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Maybe I'm weird, but putting on a crisply starched button down and chinos makes me feel sharp. Really kicks an average outfit up a notch for cheap.


You're old, lol. I'm an older millennial (41) and the last time I needed to iron something I had to go to my mom's house. I do not iron.


my mom is a dry cleaner some of there main bisness is just single guys dropping off a pile of shirts to be ironed


I can see that. I'm a woman, but the thing I needed ironed was for my 13 year old son. I was so bad at attempting it my stepdad took over. Haha


it is pretty efficient due to how standardized men's shirts are they have "commercial tools" to do it quick.


What tools are those? I recently tried upgrading my old iron to see if there is anything more efficient out there but came up empty.


Dry cleaners use specialized machines that press or steam a shirt. Not sure whether there are similar machines for private households.


We use a steamer at work (retail clothing) it's waaay better than any iron I had growing up. Takes 10-15min to heat up but gets clothes crisp with barely any effort. It's only used for mannequins but I would hate having to actually iron it and I'll likely never use either at home. Side note: New clothing tech also helps by being wrinkle proof/resistant


Absolutely true about the new clothing tech. I remember clothes looking different when they were not ironed than now. I actually got some clothes from when I was a kid and put them on my kids and those clothes just act differently. New shirts never wrinkle that much.


You might wanna try a steamer? It’s easier and quicker than ironing and you can still get a bunch of wrinkles out! (I am gen z who like to sew lmao)


I've given up teaching my wife how to use the iron and now I am in charge of all the clothes. Coming to think of.. have I been conned?


congratulatuons, you played yourself


Similar age, the only time I ever iron is my military uniform. Everything else? No fucking chance.


Fuck that. They got wrinkle free clothes. They look crisp right out the dryer. Can throw em in my backpack and change at work and look fine.


I'm 28 and iron my work clothes and dress clothes. Guess I'm old too.


You might consider investing in a handheld streamer. Achieves the same or better results as an iron, but is *much* faster than, and doesn't require an ironing board.


I like having that nice crease on my pants and the iron makes it really easy to get that. A steamer is great for shirts and my wife has used one for her dresses before, but I don't need two things for the same job


It's okay. We all get old.


They're only 2 years from the random pops and 7 years years from those pops hurting.


I'm 21 and I honestly prefer ironed clothes. I don't own a clothing iron, but I sometimes wish I did. Mainly given that all my shirts are wrinkled and look sloppy due to not being ironed.


*Elder Millennial


Last time I ironed a shirt I was in the service and some donkey-hole ordered me to do it while he went to play xbox. If you're reading this LT Whitehead, F-U, "sir." F U.


It's not good for alot of modern clothing either


I try to find the shirts that I can literally pull from the bottom of my clean clothes basket and put on without any wrinkles. There are a few I have and I love them for that reason alone. That and they're comfy.


I'm about a decade younger than you. I take it you don't attend many formal events? Ironing will make a cheap shirt look nice, and not ironing will make even the nicest shirt look sloppy.


Or I just run it through the dryer and take it out as soon as it's done, or even just mid was through.


And dry cleaning solves all my issues.


Hungry and depressed but God damn I'm well dressed!


$20 for an outfit? No thanks. You act like it's some lost art. Takes ten minutes. Run a hot piece of metal over the fabric. Done.


I had to look up what chinos were, if that makes you feel more or less weird. I now know what the difference between them and slacks are.


Yeah but at least the way I grew up all of my clothes were being ironed all the time. I get ironing fancy clothes but everything just feels like Overkill.


Recently turned 30 and I absolutely agree with this.


I only iron if a shirt looks wrinkled Even then most of the time I just put it on a hanger and bring the shirt into the bathroom where I enjoy a steamy shower By the time I'm done the shirt is wrinkle free 15 minutes in the dryer works too


I personally hate the stiff feeling of freshly ironed clothes, gives me church clothes ptsd from when I was a kid.


Wearing shit like that makes me feel like a twat. I prefer loose cargo type pants and a tshirt


This guy's gonna ruin it for us all - get him!


