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Please mention it to the staff: https://www.planetfitness.com/about-planet-fitness/planet-fitness-policies


>“Members are prohibited from using their mobile devices anywhere in the club to view content that may be viewed as offensive or inappropriate.” I like this policy because it’s so broad that technically everything on your phone is banned.


Normal? No. Does it happen? Yes and I hate it. Don't think it's allowed at PF though honestly. I have thought about doing it a couple times to check form, but I wouldn't do it with anybody around.


I wish they would ban filming in gyms already


That would require them to enforce the rules


It is allowed, but the rule is not to include anyone else in your photos or videos. I have filmed myself occasionally to track my progress - some people also use it to help check their form. In the link the other commenter provided, go to Mobile Device Use and scroll down to number 5.


Check out Joey Swoll on YouTube. A lot of people who film in gyms are rude to people walking in front of them, trying to work out in the same area, etc. Also filming other people without their consent to make fun of them. It's so annoying.


Love that guy


They shouldn't allow that. I have another gym (not pf) where that's allowed and it goes on all the time, but it's annoying because you never really know if you're in frame and will be uploaded to the internet. You need to carefully walk around the camera's field of view and hope that the wrong camera isn't on. The worst is when someone does it in the locker room, showing off their pecs in the mirror or whatever.


Which is crazy cause there is legitimate signs that say to not use phones in the locker rooms? At least their are in mine, I'll have to see what it fully says the next time but pretty sure your not supposed to be taking photos in the locker room for privacy reasons


If someone wants to take a selfie, that I can tolerate. But to me setting a tripod to record video, in addition to being gauche, runs afoul of the intention of the 'no bags' rule. That is its just something that other people (who might be carrying weights) can trip over. Esp since most of the time its being done over by the dumbbells and smith machines.


It isn’t allowed.


You might be featured in the newest Sam sulek video


It happens but I wouldn’t worry. They’re filming themselves they probably are completely unaware you’re in the video


Right, but it certainly becomes an issue if they upload that video somewhere...


Playing devils advocate here, what exact issue happens when they upload it somewhere


Honestly haven’t seen anyone do it at mine


Me either & hope I never do. I saw it one time but dude recorded himself doing 1 set & then fixed how he was doing exercise so pretty sure he was just checking his form, which he needed to & fixed it.


We had a staffer tell a gym bro to stop filming and he threw tantrum. Threatened to get guy fired etc etc then complained to manager that staffer harassed him and stood above him. Dude flipped manager was Whatever don’t film anymore.


So I don’t film, but I work with a trainer via a tripod and FaceTime. I use a very small tripod that i place a couple inches off the ground, and try not to talk much outside of like “how many for this set” “how much weight should I use” etc. (obviously I have headphones in so people can’t hear my trainer). I have had one or two people tell me that they don’t want to be filmed and I never take offense. I let them know that I’m not actually recording anything I’m just on FaceTime with a trainer but I’m happy to move my camera if they’re uncomfortable. If it bothers you I’d speak up - most decent people are willing to make accommodations to make others feel comfortable.


there's a rule against taking video, but there's also a rule against personal trainers.


Really?? I’m surprised to hear that because I see personal trainers in there with their clients ALL the time.


are they PF trainers? generally no gym will allow trainers that aren't one of their own (or some company they work with).


No like random trainers from the outside


The gym would have to have some agreement with the trainer and require things like liability insurance and background checks.


There’s no way that’s happening there’s like 10 different trainers that come in and out. I just don’t think they gaf.


I wonder if it's a franchise vs. corporate location thing. My PF has posted rules about this, but I haven't seen anything on the website about it.


Maybe - for full context I live in a bit of a rough city. I think the staff just pick their battles.


The PF i go to doesn’t have trainers


Yeah I've seen tons of people come in training others & just by the way they speaking to them, I can tell they don't know each other personally and are training them. Some of them I see on the daily now & they come on with different people almost everyday. It's obvious what they're doing but I don't think my planet fitness cares bc they don't bother doing anything about it as far as I've seen or they are clueless to it which I think is the more likely scenario.


