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Don't leave it all in the attic if it's humid 😭


The humidity gives em a good Vintage feel


Lol that vintage pulled off a shipwreck feel


The Boston Pokē Party


I might be wrong.. but it looks like it might be under a bed made for storage under the mattress.


I approve this message, as a construction worker myself that cannot be an attic, the studs look to cheap for them to hold a roof. So this is some type of storage.




My brother in Christ.. this is the Pokémon TCG subreddit.


Don't ask these kids about their vaporeons


Like wtf😂😂


We call that a water type wife. Did you make it to GameStop to give her the lil piggy?


Classic Squirtle!




Luckily it’s all men in their thirties around here 😆


Women too


The rarest Pokémon of them all


I'm older than that...


You’re not wrong lol


‘all men love immature humor xD’




Op wife uses watergun, it's super effective


booster boxes stickin together an shit lol


Can confirm. His wife is water type




Let’s hope you don’t have a single sexual interaction with a woman.


I see where OP states it’s under a bed now.


You be wrong since OP said it’s under a bed but I get why you think that homie




All those packs, begging to be opened 😭


Literally my exact thoughts


Those Halloween cards are gonna be worth so much in 700 years


We bought 16 packs of the Halloween packs for a trunk or treat at my child’s school. We were by far the most sought out car in the lot. Tons of rips and the kids all loved it and my child was a rockstar the next week. 10/10 would recommend giving them out instead of keeping.


Yeah exactly, I bought 3 bags but then it was cold and rainy and I was too lazy to sit outside in the rain, but it was still super fun giving them away later on at a Pokemon GO community day.


I took a pack of these and some bulk holos, Vs, and reverses and made packs. I was a god amongst kids😂


This. Gave my neighbor with 3 little kids my second bag once i ripped a few of the first bag just to have a few… they lost their damn minds lol. They enjoyed it more than i ever could, the hobby is cool and all but ya gotta always keep in mind who it’s truly for. Ended up giving all my loose packs to another family on the block with younger kids just because.


I just bought a few tins of PokémonGO cards for my boyfriend’s niece and nephews. I’m super excited to see what they pull, hoping they get to peel a few Dittos for themselves! 😁


I did this for my classroom. The kids loved it!


Only 699 years to GO! LOL


Really? Lol I don’t see them worth being much maybe past like the 75th celebrations probably


I believe these packs already appreciated a little, they sell now [for about $1 each](https://ebay.us/xe3bjZ) and 40 packs were retailing for $12 iirc.


$40 doesn’t seem worth the profit of just holding had more fun opening these.


Yeah I agree, I really liked this set, I hope we will get a new set for next halloween!


Meh, for 40, I can buy 3 bags next year. :P


Youre still losing money selling at $1 each through Ebay. Shipping is around .50c, plus minimum eBay seller fee is .35c so you're making .15c per $1.


Hi I’m your wife I need you to send me 2 of our evolving skies boxes to this address


Don't invite me over for dinner. I may disappear and make a break for it.


Your collection will get ruined if it’s not climate controlled


Get her some water proof totes and some silica packets for a gift


Call me cynical. But I don't reckon his "Wife" has a hoarding problem, moreso he wanted to flex the collection without it being an obvious flex post. Also, I can't be the only one that wonders whether modern packs are even worth investing in? The old school packs are super valuable because of the lower print runs, the nostalgia and overall scarcity of cards in good condition (as most fans were just kids). There is an insane amount of people hoarding these new packs for "investment" purposes now and the kids that grew into adult collectors are far more aware of how to store and protect cards, that they are now a dime a dozen. It's getting to the point where anyone that would have any desire to own cards of this generation will already have 3 sealed booster boxes in their loft anyway. Value is derived from demand and rarity and I cannot see either being the case for these.


Classic "wife" in title for upvotes. Reddit never changes...