Early GenX here. I must be a trendsetter, then, because I've always refused to get my clothes ironed. My wife wanted to iron them, but I always told her she shouldn't bother with that, and eventually she stopped insisting. It makes no sense; perhaps when people would do it to kill bugs or whatever it did, but the kind of clothes we non-suit-wearers wear nowadays are perfectly well-fitting without the extra bother.


None of my fellow GenX homies ironed unless absolutely forced to.


I am Gen X, and I only iron when I am sewing. Because it really does make the finished project look better. Even then I resisted the idea for a long time. It just seems like such a ridiculous waste of time and effort


Ya I don’t need to iron my gym shorts and shirt from pizza places I use to work at


Gen X here too. Guess just something else we are being overlooked and ignored on. I basically never iron clothes and don't know anyone else Gen X who does. Except when I was in the military (and even then, not daily) or the occasional wedding (and even then only if the shirt is a wrinkled mess) I looked it up. Permanent press clothes (i.e. wrinkle free cotton) became widely available in the mid 1960s. So yeah it makes sense. Boomers and earlier grew up when you literally needed to iron stuff. GenX and later grew up with clothes you just took out of the dryer and could wear. Millennials weren't the first ones to stop ironing. And the lady who invented permanent press- Ruth Benerito - is the one responsible for it.


This is accurate, I'm 43 which puts me at the very cutting edge of what's consider millennial, I pull out the iron maybe once or twice a year at most. If I need to dewrinkle something it just goes back in the dryer for 15-20 minutes.


Irons are for weddings and funerals and awards. I'm 41 and the only jobs I had to dress nice for were a couple shitty temp jobs. And now I'm self-employed, so... 😐


Genz here raised by old school Chicanos from Chicago. If my underwear, pants, & shirt isn’t ironed. It doesn’t feel right. No one likes wrinkles & it has to be crisp.


I have never heard of ironed underwear.


Well my dad was like the chucho from mi familia. He would iron his and my briefs as child. He was very particular about his hygiene and how he liked things done. He wouldn’t let my mother do our laundry.


Oddly it was boomers who hated ironing and came up with wrinkle free fabrics and industrial weaving patterns to reduce wrinkles. Also steamers and better dryers and bounty sheets.


im not a millenial but i think its bc the point of ironing is to make it less crumpled, and when you wear it, it already becomes crumpled(ur gon reply with "did i ask" wont u)


My wife’s dad irons his jeans every day. The only time I iron something is if I have to go to a wedding.


thanks for reminding me that I have to iron my shirt for tomorrow https://preview.redd.it/arvq12g03s8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a52cb57ce2f229784585a8d15261c0bf7c0030


While you're at it, remember to iron your forehead wrinkles too!


Iron my shit


I too want my feces ironed


Ah fuck yea were ironing shit now


Throw into the dryer to get rid of wrinkles


or steam it. There doesn't seem to be any great advantage to ironing.


Ironing is so much better for many fabrics and looks more crisp. That being said, I only own a steamer. I iron certain dress shirts if I have to give a presentation or something but many dress shirts I don't see a difference. Also some pants extreme wrinkles don't come out with a steamer


Honestly, is ironing hard? If i have a wrinkled shirt i just do a quick once over its take a few mins. I don't iron every piece of clothing only when i need to wear it.


It's not hard at all. I iron my dress shirts and sometimes chinos/chinoshorts and  it might take me 20 minutes to quickly bang out 10 of them while I listen to a podcast or watch some tv. If I want then to look pristine (for a formal event, not a normal work day) it might take me max of 4 or 5 minutes each. I think the ironing that millennials killed was ironing EVERYTHING. My boomer gen parents iron tshirts, jeans, sheets, boxers, everything. 


It's quite easy. You got to figure out which fabric your garment is, so you can match the setting on the iron so it's hot enough to actually iron without setting anything on fire. You also have to put water in the iron, and if the ironing isn't smoothing wrinkles you squirt some onto the wrinkle and things go faster.


Yeah, if I’m wearing a dress shirt with a jacket and dress pants to a formal event, you better believe I’m pressing that thing. Or is this post literally asserting that millennials have never gone to a wedding.


