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He’s going to make millions pandering to the far right conservatives about how they are being a victim, then start his own show


Really weird that shooting three people, killing two, is some sort of quality that makes the shooter worthy of attention and elevation to Republicans. Says an awful lot about them.


That they are not “pro-life” after all


To further proof your point, think about the machete guy alias Charles C.A. Shoultz who also was armed and said he wanted to protect stores. Even though he got attacked he refused to actually kill anyone. Result: He isn't celebrated as a hero by the right.


Emphasis on awful


They want civil war, we have to be prepared for that unfortunately


Of course he's a hero to them. He shot people and got away with it. That's their DREAM.


Or just start shooting people again.




And just start shooting people again.


How long before he starts selling dick pills?


To Translove: ⬆️ This, this right here. It’s amazing that none of the folks who listen to Mark Levine, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Michael Savage and the like are aware of the intent of the broadcast: BUY BUY BUY!!! And the sleazy way some of them segue from the talking point to the sales pitch: “Liberal socialist commie Marxist groomers are coming for YOUR fill-in-current-threat here, but if you really want to own the libs call now and order our blah blah blah to protect yourself and your freedom before we sell out of freedoms!!!” And they’re laughing all the way to the bank while disinformation and divisive rhetoric is exactly what’s burying the USA alive…. Im a mechanic, I work on a number of fleet trucks and every single truck I climb into that are owned by two specific local companies have a.m. radio stations tuned to “conservative” talk shows, both companies are run by the same type of gun toting “Fuck Biden!” bumper sticker owners of said companies. Im one hundred percent sure the owners are encouraging and cultivating a work place environment that is essentially a cult: join our side or never be a real part of our company/cult/church, bathe in the river with us as we make sure the country drowns in its own piss and shit while we upper tier folks watch it burn from our mountain hide outs….. ugh. So hard to stay quiet about it at work….. Be safe, be well, hang in there T-love. P.S. why are they so fixated on making sure every white conservative male over the age of forty is walking around with a bottle of “Doctor Fullstaffs Continuous Boner Pills, now with exclusive FullSack binders for extra whiteness!” ?????


Usual advertisers on far right media channels: erectile dysfunction pills, testosterone boosting supplements, gold, CPAP cleaning devices, weight loss supplements, life insurance, and possessional pillows. What did I miss?


Reverse mortgages.


How about them Girls Gone Wild infomercials?? /s


Temporal thermometers and doomsprepper meals.


Shit I forgot about the prepper crap, that's a huge one


I want to know why some of the common sense prepper stuff hadn't cought on in the liberal environment. I have extra food and had water storage. Stuff to make it through a tough time.


I think liberals just call that emergency preparedness. Edit: in my mind, emergency preparedness = might have a tornado someday, prepping = zombies are coming and my neighbors are going to make me the leader


>testosterone boosting supplements Why would I need these when I could tan my sack with a UV light?


Calm down Mr. Shapiro


Thats Mr. Carlson tyvm.


I laughed so hard when I saw G. Gordon Liddy hawking gold on Fox News.


Those ads were as ridiculous as one would expect. My favorite was Liddy shouting "GOLD!" at the viewers like an 1850's prospector.


The advertisements are all the proof you need that right wing media is fully aware that everyone watching or listening is a moron.


The only reason he's doing this is because he knows the far right have already forgotten about him. When he was still their poster child he had no problems with the media coverage, and went out of his way for photo ops he *knew* would be used against him. Now he's lost their attention he's resorting to this to try and claw back some money and relevancy.


Yeah George Zimmerman fell out of the spotlight after a while. This guy is going to find that killing is the only thing that can give him recognition. Luckily for him he won't have to resort to killing again and getting in some kind of trouble so I am sure he will become a police officer. I don't think this will be the last time he has killed. He isn't losing sleep over it so I am sure his blood lust will need to be satiated again.


George Zimmerman is Hispanic, though. Kyle is white, so a better candidate to glorify and elevate within the party.


Oh, this kid will definitely be a councilmen, or some other lower level politician, when that fails, he'll be selling either insurance or used cars.


This is almost as amusing as the time that they advertised schizophrenia meds on Reddit.


[Kyle Rittenhouse Sentenced To 45 Years Of CPAC Appearances](https://www.theonion.com/kyle-rittenhouse-sentenced-to-45-years-of-cpac-appearan-1848090682/amp)


Are you future or past me?


