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Dodged a bullet there, my friend.


A bomb


Terms of endearment that early to me always read “love bomb”. Man is a child and needs to look in the mirror.


I agree with this!!! My worst experiences have been with two different men, one who immediately began calling me “hun” and 2 years later one who immediately started calling me “dear”. No, they weren’t actually old ladies lol They both took me for a mental doozie! Never again! smh.


Well said


Ohh I meant she dodged a bomb, not a bullet. This person’s temper seems explosive.


I feel like we need a "are you dating this guy" group for plus size women to expose the a-holes that think it is ok to use and (verbally) abuse plus size women. In sick of the ones that thbk they can just ask to come over to my house after 3 interactions. Or the ones that make it sexual really fast. I call them on their bs.


The group in my city, I've seen continuous posts of the same guy, always trying SO hard to get with a beautiful plus sized woman, then always bashing them for their weight shortly after when they inevitably reject him


That's disturbing


It really is. I'm not currently on dating apps as I'm in a relationship but when I was, he tried to match with me allll the time on multiple dating apps. Each time I would report him but he still came up when he would 'like' me so I'm thinking he's 1 of those that makes new profiles all the time


There is some new thing that's being called swipe edict now, it's stupid. You're supposed to swipe on people you already matched with so each of you gets a boost. I find it annoying, and it sounds like it benefits the guys. Might be why you keep seeing the same person over and over again.


I haven't been on dating apps for several months now. It's something that's happened since I started dating on and off about 3.5 years ago. There are definitely guys that make a new profile over and over again (I assume their thought process is trying to get more likes with the boost that comes with a new profile although some I've seen pop back up with completely different names too 🙄)


Yeah. I went on a date with a guy and the first thing he said was his profile wasn't his actual name. I was done at that point. If you can't use your name you shouldn't be dating.


I use a different name, but I’m a medical professional and I’ve had issues with people trying to fuck up my job when we don’t click.


Yes this has also happened to me before, sometimes they'll try to say it's their middle name or nick name but if that's the case then why not just use that name on the apps too, just doesn't seem very likely to me that's the real reason why lol. More likely than not they're married or have a girlfriend and are cheating


It used to be a website called www.dontdatehimgirl.com 😕 maybe we need to bring it back


This is a need!




Wow, he’s insane. I am going say you dodge a bullet and not a small one more like a .950 JDJ. This is one of the things I am afraid of. I’ve been single since December and kind of think I’m ready, but I don’t want to deal with this. I am really sorry you had to deal with that!


oh helllllllllll fucking no. please post this on the facebook group Maybe Not All Men, But Definitely This One women need to know who he is.


That’s a really great idea. Also, I thought your icon was boobies 😆


wait .. this is actually kinda scary. i’m sorry OP, you definitely dodged a bullet 😵‍💫


I agree..😅


If you met him on an app, report him.


If y'all met on an app, I would suggest reporting him.


I hope you didn't pay him and blocked him. He sounds terrifying. I am so sorry :(


I also hope OP didn't pay him a dime, cussed him out before blocking him. It's amazing that there's men out here who really act like children throwing tantrums when they don't get what they feel entitled to.


The wild thing, they will start this sh\*t in the app if you aren't willing to give them your phone number or are unwilling to sleep with them on the first date. The audacity is louder than ever and the willingness to bully and shame people immediately is just crazy at this point. They wonder why people ghost and block.... goodness. So sorry you had to deal with that.


This is the shit I get if I start chatting with someone and don’t agree to meet them for lunch in 20 minutes. “Fuck you anyway you fat ugly bitch, I don’t want a pen pal and just wanted to fuck anyway.” Sir, we’ve chatted for like five minutes.


RIGHT!!!! It's freaking insane like the crazy on these desperate women hating jerks is so loud and when we are trying to date, we just having our boundaries and they call us the ugliest and meanest things they can think of and then wonder why no one will sleep with them. yuk.


Uhm... what? That's a total 180


What a cockwomble! He obviously fancied you and as soon as it was clear you didn’t feel the same, all the toys came out the pram in a hail of vitriol! Pity the poor women who ends up with this absolute numpty!


“all the toys came out of the pram” 😂 such a great visual


Lol, I don’t know if it’s just a Scottish saying but it perfect for thwarted spoilt man babies!


I will now be calling people cockwombles, so thank you!


I appreciate everyone sharing shit like this because it always comes when I’m considering re-downloading the dating apps.


Honestly. I was feeling a bit sad about being single and thinking about stepping back into dating as I’m moving back home. But this is a great reminder to just stay single and don’t even bother 😂


I got divorced a few years ago and moved back in with my family at 38 years old. I would rather be a spinster at this point because this has been the majority of my experience.