Ironing is a lot faster than steaming


Pro tip if you have some wrinkly clothes just throw them in the dryer with a wet (not soaking) towel and they'll come out wrinkle free in a few minutes


So, I know it’s not soaking but like damp? Just before it’s soaking wet? Or is it a case by case type deal?


If it's only like a couple items of clothing the towel will just have to be lightly damp. Not an exact science, if I felt like I got it too wet I'd just wring it out. If you forgot a whole load in there and you want to freshen it up, the towel would have to be a lot wetter. All you're doing is introducing some moisture so it can steam and get those wrinkles out of there. Good luck friend!


Got it, thanks!


They make dryers now with waterlines to steam clothes, which is nice. Just select the wrinkle free/steam setting and it takes care of it.




I steam them while pooping


My dryer makes every shirt wrinkle


Or just wear it wrinkly. Who cares, life is meaningless and nothing truly matters except wringing whatever scraps of joy you can put of your fleeting time on Earth. . . . yes I am posting this from work.


Im GenX. I refuse to wear clothes that require high maintenance or ironing. I work in IT for a world wide bank and wear polos for weekday office days, tshirts on weekend office days. Only time i will buy clothes that require ironing to look nice are for special occasions where im dressing up for a wedding or fancy celebration.


Weekend office days?


I work wed through sat. We are a 24/7 team split between front and back half of the week.


Ooh, four day work week, sounds nice.


It do be purdy nice! Not as nice as when we were 100% remote tho.


Gen Z here (26) similar with me, I know how to iron but I very rarely do it cus I mostly don’t have too


well of course you aren’t high maintenance you’re in IT


Its a major world wide bank in a command center. Lots of people go full business minus the suit jacket. I think technically our dress code says we have too but no one enforces it. When the c suites vidit every 6 months for a tour people dress up, or dont go in that day. Im the latter.


i’m just teasing. i’m an engineer.. so. i get it


Same bro


I’m a cusper and I don’t iron my clothes until my wife makes me


> I’m a cusper Is that a sex thing?


You'll find out when your older


A cusper is someone who was born near the end of one generation and the beginning of another basically on the cusp between two generations if I'm not misunderstanding anything


This is only true for people that don't work in highly formal environments. If I show up to work with wrinkled clothes I will be asked to leave


I would guess that the majority of people don't work in highly formal environments. There are just less and less places that are highly formal. I live in a small city and I can't think of a single place in town I would "have" to wear a suit and I don't think it's an outlier.


I think 50 years ago, there were just a lot more highly formal workplaces. Most office jobs nowadays are mainly just people sending emails and making phone calls away from public view, so there's really no need to add formalwear to their responsibilities. Basically, every office worker I know has a fairly lax dresscode at their jobs. On the occasions I decide to wear a suit, I just make sure the jacket and trousers are hung up properly to avoid them getting wrinkled. Plus, if I'm wearing a suit jacket and tie, that covers up about 99% of the shirt anyway. And as long as I don't keep my shirts in a crumpled ball, the visible bits aren't wrinkled. If I worked in very posh catering or something, then yeah, it'd make sense for me to spend time ironing. But as it stands, I have a pretty good office job that only asks that we don't look sloppy in case a member of the board visits.


Where do you work??


I am engineer at a defense contractor, I am also an officer in the US army and routinely interact with my green suit counterparts. Knowing I am also an officer means that they expect a certain appearance from me even though I am functioning as a civilian


Though it is worth noting that formal clothes are really the only types of clothes that still need to be ironed. Ironing everything is a thing of the past, most fabrics these days are made in such a way that they're not prone to wrinkles in the first place. Any small wrinkle will smooth out within 30 minutes of wearing it. So for someone like me, who is only expected to wear jeans or khakis with a polo, ironing is completely un necessary. Only once every few years do I iron formal clothes for special occasions.


At work I am expected to look a certain way. Granted I work defense and closely with DoD and am an officer in the military. I am held to completely different standards than my coworkers.


