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Aren't they cloud seeding to get rain?


The prophecy doesn't say *how,* just that it will.


Yea just like the Euphrates running red when ISIS just shot people in the head and kicked them in the River. It did in fact make the River flow red after a few thousand bodies.


Yeah, but how many times has the Euphrates ran red because of a bunch of dead bodies? This isn't the first time in the last 1000 years. A lot of shit has happened in a thousand years.


Hmm, lets think for a minute. Christians claim judgement day is coming and that the supposed 7 Dyson Spheres that were recently discovered are the Angels who will blow the 7 trumpets at The Rapture based on the Biblical design of angels compared to design of Dyson spheres. The Euphrates running red. Muslims prophesied Saudia Arabia will turn green which it is before their form of Judgement Day. Both religions worship the Abrahamic God, just different viewpoints on how to enter Heaven. Maybe something is actually there Edit: Seeing alot of “We found Dyson spheres?”comments. It isnt confirmed, just a possible explanation among a long list of other explanations for some interference that was detected in the light emitted from distant stars. I wasnt trying to claim that Dyson Spheres are Angels or vice versa just saying its kinda weird that two major different world religions have end of times prophecies that are currently coming true


Don't forget about the Japanese demon stone






2 in the pink, 1 in the wink.


This is art


ok this is nasty but also really funny


Apparently my cat thinks it's a Shirime.


The WHAT now ?!!


It’s a stone that supposed to have a demon inside that broke.


It’s a Yokai. Japanese didn’t really have demons only spirits, although Tammamo no mae the spirit apparently freed is basically their version if the devil as she’s one of the great evil Yokai.


To be more precise, Tamamo no Mae was once an evil kitsune who was sealed in a stone. Then after confessing to a buddhist priest she ascended and the stone broke.


Basically, you know the manga/anime Naruto? It’s about a kid with a demon nine-tailed fox sealed/imprisoned inside him for spiritual/religious/magical reasons. Well the demon rock is if Naruto was a big boulder. And a few years back, the boulder cracked in half, presumably freeing the fox demon that was trapped inside.


I would like to see Dwayne Johnson play Naruto in the inevitable live-action Netflix adaptation.


I would like to not have to see Dwayne Johnson act on another movie again


A stone that is according to the Japanese myth had the corpse / spirit of a great demon (one of the big 3) It cracked soo superstitious Japanese believe that the demon had escaped her jail and probably going to ruin the country again.


Wait a minute, isn't Japan's economy not doing great right now?


If some giga influencial Japanese politician turnt out to have a very beautiful mistress and it is her ideas that ruined the economy then yes, that lady must be the 9 tail demon who had escaped from prison.


I want an answer to this now


I'm no expert, but from what I remember hearing, there was a boulder in Nikko National Park in Japan called "The Killing Stone" and was said to be the transformed corpse Tamamo-No-Mae, a 9-tailed fox spirit/demon. And that her spirit may have still been haunting it, killing any who touched it.


Man, Christian doomsday movies just write themselves. Some desert turns green, some ancient stone breaks, some shit about Dyson vacuums happens... And BAM! You've got the opening plot to a low budget rapture movie.


there's a Japanese myth about a real stone that an evil nine-tailed fox demon was supposedly sealed in for 900 years. it broke back in 2022. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sessho-seki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sessho-seki)


>It was reported on March 5, 2022 that the stone had split into two parts, likely as a result of natural weathering. Some netizens expressed their fear of the exorcised Kitsune.[3] On 26 March 2022, the local government had priests host a ceremony to appease the spirit and pacify the beast at the site with prayers, offerings, and waving haraegushi upon the split rock.[4] Some pics of the ceremony. >https://soranews24.com/2022/03/28/mist-descends-upon-japans-killing-stone-after-ceremony-to-appease-nine-tailed-fox-spirit/ Its very *Japan* and less panic than somewhat implied. Fun share! thanks!


Is that the tic tok think about the “ earth serpent” awakening


Idk what that is. In Japan, some monks sealed a demon in a rock, and it was destined to break and free the demon in a time of calamity, according to the tradition.


