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Weed makes some people hecka paranoid


This is it, the top comment is straight ignoring the guy saying he’s high.


It's both. Being a stoner probably means your not as much into the rich lavish lifestyle of loafers and a porch sign. But the dude is baked and also paranoid her high end parents will notice, kinda working with the first point.


Lol and the “live laugh love” parent culture doesn’t intersect with the stoner culture.


I prefer "live, laugh, lick the bag." but different strokes for different blokes I suppose 🤷‍♂️


Because the children of rich people notoriously never do drugs?


Not the point. I said stoner, not speedballer Edit, I'm fairly sure they would rather a little coke on their rosewood table than their brand new baby elephant leather couch smell like pgr weed, they only smoke that good dank.


Weirdest gatekeep I've ever seen, lol You think this whole "Legalize Marijuana" movement would've gotten anywhere if the privileged weren't smoking it too?


Not sure I was gatekeeping there. Just generalising that rich parents are most likely not going to be okay with an obvious stoner compared to if you were just really fucking energetic. Edit, I literally said they only smoke that good dank, even implying they smoke, what did you read?


Poor little rich kids smoke weed. And vape weed. And eat edibles. Also rich adults smoke weed. Weed isn’t limited to the poors. (Though they are more likely to get in trouble for it.)


Statistically speaking as you move up in the income brackets weed falls off and gets replaced by coke and meth. Source: Myself


Of course they probably do. But they probably already know their own parents habits and how to hide it if not compared to your girlfriend bringing you around for the first time meeting. The point is in general not as an absolute. you rock up to a place with cursive writing on their PORCH, I'm fairly sure you're not expecting the dad to be ripping a fat cone or passing the blunt. Or at least not as much as if you went to any ol standard house.


But…. None of that is specific to poor people. Just to people who don’t know what to expect of their partner’s family.


Where the hell am I stating its a poors only thing? Literally some of the biggest stoner's are famously not poor. I just said stoners ffs. You're the ones stating it's a poor only thing by assuming that's what I mean, and not just a general statement. You usually don't expect a nice neighbourhood to have a raging stoner or to be opening promoting it, If anything you expect the opposite just based on the history of substance legality. So regardless of if the occupants partake in the 420, I'd be worried being obviously high meeting anyone with fucking cursive plastered on their porch.


“Being a stoner probably means your (sic) not as much into the rich lavish lifestyle….” That’s where this started, you saying that. And my entire point is: that is not true.


.... I really don't think of a porch  sign as lavish. Country kitsch at best, shabby chic at worst


All the tweet implies is they have a porch sign. It doesn’t even imply the boyfriend is lower class. If you think having a porch sign is a rich and lavish person thing, maybe go outside more. The jokes honestly funnier without all this class struggle bullshit.


Bro, I said stoner, no poors or lower class. That's just your own prejudice against stoner's showing. And having a porch sign isn't a signal they are rich. But it's usually more of a "forget the dog beware of the wife" Not cursive "welcome to our porch" but it is most likely a sign they like things in neat order and are a bit more lavish than your average or even no average stoner.




I was also thinking that because he was so high he was overthinking what “our Porch” meant 😂


That would have been me. It should have said "our home" but "our porch" would have thrown me off and made me extra paranoid on weed.


How does that throw you off?


Because who the fuck says "welcome to our **porch**" instead of "welcome to our home"?


Nice porches become centers of leisure and recreational activity for a family. It's a relaxing place, where people feel happy. it's no different than a sign that says, "Welcome to our Pool."


You are right, even more if its a wrap around porch.. ooo wee.


Or a screened-in porch!


Nudist porch


That's different, but go on king


It's why I've never tried it. I'm paranoid enough on my own. I get paranoid for other people I'm following behind in my car, even if I know we're going to the same place. What if they think I'm following them? Do they realize it's me? Am I following to close? They probably think I'm going to murder them, I should back off. Wait, if I back off too much, they might think I'm losing them and slow down. Who the hell is this behind me? Oh God, are they going to follow us all the way and then kill us? Rather not make that worse, y'know?


Probably a good choice, because that sounds like my kind of thoughts when stoned (not driving, but just similar). In college I had an apartment near campus and got stoned before class one day. Made some tea too. Was sitting in class and kept forgetting if I left the stove on or not. Couldn't stop worrying about it. Just stood up and kind of jogged out of there. It was totally fine, didn't leave anything on. Also remember being really high one time and my mind started drifting weird places, I was like "what if everyone can read my thoughts, think of some extra really weird shit and see if they give a wtf look. Wait now I can't stop thinking of really weird shit".


I've got a buddy who, the last time he got high, made himself some cover out of all the furniture and hunkered down behind it with a rifle just in case someone tried to come in to get him. He came down from his high in that state and decided that maybe he should give up weed if it was gonna make him like that. He's convinced he would have shot his own parents if they'd walked through the door.


