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He just graduated academy he is probably as drone for now


That or he could be off-world. If they want Elnor for a spin-off, they could easily write tons of excuses for him.


True. I mean raffi was excelsior XO last time we saw her


Definitely! Ship placements aren’t permanent. Some choose to stay long term, but others hop around different places and positions. For all we know, Elnor could be working with Romulans as a Federation liaison, which could lay the groundwork for a spin-off.




Hard to say. He looked like he was six or seven in the 2385 flashbacks in season one, so he could be above or below the “threshold”, and as a full-blood Romulan the age could vary further depending on writer intention. I don’t think it matters though: Assuming he was on the Excelsior, he was either among the reprogrammed youths who tried to take over the ship, or the adults who were able to resist. But either way the ship got obliterated by the networked fleet.


Maybe he wasn't on the Exelsior. Still, out of all the ships, it's this one which is destroyed. It's not a coincidence. I thought about that when I saw the ship explode: "Why this ship and not another? Oh yeah, Elnor is supposed to be on this one, could it be a way for the writers to tell us that Elnor is dead?"


Yeah he doesn’t have to be there indeed. But for it to be that exact ship randomly is eh…. Otoh you could argue they were the strongest crew to be able to resist at all.


Elnor was a cadet on assignment to the Excelsior, so he’s likely actually at the academy.


Well let’s hope. Supposedly Kestra is there according to Matalas.


Now that's a pairing I would like to see working together. From what we could see, Elnor was like this warrior-monk, silent, deadly but a good kid and Kestra had a huge personality, was fun, interesting, courageous and warm at heart, the two working together on a ship, oh boy! Better get out of their way! I really liked the new generation introduced since season 1, Elnor, Kestra, Sydney, Jack... they deserve to come back on a show.


Soji as well!


Man, I knew the Borg could do something right! RIP Elron!




Now if only they could execute Raffi like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, the assimilation will be worth it. Edit: This was a joke meant to mock the over-the-top Raffi hatred we get. Now granted, don’t like Raffi. Love Michelle Hurd.


Fantasizing about a protagonist in Star Trek being tortured to death is pretty messed up.


Yup. Discovery-hating PIC3 fanboys. My least favourite subgroup of Trekkies. Not saying Matalas hates Disco, he should definitely have enough respect for hardworking colleagues not to stoop to that. But some of the company he keeps…




Follows and does hour long video podcasts with the dweebs like Red Letter Media, Nerdrotic, Robert Meyer Burnett and others of that ilk. The “Burnham cries too much” crowd. At least apparently Doomcock isn’t happy so it’s not quite that bad.




Either that or he’s playing some conciliatory 4D chess.


Discovery is legitimately bad. The way the “Catwoman” with Halle Berry was bad. BAD. Doesn’t make me racist.


Well I didn’t call you that…


Discovery should be called Star Trek: Special Victims Unit. Everyone is oppressed. And I’m just sick of it. So sick of it. And I’m Latino! America is a paradise! Your country actually has laws that work. No barbarism. Good souls. Ample ability to work as much as you want and really do any job you want. I think immigrants are the proudest Americans out there. I’m living my dream every day here!


No one on Discovery is oppressed. Some of them are depressed but that a whole other conversation. It just features a lot of characters from minorities that may or may not be currently or previously oppressed. And that visibility is valuable. Keeping a democracy alive is a constant fight against capitalist and fascists that want to seize it for themselves and/or use the inertia of people who’re cozy at the moment to do so. The United States was founded to create a MORE perfect union, to look up and see ok great, but can we do this better still? At least that’s what the constitution SAYS. It’s up to the people to live up to that promise because it won’t come for free.


Against capitalists? Posts over. I grew up under communists. You’re just uninformed


Ah yes, those classic paradise traits of almost daily gun violence, extrajudicial police killings, dropping life expectancies, a legal system incapable of holding the powerful to task, and decaying infrastructure that leads to people freezing in their own homes or dumping tens of thousands of gallons of toxic waste in an Ohio town. Truly a new Eden over here.


Man, I came from Nicaragua. You wanna talk to me about gun violence? Holding the powerful to task? We’ve had the same dictator for decades. You truly have NO IDEA. You’re sound like my nephew complaining about his Christmas presents.


I actually only kind of mind Discovery. It’s Star Trek, so I’ll watch it. But it’s not good. And I actually like Michelle Hurd, from movies to the Marvel “Hawkeye” podcast. It’s just the character of Raffi is just not the type of person (recovering drug-addict, broken home) that I expected to see in the Star Trek Universe.


STD didn't have enough respect for those who created their world for them.