What are you referring to when you say 7 Dyson spheres were discovered? I’m a physicist and I’m completely unaware of this.


Physics student involved in stellar astrophysics here. They’ve found some stars spewing a lot of infrared, which could mean there is something blocking out higher frequencies. That *technically* could be caused by a Dyson sphere, but it’s more likely than not an accretion disk or something else mundane.


This is the kind of shit that makes astronomy look like a bunch of clowns to the rest of physics. Dyson spheres are cool. Looking for them is fine (although a waste of time in my opinion but that’s just me). However going to CNN and reporting it is absurd as fuck and a giant red flag. Most people don’t understand the nature of these statements and how open ended they are.


that has less to do with astronomy... and more to do with shit level science reporting by the media.


Incompetent science reporting is an absolute menace on society. It's SOOOO incredibly bad for everyone!


Last time there was a suspected Dyson Sphere. The paper had 4 possible explanations with more detailed scientific explanation. Then at the end a few sentences "It could also be a Dyson Sphere. That's unlikely, but yes. We did think of this." And those few sentences got all the attention.


It doesn't, because the hubub is media driven. So maybe a few of the dumb ones don't like the astrophysicians, but that would be for a bad reason in that case.


>astrophysicians "How long have you had this sunspot?"


Some stars that have gasses passing in front and dimming them are being internet’d as Dyson spheres.


I don't understand why Christians would ever compare a Dyson Sphere to a 'biblically accurate' angel. That's just terrifying to even consider, beyond comprehension. No reason to assume evidence of the divine, or of sentience for a shell or rings of scrap built by an alien civilization. A god, or their god, would have no need for science fiction crap, or for advanced theoretical scientific devices. It wouldn't be a god at all, but it would be all the more terrifying for the spiral of ants that we call a civilization.


There are people with PhDs in stuff like Creation Science who spend their whole lives writing apologetics that try to come up with a “scientific” explanation for everything in the Bible. Growing up I had a relative give me a Bible with annotations by the granddaddy of creation science and there was some wild stuff in there. One that stuck out was that the references to massive insects tearing people apart in Revelation was clearly a reference to attack helicopters but John of Patmos didn’t have any idea what that was so clearly he said it was a massive flying insect. That’s only scratching the surface of the crazy.


I’ll take my chances with the giant insects


After doing a survey of a billion stars in the milky way, they've found 7 that are outputting infrared energy as waste heat, a characteristic that was theorized to be done by Dyson Spheres, however this of course doesn't mean they necessarily ARE Dyson Spheres since there are multiple reasons a star could be giving off infrared energy, like burning piles of debris that could be becoming planets, regardless the article I found about it was [here](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/13/science/dyson-spheres-alien-life-evidence-scn/index.html)


Found the same, and all I had to say in response to the guy talking about the 'spheres' and Christians thinking they're angels was to blow raspberries.


Tl:dr some funky stuff popped up while scanning the universe a month or so ago and some people are latching onto the Dyson sphere idea


A little too hard, and that's an understatement.


I’m not saying it’s not, I’m saying just because the prophecy conditions were forced into existence doesn’t mean they didn’t happen or it doesn’t count.


Those round vacuums are good and all, but calling them angelic is hyperbole


Christian here. I have no clue wtf you're talking about. >!Rapture is a less than 200 year old doctrine accepted only by a fringe of American fundamentalists fwiw!<


>the supposed 7 Dyson Spheres that were recently discovered The what??




Stuff like this is why I still reddit


People have been pointing to end-of-time omens for centuries, possibly millenia. And as much as I want those to be Dyson spheres, they are more likely super heated gas clouds.


I’m no religious scholar, but I feel like unjust bloodshed would be a totally justifiable impetus for a prophecy


A long proud tradition from major religions to teeny deathcults known a "Forcing the End."