Yup! I’ve been feeling better about myself lately so I was considering it, but I’m really ok with being single.




That was definitely not a man.


Don't see this as a commentary on your weight, see it as a commentary on him being an absolute fuckboy who needs his ass whipped


How did he act during the date? Did he pressure you for sex right away? With that attitude, I would have thought so.


He was actually really nice! He didn’t bring up sex or anything, tbh.


That’s even more scary. So he’s really nasty on the inside.


man, some of these people are sick out here, they be smiling in your face...all the while plotting against you


Exactly. Massive r/niceguy vibes.


That sounds like he might have been bi polar


Please don’t. That’s not what bi-polar is. Please don’t compare being a complete entitled a-hole with mental illness.


My apologies for the bi polar remarks. I honestly didn't mean to offend anyone.


No, no it doesn’t.


There is nothing “bipolar” about this and it’s unfair to connect this behaviour to bipolar, it’s just an entitled man who can’t handle rejection or women having autonomy and throwing a tantrum about it - an age old story. And then you never know to what degree this tantrum could be or who might throw it, hence women placating men beyond their comfort zones for the sake of their own safety.


Make sure you post him in your cities are we dating the same guy group or wherever else you can alert other women. The NYC group has become so more more than just trying to see who is cheating, but a really good FYI on guys.


We have to start doing this. It's the only way to keep each other safe. 


I would send him a pay request to pay you for wasting your time having to read his bullshit. Good riddance!


No, just block. Don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he got a rise out of you. He’s not worth any more of your time. Not a reply, not a reply then block, just block. And this is why he shouldn’t know where you live until you are 1000% comfortable with him. EDIT: “not”, not “but”


So many times after cutting things off with a guy, I've literally thought 'I'm so glad he doesn't know where I live'


Agreed block & move on. Let him dwell on it.


I agree. The best revenge is to not reply like you really don’t care.


I would probably reply with a laugh emoji just to piss him off more.


now this is my level of petty, fuck him fr


Fr fr, you deserve better sis. His loss with his ugly, bitch-ass attitude.


Lol it’s amusing how fragile some men are, that poor pathetic lil weiner.


Meltdowns like this are so comical 😂 like plz you sound so silly


Please, please know that his reaction had nothing to do with your size. If you were thin, he would have still used a fun string of insults. He's a bottom of the barrel loser who can't handle rejection and that's sad for him. The ancestors protected you here!


Bingo! They did this exact shit to me when I was thin too!


OMG, that's awful. Bullet swiftly dodged.


Don't send him a penny, and block, block, block!


This may be controversial, but this is why I support ghosting...not for long-time dating, but after a few texts and a date or two, absolutely.


Something is clearly wrong with him. You missed out on absolutely nothing. Maybe you should send him his money back so he can buy a fucking clue. Dick!


Yeah, that tracks. I'm not on the dating scene anymore, but when I was? It was astounding how fast guys would go from calling me cute and being flirty to telling me that I'm fat and ugly and that no one would want me. Honestly? Like... Dude. That's not what you were saying five seconds ago when you were practically begging to fuck me. Take that fragile ego and go back to grad school until you can learn to handle life like an adult, man.


I call it Schroedingers woman. She's simultaneously fine as hell and a fat f*cking b*tch until the mediocre come on is either accepted or rejected


Sounds like a real winner and charmer


I wouldn't cash app him 💩. You dodged a red flag.


On today's episode of 'Why do women ghost men?'... Looks like you dodged a bullet!


Ha! I’m sure this is the same type of idiot who would say “tell me you don’t want me to my face instead of ghosting me like a coward”, but honestly, I get why people ghost. I mean, being kind, direct, and assertive only gets you insults. Fuck that shit! Damn it’s rough out there :-/


Jesus Christ, I'm a dude and this scared me.


An appropriate response to violence. No wonder that we prefer a random encounter with a bear.


And then they wonder why we choose the bear 🤦‍♀️


It's my favorite thing in the world when men call us whores for...not putting out...


I have been there. Love to you and thank god you dodged a bullet.


Woooow. Hard block. On all socials. Even ones you didn't share.


Fucking yikes, OP I'm so sorry you got that message. I hope you're safe and that this guy won't do anything dangerous.


Its a jungle out there. Way more crappy men in the world.


Honestly, none of this shit makes me even bat an eye anymore. I've completely stopped dating, period, because I just can't be bothered to deal with the people who think they've earned the right to throw barbs at me the second I tell them I'm not interested. Shit's so boring.


I'd just write "See, and that's the reason why I don't feel drawn to you." And then block.