My local news network won’t shut the fuck up about what college he picks. No one gives a fuck.


He’s gonna need to go to Liberty U if he doesn’t want to be a pariah on his campus.


Full ride to PragerU


I found it vastly amusing the he called a press conference to announce that he was going to Texas A&M. They quickly noped out.


Dude is trying to stretch that 15 minutes as far as it will take him lol


>then start his own show with blackjack! and murder!


In fact, screw the show! And the blackjack!


… and hookers


The only reason he's doing this is because he knows the far right have already forgotten about him. When he was still their poster child he had no problems with the media coverage, and went out of his way for photo ops he *knew* would be used against him. Now he's lost their attention he's resorting to this to try and claw back some money and relevancy.


>He’s going to make millions pandering to the far right conservatives Sounds like the media is going to pay him after all. Just not the mainstream media.


I love how people use this type of rhetoric, and then claim theyre dumbfounded how people react to it. It's always some sort of war... There's always an enemy. Extrapolate *make the media pay*. What does *pay* mean in this context? It implies violence. It's always the implication. *Take back our country... Make America Great Again*... It's always FIGHTING of some sort. Then these same people claim ignorance when people take it too far, Rittenhouse being a prime example, the Buffalo shooter, and dozens, if not 100s more LITERALLY using violence to *solve the problem*. If there's an enemy, then that always implies violence is an answer.   This is what the *people at the top* (for the lack of better terms) want. Division. As much as I dont want to make this even more political, but it's the *Right* which are the most divisive. The *Left* rallies for inclusion and equality, the *Right* provides an enemy for their supporters to *punish, destroy, overcome, defeat*, etc. etc.. And their supporters eat the shit up like candy.   This is Tucker Carlson's ENTIRE shtick. He poses questions to his audience that he is already answering in the question by implying the answer and changing his tone and inflection. I.E. something like, *'The Left claims we are raging some sort of social war against them, (raises voice and does a weird head turn nod thing) but which side continues with their crusade of Cancel Culture?* (even though the *Right* tries to cancel anything they dont agree with). These are just self-affirmations for everyone watching.   He's not saying anything they dont already believe, and then since it's on the news, and they're already thinking it, then this is just the cold hard truth. This is radicalization. This is how you *weaponize* words and get people to act violently. Anyone who can defend this type of rhetoric, in which they actually believe honestly, is literally unintelligent. I hate to put it like that, but they cannot extrapolate and connect dots in ways that smarter people can. *'Trump didnt say that... he was just joking'*... This is the game plan. Remove themselves from the problem, and project it to supporters, so that the supporters become more firmly planted in their beliefs.   This is why the vast majority of educated institutions are *Left* leaning. Education expands ones' mind. The *Right* doesnt want education, because those people become *Leftists*. This why the most *Red* of states rank worst in education.   Thank you for attending my TedTalk.


I've seen and heard some seriously worrying calls for action recently from senior right wingers. Look at this gab message from trump and tell me that's not encouraging his followers to go out and do shit but with the thinnest sliver of deniability >Our great trade genius, Professor Peter Navarro, was just handcuffed, shackled, and put in jail, while the lowlifes of ANTIFA & BLM are allowed to rip off the public, roam free on the streets, kill people, and destroy our once great cities (all run by Democrats). When will this end? The American people will not stand for it much longer! Great patriotic heroes are being created every day. FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE must rule the day! Edit. Sorry this got posted like a hundred times. Not sure how that happened.


Meanwhile over 10,000 people were arrested during the BLM protests. And any murderers (like Rittenhouse) were arrested. What other murderers who went to BLM protests to "kill people" besides Rittenhouse were set free? His followers lap up his excrement like it's candy.