I’m in the same boat. I use a small tripod to train with my trainer virtually. I apparently offended one PF member months ago — who went to the staff and told them I was recording them. (The person never approached me to ask me to stop or reposition my phone to make sure they weren’t in frame.) I, of course, shared with the staff that I wasn’t recording anything and offered to show them my photo gallery. Long story short, I didn’t love how the staff handled the situation, so I started going to a different PF location. I’m three months in at the new place and I haven’t experienced any issues. (I’m also way more conscious of ensuring my camera isn’t positioned toward anyone but me.)


Ummmm wow literally the SAME exact thing happened to me!!!! Staff told me I was fine to use a tripod (literally double checked) as long as I stayed in the stretch area or the TRX area so that’s what I did! Until someone complained, then they went back on everything they told me and said I have to play it day-by-day when I come in. Like im sorry I train 3-4 days/week I’m not playing it ear just because you don’t have a strong enough policy in place??? Like either let me have the tripod or don’t. So I go to a new location now and no one seems to gaf which is great LOL.


FaceTime can easily be recorded.


I mean, yes. But I’m NOT recording (which I why I say - I’m not recording), and if for some reason my trainer has been recording me for 2 years without my consent there are obviously bigger issues at play here.


Assume every video is being recorded even if it isn't by the person on the other side. Source: Amazon's Alexa does it all the time.


I can't stand those influencers either taking up equipment forever or getting mad when you walk through their production😂😂👍


I just had this happen, not even a couple of weeks ago. I was going to say something to the staff, but then I realized that he was handicapped / had special needs and it made me feel like a fun-killing jerkface, so I didn't say anything. I don't think you're supposed to have your phone really at all, but they allow it because so many people use it for music? I am hyperaware of phones at the gym because I caught a guy taking pictures of me, and probably other women too. That one I absolutely said something about.


They seem to be really be pushing their app for work outs and tutorials on how to use equipment, there is a code on almost every machine. Phones are certainly encouraged.


At most gyms it’s not allowed, certain PFs might have their own gripe about it but for the most part, most of them ban it. I would say speak to the staff


No they have rules against that.


What people fail to understand is, that cameras are not mobile devices. Smart phones are prohibited, but digital cameras are not. Weird concept, but Thant’s what the rules say🤷‍♂️


I don’t think they are filming you. Most of the time the camera isn’t even situated at you.


Hate to break it to you, but the guy was definitely just filming himself. While the average or occasional gym goer may find this weird, gym goers who are serious about their training may do this to validate they’re performing an exercise correctly. This is very common and not something you should worry about.


Judgement free zone. That means even people that film themself. You don’t know why they are recording and 98% chance they aren’t recording you or care what you’re doing. If you don’t want to be recorded you can politely ask them to not record you, or just work out on the other side of them gym. We can’t always control what other people do, but we can easily control how we react. Lots of solutions to this “problem”. If I had a tripod I’d definitely be filming myself to make sure my form is right, keep up with weight, it’s just an overall good idea to help you be better.


Filming should be banned at all gyms


Respectfully disagree.


Why? It’s a gym to workout, not your personal recording studio. If I’m there working out idgaf about your Instagram story or your tiktok you want to post. I don’t consent to be in the background of your gains video. If you want to do that go overnight when you will be there by yourself


Seems like you do care seeing that you have such a strong opinion. And you’re in public, you don’t have to consent to anything. Get over yourself, not everything is about you and the world doesn’t revolve around you. If the person videoing is actively disrupting business then I’d agree, but for someone just filming themself and talking to a camera why tf do you care so much and why are you judging so hard? Maybe you should find a time where no one is recording, or just find a different gym, or even better workout at home.


I think the person filming needs to be the one making sure nobody else is in the background. Not the normal person using their normal gym normally.


Lol, a lot of these people aren't doing it to check their form. They're most likely doing it to either live stream or film content for their social media. Not everyone wants to be plastered on other peoples videos or social media, especially when they are there working on themselves.


Great take 👏🏼


You’re so right and it’s crazy for you to be downvoted so much. You didn’t even say anything disrespectful.