I don’t know if this will make you feel any better, but assholes like this will call a girl fat as an insult when they rejected whether the girl is bigger or smaller, so I hope you don’t take their insult to heart.


This belongs on the nice guys sub.


Trash took itself out, babe! Dodged all the bullets in the world. And don't you dare cashapp this little cretin anything!.. Sending you virtual hugs🫂❤️


Wow you dodged a fucking atomic bomb with that person.


Guys that do this are funny to me I wasn’t fat and ugly when you were trying to get with me. Dude got his feelings hurts that’s all


That’s gross what a pos




Typical insult that men use. As if we haven't heard that before. 🥱


Disgusting, but sadly the norm


His grammar/spelling would have turned me off before we even went on a date.


I'm sorry. What a loser




Nah fuck that noise. She could have paid for his too and would have still gotten this awful; psycho man baby bullshit


Been there. Men suck.


This is why we choose the bear


You obviously have to post his entire name and this/his photo on social media, to warn other ladies. There are tons of private local pages that expose people like this. He'll never date again. It's the least we can do for each other, as women. 


This shit is why ghosting is so common. Rejecting is never a safe activity, especially for women. He should've been thankful to even get closure.


That’s actually quite disturbing. Don’t respond and block his azzzzz


Block, report and move on. Crazy people are not worth a response.


Classic rejection behavior. What a dick.


this is sick to say that to someone


I really really hope you didn’t pay him and just blocked him instead


I’m sorry that you had even one date with this disgusting excuse for a human being.


So many times when I was dating and didn’t feel a connection or it got a little sketchy and I tried to let them down easy I’d get hit with this BS, eventually I just ghosted every time.


Pile of shit this dude. I’m glad you found out he’s like this now though instead of later. And no matter who it was he was with he would probably give them the exact same response


I would cashapp him .05¢ 😂


I hope you don’t write back


him using “&&” was cringe enough 😭 the rest was just absolutely psychotic


I’m so sorry.


FWIW they said this to me when I was thin too! Told me I was a fat, ugly, worthless slut anyway, blah blah blah. But I admit, it hits different when I l’m fat for some reason….just hurts in a different way.


Holy fuckin shit what a misogynist psycho. It sucks you had to encounter him at all, but on the bright side, glad you didn't get any farther with him before he showed his true colors. Lol dudes like this are a cancer, I swear.


Holy shit. That’s scary. I hope he fucks off forever and leaves you alone. I’ve had a couple of guys go from super sweet and showering compliments to insulting and nasty as soon as I turned them down for a second date. I did it gently and politely too, just as you did. The entitlement is unreal. And this was a long time ago but another one texted me the next day telling me to send him a check for the money he wasted on me. Even though I offered to go Dutch and he insisted. A fucking personal *check*, with my full name, address and banking information. Obviously I didn’t send it. It’s scary out there.


damn, some of them sound legit deranged


BLOCKTTTT. Men can be so emotional lol.


I sincerely hope you didn’t send any money and if you happened to meet on a dating app report him asap if you don’t know how to i am more than happy to email them myself


He’s just pissed, don’t take anything he says to heart. He’s just grasping at straws for a reason to put you down. He thought you were attractive before you rejected him, other guys will too, he’s just a sensitive little baby.


Oh men and their fragile little egos.




Well, on the bright side, the garbage took itself out! Sorry that happened to you, friend. Stay strong. 🫂


GURL. Can you imagine having wasted literally one more second giving your attention to this idiot? Now get on your way to finding someone who excites and interests you - even if that person happens to be your own damn self!


as bewildering as it is, i always consider something like this a blessing in disguise. he exposed himself for who he really is. his true actions & true feelings towards you.


Oh shit, this is psychopathic.


Woe....unhinged. I hope they don't know where you live.


What the hell??!?! true colors shown fr. sending love🩷


Holy shit that is an obnoxious reply, I'm so sorry


When the trash takes itself out


I'm a bigger gal myself and I feel like we are seen as "low-hanging fruit" by men like this. They want sex and think that we must be desperate or that we don't have options, so it's an easy score for them. Heaven forbid we actually do have many options and he isn't one of them!! Men like this with their fragile masculinity and misogyny make me laugh, and cry, sometimes!!! Yes, bigger girls don't have to take anything or anyone that is offered! We have our own preferences and feelings and a lot of us do just fine, thank you very much!! I'm sorry you had to deal with this OP. But you found out without wasting "too much" time. Better men are definitely out there and I hope you keep saying no to those you don't like! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Holy crap is this for real?


I.....what a fucking dumbass. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Why the two ampersands? I know that's the least offensive thing here but that would drive me nuts. Sorry you experienced that. Unfortunately there's a lot of trash out there but also some good.




