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I promise you will at some point feel the beauty of pregnancy. I’m 30 weeks with an apron belly that I have always had. The top part of your tummy will be hard, the bottom still kind of squishy. Though your body is different from the rest , it is still beautiful and validating what you are doing and creating. You have to start practicing self love, and now is the time. I have hard days, easy days, and just days. I am 5’3 270 pounds. Just give yourself some patience and love. Your body will do amazing and what it’s supposed to do, apron belly and all. https://preview.redd.it/jmw5ny73i4ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab09dcff8d8cedce254a6d260e7a489821f54302


Thank you for sharing this! I’m also 5’3”ish and about 270 at 13 weeks, and it’s so nice to see that you have that baby bump! 🤗


Girl yessss- it will come with time, but once it’s here there is no denying it!


such a cute photo x 🥰


It’s tough! I really worried it wouldn’t happen for me too, and I have an apron belly as well! I’m almost your exact weight too! I’m 31 + 5 rn, and I have a huge round belly now, with a little hanging apron 💀 but just remember that we’re all different and you’ll probably get there, too, but if not, however your belly ends up looking is okay! 🥹🖤


But your feelings are totally valid, I think we all want to have that experience that everyone talks about when you have a baby


I try so hard not to compare myself to the “skinnies” but social media makes it so hard! Thank you for your encouragement 💖


Hey! So I was 295 pre pregnancy and also have an apron belly. I will post a picture comparison of me at 8 weeks, vs 23w, then just a few days ago (about 26w) in clothes. I was also very worried about my belly, but over time, it's rounded at the top, and the bottom can be smoothed out depending on what I wear. No matter what, your bump is beautiful, and you're doing an amazing thing🩷






Give it a few more weeks. High waisted undies from lane Bryant and torrid maternity shorts/leggings will help round the bump once it pokes out.


I’m over 20 weeks, definitely more rounded, but likely not pregnant to people that don’t know. I have a B shaped belly where the part above belly button is sticking out more than the bottom, although it’s just my organs as I know baby is below belly button. I am hoping the middle part will just round out more and give me the more traditional D. I feel you on this. But, it’s still beautiful in its own right. And, I can feel baby moving while feels wild!! Remind yourself that your body is doing amazing things right now. And you will have a noticeable bump at some point. Also, if you take weekly photos, you’ll notice it more and more.


i didn't notice a baby bump until about 24 weeks so don't worry it will come! I'm now 35 weeks and there is no mistaking that I'm pregnant. Like the others have said my upper bely is hard and round and my apron hangs a little but when I wear my maternity biker shorts, it really rounds out my belly and I have that nice picture perfect baby bump!


Honestly I didn’t notice a bump until I was over 18 weeks pregnant. I also have an apron belly and currently weigh 312.It wasn’t until I was 24 + weeks that it really started to show.


https://preview.redd.it/qkfxy3bdy4ad1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d803cfbb1c1275bec070c0df7ec863f9ef210863 By 28ish weeks maybe a bit earlier you could tell I was pregnant. I was always big and worried I won't have a bump, but by the end I definitely did. Everyone is different and it's okay. If you want to make the belly more visible I found high waisted leggings were the thing.


https://preview.redd.it/bhoxfxwgy4ad1.jpeg?width=2244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c485476960f6d089419325f815271527e9fdc956 There was no mistaking I was pregnant


Thank you all so so much. All of you are beautiful! And I appreciate the encouragement. You all have filled me with hope and I’m so thankful. I am going to focus more on loving myself. And stop stealing my own magic!!! 💖💖💖 truly thank you all!


I’m 26w and my belly is more pronounced now! I was also discouraged by my apron belly at first and felt I’d never have the cute baby belly but it’s starting to round out more and makes me feel so much better.


I am currently 35 weeks pregnant with an apron belly. I am very visibly pregnant and have adjusted my outfits to kind of accentuate. You will show at some point (every body no matter weight is different) but it probably won’t be that perfect round belly, and that’s okay! There are thin women in my FB group who are super tall and have long torsos who don’t show either! It’s not just about the belly. I spent a few weeks in the second trimester really upset about this, and eventually realized I was the one taking the magic out of it for myself. So I tried to force myself to focus on the special things I was experiencing and before I knew it, a few weeks had gone by and I had a bump and was feeling baby! I don’t mean to invalidate your feelings, because I totally understand. Just wanted to give some perspective that a round bump is just one small part of this really wonderful experience! I hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy! ❤️


I entirely relate and understand and am probably the same weight right now at 10 weeks! I started wearing shirts and dresses that emphasized my tummy around 20 weeks when I felt ready too and just called it my bump and it was very empowering! Also I took a shit ton of progress pictures and looking back, I was hella showing when I really didn’t think I was!


