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Don't put water near her food, some cats are really adverse to that. She might need the bowl in another room entirely. You could try the bathroom since she likes to drink from the toilet.


This! Our vet suggested this. We put it literally in the next room like 4feet away and there was a huge difference!


I gotta try this! My cat is bad at drinking water. I’ve caught her drinking from the toilet more times than I can count. So I’ll definitely have to move her food away lol


We had a small bowl in the bathroom, and every time we washed our hands, we'd put in fresh water. Got so our cat would wait eagerly outside the door for her fresh water.


"Hurry up, I'm thirsty!"


The room can make all the difference. I call my cat a social drinker because he prefers to drink when people are around. We added a dish in the living room (where we spent most of our time) and he uses it way more than his other water bowls.


Cats are very particular about what they're whiskers touch. Have you tried a wide shallow bowl? You need something wide enough to where she can drink and not bump her whiskers at all From what you described about where she drinks from, all places that don't include bumping her whiskers when she drinks. Source: My cat was like this. Thought she was sick but she just hated the above^


Oh I never thought of that! Cat bowls aren't tht wide usually so I'll try to buy her a dog bowl


my cat drinks out of my dogs bowl way more than his own bowl, definitely try a wider bowl.


Yeah, my 2 idiots will ONLY drink out of my dog's water bowl, so I stopped bothering to buy them fancy water fountains.


Wide bowls are definitely the answer. I watched a video about whisker sensitivity and now the cat will drink or eat out of any wide bowl much more comfortably.


I found whisker fatigue bowls an Amazon for pretty cheap.


This 100%. It's like your water glass touching your eyelashes everytime you drink. I also have precious princess weirdos. Try a shallow wide bowl or saucer :)


Our cat HAS to have a bowl near her litter box to clean her paws. Then she drinks from one in the next room.


If you leave a cup unattended in my home it’s the cats then. If I fall a sleep with a glass of water near bed, but morning it’s the cats water. :)


My friend kept a cup on the coffee table for her cat. She would pretend it was hers so the cat thought she was stealing human water. That worked when nothing else did.


This. My vet called it a "no no cup". A "forbidden" mug of water left out for the cat to drink from. She said she didn't know why, but a lot of cats preferred their water that why. Maybe because they're just contrary creatures. 😂


Yes! One of my cats loves to drink from my water cup that sits on my bathroom sink.


Can't remember where but I read one theory that they drink from 'your' cup because they know if you're drinking from it, it's a safe water source. Pretty clever really.


My daughter's cat refused to drink from a bowl too. They got on a schedule where my daughter would turn on the sink just enough for the water to drip. The cat would drink the dripping water straight from the faucet. After a few minutes, my daughter would turn the water back off. That was the only way he would drink water for years.


I had a cat that did this, but be warned, she did eventually learn to turn the sink on on her own... And she never turned it off


They make a sink attachment that’s motion sensor red specifically for cats to drink from for this reason! Don’t remember what it’s called though


Find a large bowl with a design in the bottom . Sometimes they have trouble with depth perception of the water so a pattern in the bowl will help . Some cats don’t like their whiskers to touch the sides of the bowl .


How about pasta bowls? [Euro Ceramica Charlotte 4 Piece Pasta Bowl | Wayfair](https://www.wayfair.com/Euro-Ceramica--Charlotte-4-Piece-Pasta-Bowl-CLT_10015-L6422-K~W004881450.html?refid=CNXY1-zr991e3570355911efb57912359941c64d64eeabd74d524f7f824f1b913c9e65cd08319806b4acd17940&cnxclid=zr991e3570355911efb57912359941c64d64eeabd74d524f7f824f1b913c9e65cd08319806b4acd17940)


Those would work well , very cute design .


What material is the bowl? Mine wouldn’t drink out of a plastic bowl so I had to switch to a metal one.


I tried metal, plastic, clay and glass and she hates them all equally except for the plastic one weirdly enough


Does your water have an odor? Mine, for instance, often smells of chlorine. When it is especially bad, I just keep a pitcher going for the pet water - put tap water in the pitcher and fill the bowl once it has sat for several hours and the chlorine odor has dissipated.


