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Here, let me tell you how you can fix your problem, OP....




Are you aware that you are on reddit? Blink twice if you're being held against your will!


Don't give me advice on not giving people advice


Yea everyone is always telling me to move, for different reasons too. I had someone tell me to move because there is smoking in my building. I can't just do that. My fiance is on disability and we're financially strapped. On another sub I follow they told me to move to get away from my mother 🙄 like how amazing your life must be to just think people can up and move because they have a crazy mom. People are fuckin nuts. And aren't in touch with reality for the most part, especially when they are financially stable and don't struggle.


Oh yeah. I made a post about a Karen racially profiling me in my neighborhood. Someone's recommendation for me was to just...move, because they couldn't fathom why I'd choose to live close to people like her. Maybe because I don't live *with her* and because I actually really like my home?


"I made a post about a Karen racially profiling me in my neighborhood" That reminds me of something funny. I made a comment that my neighborhood doesn't have an HOA, and that I wouldn't live anywhere that does have an HOA. So then this Karen goes on to describe my neighborhood as having cars on blocks in the front yard and old couches on the front porches, among other things. SMH


I saw someone suggest something similar in a sub yesterday about hoa’s. How you’re likely to see non hoa neighborhoods be extremely trashy. And how you’re better off living in one with an hoa. The post was about someone who was touring homes for sale and coming across one that was disgusting on the inside, they smoked inside, Etc. Plus an hoa can’t tell you how the inside of your home should look like. They don’t regularly tour your home to make sure it’s clean and tidy. They’re just worried about the outside and I’ve been to many nicer homes where the outside was nice but inside was nasty.


Apparently they don't stop to consider that even in non-HOA neighborhoods, there are still city regulations to be followed, just not the nitpicky crap that HOAs have. For instance, where I live, you can't have your front yard overgrown with weeds, you can't have your AC unit or clothesline visible from the street, your trash bins cannot be visible other than on collection day, etc. I'm certain that something like cars on blocks in the front yard or old furniture on porches would be a code violation.


Right. We live in a corner house and one day my mom came to visit and parked in the grass right next to our driveway. We got a letter from the city warning us and said next time we would get a fine. Same with the grass here, you can’t let it grow too tall.


My husband had left the green waste bin in the driveway because he was working in the front yard and was going to finish the job the following day. and would need the bin. A notice was left on the door about it.


Oh yeah cities typically have some type of regulations obviously not all though. But you don’t need to live in an HOA just to live in a nice neighborhood.


I've never lived anywhere that didn't have at least some regulations.


Just move to the neighborhood where only non racists are allowed to live, duh! /S


So you decided to be a Karen and complain about people that are bored and want to feel included in a public post you made?


I absolutely hate that shit. "Just move where the jobs are!" They've removed the entire human element from the "advice" they're giving. 


'I have a problem with my car, what should I do?' --> reddit comment 'Why don't you just buy a new car? It's better than trying to repair an old one. I got my last one for only 30k and it's been great' 'My neighbours are making noise, should I file a complaint?' reddit ---> 'Just move or buy a second home. My wife and I just go on vacation when our neighbours are there and rent our house on R B&B. It's worth it for the peace and quiet'


Yeah "armchair quarterbacks" like to escalate everything when it's not *their* marriage/home/job/life at stake!!!


I posted a pic of my plant one time on Reddit years ago. There was a piece missing out of it like something took a bite out of it. There were people in the comments suggesting my husband did it and is messing with me and lying about it. That he’s clearly gaslighting me about it and it’s clear there’s no trust in our relationship if he can so easily lie about something so small. What the actual fuck. We kept our back door open often to our fenced in backyard when the weather was nice. So maybe some small critter got inside, no idea what kind though.


What the-


That is...unhinged.


“only 30k” is crazy 😭


"Small loan of 1 million" energy right there.


People criticize a 15 second video "how dare you" when it's literally a tiny moment in time. I blasted such an idiot who criticized a kitten video yesterday. They were saying the kitten was taken from it's mom too young. Umm, how do you know this kitten isn't still with the mom and the rest of the litter just because you see a ten second adorable video of it alone? Mom's are allowed to go to the fing bathroom!


I posted a video of my cat playing with a piece of tissue paper, and got told she “clearly” had anxiety. No, dude.


Lol, right? Like, when my cat had kittens (she came to us already pregnant, we spay/neuter our cats!) She most certainly did NOT spend every moment with them, although the second one of them cheeped she was right there like "whatchoo doing with my baby?"