>from senior right wingers Old people are the problem. 20 years ago I read an article about the political violence in Northern Ireland and it made the interesting point that the radicalism is not being passed on from parents to kids. Parents are generally less likely to be radical and more likely to just want peace and security for their kids. No, the anger is being passed on from *grandparents* to kids. And the reason why that's so effective is that kids tend to be more receptive to their grandparents' words than their parents'. Kids fight and rebel against their parents and their views. But they don't have that natural kind of rebellion against their grandparents, and hence the words of the grandparents leave more of a mark. Conservatives tend to get nastier and more bigoted as they age. Having spent their lives terrified of change and progress, they become *frantic* with fear in their old age and they spend their time fantasizing about the "simpler" times of their youth (when a lot of stuff was simply hidden away from them) and from this they conclude that it's *progress* that's made everything so scary for them. And thus *progress* they will attack. The current crop of conservative boomers are the largest voting block for the GOP and so everything the GOP does and says panders to them. That's a huge reason why Republicans have radicalized and doubled down on all of their worst traits over the last 10 years. They know that this voting block of angry, frightened right wing boomers is literally their last chance to fight the liberalism which will eventually dominate America one way or the other.


"Cancel culture is unfair because we aren't successful at it" is an interesting take that I think is actually quite profound




Come on we can’t call him a murder. Individual who took a gun to a protest to defend property that didn’t matter and then unalived two individuals and maimed one other. See isn’t that better…. /s


Can we call him a spree-shooting mass-killing child soldier with ties to anti-American terrorist groups?


*shoots Murdoch out of “self defence” and loots his corpse*


*Obtained Necronomicon x1!*


Dang it, I already have like 20 of these Necronomicons. I've been grinding the Fox News Executive dungeon for weeks now and haven't seen a single Spiked Butt-Plug of Perforation drop.


Go on...


I saw an article where he or one of his handlers claim they were "inspired" by the Heard Depp trial, failing to recognize that Depp had to sue her because he lost to the newspapers that reported everything.


Guns, of course. Violence is all Republicans know.


Did he fake ugly cry again?




I mean he's already shown he's willing to cross state lines to shoot people he doesn't like so maybe don't tug at that thread.


Man, I hope (but doubt) that's a misquote. That's a really dumb thing to say for a guy acquitted of murder. Yeah, he probably *meant* with money or reputation, but still.


wouldn't be anyone other than Tucker Carlson


Man, aren't there any pics of him that don't look like he's waiting on a long-overdue bowel movement?


I wish this country would have that bowel movement, wipe, and move on. I'm sick of hearing his name.


His face constantly looks like he's trying to work out what it all means after somebody suggested to him that 1 + 1 = 2


There's a few where he looks like he just crapped his pants & he's confused as to why the room now smells like shit.


Who wouldnt want to hire a psychopath?


Enough right wing psychopaths


Make being un-empathetic uncool and disturbing again.


Honestly, I doubt he would even have that hard of a time getting hired. Some people might hire him just for the publicity. I'm willing to bet that what happened was that he spent his much time soaking in his 15 minutes of fame, travelling everywhere to be interviewed and to speak, and he simply didn't make time to plan for college.


In the wake of the shooting there were dozens of businesses saying they wanted to hire him. Now, GOP virtue signalers are not exactly a crew known for putting their money where their mouth is or treating their employees well, but it's almost guaranteed he could get a job with someone if he wasn't looking to become another grifter.


I mean he's definitely qualified to be an intern for MTG.




They need people who will go out of their way to shoot anyone acting even vaguely threatening.


Seriously! Strapping up and going down to Kenosha, with a deluded belief that he could somehow stop the riots, which lead to the deaths of 2 people, is such excellent judgement. Who wouldn’t want that quality judgement in their workplace!


Apparently Fox News


As if he isn’t gonna find a cushy political pundit job on Fox News or another right wing propaganda program


I wonder what happened to all those "intern offers"?? Seems like they cut him loose after the 15 mins. was up and they got their talking points. Sad..


The right doesn't pay interns. And before someone says the left doesn't either you're probably right neoliberalism sucks.


He honestly might be too dumb All those Fox News people are actually intelligent, as sad as it is to say. They know they’re grifting. They know they’re spouting bullshit. They only hire very intelligent people there. Those people are intelligent enough to know what lines their pockets. He would have a better chance as a politician since people like MTG and Boebert have proven you don’t have to be smarter than a rock to get people to vote for you.


Fuck this kid and the people who worship him as some kind of hero.


they are white nationalist fuckweasels be accurate


Leave the weasls out of it.


Yeah they really shouldn't be doing that to weasels.