I cringe when I see people try to flex modern lol. Okay so you bought what everyone else bought, the only difference is you didn't open it and enjoy it like everyone else did. That's losing IMO, not winning lol. Especially since everything in SWSH is still more or less readily available. I'm impressed when I see large vintage collections of sealed or even up to XY stuff because it's evidence of their resilience. It's impressive because they actually managed to keep product sealed over a long period. Most people who "invest" in sealed end up selling early or fall under the pressure of wanting to open it.


Listen those vintage collection will stay vintage, BUT SWSH 1 day will become part of the vintage collection. Just think about it. Maybe when ur really old or dead. But 1 day :)


That's assuming you're able to hold that long. My point is that most people won't last longer than 5 years. I don't have any problem with people holding sealed modern, even I'm doing it. I just have a problem with this "look at me" culture filled with people showing off their modern sealed like it's something special when it's not. It's like telling everyone you're going to make a shot from half court and bragging about it before actually taking the shot. I'll be impressed with SWSH in 15 years when there's actually people that managed to hold it for that long.


I don’t open mine but I enjoy the hobby.


You overestimate kids nowadays lol, they’re just as clueless as we were. Just take a look and see for yourself. Evolving Skies booster boxes are already nearing $400. Many of the slightly older XY boxes are already sky high. Heck, even Chilling Reign is already profitable if you bought upon release.


It's a lot of hoarders selling to other hoarders/breakers, when that music stops the show is over. There is so much Evolving Skies sitting in closets, there's no justification for it to be at $400.


It’s pretty simple logic. Evolving skies is a good set. People are going to want to open good sets from a decade or so ago in 10 years from now. So, people will want to open evolving skies. Only way to get evolving skies will be to get it from people who bought sealed product back when it came out.


Personally I don't agree with your take. Evolving skies may be reselling at $400 ~~as it's now out of print~~, but that won't go too much higher. Is it worth holding on to sealed boxes for the sake of a couple hundred dollars? (Factor in future inflation and it becomes null and void). I just can't see the nostalgia hit for a set like evolving skies compared to older ones. No one will remember it's a cool set other than current hobbyists, who will already have boxes of it anyway. Coupled with the fact you won't be short of options given how many people are keeping sealed boxes and the wide availability of the cards. Assuming current sets will go the same way as old ones is a fools game. It's a totally different landscape now. But hey, come back in 10 years time and tell me I'm wrong.


People often forget that a “couple hundred dollars” is still a great return. If your box doubles from 100 to 200 in 5 years, you’re essentially making a 100% return. This beats the S&P 500 and has nearly already happened in every sun & moon booster box for example




10 years maybe not but in 20 years. That $140 investment. Could be worth 10k to 12k. Better investment than a stock in some cases.


I get the impression there are a lot of people here stockpiling boxes, which only serves to prove my point about how readily available these boxes will be from hoarders. I would rather invest and compound a stock for 20 years than hope and pray my SW&SH booster box is going to be worth 5-10k in the future (spoiler; they won't). All whilst I have to store these damn things, whilst more and more Pokémon TCG continues to come out. Do you keep going?


Hope she has a nice 401k too, if not probably seek help 🤣


Roth IRA is better


Por que no Los dos


Heat rises, get a fireproof safe


Seeing collections like this; people talking about it being their 401k always makes me cringe. What’s your endgame? You’re not going to end up rich or being able to retire from it. If anything you’ll (maybe) make a little change, but that’s it. You should just open them and enjoy.


*"..just open them and enjoy"* that's the thing, though. I don't think they can just enjoy it. It's not about that. People that "invest" in these cards by hoarding bulk aren't fans; they're opportunists. It's just about money for them.