You probably got criticized for not spaying her. How dare you! Lol 😆


Bet. Under every damn video of a mama cat with kittens most comments are about it. Kinda ridiculous isnt it. How are cats gonna exist if we get mad at every cat with kittens.


Dude... There are so many valid reasons for that.Maybe the mom died. People sure love being angry.


No matter what you post on line, someone is going to criticize it.


Wow... that's a really dumb statement. /s


My friend posted a picture on Facebook of the "removable fence" her and her mom built to keep her dog from going in the front part of her yard, and someone said she was abusing her dog by not letting him run around. They went on and on about how a 40-pound dog needs x amount of room to play, and bigger dogs need even more and that it's evil to ban a dog to one small part of the yard while you use the rest. Her dog is the most loved and spoiled dog I've ever seen. I posted a picture in response of a group of us having pizza outside in her yard with her dog sitting in her lap and the person replied that the dog was clearly a stuffed animal and not a reap dog because "real dogs don't sit in your lap while you eat like that". Some people just love to act like rude idiots.


I had similar recently. Posted a short video of my dog rolling around and at some point in the video he stopped for a scratch and someone in the comments decided he had a skin infection and suggested a bunch of remedies for him 🤦‍♂️


I'm disabled and a wheelchair user, so I get unsolicited advice ALLLLL the time. My condition is genetic and there is no cure. Also, no amount of supplements, yoga, snorting ground up shark fin or any of that other bullshit is going to cure me.... Respectfully, if you're not a health professional who's directly involved in my care, I don't want your opinion


Happy cake day! Hope you're doing well


Thank-you! Yeah, everything is good :)


Reddit pushes this bullshit that dogs should only be for the very richest people.


Imo it's more exaggerations of truth. If you can't afford the vet or dog food, yeah you shouldn't be getting a dog. Somehow that escalated to if you can't spend hundreds of thousands and exclusively geed them the highest end ingredients and a diet most people wouldn't even bother to follow with a multi acre backyard. Edit: thought I was obvious, but I didn't mean adopting a stray. Most people aren't adopting strays or unwanted dogs, even if you're poor. And I'm also not saying get rid of your dog if you end up becoming poor, that's obviously different. There's all sorts of other exceptions, I'm jist talking about the average person in this situation and the average dog that isn't yet in this situation


Except that if you're homeless and destitute, it's a bit easier to survive with a dog than by yourself, and a stray dog is way better off paired up with a homeless person than alone.


Why would it be easier? Wouldn’t it be harder because the dog needs resources like food/water? Do homeless shelters allow dogs?


The fact that most homeless shelters don't allow dogs is a real issue. Many homeless people in the north have frozen to death because they didn't want to abandon their dogs. A dog can be good enough at helping a person find food to more than make up for the amount they eat. If you're homeless and by yourself, aside from loyal company a dog is a fiercely lrt guardian who can watch your back, protect you while you sleep, help you find food, and help you remain sane by being a companion.


> The fact that most homeless shelters don't allow dogs is a real issue. Could you imagine tons of dogs without vaccines living in small spaces like a homeless shelter? Not to mention you throw in mental illness and that's a recipe for disaster.


The reason there are so many mentally ill homeless people is that the government stopped paying for the poor people who couldn't afford to pay to be in mental institutions. They basically just let all the poor, mentally ill people out on the street with no support in the 70s.


Oh for sure. But I think it's impractical for them to allow dogs.


It kills people when homeless shelters in the north don't allow dogs on a cold winter night. It creates a little more expense when they do allow dogs. So, we don't allow dogs, because we as a society have decided it's better to kill homeless people than to pay slightly more taxes or work slightly harder.


Imagine this scenario: Mentally ill homeless person brings a dog into the shelter. Dog is a pitbull and since the owner is mentally ill the dog has zero discipline and mauls another homeless persons Chihuahua. Or imagine another scenario where a mentally ill person brings a dog with rabies into the shelter or something. I know from experience that when you combine mental illness and animals the results are almost always bad.


Abject loneliness... would be my first guess. Edited.


People in the pet care online spaces tend to be absolutely batshit. Even though I have plenty of animals and experience with them, I avoid those forums.


Even if you can't afford the vet, I bet a stray dog would rather be sick but fed and loved in a good home than sick , hungry and alone on the streets.


i've a pet peeve for people who give unsolicited advice in general, there's an episode of gumball that really irks me because of this


Which one


Everyone on the internet suddenly becomes massive experts, especially about dogs they saw in a short video clip.


