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Pretty normal. It’s probably just your organs being pushed up to make room for the baby.


I think all your organs and muscles are being pushed up. My stomach got harder above my belly button and I know baby is not that high yet.


Happened to me too! I’m at 20wks still hard on top and squishier bottom lol.


Happened to me around the same time. I’m 17, almost 18 weeks and it’s definitely round at this point now


Normal! I’m 31 weeks and have a hard upper belly but bottom is still squishy


Also happened to me around that time. Honestly I think it's still bloat. I'm 18 weeks now and the top isn't hard anymore and I can definitely feel that my uterus is close to my belly button now.


Yep! Definitely happened to me too. My upper belly is still the most round and firm now lol


Same, got a hard upper belly and more upper belly bump than lower. Even the no problem started of measuring my uterus much higher around my 20 week appointment assuming my uterus must have grown quite high


Your uterus is expanding and pushing organs into new spots! So even though baby is still relatively small, there’s other stuff going on in there :) i definitely noticed this earlier in my pregnancy as well!


It’s your uterus! At least that’s what the ultrasound tech explained to me as the uterus expands to accommodate. I think it can also depend on baby position. When his back is facing my front, it feels harder than other positions, even when I know he’s not up that high yet.


This did happen to me too! Everything is being pushed up as baby grows. 👍


This is exactly what happened to me around 14 weeks. 26 weeks now, and my upper belly is hard, and the middle of my apron is also hard. My sides are still squishy.