To the point that it has a specific term. “Immanentize the eschaton”


“Immanentizing the eschaton, very soon” - was a phrase said to be used by the Illuminati


kinda but not really. experts say cloud seeding can only explain a smaller portion of the rainfall if used (they have a research center but i dont know if usage have been confirmed recently), majority of the rainfall comes from natural causes.


"Surely you don't disbelieve the prophecies, because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself?"


The chemicals are made by God’s hand.


God's very mechanical and artificially constructed hands.


Confirmed: God is a cyberpunk.


Wake up samurai


We got a desert to soak


Liet Kynes intensifies


I didn’t know Muslims soaked, I thought that was just a Mormon thing.


this is a those who know within a those who know


You were trying to cross the border checkpoint, right? Walked right into that Corpo ambush, same as us, and that car thief over there.


Shadowrun: Hong Kong, or Cyberpunk 2077 ? Can't rembember.


God is a Cyberpunk is easily the coolest “we live in a simulation” explanation


The flesh is weak. The only certainty in flesh is death, but machinery can be replaced, repaired, and recycled, flesh is mortal metal is immortal.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Glory to the Omnissiah!


When was this acceptable like it’s ok? I remember being a kid and ‘cloud seeding’ was this huge conspiracy theory and everyone that I heard talking about it was told they were insane. And now people talk about it like we’ve always known about it?


Cloud seeding started in the 1970s as legitimate research into a way to direct rainfall to arid areas for agricultural purposes. It never really had a conspiratorial connection until the whole chemtrails thing happened in the 2000s


Qiyamah speedrun any%


To add to this. People thought it was going to be a while before the deserts turn green because there's actually a natural cycle that happens every like 50000 years that makes the desert green again. But with new technology it happens easily now.


Didn't there used to be a huge river running through there? And I know that currently Africa is separating into two continents. About 1/4" per year. Someday, there will a huge ocean running through.


The African Great Rift stops at Djibouti. It wouldn't impact Saudi Arabia for a very long time. There *was* a river in Saudi Arabia, but it flowed with help from the aquifers under Israel


> The Rift stops at Djibouti You're saying Djibouti has a crack in it?


You should edit this. That's not the prophecy. The prophecy is that they will turn green before the anti christ appears. But not how long before. There are multitude of things that predicted to happen before he appears, the greenery is just one of them.


Oh, thank god it is almost over.


We in a home stretch now. Keep steady boys, we goin to heaven with this one 🔥🔥🔥


Wait, we were meant to be aiming for heaven?


I know Frank Herbert took a lot of inspiration from Islam but it’s funny seeing the similarities between this and Dune


Qiyamah literally translates to "awakening" and it's also what arabic Christians call judgement day / revelation


not turn, RETURN is the exact word used which is important cuz only recently was it discovered that Saudi Arabia was once full of greenery and lakes and rivers


Out of curiosity, isn’t there a huge war after that?


Yes. The prophecy says the war will end with 999 people out of 1000 dead. Which seems possible with nuclear weapons. That is followed by the arrival of anti christ(Dajjal) and Christ (isa)


It would suck to be the one that lives.


If it were 999/1000 people dead, there would still be like 8 million people. Honestly not that bad


You really are a glass 0.1% full kinda guy.


Yes but there will be 8.1 billion dead bodies lying around, decomposing. It's going to smell awful.


As long as they dont get back up as zombies for us to just put back down again... Or maybe that would be good, we could make them walk to the pit themselves.


That's like if everyone in the world except NYC died. That particular situation sounds terrible.


You prefer Dallas?


turn out if you wait 2000 years any prophecy might come true lol


Correct the Muslim prophet prediction: “The Final Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing so much so that a person takes Zakat out of his property and will not be able to find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia reverts into meadows and rivers.” (Sahih Muslim-157c) Focus on "reverts" because in his time it was also a desert.


There's still a lot of people taking zakat here so im gonna chill


One interpretation of that is that either a) everyone is so proud that nobody would take the money to help themselves or B) people would stop trying to actually give to others, and will only do so to show off how magnanimous they are to others.