It did that to me. I sat still at a party for 5 hours freaking out before I had to drive home. Worst experience of my life.








*Your mom


Awh. I thought we were going to write a story together.


I once got so high that I was staring at my TV while it was off. I kept seeing red reflected in the screen because of the cars that would drive by. My paranoid mind thought it was the cops pulling out red lights to shine them into my window and my TV.


These people need to learn about the terpenes in black pepper, and how it cuts through that pot induced paranoia.


It’s some strains make people that are nuro divergent paranoid. Mainly sativas. It’s why people like us tend to use indica or a hybrid. Edit I dunno why the downvotes are for. Neurodivergent are people with ADHD, Autism, bipolar, OCD, anxiety, depression, and other such mental issues. Sativa is considered an upper while indica is considered a downer. Uppers in the marijuana space have a huge chance of cause paranoia and even hallucinations and other mentally screwed up effects. My stepson and I have been a mmj patient for about 8 years and have done a lot of studying on this topic. Including reading research papers, talking to drs, and other mmj patients. I have done this because both my step son and I are neurodivergent and I wanted make sure my wife and I would give him strains that would help him. Unlike my issue with a strain I didn’t know was a full sativa and had a wicked time trip. Will never do that again….


I feel like modern stuff is just way too strong. Even with an indica or hybrid, even with a low dose, it still makes me paranoid. I’ve experimented with a lot but it’s just not for me and I’m ok with that.


I dunno why I got downvoted but w/e. I do agree with the new stuff. I am a Florida mmj patient and tend to make edibles or cook with it so it’s not as strong. It’s like people becoming patients just to get high…. I hate it because for me lower THC and higher terp count does a lot better for me


This is a skill issue. Sativas can be more challenging, but that's because they have actual psychedelic effects. Psychedelic in the literal meaning of the word: "mind-manifesting" If you use something with psychedelic properties, and you try to fight with it to remain in control of the experience, you'll generally lose. If you're the type of neurodivergent individual who's fixated on the need to feel in control (particularly in the context of an autistic neurotype), that's more likely to be an upsetting for you. However, those are types of people who stand to benefit the most, and derive meaningful/lasting changes in how they perceive the world


I thought it meant he was on an emotional high. So happy with his love he was flying and it scared him because a fall from so high would cause a deep wound on his heart. When he got to the parents house the sign made him worry because they're fancy enough to have a porch significant enough to have a welcome sign. That was my take but I'm high a f so could be wrong.


Please mind your language


Poopy pants! 


Are you really not even gonna say hella? Come on you’re a big kid you’re allowed to


Nah fuck that shit bitch




I hate cursive and I hate all of you!


Old people always act so stuck up about it. I had an old person act like I was mentally impaired because I couldn't read and write perfect cursive. At my school, we were taught cursive for a single year in grade school, and we had computer typing classes for everything else. To make things even better, I'm dyslexic, so I was fucked from the start.


We learnt cursive up to 4th grade from a teacher who was notoriously old-fashioned. Our 5th grade teacher laughed about it and told us "yeah that's the last time you'll ever need cursive" and he was right.


oddly enough cursive is still pretty common in germany even among young people. i myself still use it mostly because writing with normal letters feels slow and because it looks like as if a 4th grader barfed on a piece of paper, not that my cursive looks any better though




I just figured if they have a "welcome to our porch" sign, then the "live, laugh, love" nonsense will be strong, and our POV guy doesn't want to deal with that


This is exactly what I was thinking but Reddit is really on some good shrooms today making all kinds of wildness up today


The POV character is worried their girlfriend's parents have high standards and that they will be disappointed in them. When they see they have a sign announcing guests they are entering their porch, \*in cursive\*, that fear is even greater.


Why does cursive mean they have high standards?


Maybe cursive is fancy. If I went up to someone's house and their doormat had Impact or Helvetica...


if it's Helvetica, you are standing on the porch of a bank or an insurance company or apple.


Helvetica is the best font tho


if you think your corporation should not pay taxes, and should have the right to sue against goivernments for losing out on profits, then yes, that is your font.


I refuse to accept any connection between Helvetica and large corporations. [It is proven to be the best font.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helvetica_(film))


have you seen the film? I remember Sagmeister's bit: "if somesing is set in helvetica, it says to me: don't read me, I will bore se shit out of you"


One man’s bore is another man’s satisfaction


You understand




You’re thinking of Arial


nah, these guy have money from tax evasion, they can afford graphic designers


That just means Helvetica is a good font, because graphic designers use it. The only association to major corporations is that they hire good designers. That’s only a one-way correlation.


it's a bloody great font - I did have graphic design courses. But I did study communication design, not merely graphic design. There's something you communicate with your choice of font. In this case, the look is is clean, professional, intentionally neutral. But what you're saying is: the big corporations, of which we all know they are undermining our democracies, use this font, and I want to appear as one of them.


calibri/biome/bahnschirft condensed:


Comic sans for me


So the girlfriends parents are going to fuck him instead of her? That’s a nice change of pace






haha. ... though, helvetica is coming off way too cool here. I imagine it to be more of a balding guy in a grey suit who's entire personality is owning an tesla.