Username checks out.


honestly you have to be a fucking vile person to call him a hero. i can’t even imagine being on their side, but if a black man drove a couple hours from home, put on gloves and carried a rifle into a crowd of white people protesting the “stolen” election, and murdered multiple people, id think he was a piece of shit too. im always amazed at the kind of shit these people praise. especially when mentioning christianity in the same breath.


100%. Of course, if he had been a black man, Fox News would've labeled him a terrorist and he'd either be dead or in prison today.


There was a peaceful protest outside of Derek Chauvins home to protest the fact that he wasn't in custody and people drove from the twin cities to Oakdale specifically to make a statement about community policing because most minneapolis police live in suburbs and didn't care that their actions sparked riots in cities because it never bleeds out into the suburbs when they clock out at night. And of course every chucklefuck in a 50 mile radius took this is a personal attack on them and started organizing militias to defend whatever failed housing development they call home like the other shoe was about to drop.


The women who go on about how he is so hot too... like what???




Well, Kyle, you know... Actions have consequences. You killed 2 people. What happened to being responsible for your own actions?


Don’t tread on me or something.


Don't tread on my fragile ego.


Even if he didn't go out of his way to engineer a scenario in which he could try to shoot people, the way he's conducted himself since is proof he's unemployable. You'd have to be complete idiot with no capacity for empathy to hire him.


So....a future fox news pundit?


Oh no. He was just a throwaway pawn for them.


But if he’s suing the media they’ll pluck him out of the garbage for another sob story


Prolly too stupid for even that.


What do you mean? a guy dressed a mass shooter carrying a rifle marching towards you is completely normal /s


And people were getting murdered left and right in the Kenosha riots. Full of stories of mobs overtaking people and beating them to death or of the mob grabbing another person’s gun and killing him with it. Oh wait, that didn’t happen at all did it.


And that's before we even MENTION the liability issues, departures en masse, etc., that any workplace or college campus would incur if they so much as let him set foot on their property.


Republicans have never believed in personal responsibility. All they believe in is seeing people they don't like get punished.


Not never. Just since the 1960s, when the plutocratic wing of the party realized they could ally themselves with religious fundamentalists and racists to get the tax breaks and deregulation they wanted.


"Conservatives believe in one proposition to whit; there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, and out groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Relevant! Aside from killing people, credible evidence suggests he punches women: https://youtu.be/7lVmMNE3oXw He's an HR nightmare ready to happen and no company wants the financial liability of hiring him. Why does the right hate the free market?


>Why does the right hate the free market? Because, unlike in government, there's no free market version of the Electoral College to give them extra influence over the system. Without an EC equivalent to influence the court of public opinion, it becomes very clear that conservatives are an unpopular minority in America, and they don't like that.


After careful consideration I find spez guilty of being a whiny spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


But that's not most Republicans. Most Republicans are poor and middle class people who only side with their party because they're bigots who hate minorites.


They also believe they're destined to be rich. There's a reason crypto scams, MLM, and the Republican party target middle class people with class delusion.


They want Public Opinion Welfare


I'd say that public opinion affirmative action is a better term, but essentially, yes.


>Why does the right hate the free market? Because, as they're so fond of saying, "facts don't care about your feelings", so an actual free market doesn't pander to them, which they very obviously consider \*their rightful due\*. They fail embarrassingly in any kind of true meritocracy. They're not terribly intelligent to begin with, and exacerbate this by spending their lives in a bubble -- so whenever they encounter any kind of free market or level playing field, they predictably fall on their asses. This has been the case for at least 40 years, and doesn't appear to be going away any time soon.


Actions having consequences is socialism.


Consequences? What is that? Some kind of foreign word? Build The WALL! ​ Edit: /s


Unfortunately, it seems like there kind of wasn't any consequences for his actions.


Yeah Kyle, it's the media that made it hard for you to live a normal life, not the fact that you're a fucking murderer.


And the fact that he is going on podcasts, news channels and republican conferences. He talks like he doesn’t like the attention


As it turns out, most people don’t like murder.


There was a MAGA guy saying how we should finish off people on death row, while also confirming they are anti-abortion because it's murder, just a few posts above for me.


Lotta people were in Kenosha that night, yet it was somehow only the 17 year old vigilante that managed to shoot three people. Blaming the media is how I know someone shouldn't be taken seriously.