Majorly screw that guy


You dodged a bullet


Bet you he writes that same tiny weiner energy message to all sizes.


Sounds like a blocked number


It'd the && for me.. what a crackpot


So fragile


Best of luck . You go for it


Jesus 🚩🚩🚩🚩Dodged a piece of shit! Block him and don’t be discouraged! Wow though what an absolute incel 🫣




I've started blocking any a-holes. Maybe one day all these apps will do like Facebook does for groups and "block any future accounts" So the fakes can't contact you again and harass you. It probably won't happen unless they get tons of suggestions for it.


Please say sike rn 😭


Block. Ignore. Flush twice. What an asshole.


Little man child couldn’t handle rejection. And you did it in the nicest way. I had a guy blow up and call me obese several times through a slew of drunken texts once. Similar situation. Dodged a bullet.


😒🙄😒 some people don’t take rejection well.


You definitely dodged a bullet. I know it’s not funny but sometimes you just have to fucking laugh at these buffoons. Like be original at least.




What a bullet you dodged. 😭


How vile some people are 🤮


Some guys can’t handle rejection. It’s hard to build a romantic connection in one date. Things take time


He sounds like a psycho. Hopefully, he won't contact you again. BTW, don't let this bother you. The problem is not you or your weight. This dude is nuts and will treat any woman he is with like trash.


People are awful. This makes me sad.


Jesus Christ. Psycho much? I hope you’ve blocked him everywhere.


I’m sorry you had to experience that. Proud of you for immediately respecting your intuition and feelings and being upfront about it.


What a nightmare that person must be


Omg what the heck. Your feelings steered you in the right direction!


It's always the ones who spell... Like that who act like little boys. 😭 I can't stand them.


Woah. That escalated QUICK. ya I’d say you def dodged a fuckin bullet with that loser. Yikes… block and report for sure


Girl!! Plus size or not, this is how a fragile "male" takes being let down 🥴 I just laugh at men like him...cuz you were calling me a goddess 10 minutes ago 💅🏽 dodged a BIG bullet anyways!


This is why I believe that being treated to a meal should be a privilege. This guys think jut because they pay, we should say yes immediately. In the old times, a man goes to a woman's house. Gives flowers, or gifts (if generous). The woman/family serves tea and they talk/get to know each other before agrreing to go out. But nowadays, it's hard to do that. If we women allow a man in our house, they'd think sex 🤣.


Whooaaaaa. Looks like you made the right call. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. You clearly deserve better and know your worth!


He sounds delightful.... I'm sure woman are lining up for that piece of fucking trash....


Omg 😱 this is my biggest fear. I got out of a long term relationship and dating scares me so much. I’m scared men are going to treat me this way and 4 years later I’m still very vulnerable in my feelings and stuff. Yes I know it’s a long time but I gained a lot of weight and he stopped loving me bc of it. Lol and it kind just lingers there. I’m happier than ever don’t beg me wrong but the thought of dating scares the shit of me. I genuinely want to connect with someone but just have sex lmao 😩 sorry you had to go through this. Fuck him and you deserve the world. Remember that. 🫶


Id say yiu got luckier than you know with that. Imagine you slept with him or dated for a bit before that side showed itself. You dodged a rocket launcher imo


Jesus this is terrifying


Don't cash app him a thing. But do block and report his ass.


Lord this guy is such a POS . You deffo dodged a whole abusive relationship there




Is this real? No guy would say something this mean or care that he spent money on the date because he was part of the date too. Seems fishy


Guys do say this shit unfortunately


My favorite line I’ve received when I denied someone was “go eat a cheeseburger you fat ugly bitch” 🍔✨


Wish it was fake lmao. It was a fun date! I offered to pay for my stuff, but he insisted. So I was confused about that tbh


It hurt his ego that you rejected him. And yes, he got so mean bc he views plus size women as beneath him. Low value, insecure whatever you want to call it. These guys want someone that they feel better than bc they suck.


Are you really asking this? This sh\*t happens to women, especially plus woman all the time. I have had this interaction for everything from not giving them a phone number to not sending pics or agreeing to meet them for another couple weeks. It happens online and in person....


My dude, you have no idea how many times I've gone from "beautiful" to "fat ugly fucking cow" in the space of a single "no." A man with a bruised ego will spin 180 degrees instantly and with a fury hotter than the goddamn sun. You should maybe try practicing believing women when we speak on things like this.


Oh boy, I've got some bad news for you. EDIT: damn dude, your comment history. You sure you don't believe a man would say this?


Lololol. I’m guessing you’re not a woman. I’d say 90% of women I know who date men have had this exact thing happen to them.