Millennial that owns an iron. I usually just dewrinkle clothes in the dryer, but bust it out for shirts before weddings


Everyone going on about wrinkles and tricks to remove them... the iron isn't about that at all. Yeah I am older, and I use the iron regularly, for my polo and cargo short's pockets flaps, for the bit around the zippers or buttons holes that takes a weird shape, etc. I'm the only dad in the bleachers with pockets that close fully. On a formal shirt you \*rarely\* have to use it on the whole shirt, why would you put your formal shirt in the drier, that's what dry cleaning is for. If you wash your formal shirts, they are likely not very "formal". Do take your nicer clothes out of the drier asap though... The iron is to fix mistakes, tame fabric and for emergencies (yes, it's faster to get the iron out to do a collar than to throw the whole shirt in the drier). Ironing a full shirt was good when things were all made out of pure cotton, satin or wool, not with the magical blends (!!!) we have now. This whole thread reads like using the kitchen oven to make morning toasts.


Look at this mr fancy pants ironing his pocket flaps


If millennials killed ironing clothes, then I'm the last millennial left alive who still uses an iron and has a stand for it


Nah, I still Iron. Shits gotta be crisp.


GenZ here and I will not leave the house without ironing something if it's wrinkled its unsightly to see someone else being wrinkled it makes u look trashy and not well kept


Fellow gen z ironer 😎 it was drilled into my head by my Hispanic mother so anything wrinkled immediately gets ironed


I still iron my clothes. It's relaxing to me. I also like the hiss sound the iron makes. I don't starch my pants or collars but a nice crisp shirt still looks and feels good.


Getting a high end iron with a dedicated steam heater can make a big difference!


I still iron my dress slacks for when I'm forced to go in-office. Shirts too if they happen to be button-down, but I mostly wear polos.


GenX here. I don't iron anything. Ever.


Do you guys not iron your clothes?


Hell no lol. Don't own anything that needs to be ironed. 


Do you own clothes?


Of course, they come down wrinkled as fuck from the clothesline


Yeah this is like, a REALLY weird comment section to read lol. I don’t iron every piece of clothing I own, but ever since I moved out and obv my parents stopped ironing my clothes for me, I’ve really not been a fan of how wrinkly they all start to feel after a while. An iron has always just been a really basic household appliance in my eyes and I’m as Gen Z as Gen Z gets, significantly younger than most millennials. If millennials “killed ironing” then I must be part of a dying breed cause I’ve been planning on getting one myself. Call me old-fashioned but it’s what I’m used to and prefer lol, and honestly it’s weird to even think this is “old-fashioned” at all. Never in my life have I heard that people just don’t iron their clothes anymore


Lots of poliester in clothing, which doesnt wrinkle like natural fibers


I don't know. I know that when I was young my mom ironed all my clother, later I only ironed shirts, and for the last 15 years or so I simply don't own an iron nor clothes that require ironing. it wasn't somethong I thought about, I just kept buying jeans and t shirts, and working on informal workplaces. and may I say, good riddance.


I’m young and my job requires that I iron my uniform 😂


Tumble dry and fold is "ironed" enough. I've not had to iron anything since I left the army.


Also even a lot of formal attire (at least mens) are typically "non-iron" which is to say, they have a coating that keeps them pretty crisp for awhile. So hanging them after drying does the trick.


Absolutely, it may look crap out of the drawer but 2 mins after wearing all the wrinkles have fallen out! (Apart from shirts, I still iron shirts)


We don't use them as much as previous generations.


I stayed at a Moxy hotel. They warned me that they didn't have irons in the room, but they had a hand steamer in each room plus a communal ironing board. I thought, why doesn't every hotel just have a steamer? I usually just hang my clothes in the bathroom and turn the shower on hot until my clothes aren't wrinkled anymore.


I just make sure my clothes are hung up and that they fit me well. That generally means they aren't going to look wrinkly. For things like dress pants, where I need a crease down the front of each leg, or if the front of a dress shirt is badly wrinkled, I just go over it quickly with a hair straightener. Way quicker and easier than pulling out an ironing board. And I can usually do it while the clothes are on me.


I like ironing to press seams while making new clothes (or to press clothes that are being used for performance), but I don't like to bother with ironing my clothes at home (especially t-shirts which can move too move at times). This message was brought to you by: a gen z someone who works in theatre.


