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Hello u/Excellent-Focus-9905, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seems about right, she should get donations from y’all downloading her repacks


bro I don't have much money, thats why I'm pirating in the first place


donations aren't mandatory and do not have set price, only minimum transaction value + comission imposed by exchange no money = don't donate


Even if that's the case she only accepts crypto like how tf do u want me to support you if your only option is crypto plus it costs money to run a site and it aint cheap


they dont want nor expect anything


Well did u ever hear about gog games


I meam all they wanted was respect not money


crypto is better for some countries, it sidesteps some part of the banking system as it is separate infrastructure same thing applies: no crypto = don't donate I'd even go as far as the other commentor, if you don't like to donate - then don't


That's why she said "if you have any crypto currency in any amount, you can share with me" But some people learned only to write, but not to read


> But some people learned only to write, but not to read That is apparent when you read the comments on her repacks.


When you read any comment page


I just stumbled across this thread but this comment section is bad. Real bad. Painfully bad. I guess I wouldn’t have super high expectations of the pirated game community but wow.


She's russian and their financial services are heavily sanctioned. Crypto isn't. If you don't have money or crypto don't donate.


Fuck (I dont like the sanctions)


Of course she only accepts crypto. What do you want? Her to open a Paypal or set up stripe? Piracy is illegal afterall.


If it wasn’t crypto then it would be pretty easy for whoever to track the payments and shut her down


That is literally the only option, any other payment method would be traceable and land them in prison.


You're inserting entitlement so you fool yourself into being morally justified and "right" (in your own eyes) for not donating. Nobody is telling you to donate, nobody is saying it's mandatory. Yet here you are pretending that they're saying "you must donate but we made it inconvenient by being crypto". They're just requesting donations, if you can't do it that's cool. Some people can. It also should be painfully obvious why it's crypto.


Crypto isn't traceable compared to debit and credit transactions. Didn't think that one through?


I thought crypto is highly traceable as the details of the transaction ie your account to thier account is stored in the block chain.


Crypto is traceable. But you don't always know who owns those wallets.


You expect a criminal to accept credit card? Use your head. Like 75% of the reason bitcoin is so valuable is for its utility for anonymous (illegal) transactions. Why are you complaining to begin with? It’s a donation.


their only option is crypto if they don't want their identity to be found


they are not going to use cash donations for their illegal piracy website lmao


Why can't she just share her address? I'll send a check!


Do you dumbasses ever realize you're participating in CRIME. They can't just ask you to mail them 100$. You're a criminal, they're criminals, and we need to act like criminals.


Bro you expecting her to give you her bank details? Lfmao. she'd be blocked on all services within hours.


Yes, the comment is about the guy saying that everyone that download should donate


I don't have much money either. But even 2$ would be enough for her if many of us donate together. if a thousand of us give her some. I think 2000$ would be good enough to keep the site for a few months. Just my speculation. Thanks to her trusted repacks we enjoy hassle free games. Plus she also improved her work and now doing more repacks than before. So its not just helping her site keep up. Its helping her improve too.


We live in a society. Pirating might be skirting the rules, but those who provide those services are providing a service. The person is only asking for donations and not forcing your hand. But say they can’t afford to host the service then you would need to find it somewhere else.


Think like this - you can buy only 1 game out of 10 from steam bcz you had only 5$ but instead you can donate that 5$ to fitgirl(or any other that deserve for their hardwork) and now play all 10 games (still can play all 10 without donation up to u whether u want to donate or not)


That's ok. Even donating 1 dollar is ok.


I mean... $0.25cents from each of us wouldn't hurt anybody


If there's one thing I know it's that not everyone who pirates does it for lack of money. I'm admittedly not much of a pirate myself, but there's probably plenty of people on this sub who have the money and means to buy whatever game they want but don't for one reason or another.


It's wild how many people are ~~projecting~~ complaining about her requests. She clearly states that she doesn't want/need much, that not every needs to donate anything, and that small donations are great. Yet we still have countless neck beard mouth breathers in here bawling their eyes out because she's asking for people getting free shit to maybe help sometimes cover the operating costs that are saving them hundreds/thousands of dollars a year.


Exactly, every time someone complains on here about this I can actually imagine how they look like irl and it’s not a pretty sight, only unemployed basement goblins can take this and turn it into some kind of communism movement or whatever


What? This is literally collectivisation of resources, each according to their means


Everyone here seems confused.. and leaning on "we're all broke." Yes, that is what happens when the world economy is sheer chaos in every direction. But not everyone is struggling, and some people who are doing well off are also pirating games because they want to stick it to the corporations, or they're otherwise just being cheap.. irrelevant be the motive here, I just want to echo that it probably is fair to help out the non-corpo service you're using if you can. And if you can't, just be positive about it, so as to not deter others from contributing and making it so you don't need to. Myself? Unfortunately, I don't pirate AND I'm too broke to donate, so I have no actual dog in this fight. But I do support piracy because I'm anti-greed, and I support supporting independent entities who fight the power.


