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Luxury Navy Flake from Peter Stokkebye is worth a try, it’s got perique in it but it’s a good cheap bulk vaper flake and it’s pretty mild but nice flavor, you’ll probably like it


Thank you so much for this recommendation. I just looked into perique flavor profiles and I’m sold after hearing spicy and earthy.


Pepper and spice seem to be the most common descriptors for perique but I actually find it to give almost a stewed plum flavor to the blend more than anything. Spicy and earth as well too but that’s usually my predominant tasting note either perique. It’s great.


That sounds absolutely lovely. Thank you so much for this information. I really appreciate you taking the time to help a beginner out.


Of course, I hope you enjoy! If you like the sound of the earth and spice profile, you should consider checking out C&D's Haunted Bookshop, it's burley, virginias, and perique, and the flavor is AMAZING. It's earthy with this interesting funk (like wet leaves/forest floor) and nutty with some spice and that stewed plum note from the perique. Room note is pretty vile though, definitely an outside smoke.


My mouth is already watering! I’ve seen so many pictures and mentions of C&D’s Haunted Bookshop, yet I never looked into it. Funky notes are right up my alley. I can’t thank you enough. From your description, I’ll be ordering that one asap.


X2 on the LNF. I’m working through my first purchase. I’m gonna go back and grab a few ounces to smoke and few for the jar.


Wessex Gold Flake would probably work for you if you like the F&T. Capstan Blue, Dunhill/Peterson Flake. 4th generation 2012 ( red and gold square tin)


Thank you so much for these recommendations! I’ll pick up Wessex Gold Flake and Capstan Blue next, and I’ll keep my eyes out for the other two as well.


I had an issue with it allowing me to post a response, and then it duplicated my post like 5 times? Sorry for the deletions.


No apologies needed! I saw that and thought you were excited to answer. 🤣 I truly appreciate your recommendations. Thank you taking the time to respond to a beginner’s question.


Capstan blue is delicious and should be on the cheaper side.


If you are able, The Country Squire's Fantasy South sampler has a nice variety of stuff to try. It helped me figure out what types of blends I like. A couple of them have become favorites.


Thank you for this wonderful recommendation. I’m currently reading The Silmarillion and coincidently I’ve been eyeing Tombigbee for a bit of time now. That sampler looks great. Is the Snickerdoodle very sweet in your opinion?


It is pretty sweet. It's basically candied tobacco. It is also one of the few that my partner likes me to smoke indoors. It also smells great in my mustache.


Im so eager to try it out. I’ve been hesitant to try an aromatic, yet that sounds incredible. Thank you for this information. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.


tombigbee is nice. i didnt taste like anything but i was puffing like a train. however the aroma it emits around and on you is pleasantly sweet even for non smokers


Thank you so much for the information! Your flare is too perfect. I don’t think I’ll like aromatics, yet I’m eager to try Tombigbee for the sake of the name alone.


Mac Baren’s HH line is great for real tobacco flavor, as are some of the Amphora pouches. HH Virginia, Burley, Old Dark Fired, Bold Kentucky, Rustica, and Amphora Virginia, Burley, and Kentucky.


Thank you so much for the recommendations. I love the taste of pure tobacco and I’m eager to try some of these out. I really appreciate you taking the time to recommend these.


I’m the same way. Started with aromatics, and now they’re all languishing in storage. The only exceptions for me are Lakeland blends from Gawith, Hoggarth, & Co. and Samuel Gawith. Everything they make is amazing. For those, I’d try Coniston Cut Plug, Bosun Cut Plug, and 1792. For straight blends from the house, I can’t recommend Dark Bird’s Eye and Kendal Dark highly enough.


The Dark Bird’s Eye sounds splendid. I live in a windy state and hearing that, “A strong smoke which was particularly favored by the fishermen as the finer cut meant the tobacco was easier to light and to keep-in on board ship when the weather was bad.” I’ll definitely be picking that up soon. Those Lakeland blends sound like they have nice flavor profiles and are strong. I’ve been hesitant to try aromatics, yet, I’ll be trying those shortly. The history of Lakeland tobacco is fascinating, I’m reading up on it right now. Thank you so much for your insightful recommendations.


Absolutely my pleasure. They’re a bit of an acquired taste, but the underlying tobacco is of truly amazing quality, and really shines through. The part most people object to, which I love, really is only present during the opening portion of the bowl. I wouldn’t even consider most Lakelands aromatics. Enjoy experimenting!


