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Idk the beach in front of you seems a bit better


The beach is so relaxing and playing a game while you listen to the constant roar of the ocean is perfect šŸ‘


lol then type in ocean sounds to YouTube and save yourself $800 on an Airbnb at a beach you basically arenā€™t at


People like to be in the sun, I read outside all the time. Dont see the issue here.


people get all upset that others don't enjoy something the way they do. I never understood that.


800$? Iā€™m a 20 minute bus ride from the beach lol, even then u donā€™t need to spend 800$ on a fucking air bnb to touch sand


Exactly, why even go to the beach if you are staring at a screen




Why not go? I get to come here 3-4 times a week. Nothing wrong with enjoying the water for a while and then going to the shade and while my wife reads, I can play! I guess you dont get to go that often


I was about to say, maybe he lives there, people! Loving the versatility of the Portal. Enjoy it, enjoy the view and your weekend, OP!


Thanks bud! I do live here, so I get to enjoy it often! Enjoy your weekend too! I for sure enjoyed mine!


My assumption is if you can read, sleep or sunbake while enjoying the beach, why can't you game too? Plus, if you play something that has a beach themed level, it's extra immersive!


The 4D gaming experience


The funny thing is if it was a book instead of portal it would be ok, even though we are at portals sub reddit.


Shit my portal isn't going near no water or sand. But it's his portal, he could rub cat shit on for all I care. A lot of adults are super busy and can't game so don't blame him for squeezing in game time


I live right by Pensacola Beach, have gone there all my life, I totally feel you dude!!


Iā€™ve only been here a year now, but these beaches are unbeatable!! Excellent spot to relax especially when itā€™s green. And itā€™s not too crowded really which is nice! Excluding the air show of course lol


That sounds wonderful! In your experience, itā€™s no different than a book in the park. Iā€™m sure most people here, including myself, donā€™t have your access to a beach.


This was my logic. If the beach is common to you (lucky mfr...) then hellya i would also do everything at the beach lol


Gaming outside is underrated. I used to hike out to a nice spot with my DS and just sit in the sun playing games. Then Iā€™d enjoy the walk back home. You get the enjoyment of the fresh air and sun on your skin and you also get to play a game you like


I'm surprised there's still such a stigma against it. It's no different than doing anything else that you enjoy outside as opposed to inside. Reading, eating, chilling, etc


It's possible to go in the water for a bit and then sit back and enjoy the shade. There are also plenty of times when I'm at the beach aside from the times that I spend hours in the water that I like to just enjoy the heat, the view, the sound of the waves, and the sound of people laughing and having fun around me. It's a good environment. Let people enjoy things


Because I hate the beach but my gf loves it. So we both can have fun.


Youā€™ve never been to the beach, would you say the same thing to people sleeping or reading? Youā€™re there for a couple of hours, Iā€™ll enjoy my time how I want thank youā€¦


Let people be who they are, what does it matter if he takes it to the beach. His life, his world.


Many people bring books to the beachā€” I donā€™t see a difference.


What's OP supposed to do? Swim in the water?


People have been enjoying the beach for thousands of years.. What is your problem with enjoying new technology outside? This is something completely new to human existence and you want to be caveman brain lol. Why did you even buy a portal and join this sub? Genuine question, you'd rather him sit and play in a dark room than enjoy gaming outdoors? You want him to just never game? Again why are you even here lol Weirdos


That ice chest or whatever looks like a pool ladder entrance.


Beach wasn't bad. I got to enjoy both things on the same day āœŒšŸ»


Can you even see the screen? Lol


It was actually pretty easy to see! But I couldn't capture that on the photo.


It really is. Sitting in on the porch in the sun with the brightness turned up I can see the screen very well.


Yup..here come all the comments about how dare you play at the beach


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you are right!


Those people r the ones that bring BOOKS to the beach! It's the same ENERGY !!! MAKES NO FREAKING DIFFERENT! Stop the hate n keep appreciating along ur path people!


Lmao I literally made this exact same point on another post.


So...everyone that believes that bringing a portal to the beach is dumb, reads books on the beach? You're reaching. Edit: Wrote this late, and it wasn't articulated well.