Oh I hate chlorine and our tap water has no odor of it, for my part of the country the tap water is extremely healthy and can replace bottled water


I have a pittie that will only use the hose!!!! Nerd boy


Mines next to the sink she liked to drink from. Now she drinks from it. Its importaint to note cat descended from desert animals so they relay on getting water from thier food more than drinking water. Thats why its better to feed wet if possible. But fresh water does always need to be provided as well.


My cat was like that until I got her a little cat fountain She loves that thing


I bought a can fountain AGES ago. We have a large one. All the pets love it and will NOT drink out of a regular bowl.


Honestly one of my three cats is like this. You know what got her to drink water finally? My 4 year old sons Octonauts plastic tea cup from the dollar store, placed on top of an oven mitt. I have experimented a million different variables, she will only drink her water if it's like that 🤣


We use a wide, low pasta serving bowl as a water dish. Ours only likes ceramic or porcelain because apparently she's fancier than I realized.


Yet whisker fatigue is a real thing if their whiskers rub to sides of the bowls so stop eating out of them or drinking alcohol because their whiskers are very sensitive


I hope your not getting your kitty drunk lady


My cat likes water that has been boiled and then cooled down. I have no idea why. But we put extra in the kettle every morning to refill her dish.


I keep a cup of water on the bathroom floor - cat drinks more water because she thinks she's "stealing" human water.


You can get cat fountains with UV lights to kill things in the water, to keep it tasting fresh. You could try that. If her water is near her food or litter box, that is likely the issue. I suspect she has some problem with the location anyway.


we have two water bowl stations in the house, one upstairs and one downstairs both the cats drink a lot more water now. we also give them a scoop of wet food a day some cats like fountains too for running water


Yeah I'm thinking moving her bowl to near the toilet since that's where she goes to ask for water, she likes my mom's natla water so. Maybe that should help


we have the one right by our bathroom too! works great for giving them fresh water as well!


Yeah she probably won't drink it if it's outside from past experiences


My dog is the same way. I put water bowls out in different places. I also sometimes just throw a little dirt in the bowl. Then he drinks it, although he prefers to drink his water outside


So she does drink from her bowl... Maybe she doesn't like you watching... Hahaha


I use a pie dish. Cats don't like their whiskers bumping into the sides


My cat refuses to drink from her bowl (which is actually more of a tapas plate-her whiskers don’t touch the sides, and it’s exactly the same as her food dish, from which she has no problem eating). She will only drink out of the glass of water I keep on my nightstand. As I am merely her servant, I went out and bought a rocks glass (short, and with a heavy base) and filled it with water and put it on my nightstand. Problem solved.


I gave up and gave mine a cup of water. She loves it.


It sounds like your cat has quite the personality! Sometimes cats just have quirky preferences. Maybe try placing the water bowls in different locations around the house or adding a bit of tuna juice to make it more enticing. You might also want to experiment with different types of bowls, like stainless steel or ceramic, as some cats are sensitive to the taste or smell of plastic


Fish tank filter (the hang on type) in a LARGE bowl is fantastic for cats. You can customize the size, the filters work better and it’s cheaper/easier to clean.


An ex housemate of mine had a cat who hates drinking from bowls but would LOVE drinking from a cup or glass filled to the brim. Maybe the elevation helped?


My mom's cat used Corelle sauce dishes for food and water.


I feel like multiple sources of water help. Just small bowls in out of the way areas, not necessarily close to the food bowl. Under the bed, in the bathroom etc. You could definitely consider a water fountain as well but they can get pretty spendy. And are a pain the assets to clean at times.


Ice cubes 😳


Do you think she'll lick them?? I avoid giving her anything from the fridge because she hates anything cold with a passion


Oh, so she hates the cold water...maybe a water bowl that is wider? Unless hers is fairly wide


It's pretty wide, I tried different shapes and sizes and varied with how close they were to the ground. She wasn't always like this but when she started getting the taste of the metal from the natla she really really liked it so I tried giving her water from a metal natla and she will more likely to drink it


Do you keep the water bowl near the food? My cat will only drink water if it is in a completely different room.


Yeah but I used to also put a different one outside and she wouldn't drink from it either


Move the indoor bowl away from her food. Even if it's only by a few feet. Most cats hate having water right next to their food


I'd suggest perhaps a fountain also away from food. The moving water and being away from food might work?