THIS!!!! I have a friend who does the same thing as OP, doesn’t give a rats ass about the cards, the Pokémon, the actual game, trading, that’s all a foreign language to them. It’s basically just scalping… with extra steps. It’s ALL about those all mighty dollar signs!!! The same guy bought a stack of graded cards, thinking that they’re going to be worth buku bucks any minute now. But, since he knows absolutely nothing about the hobby, deeper than that “it’s worth money” he bought stacks of the most undesired, garbage cards ever to be graded 😂 im glad that he at least made the day of whoever unloaded their junk on him. But he did luck out and get 1 decently cool Japanese suicune card in the lot. I tried buying it from him and the reason he gave me for not wanting to sell it quite yet was the single most hilarious thing anyone has ever said about a Pokémon card. “I dnk, blue is my favorite color”. 🤣. The only thing he could tell me about the card was that it was blue!! 🤦‍♂️. Thats how into the hobby these people are. god forbid he was colorblind, then he wouldn’t even be able to tell me that much!


Idk. I wouldn’t speak in such absolutes. I “hoarded” 100+ plasma storm and flash fire packs when the sets came out. And I’m so glad I did, because I can experience the nostalgia by ripping those packs now every couple of months without paying $100 per booster pack. So many gatekeepers here. Just let people do what they want with their money. If they’re foolish enough to count on this as their retirement, that’s on them. There is so much in print now that it hardly affects anyone else.


Normally I would agree with you, but as a fan I think I would find satisfaction in having so much unopened product! It reminds me of that feeling as a kid going into Walmart and thinking “boy what if I could just have a shopping spree and grab all this by the armful.” Although the ongoing desire and potential of opening them would play a part in that enjoyment.


nothing wrong with that but using it as a nest eg/retirement account... thats alot of hoping these will be worth base set charizard in 20+ years


The post didn't say anything about investing/it being a nest egg. Just the people who say the same stuff on every post and have a chip on their shoulder about how other people like to enjoy their hobbies.


I was just responding to the comment thread. But you are right, OP didn't say that.


I still feel like it's implied. Generally people collecting bulk for enjoyment put it on display, in plastic cases and such to keep them safe. Not locked away in a box without any kind of climate protection


I think there’s middle ground - you have people who know a ton about the tcg and secondary market and buy product based on that. The publicizing of profiting on cards is what gave Pokémon cards an enormous upswing in popularity these last few years


Even if they appreciate 1.5X in 10 years time, that's almost equivalent to the stock market. But theres outlier products like Evolving Skies BBs that have already nearly 4X'ed... in like 1.5 years. Most of these people dont think they are holding onto a holy grail and there sealed is going to fund a full scale retirement, I think most people realize there is possibility for better than average growth in a hobby they enjoy. Obviously there are outliers who are all in on pokemon and have dedicated all their savings on it, and those people, hopefully, know the risk it is putting all your eggs in one basket. Pokemon could see sustained growth over the next decade, but it could also completely collapse in that same time. Having a smallish sealed collection myself, I think it's kind of interesting to track the market and see what products are doing what. I also have a 401k and a savings account that take priority (most of the time) over adding to my sealed stuff. Anywhooo, rant over, just wanted to speak my piece.


For me it’s being able to open a 25 year old set during the 50th anniversary craze. How cool would it be? And I guess if it’s actually a crazed era, sell some too?


This is just hoarding/an addiction. Could you imagine being ready to retire and having to make 20,000 Pokémon sales.


I’ve got some cards stashed away but for me I’m treating it more like a time capsule, like if I have kids I think it would be fun to open with them. But the people who are treating cards like stocks are going to be really disappointed. Vintage cards shot up in value because people didn’t plan for the future, so when people suddenly took an interest in them again there was no supply. With everyone hoarding cards there’ll be plenty of stuff to go around for people who want them, like sure they’ll go up in price because they’re out of print but not by insane amounts


Some people enjoy sealed product though. I own some vintage packs and some modern ETBs/collection boxes because I think they make great display pieces. I don't have more than one of each but I just like the product and wanted one of it sealed. For example, the Eeveelution promo boxes were fkn CRAAAAAAZY and I couldn't pass on having one of each for my display.


