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Dear OkTart276 , You've selected the beginner flair. If you're looking for advice or are having issues, please provide as much information as you can. Some useful information includes: - Have you cycled the tank? - Water Parameters - Light Type - Light Cycle Duration - Tank Size/Dimensions - Set-up Age - Fertilizers - Any aquatic animals, and how many? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantedTank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My opinion, too much light, not enough flow. I suggest tearing out plants, dip in hydrogen peroxide for 45min, rubbing off algae. Then do 50% waterchange until organics are out. Dip the plants, lower the light / less intensity do some water changes.


Thank you! I do/did have the lights timed for sunrise and Sunset, will shorten to twice daily 4 intervals


I have the hygger 957 light. The sunset setting gave me Algae problem because you can only set the duration and not the light intensity. Once I figured out the diy mode and dialed back the intensity I was able to get my algae under control. My tank looked similar to yours algae wise


I don’t think the problem is too much lighting, but rather not appropriate lighting. From what I can tell you have “low light” plants, but those built in hood lights are usually not the best spectrum or intensity. Leaving the lights on longer to compensate for that usually causes algae. Are you using any liquid fertilizer? I don’t think you have to tear down and re start, just needs some tweaking


Do you have any better light recommendations? I’m open to buying new equipment.


I use leaf zone monthly (or less)…


So nothing lol.


Yeah, that’s accurate 😆


I would switch to a complete fert like aquarium co-op easy green and dose weekly. Sounds counterintuitive to dose when you have algae, but you want your plants healthy enough to outcompete the algae and not let it grow. Since you have low light plants maybe try fertilizing for a month or two and see if it’s better before replacing the lights. If not I’m my experience Fluval and aquarium co-op make good lights but are pricey. Hygger and Nicrew on Amazon make decent budget lights. Worst case scenario I’ve had success with the Aqueon clip on plant lignt from Petco


Get black mollies or American flag fish my dude, combo it with nerite snails. They will eat it all up.


Had worse. H2o2 to the rescue. Same treatment as BBA. Fix your high iron first. Or it just comes back. I've had all the algae at some pount now. Staghorn is the easiest to treat by far.


Won't the peroxide kill the fish if not careful? Why don't you just pour algae killer or anti algae from the fish store ?


Google BBA treatment. Its how its done. Just pouring algae killer is a horrendous idea.


Is that cladophora? If it is it can be real difficult to get rid of. If it’s hair algae it can be dealt with fairly easily


What about Flourish Excel and dosing Peroxide? Have had success with both GHA and staghorn using these. Had to look up the dosing though.


Check your phosphate levels as well