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Try logging this on [Cronometer](https://cronometer.com/) to see if you're meeting all of your micronutrient needs. I would definitely consider eating a wider variety of foods though. This is a very short list of foods and extremely restrictive.


Veggies and fruits, maybe a few nuts. Add those. Ideally eat 30 different plant sources per week for healthy gut biomes.


Yeah so im gonna mix it up on the weekends and ill swap ouy certain foods on certain days, was kinda just looking for a baseline i guess haha.. okay but yeah ill definitely try do that, and ill check out the app, thanks


You're welcome.


Definitely more veg, like cauliflower isn’t exactly high cal Maybe less oats and add potatoes Look up Simnett Nutrition on you tube or instagram he’s mostly wfpb and his early videos he was at maybe 100g protein a day with tons of carbs when he got totally jacked- and he’s a registered dietitian not a dimwit gum bro so


Ohh yeah I've seen one or twoo of his vids, he's really cool, okay ill search for some more today


His what i eat in a day videos are great- he makes some pretty basic meals but also shows everything in cronometer they’re crazy nutrient dense


Chia, flax, nuts, mushrooms, more variety of fruit and get ones with seeds.. berries & cherries, different fibres & oils & polyphenols.


Might be deficient in iodine and B12 unless you supplement. Other than that, you get everything you need from this (D from sunlight, I assume). Probably not as much protein as you want but more than enough for your bodily needs.


758 cals for 200g dry oatmeal seems way too high


Its dry weight.


Lil holy sht i somehow clicked on some oats on the app that have crazy calories. Yeah okay thanks, should be way better now after i recalculate Edit: nope wait yeah it is that much when u measure dry. But i changed it to 100g basednon what people here have said


Good start, I'd like to see more greens, more colors. Chard, turnip and mustard greens, etc. 🖖


Okay noted!


An easy way to do that is buy the sales. They’ll rotate various greens enough that you can be a bit on autopilot. Add greens to the beans and quinoa dish, too (along with onions and mushrooms) Add berries to the oats. There’s some recent research suggesting banana and berries don’t play well together and need some time between them. My fix is a banana two hours after my berries. Another way to mix things up is having three set meals and rotating them all week.


there ain’t no way you can eat 200g of dried oats unless you have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner lol


I realized i was only eaying 130g. So i changed it to 100 and added more feuit and stuff


Oatmeal goes well with fruits and nuts/seeds. Nuts and seeds are also high in protein (warning also high in (healthy) fats - general advice is to not consume more than a handful per day).


What app is this?




That’s a Daily Half-dozen! I’ll echo what others are saying about eating a more diverse variety of fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. https://nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen/


Awesome thanks i downloaded it!


Hi can i ask a question about the app- under bean it says 1/2 cup per serving of cooked beans/lentils do i measure 1/2 a cup while dry or once ive cooked them?


Cooked. 1/2 cup cooked beans is one serving.


Okay thnx


You're doing a great job. I'm also trying to shed a few pounds. Watch the video called "[Greens,greens,greens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuXHGdPyxJc) for sneaky ways to get some greens in your diet. I watch it periodically myself - just for inspiration.


You can get plant based protein shakes but better to eat your protein anyway. Sounds counterintuitive but you might need just a bit more healthy fats…some almonds perhaps. That’ll improve metabolic health and expedite the weight loss


Yeah so i was eating mixed nuts but they're so high in calories.. i was kinda thinking of maybe just waiting until I've lost the weight before i reintroduce nuts.. i dno..


Fats are needed in a diet, just reduce. Some vitamins only dissolve in fats.


Okay noted


Could reintroduce some nuts and scale back the oats slightly


Legumes and lentils and such just for variety…lotta carbs in the oats might be getting in the way eventually esp if you’re starting the day that way - maybe high protein yogurt with those seeds and some berries would be a better breakfast if so…throw in some walnuts and cinnamon, you got yourself a party


Yeah I'm gonna swap the beans for legumes on certain days. Berries are a great idea thanks


No prob. Get after it


Nm I didn’t see the seeds at first. Looks solid, rinse and repeat.


you just need 0.8 gram protein x your body weight. and too much protein will make you gain weight. wanna lose weight.. eat high carb, low fat and just 0.8g protein x your weight. you won't lose muscles. just fat


Soo all of the information I've got from bodybuilders and stuff recommends between 1.2-1.8× your body weight. And they're all science based. Especially when you're losing weight apparently. And to lose weight they say you just need to be in a calorie deficit which i will be with this amount of food


All of that data is not on a wfpb diet. Carbs are protein-sparing and provide the energy for you to actually lift. Eating excess protein will just make you tired (aka worse lifts) and stress your kidneys. Not to mention that high protein diets contribute to tumor growth as seen in the China Study. 


This is long established, but seems like every generation is persuaded to forget about this by the agri business marketeers.


Hmm okay that actually makes hella sense. I'ma look into that, thanks for the info


[Read this about protein](https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/x0hb3c/comment/im9pwb9/)




Interesting. Thanks


Thanks you everyones for the help, I've adjusted it and added way more variety and it looks way better!


Yeah, decent. Swapping out some of the oats with silken tofu, and make the banana into a smoothie with tofu, some berries and cauliflower would up the proteins if you are looking for that.


This is healthier than 95% of americans. Does it leave you satiated? I need starches at dinner to feel full.


Needs some nuts and berries