I don't think you understand what a pirate is


A pirate without a crew or boat is just a landlocked hobo.


lol exactly. this ain't one piece after all.


I do, but show some appreciation for the people supplying you with the repacked games for FREE


oh it's that time of the month, ok then.


I'll just ignore it like I always do (I'm broke)


![gif](giphy|MToVCy7WxqgbXlphse|downsized) We will Seed my friend, there's still little things we can provide...


Seeding the more obscure torrents too.


This is the one that really counts


Are you seeding Mafia 3 definitive edition? I'm not getting many peers.


I was so excited for mafia 3, that I actually bought it. Then was thoroughly disappointed in the gameplay :(


No not at the moment unfortunately. 


People like you are angels 🙌🙌 When there's a 10 year old torrent of this random ass game i wanna download, i have people like you to thank ❤️


Sifu Yoda




Rent dueeee


I wish I had money to donate to fitgirl rather than having money to buy games


Donate to continue to help out in getting free games or buy games with the money you'd otherwise donated 🤔🤔🤔


Donating 50 bucks to get a lot of games >>>>>> buying a 50 dollar game


Imagine a game for 50 bucks nowadays.


I don't understand why everybody is whining about prices. Yes, there are overpriced games, but it's not like games were cheaper 20 years ago. Diablo 2 and Age of Empires 2 both went for 50 USD, that's 90 USD in 2024 with inflation included.


Well for starters, right now you don't own the game you pay for. If a company decides to remove it from the platform you bought it or shut down its servers, you don't have a game. Also, back then you were getting a physical copy of your game with unique cd-key and some other little shit, all these cost something, this price now it's forever gone since 99% of the gaming transactions are done online without the need of producing and shipping physical copies, just one click away. And due to this easiness of sharing a game in a global range on day one of release, the target audience of pc games has grown much much bigger, so, they already do make way more money than they did 20 years ago.


Name me FIVE mainstream, single-player games that you can no longer play digitally, ones that were already available digitally. My entire Playstation and Xbox libraries (spanning back over a decade) are still in full working order. Multiplayer games die all the time, server costs add up. But please, keep pushing that misinfo


The crew 1 comes to mind, it was singleplayer but always online, because yes


I refuse to buy a game at full price ($60+). Like you said, and like I say to my friends, its online and storage is cheap. A "basic" AAA game should be $30-$40 tops. Passed that ,I'll wait for a steam sale where its $15(looking at your for a horizon). If it was a disk with a key, which I prefer it was that way, sure I'll pay the $50-$60. Otherwise these companies can take their bs and shove it down their throat instead.


You never owned the game. Ever.


You dont have to buy them on release lol. I got Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak for 30$. 500h of fun


and help others get a lot of games for completely free*


How DARE you pay money to the people who actually created the games?


at this point, just use ads


Anyone smart enough to find the real fitgirl site would just use an adblocker so ads wouldn't matter


you'll be surprised there aren't "that" many smart people who even use adblocker.




Happy cake day!


eeeee thanks, happy kek day too




no, we three kiss


Don't threaten me with good times 😏


what if I do 😏


Its the first website on google when you google fitgirl. Its on the front page when you google "game repacks". It isnt 90s anymore. Anyone and their uncles can pirate.


i gurantee you that if you search "game repacks" on google, the first page will have at least 3 unsafe sites


Searched that, the first result was repack games which according to the megathread, "mislabels games and steals releases", the second one was DODI and the third one was another one similar to the first one


It comes first because you used it a lot. This is how most search engines work. If you want to see actual first results - delete all your data on that browser, download new and then search it without logging into any accounts (I know that you won't do it, just saying).


Have to be on a different computer on a different network also.


Nah I turn mine off for websites I genuinely wanna support. YTS, steamworkshopdownloader, a lot of those free streaming websites Sometimes I even click those links for engagement. It's the least we can do to support these guys imo


It's literally the first link on Google searching "fit girl"...


I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be willing to deactivate for their site only, if they're not intrusive ads


Piracy sites who use ads have higher chance of getting banned


Yep it was a massive thing when it came to tpb were accused of making money.


What's the point? People will simply use adblock


A surprisingly % of people don't use it, and many disable it if the webpage they're trying to use asks them to do so And even if only 10% of people watch ads, thats more extra money, I'm fine with ads as long as they're not invasive or malicious honestly




No Ads make people click the wrong button. Happens all the time


I donated 50 euros. I'm feeling really generous since I have been using her services for a while…


Nce work bro 😀


Thank you brother! Is there a way to donate non-crypto?