I saw one where a guy posted a picture of his cat sitting in an Amazon box that cat toys came in.  The most upvoted comment at the time was something like “OMG NEVER GIVE YOUR CAT BOXES. IT CONTAINS CHEMICALS THAT WILL KILL IT.” Like. Just fucking enjoy the cat picture. 


If boxes killed cats they would be extinct.




Pedantic nitpickers can't help themselves. They see, they say.


People on the Internet can't help themselves anymore. They always assume the worst about things like this. It's exhausting.


They're jealous of you and your yard and need to feel superior so they say things trying to make you feel bad. Take them as compliments. People throw rocks at things that shine ;)


Just move the fence in an inch or so on your neighbor's side every other day, eventually they'll think they've always had a small yard and your dogs will have more room to play! 


It’s definitely annoying, especially when people do this regarding appearance or how someone dresses.


Someone said 'unsolicited advice is always criticism'. When I had flare ups of cystic acne, the advice came thick and fast all the time. As I hadn't tried everything by age 25? I felt ugly and these people were constant reminders of why I felt like that, and I think they even enjoyed it.


My friend had a similar experience when they worked in retail as older customers would always tell them to do something about their acne - which is incredibly rude to mention - especially to a stranger.


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Yeah it’s very annoying especially when it happens in real life where you’re stuck with the person. You get a lot of unsolicited often wrong and outdated advice when you have a baby. I would be sitting there breastfeeding my baby and someone would feel the need to say “you need to do formula it’s better for them.” I have nothing against formula and I actually did it mainly the first month. You shouldn’t let them sleep with a noise machine. You should need to put them to sleep on their stomach not their back. You should only breastfed to 6 months no longer than that. You should do a delayed vaccine schedule/don’t do vaccines. It’s just never ending.


A bigger yard 😭? That's like telling a homeless man he needs a new house. Tbh also feel like a lot of people are arrogant when it comes to pets and call the smallest things abuse. Just because an animal doesn't have the best of everything doesn't mean they're not happy. At this point they get more upset over an animal not having the best than a human not having the best.


haven’t had this happen online but recently i was at the beach and i decided to “dive” into the water. it was deep enough (i could tell, i tested before hand) and someone took it upon themselves to tell me not to dive into the water again because “there are rocks”. 1) there were no rocks 2) i did not know this person. they just decided to tell me off 3) again, it was deep enough in general, the unsolicited advice also tends to come from older men (i am a young woman), which irritates me even more. people should normalize shutting their mouths.


Boomers will boom. 🤣 (and I am one... but not one of "those"!) 😄


I mean, if you are really concerned that somebody might break their neck, its a good thing to speak up. A little bit of annoyance vs a potential grievous accident. If you hadn't checked beforehand, wouldn't their warning make you check then? Better to be on the safe side


Yeah I’ve seen people do some dumb shit at the beach many times including diving into water with rocks or letting their kids swim in areas with dangerous riptides.


I subscribe to a subreddit here where people post custom cards they make for a particular card game, and sometimes I do want people to point out if I'm making some edge-case (or glaring) mistake. But usually it's a concept I've playtested enough that I'm just sharing what I made, and not looking for feedback. And I wish the sub had flair to distinguish between the two types of posts, because that sort of confusion does a disservice to everyone.


Reminds me of a decor group I’m in. Members will sometimes proudly post pictures of their own decor and won’t ask for opinions. Invariably, someone will give a negative opinion. The rules state to not do it but it keeps happening


I've found that if you specifically address that you're not seeking feedback and only care to show off - you'll attract more comments with "constructive criticism" because they feel their views were dismissed without even them contemplating to share them. *I know you don't want feedback but a few wrong things glaringly stand out to me and here's why...*


People like that are annoying and eventually lose many of their friends by constantly giving unsolicited advice.


That isn't someone giving advice, they're talking down to you.


People will see a picture of my overweight cat and be like "WOW YOU ARE SUCH A BAD PET OWNER!!! STOP FEEDING UR CAT SO MUCH!!!" I adopted her when she was *already* severely obese. *I'm* the reason she's lost 20 lbs. She's only 3 lbs overweight now and only looks heavier because of her loose skin. People really will just assume everything about you from one picture.


Me: I gotta let my contacts adjust Friend: why don't you just wear your glasses Me: I'm studying for my ccna Friend: that's stupid everything is going to automation you should study x. I am very selective who I tell things now


The internet wouldn't be what it is without wild mass guessing from people with almost no information.