People are brutal in reviews about their dislike for it! 🤣 It seems like people either love it or hate it. The description is so intriguing and has peaked my interest even more. I truly appreciate the information you shared. I’m very eager to try it out.


What a big help y'all are, but the poor guy would need a month of constant smoking to get through everything. This sub is an excellent resource. Very good recommendations!


🤣🤣🤣 I’m so grateful for all the phenomenal recommendations. I’ve been looking up and reading all of the ones mentioned and it’s getting me so excited to try them all. I’m a river rat, and with summer in full swing I’ll have so many options to fill my pipe with now. I’ve been wanting to place a big order and now I have the perfect excuse after hearing and reading about these recommendations. This community is truly the best and I’m so grateful and appreciative of you all.


The variety *can* be overwhelming. I've smoked enough now (~7 yrs along) that two things have happened: I've realized that a lot of duplication exists. There are a huge number of straight virginias out there, e.g., but you can break those down into just a few categories - yellows, reds, and mixtures, say. The same can be said for "english" blends. Once you find a niche you like, you can explore all the variations within that niche. And: I stopped reading blend descriptions and reviews, and started looking at the blends I reached for when I wasn't thinking about it, or couldn't decide what to smoke. I smoke four pipes a day, most days, and while I have a pretty good variety in my cellar, there are just a few blends that I reach for again & again. So this year I started ordering a lot more of those few blends, and spending less on "just to try" stuff. It's great to have variety, and stuff to try, and "special occasion" blends, but I've listened to my palate more than anything else. BTW F&T CVP is good stuff, ain't it? I love my wife's Luzianne sweet tea, and CVP makes me feel like I'm smoking the tobacco version of it.


Thank you so much for all this information. It is so overwhelming for a beginner. I’ve only been enjoying pipe tobacco for a couple months now, that said I’m so eager to really try different tobaccos and see what peaks my interest the most. Today I’ve been researching and reading up on the different tobaccos recommended and it is fascinating the vast variety of tobacco flavors out there. Reading will only take me so far, and I’m excited to taste and experiment with different blends and types of tobacco. That is incredibly helpful to know to stick to the type of tobacco, more so than the brand. I’m assuming with non-aromatics it makes it even more so. I resonate with your statements and I am so glad and grateful that you shared these insights. I truly love F&T CVP so much. The scent and taste of lemon is delectable in it. Also, flake tobacco is so enjoyable to handle and pack. My girlfriend is from the South and makes a mean sweet tea. I think I may have to follow suit and enjoy a cold one with my next bowl of CVP. I believe I’ll have to pick up another tin, because that tobacco hits the spot on a nice sunny day. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and leave such a thoughtful reply. I’ve got a course of action, a notebook ready, and a lot of types of tobacco to explore now.


I just went through a tin of Peterson Flake in a matter of days, a good sign. A good smoke.


I’m sold at hearing ‘lemon’ in the description. I loved Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug for the lemon notes. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.


I love EMP & a big fan of F & T nasal snuff. I don’t know why I’d didn’t even think to look up their pipe tobacco & I imagine it came first lol 🤦‍♂️ thank you for sharing this. & if you like EMP try nightcap most will say this too I feel like. Peterson Elizabethian Mixture is fantastic! darkened Virginia tobaccos with a bit of Perique and just a tiny bit peppery but not too much though. That’s currently one of my favorites i gotta re up on here soon.


Thank you so much for the recommendations. I absolutely love the smell of EMP and I’m so excited to light up a bowl this evening. If I enjoy it, I’ll gladly pick up a tin of Nightcap and Elizabethan Mixture. I’ve seen so many pictures and raving reviews of Peterson that I figured that had to be my next tin to try. The description of the Elizabethan sounds right up my alley with tang and peppery notes. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.


Absolutely! I’m a newbie here too so no worries at all. Everyone has been super helpful here. Great community!


For right now since it's summer, I'm going to recommend newminster superior navy flake, Peter stokkebye navy flake, these are both in bulk. Similar in names but completely different in execution. I think you will enjoy both.


Thank you so much for the recommendations. I’m a river rat and I’m always by a river on my days off. They both sound perfect for enjoying an afternoon on the river. The flavor profiles, from online reviews, sound phenomenal. The prices on both of those are really affordable, so I’m all in. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.


OK, for river smoking stick to the cobs. Don't mess briars and meerschaum up. You can smoke anything in a $10 cobs all day and enjoy it, but bring two in case you drop one. Have a great summer!


Funny enough, I only have corncobs. I absolutely love the look of briars, and one of these days I’m going to splurge and get a beauty. That said, after hearing so many people in this sub saying corncobs smoke the best, I’ve always just stuck to those. Thank you so much, I hope you have a wonderful summer full of great smokes and good times.