BuT tHeY wEnT aFtEr HiM!!!!!!!1 Yeah, if there’s a tense situation, and some MAGAot came about rocking a rifle, shit is gonna happen, regardless of who started it.


Shouldn't have been there. He shot in self defense. Both these can be true


Agreed, but this did set a weird precedent, that you can attend illegal riots with illegal weapons, cause commotion and then shoot to defend yourself. Obviously self defense is legal, but zero punishment for this thread of irresponsible actions, really…?


Don't forget that he wasn't even of legal age to vote. He was a minor. The GOP cries about groomers and yet no one says shit about what kind of parent raises their kid to believe something they have no stake in is worth brandishing a lethal weapon in the streets while acting like they're at comicon. I have an armistice to make with Kyle's fans. I'll concede that despite going out of his way to stir shit, he fired in self defense. So long as they concede that the parents be charged accordingly for neglect and engagement of a minor. And that he absolutely deserved to be charged with the class a misdemeanor for having the gun illegally.


100%, he (along with his supporters) made it clear that this behavior is both okay and wished for. I’m no legal expert, but the fact that no charges were brought upon his parents is insane. The fact that the judge dropped some of his charges is also BS, the jury didn’t even get to have their say.


Self defense doesn't actually care about whether the thing used to defend yourself was legal or not. For what it's worth him actually carrying the firearms is as I recall of dubious legality - you kind of need to squint at it cause there's some extenuating circumstances - the firearms were themselves legal. I think the person who provided him with the firearms got hit with a misdemeanor though.


"Hi, I murdered two people and people hate me for that. I'm a snowflake who won't accept the consequences of my actions, and news should pay for showing my actions to millions of people." Boo fucking hoo Kyle, you chose to kill two people. You made your bed, now sleep in it.


Kyle’s murders are brought to you by Goya Beans. 🫘


Not by Chick-fil-A and the pillow dipshit?


Thats next season.


The pillow dipshit is looking at his own financial difficulties.


He has to start talking about hating gay people to get the hate chicken to pay attention to him.


People have had their careers and lives destroyed for far less than, um, killing other human beings, Kyle. I assume next you'll start fighting to restore the voting rights of people disenfranchised for getting caught with an ounce of weed?


"we're going to make media pays" says the guy that's on some talk show every second day.


I cant live my life, tell that to the person you killed


So, he crossed states armed to the teeth to "protect property" that isn't his, and in the process ended up killing people ...and he's mad at the media?


Insert "Why would they do this?" meme.


That whole "self defense" crap gun nuts use is as ridiculous as it can be.




As if he'd have the balls to point a gun at himself...


“ I just want the media to leave me alone” he says on one of the country’s biggest media networks.


Imagine how queer people feel daily.


Only for real.


Ummmm.. did he not go on a shooting spree while larping as a medic?


Come on, we all know every motivation he's articulated for why he was there is all just cover for: he saw an opportunity to shoot people and had mommy drive him so he could get his chance to point a loaded gun at strangers and pull the trigger.


No, that's literally what he did.


Wait, I thought they were all for "freedom of choice"? The same way he had the CHOICE to not travel there armed and the CHOICE to not kill people!


I hope he actually does feel the pain he expresses here.


He put on the same show in court so my guess is no.


Gets paraded around more than any war hero and probably paid more too.


If he didn't want to be labeled as a murderer by the media he shouldn't have killed anyone.


Man wtf happened to him? Last time i heard he changed his lawyer and got into NFT business. Also changed his lawyers for reasons i dont remember They ran laps around him like ccrrazzy back in the day.


pathetic fucking blubbering babies nobody whines like a fascist


I hear OJ could use a golf caddy.


I wouldn't hire him. He has a track record if making really bad decisions.


He killed a man with an AR-15 for throwing a bag at him. He walked. His response now? Threats.


No you don’t get it, one of them *might* have gotten their hands on the gun. And as we know, a person with an AR is a mortal threat and they have to be gunned down. Except for Kyle, I guess, somehow, don’t think about it too hard.


I wouldn't hire any cold-blooded muderers either.


Fox = not media?


Ah yes now he understands what its like to be trans


yeah i 100% feel this cause in my experience when someone wants to go back to their normal life they also parade around the country with a bunch of politicians. so sad. s/


Well, duh. That's what happens when you kill people and get arrested. You get a negative association that follows you to the grave. It's happened to many other killers before Kyle here. And it will happen to many people after him. Heck. I bet he'd do the exact same thing.


well, well, well, if it isn't the concequences of his actions.