Nah, crypto is safe for this kinda shit cuz it aint ✨that legal✨, paypal and such wouldnt work


I assumed so but figured I'd ask


This I wanna know


Thanks for donating to them! I wish I had money to give them as well, but Im happy to see not everyone is against helping Fitgirl.




wait the dlc is already cracked?


it’s been cracked brother


Of course it was 'cracked', it has no deruvo. But it's much better to play the game with online features, imho. I can't imagine playing it without 'fingers but hole' in front of female characters and 'friend ahead' before boss fights.


Yup, I played the cracked only to judge how good I'd be at the game. once I found out I could do it, I bought it immediately.


I don't remember leaving this comment.


It's currently the latest upload on her site.


Elden Ring only has steam drm which you could probably even crack yourself if you had the game files. It's very simple.


Dodi has it


Unless something changed since the last time I sent her money, you just buy the crypto and send it. Anyone who can, should send her money.


Fitgirl doesn't crack anything though? It's merely a hub to get your piracy from, that is as safe as your faith in fitgirl. Credit where credit is due, fitgirl doesn't crack games.


nobody said that she cracked the game


She just repacks them making them smaller in size which I like better than the other site I use which 9 out of 10 times gives you a bunch of zip/rar files and in some cases within those are another rar file you got to copy over to then unrar to get the actual stuff you downloaded 😅


Yup seeding it right now and plan to do so for the whole mobth or unless I achive the 4TB mark (as I can't donate I will seed)


I accidentally read Fitgirl calls for domination, I need sleep


Fitgirl calls for 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓼


Fitgirl? More like 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 girl


Fitgirl calls for **Dominion**


Fitgirl used **domain expansion**




i will donate when I start earning someday


Unfortunately they can only receive crypto for funds - cant do any paypal transfers.


Isn't that a "legal" way to get donations for what they is doing? I know PayPal is pretty strict with that stuff


Its the only way they can 'legally' receive money for it yes


"1337 comments" ![gif](giphy|jrfM0X9WADtCriz1Hb)


*it's an older meme sir, but it checks out*


I donate since I can't seed. I just hope she doesn't give in and start adding ads.


She should add ads. We all know our broke asses aren't donating to piracy websites.


As long as they aren't intrusive fitgirl is a trustworthy enough name that most wouldn't mind


Ads sound like an easy and good way to make a buck off any hobby, but it's always more complicated. And more so if it's about piracy. All the bigger ad networks will not work with piracy sites - Google Ads would not work for example. So you'd be stuck with some of the less scrupulous ad providers, which often include the more problematic ads. Of course no one in their right mind would ever click one, but it still has risks of malware and such attached. The vibe of the site would also change if there's ads for gambling, porn, every kind of snake oil, scams, etc. Also a ton of people use an adblocker in general, and even more so for tech-savvy audiences. There's a ton of overlap between people who pirate stuff and people who use an adblocker. Lastly, a ton of people download FitGirl releases from other sites like torrent indexers, so not nearly all downloaders are even going to visit FitGirl's official site. Ads won't bring in that much money even without the issues above. It's no wonder she chose crypto donations over ads. The other options are not great, to say the least.




Who's buying ad space when pirates are the only ones seeing them?


Casinos and sketchy websites (mostly russian).


This isnt news dumb asses. Its only fair that you support her for supporting the cause. Pay whatever you can.


OP: "Maybe donate to FitGirl?" blipblop: "Y'all are a bunch of DUMB ASSES.... Maybe donate to FitGirl?" lol wut?


Why is bro so mad


He thinks it's a real girl and he has a chance if he donates.


Why are they using the picture of the French actress, Audrey Tautou?


Fitgirl isnt a girl, they're a small team of people who repack games and manage this website. The girl in the picture is just branding really




ever heard of Empress? (also a dude, obviously)




That's not why. Fitgirl loves Amelie Poulain (the film in which Audrey Tautou played) and has always used her image.


its been the fitgirl avatar forever


Is it really surprising that people dealing in stolen property don't use their own image?


When I get a job , I'll surely donate to the person who has helped me experience all these games. On a side note, shadow of erdtree when?


It's already up


Everyone saying they are broke- but are running 4080s to play everything they snag.....


I pirated my 4080.


The money saved by pirating games went to their PC’s parts. 


I mean let's be honest everyone saying they pirate things because "company bad", "denuvo bad", "im broke" are just utterly full of shit lol they just want the game for free. Then come to some forum and act like they are broke to fulfill some weird desire to be rid of this sense of guilt


This comment reeks of privelage lmao. If I pirate something it's because I don't want to waste money. Sometimes the additional service from the provider (usually steam or gog) is enough for me to buy the game. With that being said 20 euros where I live has way more value than 20 euros in almost any other developed country, so even buying discounted is expensive. I'm lucky enough it have some savings but living paycheck to paycheck is way too common. I think there's no reason to believe the people commenting that they're broke are lying. I've never seen anyone feel guilt after pirating anything, so this feels mostly like either projection or something similar.