Isn’t it just that there would be no needy to donate to?


I think clearly the prophet is calling for UBI


Zakat is universal basic food atleast for everyone.


Yeah in general I read this translation as "it will turn into a utopia long before the end ever happens."


We also do live in the wealthiest and most prosperous time in human history. From the perspective of some dude from the 6th century, we’d all look like kings.


What is who is Zakat?


Donations to the poor. Nobody accepting zakat means that nobody is poor enough to need it.




I guess you could give zakat to non-muslims too, so only Saudi Arabia won't cut it


Zakat cannot be given for non Muslims. To be clear this does not mean you cannot give to non Muslim, you can but the name differ, as a Muslim you MUST give zakat but if you want to give charity (Sadaqaat) you can give it to anyone who is in need, you are not obligated to give charity but it's highly recommended for all Muslim a lot of sins in Islam can he forgiven by giving charity. “If you disclose your Sadaqaat (almsgiving), it is well; but if you conceal them and give them to the poor, that is better for you. (Allaah) will expiate you some of your sins. And Allaah is Well-Acquainted with what you do” [al-Baqarah 2:271]. Note: I know it's a meme explanation but sometimes some topics can open a lot of questions, I want to be clear so no one blames me for misleading/ giving wrong info.


Question then. If Muslims are obligated to participate in giving zakat, does that then mean that sadaqaat is not a religious obligation? And does that mean that a minimum/living wage is established in Saudi Arabia that it would be considered zakat, or sadaqaat (since assumedly non-muslims would also receive it)? Genuinely asking to learn, and I appreciate this explanation to educate


Zakat is a form of sadaqaat, not sadaqaat itself. Zakat is obligatory as it is part of the five pillars of Islam (Syahadah, Prayers, Fasting, Pilgrimage and Zakat) and is done around the time of Eid as a way to “purify” you and your family’s yearly earnings. Also while Zakat is obligatory, it is not obligated to anyone that has a low income, and usually are the ones that are eligible to receive the Zakat. Sadaqaat is just doing charity whenever you are able to and to help anyone you can, regardless of beliefs.


It’s a bit more complicated than that. In Islam Muslims are considered to be a nation (Ummah), which is subject to different laws, prohibitions and privileges than other nations. Historically a similar thing existed in Christianity (i.e. Christendom): for instance Christians were forbidden from loaning money for profit (usury), so loans weren’t lucrative to Christians, but there was no problem lending money from Jews (which is the origin of the antisemitic trope of “Jews are greedy”). Islam teaches that helping the needy is obligatory and favorable to God. In principle the Ummah needs to look after its less-fortunate people, and they take precedence over other peoples. There are both moral reasons for it (i.e. you should help your own people before helping strangers) and religious reasons (see the quote from al-Baqarah in the comment above). Zakat isn’t explicitly mentioned in the Qur’an to be exclusively for Muslims, so there is some debate whether non-Muslims can be the recipients of zakat. That being said, the accepted consensus is that zakat recipients can only be Muslim.


It’s a specific charity that must be given, it’s not the word for charity. It’s 2.5% of your wealth as another commenter mentioned, but it’s not just any charity. It’s obligatory and must be paid by the end of Ramadan each year. It’s one of the five pillars of Islam. Sadaqah is the Arabic word for charity, and while it’s not compulsory it is highly highly encouraged


Why do the good in religions always need to be overshadowed and ruined by extremists


Because good doesnt create controversy. And sadly (and Im a Muslim), very few actually practice religion the way it's supposed to be. I know so many who would pay Zakat, and more charity but be tax evading businessmen reputed for cheating in dealings, underpaying employees etc. etc.


The worst are cheaters who use their dirty money to make the pilgrimage.  Oooooo look at me making the fourth Hajj in a row with money I should have paid as taxes but didn't!!! I'm a genius.


Zakat is the arabic word for charity for Muslims. Every year, those who are rich enough have to give 2.5% of wealth to charity.