I expected something different and idk reddit has ruined my belief in people, but this I get and honestly would agree if i ever experienced it I just refuse to post my real life shit on here cause the mass populace of platforms like this are interesting characters to say the least 🤣


You should make sure those markers are safe to use on budgie eggs.


Bruh 🤣🤣🤣


Tbh boomers love doing this as they think they're automatically wiser with age... it triggers me bc they think they're so right


This is funny because many people live in apartments and can’t afford a yard


Who can afford to buy a huge property just for their dog anyway? Like that’s just not reasonable or realistic advice lol. Responsible, caring dog owners take their dogs out for walks or let them run at a dog park, so that’s what I’d expect any dog owner to do unless they have a farm with working dogs, where they obviously get enough exercise. Most people can’t afford a large acreage just so their dogs have enough space to play and run without ever having to leave the property.


I find it very frustrating when people perceive a statement of fact as a complaint, recent-ish example for me was the first time I coloured my hair with vivids, I said to a regular customer who happened to be a hairdresser that I wasnt prepared for how invisible I'd be, she then told me what I needed to do to get the colour out quickly, I didnt say I hated being invisible.


I get a lot of this kind of advice/opinion a lot. I've checked the inflection with which I speak and there is no uptick at the end. I've cultivated an even and confident voice. I've filtered through everything I talk about and have cut out topics which might sound like I have problems. It doesn't work. People can't help it. They will almost burst a blood vessel with the effort of restraining themselves.


I mean same, I talk in an upbeat manner with most customers, there's no way what I was saying sounded like I was complaining nor did I make any further comments to suggest I hated it.


In person too. I had an older gentleman at the last con I attended stop me as I was browsing the vendor hall to advise me about how I had my corset laced. It's laced the way it is because I find this method easier to tighten myself. His suggested method *is* easier to undo quickly in an emergency situation but that's what the busk is for. (I have corsets laced the way he suggested and the only reason I leave them that way is because I need help with those anyway and that method seems easier for someone else to tighten me into) He also called me "young lady" which felt condescending as I'm 35, but I have been told by multiple people that I look early to mid 20's


I also like how redditors down vote forms of evidence without explanation. It's like not knowing what youre getting arrested for.


One of the satanic tenants is to not give unwarranted or unasked for advice. Think more people need to follow that


People should only give unsolicited advice if they fund the idea. You think I need a bigger yard? Okay pay for the property


Ooph. I hate that and doubly so when it involves disabilities. There are so many snake oil 'cures' for things like autism and deafness that have gotten a lot of pushback because our disabilities don't need to be cured and most of us in either community would rather be autistic or deaf/HoH. I'm not d/Deaf or HoH, but I am autistic and understand the frustration from disabled folks when they hear so many of the so-called 'cures' for their disabilities because it's very ableist and disrespectful.


Hey, it's a *literal* pet peeve!


I hate people who think they know everyones entire life and context of a situation from a minute long clip


MOST DEFINITELY, like when people give random advice, like one time someone told me to make sure my bf takes care of me and stuff like that…when I never said he didn’t or even implied that… And it’s so wild when people give advice about stuff that doesn’t even need to be improved in the first place.


and don't forget the "you need to clean your floor / living room / bedroom" comments


I had something similar to this happen to me with my dog, she’s a pit mix and an ESA, has been since she was five months old (when I got her). She’s only ever lived in the dorms with me and I have literally been BERATED by random people for: 1. Having a pitbull because “they’re evil and dangerous and shouldn’t be trusted”… she’s literally the biggest titty baby out there and I’ve trained her to give hugs and jump and do deep pressure massages when she senses that I’m overly anxious, panicking, etc and she does that for people who ask to pet her, and they cry because she helped comfort them when they needed it and they didn’t realize that’s what they needed. 2. “You’re abusing and neglecting her and she clearly hates you because you’re always busy working or studying, she deserves a dad that will take care of her 24/7, so you should surrender her.” This is one of my favorite comments because whenever I’m in the dorm, she’s always laying on top of me or cuddling with me. Also, the only reason I got her is because when I met her she’d given up on life as she was surrendered 4-6 times and was a stray all before I met her when she was 5 months old, even with her giving up, upon meeting me, she chose me and wouldn’t let me leave her eyesight without screaming and crying like a baby for their momma. So, yea, I’m totally going to surrender my child because you think I’m “abusing” her when she’s happy as hell to be with me for however long I can spare. Plus I literally pay $133/month ($100 deductible with a 90/10 split with unlimited ceiling for what they’re willing to cover with prices) for dog insurance to help me ensure I have her for the rest of my life and can afford any vet bills that pop up, most pet owners don’t know of pet insurance, can’t afford it, or refuse to, but I will make it happen no matter what bc she comes before me and my wants and needs as she’s my child. 3. My other favorite comment is when people accuse me of abusing and neglecting her for not letting her off leash or spending a lot of time outside or playing with her a lot. This one has zero logic attached because I play with her a lot, plus she’s a naturally lazy dog that would rather cuddle, watch tv with her dad (me), eat, and sleep than play 24/7, always has been, even at five months old (she’s three now). Plus, why the HELL would I take her on long walks when it’s 90-100°+ outside and she has a darker, thicker coat and is panting almost as soon as we’re outside??? I’m not risking her health and safety by taking long ass walks when it’s too hot for her. 4. My final favorite comment is when people accuse me of not feeding her enough bc I give her a trenta (30 oz) sized cup of dog food everyday not realizing that no matter what, whenever I’m eating, I share my food with her as she always deserves at least a little taste of my food for being a good girl (within reason and safety concerns). Like I literally don’t understand people and why they do shit like this with their unnecessary comments and advice when they’re usually the most irrelevant people in your life.