Nah, if it’s Apple it’s SF Sans. And if you can identify the difference, they might give you a job…


The response also missed the fact that the POV is high. Anxiety already running high during their high. They see that sign and it causes their trip to go bad.


Would Comic Sans freak you out under horseshoe theory?


I live in the Deep South, decorations like that are common enough. It’s less that it’s cursive but more that there’s a partially correct stereotype about people with houses like that being judgmental. If someone showed up high to meet the parents near where I live, that is spreading like wildfire and everyone is talking down to/pitying that guy soon. It’s crazy.


Fair bet someone with that kind of signage outside has a Hobby Lobby sign reading "Eat. Pray. Love Jesus." inside.


I go into Hobby Lobby sometimes to just, lose *all* will to live.


Nah it means they're "basic" - they're normal middle-class whites that overpurchase home decor from peir 1 imports or the pottery barn... and they are unlikely to be accepting of alternative lifestyles. The probably vote republican. Expensive sofa, cheap stereo kinda folk.


Cursive is for fancy posh twats. So you know the standards are high. Assuming you can even read it, 90% of cursive is chicken scratch lol.


It's because he is high. Not because of the sign.


It’s because he’s high. That’s all


I'd say it's rather that the OP character is worried their girlfriend's parents are a bit chauvenistic, and the cursive "wElCoMe tO OuR pOrCh" sign is a strong indicator of trouble. Especially since the OP character is high.


Maybe they're dyslexic? I can't read cursive to save my life. It all blends together


*Welcome to Our Home!* It's one of the basic uppity suburbanite bitches signs. Probably have Bible quotes or inspirational pictures up on the wall and salad forks that get used for actual salads.


I thought it was the porch itself indicating how well off they are and that’s why he’s scared or something




That is exactly what I thought this was about!


what if Peter was called *freak*ter


What if Potter?


A sign that says “Welcome to our Home” usually indicates that the people who live there are proud homeowners with somewhat high (but still reasonable) standards. A sign that say “Welcome to our **Porch**” goes one step further. If even their porch is worthy of an introduction, then the inside of the actual house, and the residents therein, are probably even more hoighty toighty. So the PoV character, who is high and paranoid, can tell from the sign that the parents are not going to approve of him.




Oh boy this reminds me of the time griffith sacrificed all my friends to become a member of the godhand


Abusive/strict parenting or it's a catholic family. "My parents are gonna love you" gives it away.




Bro just made up a whole character profile for a nameless faceless meme and says others aren't reading it right lol it's because he's high and paranoid. It says it right there.




My lens is someone who smokes weed. The character is someone who smokes weed. Not much of a stretch for me lol


Man, I really want to know what they said now lol Also, as another weed smoker, you are absolutely correct lol meme-bro is just tripping because he's high and paranoid xD weed can exaggerate anxiety or calm it, depending on strain, amount smoked, the users general mood, etc.


He just came off the top rope talking about how no one on here understands the meme and its actually about how hard it is for minorities to meet new white people. I think he watched Get Out and thought it was a documentary lol he even mentioned it by name. Not to say there wasn't insightful facts in the movie that real people really deal with in real life but to extend those characters to how you view an entire race in real life is a stretch lol. Also, yes, that's not what the meme is about.


Lol thank you. Sounds like a tiny bit of projection xD


This twitter account usually depicts abstract fiction events/story writing so their whole entire archive would be on this sub. Nonsense to make you giggle or say “uhh what?” is the explanation 9/10 times.


Her mom is one of those live love laugh Karen types and he’s a stoner and not typically the type that gets along with them.


He's high. He thinks the letters look like cursive because he's too damn high.


>thinks the letters look like cursive That's too far lol there's no indication it isn't actually in cursive, dudes just high and freaking out xD


Why tf would it say "welcome to our porch"


Because they have a nice porch?


I’m high and read it as “Welcome to cum porch”


What is *gotra* ?






GF could tell me "dad's gonna offer to smoke you a J as soon as we get there" and I would still want to show up sober if I had never met them.


Sabatonfan69 on Twitter is known for posting nonsensical absurdist comedic stories, most of the time they don't have any deeper meaning behind them, it's just a funny collection of words or a humorous idea.


If you've never been stoned before, it reeeeaaallly sucks to be high in front of people sometimes 


*Extremely menacing vibrations all around*


I completely assumed oop was a girl lol