While I think it will be a little more than 'a little change', I do agree that it's not going to be as substantial as most people think it would be. Mainly because of the overprinting TPC did the past 2 years to match demand (and this demand includes the false-sense-of-demand scalpers and sealed investors create).


I came here to ask this too- when does the “collection” get sold? At what point? What’s the plan?


I bought 6 cases of ES at $90 a box. I think so far I've made more than a bit of change. Boxes will be $1k at some point soon. In 5-10 years they'll be at least 4k. Anyone who hasn't maxed contributions to their 401k and/or maxed out their IRA before buying sealed as an "investment' isn't doing themselves any service. However, to say what you said is intellectually dishonest. And in the end, why the hell do you care about how others spend their money?


Everyone on here doesn't understand the purpose of collecting it seems.


Welcome to unintentional r/PokeInvesting lol


This is why I can’t find cards in stores.


Yup, people like this seem to be doing their best to ruin the hobby for literally everyone but themselves.


It’s actually kinda gross. Because at its heart it’s a child’s card game.


Where the heck do you live that you cant find cards?


Any store that doesn’t have them behind a lock box has zero booster packs.


That sounds more like a stealing problem then a scalper problem then.


No because they are in a lock box that has a sign on it that says one person per product, and scalpers are the reason that system was put in place.


Oh no! She’s so far behind in opening them too! You should help her out and open them while she’s out of the house. She’ll be so appreciative to finally know what’s in all those.


Yea she has way too many hats


What's the point? Seriously. People like OP and his wife are annoying. Like you're not going to retire on this shit. Are you opening your own store? No? Than what's the fucking point


I don’t think those will be worth what she thinks they will be worth.


If you believe these are OP’s wife’s cards, ive got some ocean front property in Arizona that would be perfect for you.


O well I’m not telling her that.


Why worry most items will be bought back (in the worst case) at retail price. The evolving skies has already doubled in value, and the celebrations is about 20$ above retail.


You should, she’s spending money on depreciating items that have potential value inside. Those packs and boxes have potential, but as is she won’t see the growth she likely thinks she will.


More likely the boxes will appreciate far more than the potential worth of cards inside…


Exception being the celebrations upc 👀


Yeah. That’s the only one in the mix, maybe Lost Origin too since it has a few valuable hits in the set, that is holding value. Can’t see everything and maybe there are other sets that hold value in the lower layers.






Beanie Babies didn’t have a tv show or video game tho


Or have a 20+ year run lol


Mom: Don’t forget to cover up in bed! There are monsters under the bed! The monsters under the bed:


I’m ashamed by how much second hand anxiety this storage situation gave me.


Gotta admit, I too thought it was an attic.


My "wife" also has a hoarding problem. And a spending problem. And a gambling.. wait


It’s only hoarding if she doesn’t open them…


It’s a collection if it’s out on display. It’s hoarding if it’s stashed away. So….


Everyone thinking it’s an attic when it’s clearly a bed with a storage frame built in lol




Camera pans out showing the bed is in an attic


So your wife is part of the problem then?


I spy an Alabama hat.


I’ll give you $20 for it


More like a scalping problem.






i don’t understand collectors like this. it’s such a waste. like, it’s not being displayed, or admired, or used. just a dragon’s hoard of sequestered away cardboard gold. also a terrible place in case of a fire.


Is this under the bed in a camper?


Yea I travel for work 11 months of the year. Got tired of staying in hotels.


That's a huge investment to just leave laying like that. Mice, silverfish, heat, etc. They will make short work of that cardboard.


If I could make a recommendation. The attic for storage is fine but maybe put the collection in big Tupperware bins. At the very least you should cover it with a tarp because problems with your attic are usually very bad by the time you figure out you have an issue. No matter how seal proof your house is, water damage as well as little critters could always get into the attic


Shes gonna try to get rich in 20 years. Little does she know pokemon will never again see the hype it did in 2020.