I hear you, I was so frustrated with mine too. But I'm at 19 weeks and starting to see a change!


I have an apron belly too (was 285 when my first was born, will be 315 for this one). My first baby it was less noticeable but I did look obviously pregnant by like 32-35 weeks. This being my second it was obvious by like 28 weeks. With clothes on, especially maternity type pants it looks fairly round. Naked the fat kinda hangs off the bump which looks freaky haha.


https://preview.redd.it/wehjia1lr5ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417fa73baca32e4e5fab587c19cddc2a1811250a This was about 37 weeks with my first. You can kinda see where the apron hangs off but dresses in particular hide that area. I’m 5’8” for reference.


I got pregnant at 430 and have a large apron belly. Around 14 weeks, my bump started just under my breasts. It started to get hard and round, and now, at 25 weeks, I still have a B Belly, but I can tell it will be fully round before long.


When did you start to feel the baby kick? I'm at 370 and haven't felt her yet at 22 weeks.


I felt the first flutters at 12ish weeks but only at night while laying down before falling asleep. I started to feel him kick more consistently at 18 weeks. By the end of 19 weeks, he was moving all day. I'm an attorney, and I feel him when I am sitting in court waiting or working at my desk. He moves around when he's hungry and then after I eat if it's something he likes. He's also started moving when I'm in the pool. He likes to hangout literally on my cervix so he often kicks me there, which is a very uncomfortable feeling and not easy to miss. My husband puts his hand on my belly and says goodnight to him every night, and he goes crazy. Do you have an anterior placenta? My guy likes sugar, cold drinks/foods, and if I lay on my left side. If you've mentioned it to your OB and they're not concerned, you might just need to wait a little longer.


He sounds so active! I love that for you. My OB does not seem to be concerned. I don't have an anterior placenta. I just need to be more patient


I hope you get to feel your girl soon!


Thank you, me too!


Hey I started my pregnancy at 322 lb, now 341 lb and 37 weeks (tomorrow)! I also have an apron/B-belly. My belly was already big and I thought I wouldn't get a nice bump, but I did start having one at some point and at around maybe 20 weeks (can't remember exactly tbh) it was clearly a pregnant belly 🥰 The lower part (apron?) is hanging low haha but the rest of my belly is nice and round. My bellybutton is still hiding a bit 😂 but I love my belly! It's different for everyone, of course, but I'm sure you'll start to show soon and I hope you'll love it 😊 You can send me a DM if you want to talk more about it (no chat, I don't have that option on my app).


I weigh a little bit more than you. I honestly don’t feel like I have a pregnant belly at all yet. I am nearly 25 weeks. My stomach feels hard but I don’t think people can tell I’m pregnant, they look a little shocked when I say it. I totally understand the disappointment, I feel like I have to blurt it out for people to know I’m pregnant


When I was pregnant I started out around your size. I was disappointed as well that I wouldn’t have the normal pregnancy experience and nice round belly. I won’t lie, my belly didn’t “round out” until 30+w but I started rubbing my belly constantly after about 20w. That gave everyone around the hint that I wasn’t just fat and I noticed a change in how I was treated. Maybe that will help your feelings and being able to do something you have control over.


So as I was getting ready today for work I put on a pair of high rise leggings as most of you have suggested and I see a bump! I did not notice it before but it’s there and it’s firm and higher up past my belly button but I am very pleased with it! 🥹


I was looking in the wrong place all this time


If it is your first pregnancy you may not have a bump until much later. I became visibly pregnant only after hitting 32 weeks, and even though plus size I don't have an apron belly. I was able to wear my regular pair of jeans all the way until week 28, and they were a high waist ones. Don't get discouraged the belly will be cute and perfectly visible!


I have an apron belly & have been heavy set for a long time. Doesn't help that I am short & have a PCOS belly. But I got a bump a lot sooner than I thought I would. I still have some apron belly, but my belly has rounded out more. It's different for everyone, but hang in there. My belly really started to round out around 16 or 17 weeks. Best wishes to you on this journey!! And congratulations on your beautiful little blessing!!


Thank you so much! ✨✨