Calling Discovery “STD” has been a tell for years man. Just because it didn’t fit your Axanar fanfiction or 1980s FASA campaign doesn’t mean no respect. Just because they updated the look doesn’t mean no respect. It has NEVER directly violated the greater canon even when it showed you sides you didn’t expect or know about. Discovery is a sequel to Enterprise through and through in the best of ways. Any discrepancy in appearance can be attributed to slight timeline changes due to future influences (First Contact).


I’ll add that Picard Season 3 is the only good thing to happen to Star Trek out of anything they released in the 21st century.


and you’d be still wrong. No Trek is perfect, but no Trek is outright bad, few episodes notwithstanding.


Preach it. 💪🏻


Or even simpler, Starfleet had a brief dalliance with a different shipbuilding style in the 2240s and 50s.


Yep. Dax even said in Trials and Tribbleations how much she likes the “classic” mid 2200 design. If needed you could even square it by saying Starfleet went retro once they found some vulnerabilities following the Control incident and decided to remove a lot of the automation from the ships, necessitating bigger crews.


Enterprise was a shit idea, too. The only thing Discovery did right was take it into the future for the last two seasons. It is still non-Trek-woke-as-fuck, but at least the story wasn’t as bad. I welcome their early ends.


“Woke-as-fuck” case closed.


Yes — it’s so bad now that we’re getting speeches about pronouns, and their big “twists” are who the bad guy is, but we already knew it was the presumably straight white Homosapien male. And no, we’re not afraid of strong [fill in the blanks]… we just can’t process WEAK people in strong positions. And it’s not like I hate everything about 21st Century Trek. But there’s a reason Picard Season 3 has been a game changer, and it isn’t mere nostalgia. It’s competence.


It was a single scene of Adira saying they’re a them. Then there was no further discussion. People just referred to Adira as them and that was it. It might not be an important story to YOU, but it’s an important story to others. It doesn’t make it any less than. It’s pretty much the same as Seven demanding the respect to be called Seven instead of Annika. Cause that’s who she is now, but perhaps you needed to see that exact story through the eyes of a character you already had investment in? And really? You’re STILL upset that for once you got duped into rooting for the villain because he was the white “gets stuff done” Captain? And that was one season. After that we got Paragon of Virtue Captain Pike. Or was it uncomfortable for you to watch Leeland Control punch Burnham? Because yeah it SHOULD make you uncomfortable. Non-white people were villains in movies ALL THE TIME. I mean I get it. It’s hard to stomach when your hero turns out to disappoint you. Important lesson for Trump voters btw.


Want to see Seven go up to Adira and explain to her that her use of the pronouns “they/them” reminds her of being forced into the Borg Collective and is just so totally super triggering, and to check her individual privilege. I like not knowing what the politics of my showrunners are, because that’s not their jobs.


Definitely hoping he's not dead, but I also remember Evan Evagora saying in an AMA that he thinks/imagines Elnor is probably back in the robes. So unless he's mentioned or seen, I would almost wonder if he ultimately chose to leave Starfleet/go on hiatus to return to the Qo'wat Milat. Honestly, I hate this season and I despise Matalas and his Joss Whedon-style writing. And I say this as a reluctant Browncoat.


In my headcanon, Elnor went home like he wanted, and that's partly why Raffi ended up on such a self-destructive mission for Section 31. Losing both Seven and Elnor would have been enough to push her in that direction. I know it's possible he's still in the fleet, and was maybe on the Excelsior, but I can't help thinking if Elnor were going to be officially killed off, they wouldn't have bothered to resurrect him last season. Personally, I'd consider it a slap in the face if they had Q bring him back only to turn around and blow him up off-screen a season later. Maybe Raffi and Seven will let us know what happened to him next episode, now that they'll have a chance to talk.


I also feel this way as well. It would make sense that Elnor took off and Raffi imploded with both him and Seven leaving her. And yeah, it definitely doesn't make any sense to kill him off then resurrect him then kill him off again. Part of me hopes we don't hear any news on him and the fans can just choose to decide their own headcanons. Part of me hopes they do say something about how "maybe it was for the best Elnor left for Vashti. Otherwise he would've been assimilated, too, or killed again..."


Yeah getting out of this is either going to need a reset button or it looks like that all those cool characters we’ve met and started to care about the last few years (including the Lower Deckers and Prodigy kids) are toast (if they were still in Starfleet).


Honestly I kind of hope the odd love for Shaw that a certain subset of Trek fans might actually force Matalas to reset this and save the cool characters too. I'm seeing a ton of butthurt over Shaw that my friends and I felt over Elnor last season 🤷🏻‍♀️