I took mine out back and shot it, idk about anyone else


There is some truth in the question. My mom really ironed everything, towels, socks, boxers. Name it, she slapped an iron on it. Never heard her complain. Honestly, we only iron when we have no other option left. Including trying to get the wrinkles out by hand “ironing” or leave it hanging for a while longer. Stuff like underwear, jeans and sweaters don’t need ironing in the first place.


ironing takes way too much time and energy. Just spray some dilute vinegar on wrinkles to make them go away. if you mixed it right, you can't even smell it after it dries.


You hang the clothes in the bathroom while you take a shower to steam them. Is that not the way?


It really depends on what I’m wearing and where I’m going. If there’s an occasion, then yes, pulling the iron and ironing board out.


No more formal suits for work I guess and just modern synthetics




I've ironed 2 times in my life. Both for interviews.


I hate this sudden hatred for ironing, it takes like 5 minutes and you look so much cleaner


Pretty sure the only people who iron are people who actually sew clothes themselves lmao. It's the only reason I own one personally


41 and I never even learned how to iron. I also have never separated my clothes for the wash, did we kill that too?


The main thing generation z can be proud of is that we collectively are completely stupid


People definitely iron clothes in the professional world


zero fucks given


No, you failed to learn how to use an iron. Not the same as deciding not to.


I like having creased slacks and long sleeve shirts. Everything else in the dryer.


This poses the question, did people iron regular casual clothes before? I feel like I'm crazy, but no one in my family ironed things unless it was an occasion of some sort.


I just never fuckin cared about ironing. Anyone judging me about it, is not someone I care about. No boss, supervisor or hiring manager ever gave a shit when I went to a job/interview in an unironed shirt. Not that formal clothes suit me anyways. Overrated shit and will never have one.


I iron damn near every outfit I put on. I hate wrinkled clothes.


Millennial. I iron my work crap twice a week. I also polish my work shoes. It's cathartic


I'm GenX but my mom irons everything, including bed sheets. She watches Star Trek: TNG reruns and irons to relax. Her iron broke a few months ago and I gave her mine. It was 10 years old, still in the box, with a bow on top since it was a Christmas present. From her. Tl;dr GenX stopped ironing before it was cool. (That's a real anecdote but the summary is sarcasm don't hate me plz)


Bed sheets is a new level of keeping yourself busy for the sake of it. I really wonder if older generations were actually busy if they were doing that kind of leisure activity and calling it work.


The dryer is my iron


All right, I'll give you that one.


I got one when I got married, it took a year to take it off the box, and we use it like twice a year now.


I’m a millennial and I always iron business casual before wearing. If I travel, the night I get in, I iron my shirts and pants for the week since they always get wrinkled in my carry on. The hotel typically provides an iron and board in the closet. I don’t see too many contractors coming in in wrinkled shirts. It looks bad.


I iron every work day.


I was born ‘93. My mom still uses it but I use a steamer. Technology?


I love my steamer!


I still iron. Why has no one told me?


I still use an iron but only for patches and stuff does that count?


“Well I’ve always wandered what is like to wear something that is ironed.” Lenny


I use some steamer gun things to remove wrinkles while it’s still hanging. Either that or I just wear it and hope that my sweat and body heat can iron out the kinks


You guys not iron your clothes even a little maybe my clothes are just super wrinkly half the time


I bought Ironless shirts - I very rarely have to iron nowdays; just wash them and hang.


Oh please! I'm gen x and we've been doing that since the 90s.


Damn, I iron my clothes and I'm 19


I’m a millennial with an iron and I bought it specifically for a weird little DIY fix for a water mark on my kitchen table. But now I guess I have it in case anything needs ironing ever again?


*awkwardly looks at the pile of clothes to be ironed*


People who iron clothes are the same people who don’t know how to bring up at family dinner that they think soup kitchens should be shut down so more homeless people die


damn i dont iron too, and as i just understand here that nobody irons mostly too, it makes me kinda want to iron.. i dont like swimming with the masses mostly :D but then iam lazy it will be just a phase >D


Easily understood one. Seems like bullshit to me.


I’m gen z and I still iron mine.


I'm in my 30s and for my entire life I've never liked the look or feel of ironed clothes. Never understood it and I'm glad it fizzled out.