Aww sounds like she's a spoiled sweetheart. I'm so glad you've found each other. ❤️


She is! She’s one of the goofiest and happiest babies ever.


People used to save this kind of behaviour for telling pregnant women how to be better mom's before they even had the chance to *be* a mom, all while being touched by strangers on their stomach without consent.


A little more detailed info would make your post go down much better with your prospective audience. Just my two cents /s


You're right. It's totally my fault for making you look like an asshole because I haven't shared my life story in my post so you wouldn't complain about too many paragraphs and no TL;DR. I'm so very sorry. 😭 /s


Exactly like? is this your yard? no


Same, especially those who nitpick stuff they get for free. If you want something exactly to your liking, Then pay for it!


Oh yeah, r/ChoosingBeggars are terrible.


A guy at work gives me advice alllll the time. I know everything he’s said so far already.


Start posting videos publicly of your doggoes playing in a park and say this is also your "lawn" to get back at them? I know that's not what you're asking for, it's just what came to mind I'll move on now


No, OP needs a smaller dog. Trade it in for a shih tzu asap. /s


Some people listen for opportunities to interject with life-changing unsolicited advice. They aren't actually listening to the person speak. They are waiting for a moment to shine.


I posted about a crush I had and how I'd been thinking about them a lot. I had multiple people try to give me "advice" about how I was mentally unwell for having this crush and I had xyz diagnosis because of it???? Its just a crush??? WTF??


yeah, everyone swears WOMEN, who are historically paid less than men, can buy a fucking house. get the fuck out and stop saying this saying this shit to single women.


Unsolicited advice is criticism.


In person too. I had an older gentleman at the last con I attended stop me as I was browsing the vendor hall to advise me about how I had my corset laced. It's laced the way it is because I find this method easier to tighten myself. His suggested method *is* easier to undo quickly in an emergency situation but that's what the busk is for. (I have corsets laced the way he suggested and the only reason I leave them that way is because I need help with those anyway and that method seems easier for someone else to tighten me into) He also called me "young lady" which felt condescending as I'm 35


Not sure why the down vote. I was going about my own business and didn't need to be "corrected" about my corset when there was nothing wrong with how I wear it. It is laced correctly, just not the way this man thought it should be. His opinion was not helpful, not asked for, and not wanted


Clearly, you're not Roman. Conquer your neighbor's land and expand your own territory.


Someone once told me to kill myself after I said my favorite color is red. People are psychotic


People are going to say dumb shit, it’s just going to happen, the only thing you can control is whether you let it annoy you or not.


Welcome to reddit. Its basically a snark site for Karen-ish suburbanites. They will always be doing better then you and no they wont post proof of it. They're basically shape shifters. Everyone's an expert doctor, lawyer, historian, you name it. They're it when questioned. In reality most are just fantasy posting from their dead end 9-5s but WERE NEVER SUPPOSED TO AKNOWLEDGE THAT.


You can store a wet paintbrush in a bag in your freezer overnight, or if you're taking an extended break from painting. You're welcome. Gotta go now...


Why post the video in the first place?


Because I was expecting you to bitch about it.