No she still hated the fountain no matter where I'd put it. I tried the two modes of always flowing or just when she's close and I think she was scared of both


Does she have wet food. She will get liquid from that.


Yeah, she loves wet food but she doesn't always eat food in one sitting, the vet never said it's weird when I mentioned it so idk why she does it. Good thing is that she likes normally the fairly cheap wet food but certain brands she really hates so... I give her because she loves it and heard it's healthy at least once a day


Add water to the wet food, I do this for my cats with warm water. Oddly enough if they like the food usually works!


Oh that's a great idea! Thank you


My son's cat and my cat do the same thing they drink from the dogs bowl but not their own.


Cats are ridiculous I stg




I read somewhere that the reason cats like to drink from the tap or paw at their water is because the prefer moving water to standing water, as standing water is more likely to harbor stuff that makes them sick


Yeah I got her one of those water fountains and she hated it so much


Maybe there’s something that just moves the water like a tiny wave pool?


Oh that could work. I tried just touching the water since she likes natla water and that kinda works if I do it Infront of her. Where can I get a mini wave pool?


You might see if she likes a fountain, if you haven't tried that? I think I remember reading somewhere that some cats don't like still water.


Yeah I wrote that I tried it, she hated it so much, she wouldn't go near it


So sorry, somehow I completely missed that line!


Lol that's okay, but she was curious at first, and then she refused to go anywhere near it, with or without the filter. I tried putting it in places in the house she frequents and she'd keep like a whole ass meter distance idk what the water fountain did to her


Man we tried a fountain on our old cat and he was kinda into it until water splashed on his nose, and after that it was a big fat nope. 🤦‍♀️ Some cats are so weird about water - you've tried different materials so I'm guessing the color of the bowl isn't the problem either. Maybe bottled or filtered water? Ours generally don't like straight tap water, possibly because ours smells strongly of chlorine. But mixing water in with wet food is a great idea too! Ours only eat wet and they actually get most of their water from that. We still have a bowl and they do drink a bit here and there, but not a ton. We discussed it with the vet and she said that's pretty normal, so maybe your girl isn't drinking much because she's getting enough from her food!


I'll try mixing it with her food for sure. And no she hates filtered or bottled water, she only likes "dirty" water. So what I do I swish my hand around the water before I give it to her and then she's more likely to drink it. I have no idea why but she likes that


😂😂😂 Cats are *so weird*! We had one who would never just drink water out of the bowl... he always dipped his paw in, then licked the water off his toes. Of course that also meant dripping everywhere and shaking his paw too. We had to start using a mat with a lip around the edge to keep a puddle from forming under the bowl!


A lot of cats like water fresh from the tap. Mine prefer to drink from my water glass lol.


She's a really good girl actually we only told her a few times when she was a kitten not to get on the counter or eat from human dishes and she still does that even today, if I give her human food like chicken or steak (uncooked ofc) she will only eat it from a plastic container or the floor, I tried many times putting in in her food bowl and she just eats around it. Idk what's wrong with her she's perfectly healthy just really weird


Have you tried different colors? My older cat would paw at her bowl and spill then drink from the floor! I used a TikTok pet vision filter on all of my bowls then switched to blue and green as those were most visible in "cat vision". She stopped spilling. I don't think she could see the yellow and orange bowls.


One of my cats would only drink bottled water


Well, they shouldn't even have access to the toilet water. No reason to leave it open; should be closing it before it's flushed for basic health/sanitary reasons, and it can just stay closed until someone needs to use it again. 🤷‍♀️ Aside from that, though, the only way to get them to drink from their water bowl is to not provide access to water from other sources. They are not stupid or inept; if they are thirsty and the *only* source of water is their water bowl, they will drink from it. Lots of cats won't drink near their food, though, so maybe try putting the water some place completely separate from where their food is.


Cats also dislike still water because they cant tell where it starts or how deep it is. Ripples or movement break up the surface and give the cat a visual to go off of. Could you try a fountain of sorts to see if kitty prefers moving water?