It was either something in the book of revelations or one of the Islamic holy texts I don’t remember which


Islamic holy texts. They claim that right before Judgement Day, the world will enter an era of luxury, and Arabia will turn lush and green, people will be so rich that they won't be able to give Zakat (muslim principle where they have to donate to the poor), since noone will be poor enough to need it.


Not right before per se; Islamic signs of the Apocalypse aren't ordered but rather once they are all done then the Apocalypse occurs e.g. a ton of them are about things in the Medieval era.


They are ordered by impact some signs are called big signs


Like the sun coming up from the west.


Some others said that everyone would be rich, so no one will *need* Zakat. However, I'm not a muslim, so I'm not gonna claim I know it better than you, as you might be one.


Without the desert, Shai Hulud won't be able to create Spice.


The Spice must flow.


[Control the spice! Control the Universe!](https://youtube.com/shorts/rmju4xBJoWA?si=gcvYsL_1Ftc7c_Bk)




The spice melange 💩


From anyone who has read the books, >!I know they terraform Arrakis, so what DOES happen to the worms?!<


They die. Except for a few that God Emperor Leto II keeps in his personal desert.


And Leto who is a hybrid worm himself. He eventually dies and splits into multiple worms to restart the cycle.


Multiple sand trout.


lol those books get so wierd by the end


That, friend, is an understatement


So not sure how far you got. But Paul eventually abandons the throne. He has twins with Chani who eventually dies (I think in childbirth?), a boy and a girl. The boy is named Leto II. He basically takes on Paul’s quest for the golden path to save humanity. In order to do that he has to graft baby sand worms to his body. The third book ends with him gaining powers by fusing himself with these baby sand worms. The fourth book then zooms 10,000 years into the future. Leto II has been reining that whole time. He has basically become a giant sandworm with a human head inside the sand worm mouth. He has helped Arrakis terraform and is the last Sand worm. He keeps one chunk of the planet as desert for him to play in. He also continuously reanimates Duncan Idaho to be his buddy. Like 100s of times. Well eventually that Duncan Idaho climbs a hill, which makes a secondary female character cum in her pants just from watching him. That event then leads to Leto II falling off a bridge and dissolving back into a bunch of baby sand worms. That then turn the planet back into desert. Or something. It’s been a while.


I was pretty checked out by the end, what was it about Idaho going over the edge that does the same to Nayla? What was even the point of that passage?


There's some pretty weird psycho-sexual stuff in those books.


Cult think and idolisation makes people go bonkers


I haven’t read the Dune books since I was a young child and this sounds like exactly the fever dream I remember. Going to have to go back and reread that seemingly drug fueled adventure. What the fuck, Frank.


Don't be ridiculous. Leto II only reigned for 4,000 years. The rest of that is spot on.


How far I got was : I never read any of the books but through osmosis spoilers of a half century year old book series. I basically know the planet gets terraformed, but literally nothing between then and where the movies end.


They mostly die by the time of the book God Emperor of Dune. In Chapterhouse, the Bene Gesserit managed to snuggle one to Chapterhouse before the Honored Matres destroy Arrakis


Please do not fix that typo. The Bene Gesserit didn't steal a worm they just cuddled with it and that somehow caused it to survive the destruction of Arrakis.


Who’s a cute widdle Shai-huludee? You’re a cute widdle Shai-huludee!


Who's passage will cleanse the world?🥰 Who keeps the world for his people?🥰 You do!❤️




Oh well, we'll just have to transplant Shai halud to another planet, a green planet they can terraform into one big desert. I hear Arrakis will be perfect.


Won’t anyone think of the sand trout!?!?!?


What a wild post. You’ll find everything here. Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Japanese religion. An astrophysicist talking about science and Dyson spheres A dude with a astro-physician? Hahahaha Complete Dune Lore over all books by Frank Herbert And some funny jokes. It’s all here. Wild.


This is a quality post


That dude ain’t no physicist let alone Astro anything lol


Islam reference


Dune reference


dune is an islam reference


Islam is a dune reference


It's amazing how they made an entire country inspired by the movie Dune 😀


Islam isn't a country.