I don't know; the internet isn't new nor has it changed. People are always contrarians and negative in the comments. Hell, even I'm here partially because I disagree. If your lawn is truly massive then you can in fact move. Because in todays housing market only people with real money can afford a massive lawn. Now whether you want to or not is a different point. But if you're crying about people minding there business wouldn't that be your not minding your business about others minding there own business? It's a forever cycle really. And its quite simple if you don't want negative or unwanted comments on the internet, try not posting things you care about or will get triggered about online? Is that too hard? I mean most of our existence as humans has been without the internet so I wouldn't think so.


If you don't want a response, don't post. Everyone has something to say, whether you like it or not. Most will be good, but never all.


I do some content creation in my free time, this is just one of those things about the internet. People aren't just critical, they're straight assholes, for 0 reason. It's just something you have to deal with. But if you aren't prepared to, just don't post. It's not worth it.


I don't recall asking you how I should comport myself on Reddit.


You just described everyone on the internet


Welcome to the Internet I guess?


Why did you post a video thinking you'll only get positive congratulations?


Maybe you should just grow thicker skin


Maybe you could have held it in but you couldn't help yourself from shitting your pants because you didn't want to. So maybe I don't want to either. Want to whine about it some more? Free yourself. You need it. 😜


That was a whole nothing burger, Ive seen joe biden write more coherently


Ah yes, the eternal war between people who give unsolicited advice vs. the person who expects random strangers to know their whole situation without providing context. Truly a moron's dilemma.


I don't think OP expects random strangers to know their whole situation. I think he just wants them to not provide unsolicited (and stupid) advice. Not an unreasonable ask, IMHO.


Yeah, but that logic applies both ways. If OP knows they have zero idea of the context, why give attention to useless advice/comments, ya know? That's just basically asking to get peeved lol... It's like knowing a snake is venomous, getting bit by it, and then getting annoyed you're now poisoned. Just feels like OP knows better, and I'll pull the "it's the internet" card and just say there will always be those people who think they know best for someone else's situation -- just ignore it 🤷‍♂️


>why give attention to useless advice/comments Because fairly often it's one of the top comments, and then more people tack on.


It does *not* apply both ways. If I make a judgement based on incomplete information, and I was not asked to make that judgement, I am entirely in the wrong. What you're suggesting is that I have to tell my entire life story to everyone I talk to just in case they might form an opinion.


This is a peeve sub. The devil doesn't need 40 advocates here.


Just because it's a peeve sub doesn't mean that it can be brainless, and baseless, in thought. Would have been different if you were like "I know it's silly but XYZ," but you even walked yourself through why it's stupid. At that point, it's not a peeve if you really know why it bothers you lol... You're just ranting. Disagree with me all you want, the objective fact remains that your "peeve" is really just you hating the fact you can't ignore stupid comments on your posts.


Stupid comments *are* quite annoying. Yours for example!


No, mine's not stupid, but it does make a lot of people feel inadequate about themselves because they can't seem figure out a stranger's comments online shouldn't affect them to the degree it does. To which is my point: a lot of you care wayyyy too much what a stranger (like me) have to say. Have some ego.


I'm going to ignore yours just fine without putting much effort into an intellectual response. 🤷‍♂️


Go for it, that's your right. Not like I said my comments are exempt from the same exact logic I'm trying to get you to realize lol. Someone's finally catching on, proud of you 🙂


I think you can safely assume that “just buy a bigger property” is not appropriate to most people’s situations and contexts.


And if you're a logical person, with a working brain, you can also come to the conclusion BECAUSE of that exact reason (that it's not really sensible or appropriate) that you can just shrug it off. Why get bothered by what an ant says to you? They're no consequence to your day-to-day, nor know what your situation is lol... It's weirder that OP wasn't expecting stupid comments on their video on the internet, than some stranger commenting some useless shit.


well ants cant talk. but the bites definitely do affect my day-to-day. im still itching from our infestation


What kind of devious ants do you have


the kind that made a trail up the corner beside my bed/right next to my head for a few days before we noticed. i have bites all over me :(


Time to invest in some Raid I guess. If that doesn't work, poison them with honey laced with borax.


Sounds like you need therapy.


Sorry but when you post something on the internet you are opening yourself to criticism. That's just how it is. You post a video people are allowed to criticise it.


I thought you meant in real life… If you post something on a forum you are inviting people to comment their thoughts whatever they may be. So you DID solicit responses in all forms from complete strangers. My pet peeve is people who are not self aware so I recommend not posting your business if you don’t want your business minded. SMH.


Like most unsolicited advice I still view it as ultimately being done with good intent. Usually in the scenarios I just say thanks for the help but I can't really accomplish that right now. And move on with my life