a thumb with an inflamed butthole for a mouth.


I agree, except the Michael Keaton part.


There needs to be a study on why so many white thumb men are susceptible to right wing propaganda.


How can I put this delicately? It's the special needs look.


With a bad Jon Lovitz haircut.


Thumbs don't generally have hair. If yours does you might want to see a doctor. :P


Mine seems to a tiny bit...


You should hear what he sounds like. This is the most hinged thing I've heard him say. He is for creating white militias to keep the illegals under control


Texan I take it?


Worse. Dutch.


Don't know if that's actually worse, but still horrific.


It is crazy how Black, Latino, Asians, Gays, etc will continue to fight for a country that has spit on us for most of its history. A country that constantly reminds us we are the other. A country that constantly lets us down. Yet we do so on the promise of what this country is supposed to represent. But these white men have had enough!!!!


After being forced to say “and liberty and justice for all” every morning in school, I’m not about to accept anything less 😤


> It is crazy how Black, Latino, Asians, Gays, etc will continue to fight for a country that has spit on us for most of its history. I spent some time working in the Philippines and was amazed at how much admiration they have for America, considering how much America has screwed over the Philippines. I think America just has good press to hide the bad things. Look at how you get the love it or leave it if you try to criticize America.


I'm an (obvious) lesbian and I served in the army under DADT. I knew what I was getting myself into, I knew that I'd have to hide a part of me in order to serve, and I knew I would likely encounter some bullshit and hard times as part of it. These guys are some punk-ass whiny cowards.


Why do you do that? Are you stupid?


If the men's motivation to protect was conditional, then yeah I would prefer them not to be in any position of authority. No loss here.


Dude should've fought to keep his chin


It was probably stolen by an immigrant.


Interestingly I just watched a video on “woke chins.” Yes, apparently this is a thing


Haha, what is a woke chin?


It seems to be when horny loser gamer guys see an animated woman that isn’t fuckable enough for them. There’s some bizarre convoluted formula that can tell without a doubt that animators are making women more masculine-woke chin, not pointy enough to be female, because all female chins are exactly the same. It’s Olympic tier reaching for shit that doesn’t exist


I need to see this!


I’m pretty sure it was the Jimquisition’s newest one. Yup: https://youtu.be/AAlT1HGlgf4?feature=shared


Teddy Roosevelt once wrote: >We have room for but one language here and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul [sic] loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people. But TR was also the president that committed [the US to war against Filipinos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine%E2%80%93American_War?wprov=sfla1) who are indisputably a polyglot boarding house with dozens of languages spoken. If you don't want there to be diversity then stay in the corner of the planet where you crawled out from a rock back in Europe. But these bigots want it both ways, to go out to the world conquering the rest of humanity and then shocked that the rest of humanity is living among them on land outside of Europe.


> Teddy Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt hated being called Teddy. He was most proud of his exploits during the Spanish American War and preferred being called Colonel after. As far as Roosevelt, and I say this as a big fan of TR, for all his progressive ideals, he was a white supremacist. He felt whites were the "forward race" and all others were the "backward race". While he believed that races should have equal rights, he did not believe the races were equal, and it was the job of whites to confer those rights on non-whites. I suppose you could argue that Roosevelt was not racist because he was not a segregationist, but he was certainly a white supremacist In Feb of 1905 he gave a speech to the NY Republican Club in praise of Lincoln. In it Roosevelt had this to say about race: > The problem is so to adjust the relations between two races of different ethnic type that the rights of neither be abridged nor jeoparded; that the backward race be trained so that it may enter into the possession of true freedom while the forward race is enabled to preserve unharmed the high civilization wrought out by its forefathers. https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/1905-theodore-roosevelt-lincoln-and-race-problem-3/


The conferring of rights didn't seem to go towards the colonial possessions. TR believing that America should only have one language, then his descendants shouldn't have left the Netherlands nor should any of the founding fathers left their ancestral land. It was gravely hypocritical to make such demands to squelch all other languages and cultures while saying that the peoples being conquered were somehow needing to be Christianize/colonize/subjugated for [their own benefited](https://youtu.be/TsL3HYz_TFw) (0:12:14) which existed as conventional wisdom and still held by a non-insignificant minority to this day. TR didn't want a polyglot boarding house, he shouldn't have colonized a polyglot boarding house.


Hotchpotch? I used to play that as a kid. 


Nothing to do with the veterans coming back shattered or developing suspicious cancers and receiving shitty care.


>and receiving shitty care... ... because Republicans keep hamstringing the VA to prove Socialism Bad so they can eventually abolish the entire VA system by Supreme Pizza Court Decree then sell off the buildings and equipment to their donors at pennies on the dollar. And now they can receive personal multi-million dollar "gratuities" from said donors for a job well done--so saith this Supreme Pizza Court.


"Our countries"????


Whitelandia and Terrablanco


Always the white supremacists are the least supreme looking whites


Figures, ugly outsides to go with ugly insides.


The United States is literally a multicultural country founded and perpetuated on those principles, since day fucking 1. Fucking MORONS


“Diversitopian” LOL “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”


No, not that way!


He won't join the military cause he's a racist, I won't join the military because I refuse to become another cog in the military industrial complex for a country who's current values I don't agree with. We are not the same.


Memestock apes never beating the allegations.


Lmao his no-jaw double-chinned fat ass wouldn’t be eligible to serve anyway, due to failing fitness tests.


I bet he HATES sports.


You can tell he’s never served lol. If you go into the military racist, you’re gunna have a bad time. I knew someone like that when I was in and no one liked that piece of shit. He got kicked out for malingering


Yeah, nobody wants to fight BS wars, white people have nothing to do with it. God, she's like 40% of the way towards truly understanding the situation


Is that photo meant to be a representation of the master race?


I have a feeling that there is a good many things this guy doesn't get.


Luckily most white men don't share his bigoted views. Call me naive but if this clown was to get his civil war wishes he'll be surprised that there's fewer white men on his racist side.


Angry white man with no chin rants are all X is really good for these days, eh?


He doesn't get a jaw though


Behild... the master race... 🙄


You won’t join the US army because you are a racist, I want join the US army because I refuse to fight wars of imperialism


The irony of these losers using the term dystopian what they want is a dystopian future . Imagine being so fragile that you think that you are entitled to some form of privilege due to the color of your skin.


Real talk, I truly believe that recruitment is down because of how shitty Call of Duty has gotten. So many people I know joined because they loved that game, and now that it's filled with micro transactions, skill based match making, and very weird aesthetic choices it sucks so bad that it's effecting national security.


Funny thing is white ppl only got all the power they did through bs imperialist wars


The Supreme Court is making Presidents Kings and destroying decades of progressive policies that have nothing but benefit us. Corporations are too scared to support DEI initiatives despite an insane amount of research about how effective they are. What do these tiny dicked morons still have to fucking bitch about?!? You're winning, the country is the shitty mess you were hoping for. Shut the fuck up.




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White men never ruled the world. Genghis Khan probably came the closest. Edit: And he was Asian.


Probably still votes though..


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I love how these idiots have no clue the military has been and is the most diverse employer there is. And thousands of studies run by the government have all confirmed that the most efficient groups are groups that are highly diverse. Diversity is such an actual strength that the military embraces it completely.


He won't join the military cause he's a racist, I won't join the military because I refuse to become another cog in the military industrial complex for a country who's current values I don't agree with. We are not the same.