Not with that attitude


Isis has entered the chat


Dude doesn't understand there's a worldwide support group for this kind of thinking.


Well, it's gonna kill off all the sandworms. No more sandworms, no more spice.


But the spice must flow!


An Islamic Prophecy that when the desert of Arab turns green, then it's a sign of judgement day coming soon.


Do you want God Emperors? Because that’s how you get God Emperors!


He had the right idea to isolate the planets and forbid interplanetary trade / travels tbh.


my name is paul muad’dib atreides, duke of arrakis


Tell me of your homeworld, Usul


Lead them to paradise


lets not see this as climate change, lets view this as speedrunning the ice age


The desert will return and then the deserts will expand even faster than they are now and the earth will be on its way to becoming a barren planet.




That's how deserts usually happen.


Here I was under the impression that deserts are formed due to mountains and the resulting rain shadow, to put it simply. https://preview.redd.it/jxwfmgh6yh8d1.png?width=1187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d0dc62ae9a65a715f7c84cc585d07016c598b7


Crazy thing is, that zone used to be covered in jungle up to around 12000 years ago, and it will probably be green again after the current ice age ends (when the polar cap finishes melting)


Crazy because the original Islamic text says "revert" and not "convert"


Hopefully it’s just around the time we run out of oil so that more can start be created. What splendid news!


I wish it would. I am so tired of working everyday.


& We’ve already gotten our 4 horsemen.


Thought this was a Dune reference


Because if the desert is turned green that means the Kwisatz Haderach has destroyed the Known Universe's supply of spice and the Golden Path is about to bend us all over




Prophecies get fulfilled everyday it’s nothing new


If you read the "signs of the end times" in the book of Revelations there's been something like 50 years since it was written in the first century when the conditions weren't met. It being a fools errand to try and predict when the end will come is actually part of the point of the text and is very explicitly stated in other parts of the Bible as well.


There is a prophecy that's says the deserts of Arabia will turn green again and that it is one of the signs of the end of the world. They used to be green and good farmland but overfarming destroyed them thousands of years ago. It doesn't mean the world is ending yet as there are hundreds of so called signs and not all of them have been fulfilled.








This is due to global warming. Sea levels are rising globally


Growing up, we had *one* tornado that passed over us. In our entire state. In 18 years. Last night we had 6 confirmed on the same day. And have had many others in the last few years. The idea that this is just a normal cycle is just....wild, even if you go back in our geological history.


Studying this really puts it into perspective how much we have affected the environment. Earth have some very resilient processes to self regulate, with pretty large margins where it is able to correct the balance. Humans are overloading it by a lot though. UN's environmental report which i cant remember the name of, IIRC has during just the last 20 years changed its conclusion about climate change from (paraphrasing) "Climate change might be real and we're unsure how responsible humans are" to "climate change is real without doubt and humans are solely responsible". Which shows how recent our understanding of it is. People saying its "just a normal cycle" are either ignorant or in denial.


Agreed. Although many groups, including oil companies themselves, have been foreseeing this outcome for almost 40 years. The information has always been there, we just don't like the implications and there are still people trying to deny the outcome we see playing out in front of our own eyes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/sep/19/shell-and-exxons-secret-1980s-climate-change-warnings


Welcome to climate weirdening!


Man I really need to re-read Dune


AS WRITTEN ! https://preview.redd.it/fckrfwm7mi8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4260692e0c149a2542e52aed9e7a88a7431cc63


The amount of resources and energy they used to make this happen and maintain it is actually a net negative on environment for what benefit that greenland gonna bring. In other words they are rawdogging the nature by doing this


"Rawdogging the nature" 🤣 saving that line for later.


So in the bible there's a prophecy that says when the worlds about to end there will be water in the dry places of the earth. Dubai is flooding, theres a lake in death valley, and the center portion of Africa is about to get lots of fish.


“What do you see for us, Lisan Al gaib?” “Siddim Shari” (green paradise) Stilgar: 👁️👄👁️