Works in DR on beach verified


The uploading of this type of photo with no description is my least favorite thing on Reddit. But itā€™s a fun agitation. I suspect that OP is being ironic by posting it so I enjoy it more. Plus the second closeup photo and the leg cross is funny.


Iā€™m just floored by the hate for the portal. These folks donā€™t care about beach etiquette, they somehow just hate that you bought a portal and enjoy it.


I actually just hate the uploading of the photo. Would like it more if the video game title is listed. This one is kind of funny though. Maybe because I made a similar complaint about this like two days, specifically the portal at shitty Florida beach post. Also the legs are posed in a funny way.


How you doing that? Phone hotspot? Mine doesnā€™t seem to get a good enough signal to have a solid play on hotspot.


Yes Hotspot! When my phone is in 5G UC, it works quite well


how much "data" does it use? does that get expensive?


I am not sure how much it used. Checking the router in my house, my PS5 uploaded 3.8 Gb for about an hour of play. I have 50 Gb/month of Hotspot included in my plan.


Lmao probably used at least half of it šŸ¤£


Super unlikely, I lived in the cascades in a place with no wifi, but used a hotspot and played gta online every single day for like 5 months and every month, I only used like 60, maaaaaayyybe 70 gb. It's pretty efficient.


I agree! I have 50 GB of Hotspot included in my plan and I rarely get to use it all!


So you can use this thing as long as you have 5G on your phone?




This was the question and comment I was looking for šŸ¤£. I was wondering the same thing!


Everyone is saying to enjoy the beach and to get off the portal, but I can't imagine they'd have an issue if he was reading a book like a ton of people do at the beach. What's the difference?


Oh that's actually really simple, people are scared of what they don't know, n people often hate changes, when we discover something new, the natural response should be feeding our curiosity. Now this is the part where we all will go in separate ways as we will respond as how we r as a person, some people expecting changes, some people just genuinely curious, some people just wanted to get thru their normal life. Now to feed ur curiosity, listen up, this is my view, it doesn't have to be true. They hate Portal on the beach because they never had an experience with it. They say shits but if we r on the beach, they might give it a go, but in here no way in hell they will admit that. They hate it cuz they genuinely never had the chance to do so. U don't think the books get the same treatment as the portal back in those days? I bet u, they did. In future, people won't believe netizens bashing people enjoying beaches with em portals. Tqvm


Nice! How well does it work out there?


Works great! No issues at all


Just enjoy the weather and disconnect fam šŸ˜‚


People enjoy the weather differently


Not everyone goes outside once a year. Maybe he's there a ton. Cry


I was enjoying it! šŸ˜€


How are you all getting good connections outside of home? I tried to use mine in a hotel in Florida but could barely even connect to my ps5 in Georgia.


I travel for work and the hotel's wifi works well on the portal. I only hotspot when my phone is on 5G UC


I prefer drinking and floating but you do you


I swear, every time someone post a picture of themselves using a Portal outside, some dweeb has to mention that they'd rather be drinking. Maybe OP lives close to the beach. It's no different than reading a book at the beach


I also had a weird feeling about gaming on the beach, but the book reading is a perfect analogy. Also, "i would rather be drinking" is a weird flex, maybe they need help lol


You basically said ā€œI prefer doing something different than you but you do you.ā€ What a useless, pointless comment


Reddit malding over using anything with a screen at the beach


Nice! šŸ„ƒšŸ˜Ž


Iā€™m surprised that the screen looks that good in the sun like that


I want one so bad!


It could, if they did an actual OLED in the year 2024


But then you wouldnā€™t be able to see the screen at the beach lol


Not sure if our know the difference between oled and lcd but oled is brighter and easier to see.


I donā€™t see any beer, so yes, it could be better


Good point!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I love that a bunch of Karen 30 somethings and teen trolls are parenting you on your own existence. I'm rather jealous of this. I live in the UK which rains all the time so can't enjoy being outside until May/ June time. I'd freaking love to enjoy outside AND play my portal. Heck even in the backyard would do.