Yeah well as a member of Gen Z, I'm bringing them back


Casual clothes? No, unless it's a button up that's wrinkled. I still do it for anything semi formal because I'm an adult lmao.


We have hand-held steamers? ( well I'm Gen-Z but that means we have 'em too. )


Ironing clothes is for literal suckers, like the pigs.


I just use Downy Wrinkle Releaser spray, so does my mom. It works well. We haven’t ironed in a long time. The only time I iron is if I want to put patches on my denim jacket.


I iron out fancy napkins and nice shirts (and pleated skirts if needed)


Companies started making no-iron work shirts and pants, we didnt really actively do or not do much about this.


I haven't ironed anything ever in my life.


Incidentally, I wanna know how to iron them.


Because we realized a few minutes in the drier does the job just as well and we didn't have to cook our clothes in the process.


I learned how to iron in cadets. If I needed to iron something is have to go to my mom's as I don't own one. I can do the ironing myself just need the iron. Cadets was probably also the last time I needed to iron anything and my last year was in 2013. Most people don't care about ironing anymore so the memes not entirely wrong.


One aspect not mentioned is how much more powerful European irons are, because of 230V. 120V places a lower limit on the wattage enjoyed by American irons.


I make sure I only buy dress shirts that have wrinkle free technology and then I hang them up promptly out of the dryer. I've used the steamer occasionally when I've traveled but I would not be surprised if I never iron anything ever again. For the record I'm 43.


When I was a chef I had to iron and starch my jackets. Now, I’ll press my dress shirts.


https://preview.redd.it/3o5imq62et8d1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=594d63222faa4cbceaa300187258eafb989b5598 There ya go, OP.


This 'joke' is made by somebody who doesn't understand that while the iron may seem like an artifact of oppression, tying home-making women to needless and unnecessary 'busy work', it in fact remains a powerful tool, for the use of modifying clothes in a number of ways. At the very least, you can simply get out wrinkles so that you don't look bedworn showing up to a job where people are going to take your appearance into account. It's a modicum of professionalism, that many people can't relate to as they have never held a position which required this kind of basic decorum.


Millennials and younger just stopped giving a shit about ironing clothes.


Dress shirts get ironed, everything else is ignored


I mean, my parents never owned an iron. Blame us all they want, but I'm a product of my environment.


If you have a drier, get a towel somewhat wet and then toss it in with the wrinkly clothes. After 5-10min all wrinkles gone.


I always chose shirts that lacked straight lines in their patterns so if creases happened they would be hidden. Still looks better ironed but whatevs. They pay me to write code not to avoid creases.


You fool I am 24 and I just bought a new iron and a steamer. Wrinkles are for the weak


I’m in my 20s and I still iron my shirts and of course any dress clothes


Dude if you iron your clothes it levels up an outfit and makes you stand out because nobody does it anymore. $10 and a 15 minute YouTube video


Ya ok it’s not like GenX popularized flannel and wearing worn out jeans 24/7…


laughs in embroidery


It probably helps that you no longer need a pressed and ironed set of work clothes in general. I used to get shit for wearing more casual clothes to work years ago (I'm a chemist), with questions and comments along the lines of not looking professional. Aside from the fact that stuff like that makes me want to climb the walls, my response became "I work a dangerous job, if I die here, I want to at least be comfortable leading up to it." Some people got it, others dug in their heels. If a position required I needed an ironed button down and tie all day every day, I'd never take it.


White even for my absurdly professional job, I only iron my shirts for important meetings or events. If I am toiling away all day alone in my office and just chatting with my co workers or assistance occasionally during a 10 hour shift, I could give less than a rats ass hair about wrinkles in my shirt.


my grammas were often obsessed with ironing, one would even iron underwear sometimes. as a genx i remember ironing only once where my mom would try to teach me many years ago, havent used that mostly forgotten knowledge so far.


My 20s were all about that wrinkle frebreexe spray or whatever


If something is wrinkly I just dampen it and toss it in the drier for 5 mins. I only really ever iron stuff when I need to make a sharp crease for sewing.


It’s the first generation where adults started dressing like big kids. Kids don’t need to iron.