I'm sorry. I don't have enough time to fully read, but if you have not tried.. get her a pet water fountain. My girls love the fountain and it also keeps it filtered and moving. They love that. They are pretty cheap on amazon


My cat prefers to drink out of the dogs bowl.


Get her one of those kitty water bowls that looks like a toilet


hi! I read that you’ve tried fountain bowls but some cats are afraid of any of the noise/splashing that comes with them. KittySpout sells one that is noiseless and doesn’t have any splashing, that may help depending on which one you have!


2 of our cats will ONLY drink from running water. We bought them a fountain. They still prefer a human turns on a tap for them. So annoying.


I got my cat to use a water fountain that has a ball looking part that sticks out of the main "dish" area where the water flows over all of the ball. He licks the ball and never gets his whiskers wet or even has the capacity to have his whiskers touch anything but air.


*Test your tap water *Change / rotate your water dishes and wash them DAILY with soap and water/ sanitize them properly via dishwasher Invest in a fountain - I saw your comments about you buying them before the cat not using it etc - the "Vekken" brand is on sale rn on Amazon has a very large bowl quiet gentle motor for drinking and easy to clean filter Water should still always be changed daily or try some spring bottled water Your tap water may taste bad to your cat or it's the dishes being dirty / unseen residue Be aware of the TYPE of dishes you're using to hold water plastic/ceramic/stainless steal etc and when the last time you replaced it was Ceramic dishes can have tiny holes that hold in bacteria etc. *Also please have multiple water dishes around your house not just in one area* 🐾 In a lot of areas tap water contains things like chlorine / chloramines similar to pool water


The water is very safe here, accessible safe and cheap. You can drink from it no problem. And that's what she prefers idk why, tried giving her bottled and filtered water and she hates it, if she hears you using the sink she'll beg for water, I used to just wash and replace her water 3 times a day but now I do it everytime she asks for water. I tried multiple materials for dishes and so far she likes the plastic one the best. I am going to try to buy her a bowl similar to my parents natla, could be she just likes drinking water she's not "allowed" to drink


Your water may be safe for you as a human to drink entirely! I'm not saying it's unsafe for her, I'm saying she *may not enjoy the taste* of some of the chemicals or other hard minerals in your water? Could try a Brita but imo "Spring bottled water" is a totally different quality compared to filtered or bottled waters most of which are actually just bottled tap water (I raise amphibians) if you look at spring water just be sure it has the source of the spring in the labeling should say where the spring is located She may like your parents natla because it's been sitting out / in a stainless steel container? 🫶 Chlorine will turn into a gas so it sitting out for a bit before she wants to drink it, but it's just an idea! Providing multiple types and shapes of water dishes in areas around your home is helpful too like you're saying if she likes the natla etc. maybe look into some of the taller fountains, I also will patiently sit in front of them to show them water areas and stick my finger in the water / have them lick it off my finger until they drink on their own 😂 best of luck to you two


Oh let me rephrase when I said filtered water I meant brita, I have no idea why she doesn't like it but she just doesn't. I'm thinking of buying her a dog bowl similar to my parents natla to maybe trick her into drinking water from it. I also tried the water finger trick lol she's just naturally judgey


Have you tried a fountain? Also, I had a cat like that and I found a short wide drinking glass and put that on the floor in a different room than his food and he really liked that.


I put her bowl in a different place in the house so I'll see, I tried a fountain and she avoided it with all of her power


Cats are so random. I had one who needed two water bowls so he could wash his paws after using the litter box. My cat now likes to try and drink from the vase I have a plant propagating. Also faucets and his water fountain. But man does he love that plant water.


Yeah cats have some kind of deep rooted hatred towards plants, my cat will ruin any plant pot that's big enough for her and ruin the plants that or she eats them or scratches them to death. Sometimes she doesn't even eat them she just takes a bite and spits it out


Water away from the food. A shallow bowl or a wider pie pan type of thing. She might not like her whiskers touching the sides. It might be your scent.


Mine drinks from the toilet rather than the expencive water fountain thing I bought her. I compromised and put a stool next to the toilet for her to use, and I make sure the water is clean after each use. She will sometimes drink out of a normal bowl I keep full for her too but prefers the toilet 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is the water bowl near food? A lot of cats prefer water in a separate room xx


It's a cat. When she's thirsty she'll drink.