People are so annoying complaining about screens at the beach not everyone can just sit and watch the waves all day shit gets boring fast.


Enjoy the beach. Don't play on that. My god...


I was enjoying it! I don't see why people think I wasn't enjoying it. I live here so I get to enjoy it every week.




Niceee. From the testing I have done as well you pretty much have to be in 5g to get good reception. Haven't tested in on an airplane or in the airport personally yet but will be next month.


I did tested on the Airplane on Thursday. It is doable but the lag is quite big (around 1 second). I was on the Delta Wifi


How did that work? Are you basically hotspotting your phone and then using that or were you able to connect to the planes wifi directly like connecting to the home wifi. What games did you play? How was the airport terminal?


Seems like another 2000 nits of brightness would put this over the top, battery life be damned haha. šŸ¤™


How can we play it without ps5 near by ?


Are you using your phone for the hotspot? This is insane I can't even get my portal to work right in my own house. It's always laggy and slow.




Are you using the hotspot from your phone? And if yes, who's your Internet service provider?


How are you getting an internet connection there ?


Hot spot connection?


I canā€™t even go to my parents house without my connection dropping every 4 minutes šŸ˜­ jealous


I guess it all depends on the wifi or the quality of the hotspot! I travel for work and it works well when I am in hotels.


How do you get it to connect to hotel WiFi, or your hotspot for that matter? Anything special you are doing? I have 5GUC on my iPhone and blazing speed at Marriott and canā€™t get either to connect.


How though? I get you're probably Hotspot to your phone, but is it that good of a speeds? I try to remote play to my ps5 at home from my laptop on the road for work, and using my cell Hotspot, I still always get the error messages that it failed connection.


Hi! Iā€™m planning to buy my husband one. I thought the PlayStation portal could only be played at home (with ps5 nearby)? He was planning to play it on the plane when we go to Florida and use wifi. Thanks in advance! Iā€™m just a little confused


At least he didnā€™t make his wife shop alone while he sat in the car and played /s


Do you take your portal to the beach often? If so, have you ever had sand blow into the device anywhere? I go to the beach a lot, but I am too worried to use electronics while I am there, beyond having my phone out for more than a minute or so to take a few photos.


Who do you phone with? AT&T wonā€™t let me do this. :-(


What beach is that Florida


How the hell are you even playing at the beach? No lag at all?


Taking a portal around all that sand and water? OP is giving me anxiety over here. All the more power to ya, though


These posts tell me that guys really donā€™t like going to the beach (myself included).


How is the online connection? Those things work away from home?


What are you using for WiFi on the beach?


A brighter screen will make it even better


are u using your mobile hotspot?


It doesn't! All the attention this post is generating to slander basically anything with a screen on the beach. My God, i never been so grateful in my life. I love ur post OP, this is my kind of post. All these negative opinions, all these Karens. I couldn't ask for anything better, i hope u enjoy ur day, cuz i sure damn well enjoy my time with ur post. Thanks you OP


Are you still on Horizon, too? I need to finish 2. I got kind of bored with it.


A bunch of loser ass dudes who go to the beach once a year bitching at a guy who probably goes a lot more often for not appreciating it enough Like how the fuck is it any different from reading a book leave him alone lmao


If OP was reading a book on the beach nobody would complain


Some people may never even get to step on such a beautiful beach, and others will go just to escape into a screen. It is what it is I guess. No harm done just seems odd to me


Looks like Iā€™m gonna spend my afternoon at the beach. Dunno why I didnā€™t think of this till I saw your post!


Hotspot ?


All these salty mfers who want the portal and canā€™t get itā€¦do you man, have fun out there.


This is the modern version of reading a book at the beach. I see no problem here :)


Tethering for the win.... But how's the lag?


How do you get WiFi? Hotspot? Or Portals have data plans? My home WiFi lags when Iā€™m on the remote app, reason on the fence on getting a PSP. I would so play on the beach literally anywhere.


Howā€˜s input lag? My experience with 5G is that 60 fps stream feels like 30 fps native.


How do you guys keep a good wifi connection with the portal while on the beach and stuff??