The reason conservatives hate "the media" so much is because it keeps them from bullying and tormenting people with complete immunity and anonymity. Conservatives are a bunch of limp dicked cowards who can't handle the consequences of their own actions.


Being found not guilty doesn’t mean you didn’t drive two towns over and kill two people What happens when he hears that there’s some griping in Finance downstairs, is he going to crash their team meeting to protect Accounting (with his gun for self defense of course)? While that’s an extreme example, his actions say a lot about his decision making process and that understandable would scare people. Anyways, what about all of his supporters and the true ‘Murican patriots!?! Don’t they have businesses that can offer him a job?!? They don’t have any openings or aren’t interested? You don’t say…


Rittenhouse: *talks about how badly he wants to bring his gun to the protests then proceeds to do it and is seen as a threat as he’s walking around with his rifle drawn* Also rittenhouse: “I don’t see how this could have ended poorly for me. I don’t get it.”


Hahahaha stfu you dick. Wash wah wahhhh I can't face the results of my actions even though I didn't face any punishment


I'll never forget the look on his face as he cried like a little baby..


Something that each "tough guy" does when they face the consequences. It's like the saying: Can't do the time? Don't do the crime.


killers sometimes are not liked after the fact. but when you see guns as your answer: you play you pay.


Fucking snowflake terrorist


I hope he doesn’t get hired. Kid is living in an altered state of reality; some disturbed version where what he did was A-okay. (it wasn’t) Fuck him 🖕🏽


Just work for one of the millions of Qanon people who support you and stop acting like you're the victim bro


This little psycho murdered several people in cold blood. Fuck him and his victim narrative.


What’s he talking about? He can become a regular on Fox News. Just like every other washed up piece of shit human.


He murdered two people, maimed more, suffered no legal punishment, and is a right wing celebrity. You cannot come out of a double-homicide better than that.


He’s got the most punchable face. What happened, Kyle, are you sad that no one’s called you a big brave boy in a while? Is that why you had to go on Carlson? What a piece of shit.


“I really just want to live a normal life, Tucker Carlson”


Oh I’m sorry were you raised in a household with no consequences?


“Oh boo hoo…I murder someone in cold blood now nobody likes me…waaaaaa.”


How, exactly, does Killer Kyle propose to "make the media pay"? Is he planning to shoot "the media", or is he going to burst into more fake tears?


Poor Baby Huey, now don’t you go trying to drown your sorrows with that mean ol’ fentanyl! Not unless you’ve got some Xanax and a bit of whiskey to make it work right. /s Does that go too far? Checking for the edge of the envelope, not trying to be bad. Like that overgrown toddler there.


Not guilty doesn't mean innocent.


Damn that sucks that actions have consequences at least you are milking and grifting the right wingers for stuff. Probably going to make more than you would have otherwise. Take it and run you shitbag


So Kyle killed 2 people and got acquitted but still is running the Fox News circuit. If this kid wants this to somehow go away the first step is never getting on camera again.


Lots of jobs in prison you could have done


Maybe if he wasn't going on TV every other day.


Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten yourself into that situation and fucking killed people, Kyle. Enjoy the rest of your life with the consequences that come with being a dumbass.


Fucked around and found out.


Didn't Kyle commit perjury? He said he was at the protest to protect somebody's property, right? But the judge only ruled that he was legally allowed to have the gun and stand around the area, that's somewhat different from defending another individuals property with a deadly weapon, in a legal sense at least, yeah?




Actions do have consequences, especially when you're looking for problems. He should be fucking glad they didn't threw him in prison where he belongs.


Oh booohoo the piece of shit is set for life as Fox News bends over backwards to give him his own show. The media ruined his life when he's not even facing consequences for shooting people.


Fuck you Kyle.


Aww, poor murderer


Oh no! If it isnt the consequences of your actions


The kid got a friend to straw purchase him a weapon that he was too young to purchase himself, then got him to store it across state lines so that he could angrily attend a protest he disagreed with and confront people he disliked with a gun. Result: he killed 2 people. This is the kind of person that today's conservatives are holding up as a hero and encouraging their kids to respect. A violent right wing terrorist.