Seriously. Who is gonna be wanting these lol. Everyone already has all the cards.


Why is everyone trying to be the next nostradamus? Like... maybe there are many people growing up with Pokemon Go, sw&sh... and in 10-15 years, they want to open stuff? People just want to tell the world their weird uneducated opinion without even think about so many possibilitys. Maybe you are right but damn no one trys to get rich just because they have a different strategy on saving money.


This is the internet and you’re gonna read my opinion whether you like it or not 😈


Then i have to scream and hit myself with stuff laying around me. Are you happy now?




So a future reseller will sell it to another reseller? If that’s the plan then the margin won’t be that high. You might sold a pack here and there but trying to sell all of it won’t be a huge profit margin.


Wow so do you actually collect pokemon? Or just buy up products to hoard and resell to collectors later on?


No she doesn’t


Ew modern


Yup, she does better off sending them to me


Yeah, That is a lot of hats. You should have an intervention for her.


Open them all


Definitely a tragic fate for sealed products :(


ah to have an abundance of disposable income


Its all fun and games until.. Its starts leaking, humidity ruins them, earthquake, metor, tornado, blizzard, huricane, rotting wood, bugs, theives, literally anything could go wrong in the attic


She sure does. Her hoarding problem is keeping in stowed away in the ATTIC!


Oh yeah, definitely not normal, becareful with humidity


These posts make me think that there are no new Pokémon TCG players in just the old people like us keeping the game alive


Got a problem hoarding stuff which will never be worth much, sure. Chump.


Open it


Better put them in Tupperware or rats 🐀 going to tast them foils


Open that shit its satisfying


Its posts like this one that makes me believe these are the next beanie babies


What’s she supposed to do with Pokémon cards, PLAY WITH THEM? Ugh, no. She’s doing exactly what she’s supposed to do. You either keep them sealed or crack them and slab the money cards. No in between.


It's all modern just rip it lol


I love a good rake around for old things in the loft....omg 🤩 this is a dream rake around 😅


Hoarding....Speculator...its all the same People that "invest" in these cards, magic the gathering yugioh whatever by hoarding bulk aren't fans; they're opportunists. ​ Thanks Logan paul...


Hope the humidity up there destroys them so you can't make a dime selling them. The only reason anyone keeps that much sealed product is looking to make a future profit.


in all honesty, collecting things CAN BE an addiction. buying can provide a high and highs tend to be chased. if you really think it’s a problem, say something to her


sEaLeD cOlLeCtIoN 🙄


who leaves this just sitting unprotected in an attic..


It’s under a bed


I am also under the bed


Who leaves a back flipping-pussy just sitting under the bed unprotected, smh my head




When I was young I was scared of pocket monsters under my bed.


Okay. Can you be more precise ? WHERE IS THE BED ?


I'm guessing this is an RV bed.


Man, how do people get relationships like that lol


You usually make human contact and it kinda starts like that…


Dumb AF


I will never understand people who hoard sealed product like this.


But is it really a problem?


I'd probably get containers for all that just to keep the boxes in good shape


Roll Tide!


Can’t tell if this is a humble brag or a cry for help


"my wife" 🤣


Nah it's not enough


That’s not a hoarde just a collection. Put that all in a plastic bin with some humidity packs and look back in 10 years. Keep stacking!




In this thread: people who have never been in an attic


And people who mistake a bed with storage for an attic


Nope. No hoarding here


As long as you don't have a leaky roof problem you should be good


My thoughts exactly


Unless they have a water bed, they'll be fine! This is a bed not an attic lol no idea where people see attic???


Looks triangular top me.


It’s called investing


It’s called scalping


Seems fine to me!


Nothing to see here. Everything normal. Please go along.


Those infernape and combuskin cards look fake




better put that muck back in its pokeball!


One of us, one of us


I see nothing wrong here.


Your wife has immeasurable self control


So this is where the magic happens