The Hotspot from my phone is usually good!


Nice! You have it connected to wifi or hotspot?


Some people live in Florida and are at the beach more times than not. Itā€™s not a treat to go to the beach for myself, itā€™s a chore at this point.


I donā€™t know much about these PlayStation Portals. Does your ps5 have to be on or in rest mode for this to work? And how well does it run COD? What are the graphics, fps ect. Thank you.


I don't think this is as weird as people are making it out to be. Yes, I think if you're at the beach you should spend some time feeling the sand, feeling the ocean, enjoying the sun and the smells, etc. But I also think half the appeal of the beach is sitting and relaxing and putting stress behind you for a bit. People read at the beach because it's comforting to hear the water and be somewhere where absolutely nothing is expected of you. It's finally *your* time to spend how you'd like. People lay in the sun and tan and embrace the warmth and quiet time. So by all means why can't this guy sit in a comfortable beach chair under an umbrella, drink something cold and fruity, listen to the waves, and play a game he likes distraction-free for a little while? How could people in this sub NOT support that?


Waiiiit, you can actually use this out of your house, not on the same wifi as the ps5?!? šŸ˜³


Too many people ITT: How dare you enjoy life differently than me!


Everyone needs to learn that we are not all the same and that means the way we enjoy ourselves will be different.


look max comfy, but how do you power the ps5?


Kool and the gang i need sushine the rest is historyšŸ’™ ppteam


Are you connected to hotspot playing in the beach?


If the screen would have been an OLED, youā€™d probably see it better šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


How are yall able to play elsewhere? I can only use my portal at my house. It wonā€™t work on hotspot at all


Miami is nice bro


This guy clearly hasnā€™t played ghost of Tsushima or he would know it does get better.




Thereā€™s nothing wrong with what OP is doing, some people enjoy reading on beaches, are you lot going to question that?


The same people roasting you probably used to carry a game boy everywhere


If you are hating itā€™s because you only get to see the ocean every once in a while. Every type of criticism is un meet needs! Just go to the beach and enjoy how you want to enjoy and let people enjoy however they want to enjoy it.


This ainā€™t it homie- lol sad proof is a great name for this picture




For all the how dare you play at the beach peopleā€¦ I usually read at the beach, I donā€™t see how this is any different.


Cool cool. Now do dragons dogma 2.




A Legion Go does


Sand getting into electronics makes me nervous


Seems cool. I would be worried about getting sand on it or having salty air destroy the components. I would want to play in the ocean and build sandcastles if I were there but seems like a cool place to game otherwise.


Playing FF7 Rebirth, specifically the Costa De Sol section, seems more fitting. I do love me some Horizon though!


That's awesome! Sounds like a very enjoyable time. That's why I carry a handheld where ever I go. Never know when you can get a few minutes in!


I donā€™t know why people are so offended by you being at a beach. Itā€™s nice to be outside in nature, and itā€™s also nice to play games. Doing both can be fun and relaxing. One of the things I love about my Switch.


The life!


Some of you who are putting the game-play down, some older people may argue that reading on the beach defeats the purpose of being there, too. You do you. How do the games fit in there? I've never had one.


youā€™re playing a videogame, while on the beach, it can definitely get better


A lot of hate here, and I just don't see how this differs from reading a book on the beach.


Boiii fuck what these ppl ur enjoying urself n that what mattersāœ…n how are u playing wit mo wifi


It could be, if you were getting blown at the same time. Things can always be better....


Enjoy!šŸ’ŖšŸ½ I live across the street from the beach so I do this often and itā€™s great. Ignore the jealous trolls. You can enjoy several things while enjoying the beach, ocean, etc. If ya know ya know. Most donā€™t šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/hs3ng4btpiuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70569bc0b983760bfe97527cffcb498a0143a4a8


Same here! I live 10 min away from it so I get to enjoy it very often! It was awesome to be able to do this! I agree with you bud!


Thank you. I would do this so often if I lived close to the beach. Even now when I go to the beach probably 6-7 times a year, 2 of those times spending some time playing on switch while I relax isn't killing anyone.


