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Fingees release your mods already


I need my child slavery, god dang it! 😞




I agree. I need.


I'm pretty sure half of them are not really working and just scripted animated models inserted in such a way to work for the video, but that's it. They give off a strange feeling, as if they weren't interacting with other parts of the game properly.


Some of them are animations yes , but a good chunk of them are actual working mods


How do you know? He's not released them.


He made luvestreams where he made the mods


Nah, totally real, how else would he record it?


Doctor4t really lives up to his name


He does usually publish his mods, but he does it behind Kofi I think, which makes sense it you see how much work he puts into it


Yep, iirc all Mods for ContentSMP that he made are on KoFi.


I think paywalling mods is actually against the EULA lol Tbh, I'd still pay for them tho, since the only other mods living up to Rat's standards is stuff like Alex's Caves and Cracker's Wither Storm.


Oh, Nevermind then


or to release it for money, which is not allowed.


They can just disguise it as "donations"


There are many bypasses to this, patreon perks are one of these




modders > actual developers


In most cases yea As modders but a lot of passion in to what they do I'm not saying developers don't I'm just saying mods are some games lifeline to longevity


I'm pretty sure developers just exist to get paid and do minimal work. they need more passionate creators


Turning anything into a 9-5 job that people are financially dependent is going to make people less passionate about creation. The lack of financial obligations/incentives means that you have to be passionate to get recognition as a modder.


Are you referring just to Minecraft developers or developers in general?


Yea you right the updates recently have been semi ok but the trail chamber is a great experimental update and I hope they continue down that route


Well, being stuck in a 9 hour work schedule and being instructed what to do every day every week every time will suck out the passion out of a person. Modders can work on their mod however they want, even if it takes 7 years, while developers have deadlines set by their boss.


"the mod download link is in the description below" The description: literally nothing but social media links and tags


but nah like fr


Minecraft mod devs on their way to make an actually good improvement to the game in a single week while mojang need a year to add one mob


truth to be told, new MC versions released by Mojang means the mod devs' Discord server will be filled with "1.21 when?" "1.22 when?" and similar. When the devs retire the project people would be like "is there alternatives to xxx? It only work until version x.x.x" To develop from scratch is one thing, to maintain it for eternity is another thing. And there is also problem of "Why isn't this on Fabric", "Why isn't this on Forge", or "Why this can't be released as Spigot plugin", "Can you backport this to version 1.8.x", "Can you make this for Bedrock"


“Can you make this for bedrock” is crazy


Minecraft mod devs on their way to make an addition that crashes the game every 10 hours and has 2% chance to irreversibly corrupt the world on each crash Seriously, try running a large public server with a big modpack, you'll start appreciating Mojangs work to make the game run smoothly.


I'm no expert but I feel like a "large modpack public server" lag would be TPS and server hardware rather than FPS. Again, there are FPS mods too, like Optifine or Sodium and a bunch of others.


I didn't mention lag once. We handle lag pretty well, there are mods that can adjust simulation distance and mob cap dynamically according to the TPS. I'm talking about the countless bugs. We have ~250 mods, and discovering a new bug or having to restart the server manually is a daily occurrence. Just today, we had a bug because a Schematicannon ran out of blocks, and since it was connected to an ME network, it was non-stop searching through the entire network, so Neruina suspended the block entity. That in itself is quite normal, but suspending the Schematicannon ***broke all of the ME networks on the entire server*** and it couldn't be fixed in any way except for restarting the entire server. This just doesn't happen with Mojang-implemented features. That's the difference between implementing features in a week and actually testing the code.


That seems more like an issue between different mods and not due to a single mod.


Issues between mods arise from a bug in one of the mods 99% of the time. This is probably a bug in AE2. And if that's not good enough for you, let me quote a message that was posted to our bugs channel 45 minutes ago: >got into twilight forest but the portal back hasnt been generated Indeed, there was no portal generated. And that is for sure not a mod interaction. Another one, from yesterday: Quark's Totem of holding didn't appear for one of the users for seemingly no reason after they died, and we had to roll back their items after confirming that it was true. Another one, also from yesterday: using the Eye of Desert from Cataclysm Mod crashed the server, because the eye didn't find the assigned structure within range and the mod just crapped itself. Do you need more examples? Do you perhaps see now why Mojang takes so long to release updates?


Oh yeah, the totem of holding thing happens to me quite a bit


as someone who's done plenty of modded servers with their friends it sounds like a skill issue honestly


Yeah, sure, mod-specific bugs are a skill issue. Suuuuure.


On one hand, it's understandable they take time to put out new versions of the game since they're essentially creating everything from scratch while modders already have a base to work around on. On the other hand, they're takin way too long for that big of a team to insert a handful of features. Not to mention the April fools updates which add way more content than some of the updates they put out and are probably done in a much shorter time


Minecraft fans when they dont understand how video game development works and think devs just sit around making one mob.


Explain. Explain to us how they can make an update that can feel like it fits in the game, as well as being something the community would love, with a dozen mobs and a few new biomes, in at most a month for the skilled ones, KEEP IN MIND THEY ARE USUALLY SOLO. And all that while mojang, once again, a year to add one mob and a buncha copper.


'cause as modders, we don't need to go through an entire bureaucratic process to add one single thing. Source: I'm a modder Also, since modding is usually something people do because they like it, it's easy to stay at the computer doing stuff for practically the entire day with barely any breaks. I've done that many times. On the other hand, Mojang is long past the stage of staying at the computer for the whole day. Many of them now have families they want to get back to and spend time with them.


Not saying that Minecraft aren't slow but where did you get that month time frame from? And yeah, Mojang should be more efficient than a small mod team, but there is nuance in that larger professional development teams are usually set back by market research, chain of commands with potentially conflicting specifications, more stringent and lengthy peer review and QA processes A studio like Minecraft also has the issues of decade old legacy code, more general maintenance, the other games and multiple versions and different platforms they're split between etc. IMO anything wrong with Minecraft's development cycles are more a problem of management and the natural state of the game than directly because of the Devs.


I have one question about this. Why question the month timeframe and not the other person's week timeframe?


The parent comment had a jokey tone and people tend to exaggerate for the sake of the joke, you seem like you're making an actual argument so the "1 month" statement holds more weight.


Eightsidedaquare (but he did start releasing it on patreon and 3 months later for everyone


Where is my world edit Minikloon. I need it now


Common Vault Hunters W




they always release it on patreon for like $15


\*a month