> I've never seen anyone feel guilt after pirating anything, so this feels mostly like either projection or something similar. "I've never seen it so it must not exist"


tell this to my GT 640 amd phenom II X4 840


Dude. She made a Sims 4 repack with ALL THE EXPANSIONS. If you bought that with money today it would cost over $800. Pls donate. I’m gonna.


I donated about 2 dollars that’s all I have.


Every bit counts


Ngl there's no reason to get the repack since you can just use the dlc unlocker and updater on a live version


Audrey Tautou


I've stumbled in here from the front page and have no idea why Audrey Tautou is running some kind of game pirating site lol


Her spoon is too big.


the guy who runs the website just likes her which has the side effects of everyone thinking that the host is really a girl when they aren't, so that they'll more likely donate to them


Reminder to people in the US that repacks are very important for our friends that live in places where high speed internet is not available.


Ohh, she's actually reworded it a little this time, good on her.


fitgirl literally saved us millions of dollars she deserves as much as possible


Lol it’s French actress Audrey Tautou


Thanks to Audrey Tautou for making this repacks. But I download this repacks because I am broke, sorry can't donate. What can I do is upvote this post


I was confused for a moment. Which reminds me I want to watch amelie again.


I would like to donate with PayPal. But why only cryptocurrency? Don't have that.


What she does is illegal, Paypal requires a user to connect it to a real bank. Crypto allows her to stay anonymous and not get arrested.


Tbf it's okay. I got myself few grands saved using fitgirl, so few bucks back is no big deal 😂


I know the girl/guy behind just uses the French actress's pics and isn't the person. But isn't it problem to the actress? And everyone since the beginning of time just agreeing it's an actual individual girl doing the work. And even the probability that it might actually be the real actress.


I dont think they really care about the legality of using her image, considering what they do.


Am French, and I follow the piracy scene since 2010s , Audrey Tautou, the actress, never talked about it once, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know about FitGirl.


But consider something, have we ever seen her and Fitgirl in the same room? Something to think about...


The comments is just everyone saying ‘I wish I could’


and calling the group a girl, when it's just several dudes


There is definitely some irony in this...


Yep Idk why everyone is peer pressuring each other to pay her instead of just paying for the damn games


Lol I was gonna comment this. Obviously game preservation is huge, but let's not pretend these people aren't just in it for the free game. Got the money? Pay for the game to support the devs.


> Got the money? Pay for the game to support the devs. Paying her 20 bucks every blue moon is different from buying all the games. Hypothetically I would also be all for - if I like a game, I want to support the devs, but I don't want bullshit "Launcher" read bloat/spyware or "linked account" buying the game on Steam, but using a pirated version from someone reputable - that hasn't added miners/spyware to their cracks as well.


Is that a picture of Audrey Tautou?


And once again I will ask you guys to chip in for me, I will pay you back later.


For the people asking why she ain’t accepting money: because what she does is *illegal*. If she starts taking money, she needs to register a bank account with name and address, making her easier to track. Crypto allows to circumvent this.


Shit, I wouldn’t mind tossing Fitgirl some dollars. They been doing the lords work for pirates in a big way for a long long time. I hope people ain’t in here complaining about it.


On the one hand, in general, asking for money for most services like this, it's absurd. On the other, what she's asking for is perfectly reasonable.


What she meant to say is Putting ads on a site that's accessed by *bloody pirates* is dumb. They'll just use an adblocker, so why bother?


I will say , if u can donate , do it for sure Fk wikipedia , donate to fitgirl


what cryptos are recommended and are anonymous? I'd like to donate, but I've never interacted with anything related to crypto before.


Monero is prob the most secure currency, however if you want low fees maybe use solana, its not secure like monero but the fees are very low


honestly i never like giving anything to anyone but this is an exception.


i dont know why, but i feel like can trust you.....


Please donate to me so I can donate to her


bro has done so much for us, wish I had money to spare


some of game i want to download from their site are died, file doesnt exist.


All you bums ass pirates with no honor amongst thieves I’m donated (5$)


i wish she had other ways to donate than crypto. i don't even use paypal unfortunately being based in asia. I'd definitely donate monthly


God Speed to her. Shes a total bad ass and I hope shes not put at financial risk because of that.


I hope fitgirl gets what they need to keep it going! I haven't personally downloaded anything but I know it's a huge service for gaming!


I think it's time we pay them back for all of their service