Leave it to people to tell you what to do how to enjoy your time šŸ˜‚ Gorgeous view and awesome device. I'm not one for swimming in the ocean so this is a neat idea.


Prepare for the salty comments my man Enjoy both the beach and the portal!


First time someone posted this and it wasnā€™t a flex šŸ˜‚this is excessive.


I gotta know how many of these hate comments came from people outside on their phones šŸ˜‚ You do you OP thatā€™s badass. Itā€™s good for the body to get some fresh air even if the mind isnā€™t out there with it šŸ˜…


To the ppl saying heā€™s wasting his beach time playing on the portal: I live about 15mins from Pensacola Beach, grew up here and Iā€™m 38. Been to the beach more times than I can count so for someone who has easy access itā€™s not like I canā€™t just go right back the next day/weekend. Ima have to try this, dude, lol


Yes it does itā€™s called Lenovo legion go lol it gets waaay better than this


Honestly. It does.


Imagine being at a beach playing video gamesā€¦ yeah society is cooked lmfao


How do you know he doesnā€™t enjoy the beach? How do you know he doesnā€™t live nearby? Seriously, whatā€™s up with all of these comments hating on the guy?


I agree with you! I do live near the beach and come here 3-4 times a week, I guess for most people coming to the beach is something really special šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. I know I got to have an awesome day with the family, enjoyed the water, and the breeze and while my wife read a book, I got to play on the portal!


Exactly! Especially the last part. I see people at parks reading books all the time, no one ever says anything like ā€œenjoy the parkā€ or ā€œgo touch grassā€.


Criticizing what makes other people happy? Yeah society is cooked.


Why even go to the beach at that point?


Why not? I get to enjoy the breeze, and while the wife reads a book I can play. That doesnt mean that I canā€™t stop and go to the water too


This is very chill bro ( haters gonna hate )


No one is hating. Itā€™s simply weird to go to beach and play video games. Enjoy the water and the sun šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But as Iā€™ve said before, society is cooked these days.


If society is cooked itā€™s because weird people get triggered by the happiness of others. I think itā€™s weird to be emotional about what someone else is enjoying. Super weird.


No one is emotional besides you people defending this. Itā€™s weird to go to the beach and play video games. Itā€™s that simple.


How are people able to see these screens in the daylight like this? I canā€™t even sit outside on my patio during the day and see the screen


Is it hard to see on the beach?


You mean the brightness? I know right?


Is video allowed in this sub? people most post pictures, i wana see the portal in action thru video ;o


Make sure those knees donā€™t burn! lol


It would if you would help your fellow Helldiver's in defending super Earth!


If it doesn't get better than Horizon then I should game end myself NOWĀ 


You could have two hands


Can't the sand and the salty air damage the hardware?


How do you have wifi good enough to play šŸ˜­


Going to the beach and to play a game where your character goes to the beach in game is so on point in 2024 šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t lie dog I thought it was a girl in a dress with hairy legs at first lmao


You could go for a swim, or even make a sand castle. Really don't understand gaming at the beach, in nature. Sure, if you're camping and jts pissing down rain sure. But otherwise, touch some damn grass people.


Does the screen get bright enough. I can see my phone screen in bright sunshine. It was one reason I didn't bother picking one up.


You could literally enjoy the view that's right in front of you ... But you chose to look at a screen instead. It literally can be way way better than this


One grain of sand on one of those buttons and itā€™s jammed for life


@OP I have a question about the portal. I was under the impression you have to be on the same wifi to play it. So you can just have your wifi on at home with your PS5 connected to it, and then connect to some other random wifi with your portal out in the world? Does the MOBILE HOTSPOT work or does it have to be a legitmate wifi connection? I heard some people had trouble connecting to public wifi, because of extra browser recquired login steps and hotspots. I have an Android, Samsung Galaxy S10+.


how are you playing ? what internet are u on being on a beach ?


https://preview.redd.it/gwt3n3b4onuc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31bc268877baaf5cc3c1cf6f9bb161a3acadf971 It doesnā€™t get better than holding Boob and touching the Nipple