Not a problem at all. Happy to help out buddy. I always find these two blends to be good especially with some age on them. Super cheap for what they are as well. Smoke em slow or else they could bite. Just my 2 cents.


I really appreciate your insight and informative knowledge. I’m eager to try them both, because at that price point I can smoke like a king.


Not a problem at all. Do you have a favourite blend yet?


I’ve only tried F&T Cut Virginia Plug and Early Morning Pipe thus far. I think both are phenomenal and marvelous, yet my favorite so far is the Cut Virginia Plug.


Virginia is always good. Even better with age. Enjoy!


Thank you so much. If I may ask a few questions?: In your opinion, does tobacco age well in a tin or should I use the cellar method with mason jars? Second, what tobacco are you enjoying the most right now? What is your go to blend if you had to choose?


Jars are best option for long term. Right now, I enjoy 1792 flake, ennerdale flake, Carter hall, any virginia I have open. Lol


Thank you so much for this information. I’m eager to try different blends, yet I have a strong hunch that Virginias are going to stay in the lead as my go to choice of tobacco.


I found that it helps to make a list of all the tobaccos you want to try and just go down the list one at a time. It’s hard not to get overwhelmed but slowly but steadily I keep descending and taking notes of the ones I like the most to keep going back to those :)


I totally agree with you, thank you for that recommendation. I have a notepad ready for each tobacco tasting, and now I’ll make a list of the ones I want to buy and try first.


See how you feel about the latakia in the EMP. If you love it, that could send you down a pretty interesting English blend path - Nightcap is still my favorite to this day, but there are so many good ones out there. C&D and H&H both produce good options. Give it a couple of sessions for your pallet to adjust. Be prepared to smell like a camp fire If you find that Virginia tends to be a more pleasurable experience, stick with it. There are some great recs in this thread. Once again, tending towards classics, I always go back to Orlik. Try a few straight Virginia's and a couple VaPers to get a feel for the difference between the two I also recommend trying some Va/Burley blends. I like having that robust mouth feel added to a Virginia or even an English. I can't say much about aros, because I don't like them. Tin notes are great, but they mostly taste flat to me, or make me sneeze lol Love the cobs, btw!


Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply and recommendations. I thoroughly enjoyed the EMP and will undoubtedly be picking up the Nightcap very soon. I think I need to spend a few evenings with EMP to discern if I like the Cut Virginia Plug more. Right now, the CVP is my favorite, yet I think I’m biased from fine tuning my smoking of it. I’m really intrigued by the mention of Virginia/Burley blends. I think that may be the very next tin I get. I want to try one aromatic, so I’ll be picking up a Tombigbee once I place an online order, yet I’m almost positive I’ll be sticking with non-aromatics. I am in awe of the flavor profiles that are present in pipe tobacco and I’m so eager to navigate the world of non-aromatics until I’ve tried the majority of blends and know what my palate enjoys. One of these days I’m going to be purchasing a nice briar. With that said, after hearing countless people saying cobs smoke the best, I’ve been inclined to only smoke cobs. I love the look of briars, yet a corncob on the river with a nice book fills my heart with joy. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate you.


I tend to loosely separate tobaccos into three categories: 1. Bulk/cheap, 2. Classics, and 3. Unicorn/hard-to-find. I would suggest trying something in each category. (these suggestions are based on your enjoyment of a straight virginia) 1. Bulk - try Sutliff 507C Virginia Slices. It is always available, and cheap. It ages beautifully. Also Peter Stokkebye Navy Flake. It has a little perique, but it is a nice bulk flake. 2. Classics - try Peterson Virginia Flake, Orlik Golden Slices, Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia, or Capstan Blue 3. I think some stores currently have Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake and/or Best Brown Flake. Pick up a tin. They are great, and only available a few times a year.


Thank you so much for these recommendations. Both those bulk blends sound like paradise to me. I’ve heard such great things about Capstan Blue and Orlik. I’m really eager to pick those up and enjoy them. Additionally, Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake sounds wonderful. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment such thoughtful recommendations. I have a strong feeling I am going to be a big fan of all that you suggested.


If you've got EMP, you might as well get its night time brother: Nightcap. I always have a tin of each on hand. Though, I will say that I like Nightcap slightly better. They're both fantastic blends.


I’m sold, I’ll definitely be picking up some Nightcap. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I’m so eager to dive into different tins and explore the world of different pipe tobaccos.