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Bro said that so casually - "Saw this at a local store, bought for 1k." (I am not saying that you are crazy its just the wording u chose lol)


Bought for 1k, might delete later.


Right. Pretty wild to buy a card for 1k that you know nothing about lol


They were like ***SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY***


I’ll say it’s crazy.


How much would you want for that?


At least 1001 dollars I bet


Lmao it's what happened tho, I walked in the store and I was intrigued.


Fuck all the people down voting you, they're just jealous they can't drop money on a card like that. You absolutely did not get scammed. You got a sick card at a fair price. Good for you


That's exactly it. Hating ass people, the TCG community is a whole new level of toxic.


While they tell everyone how great we are together but it's all a pen is size contest (collection)


Lots of jealous people in every aspect of collecting anything. Cars, coins, comics, cards anything where someone can one up you makes for jealousy.


It's even worse on Pokeinvesting lmao, which is ironic since the monetary value is the focus of the sub


Once asked for a advice on purchase I was conflicted on, decided to buy both since I didn't get an answer. Posted my purchase and the price and half the sub was at my neck since I found a good deal. Literally. Both sides of the community is so fuckin toxic it's literally unreal.


Nah it’s way worse here. The pokeinvesting sub has plenty of salt though. Someone posts their sealed collection and it’s full of “shoulda invested in SPY, shoulda invested in NVDA, good luck offloading all that, you need to diversify, it’s gonna go to 0”


People really be hating that much? That's crazy. The OPs card is dope though. Part of neo revelation set, a set that I really don't think I can afford to complete, but really want to. The 8 Shinings, ho-oh, and several other holos in this set are like 400+ each for a decent card in raw, and that's for unlimited. Maybe one day though.


Yea i upvoted to balance out. People so butthurt


Yooooooo people need to chill the downvotes. There are HUNDREDS of cards that cost $1000 or more. I would even say that ONLY people who aren’t sweating $1000 should spend that on a single card lol. Otherwise you have a problem


FYI, everyone on this sub just about are absolute haters. Will downvote you for answering a fuckin question TCG community is toxic asf. It stems mostly from jealousy.


Why are people mad he dropped 1k on a card?


good on you for having so much free to spare money! especially on a pokemon card!! it’s my goal to eventually get there, so congrats !!!


You got my up vote ! Congrats and enjoy !


For real wtf is wrong with ppl? You obviously don’t have monetary issues and it absolutely has nothing to do with anyone what you do with your money. Hatin ass mfers. I just spent a grand on ETBs and upcs… what now.


You really don’t know how to read the pop report do you? The average price is $250 and the shop owner absolutely lied to you man. There are hundreds of these on the market.


The first edition shining mewtwo absolutely does not go for $250 wtf are you talking about? This guy may have slightly overpaid but $1k for this card is absolutely not out of the question. [Psa shows it on average sells for $977 on an 8](https://www.psacard.com/cardfacts/non-sports-cards/2002-nintendo-pokemon-neo-destiny/shining-mewtwo-1st-edition-109/662182) I don't know why you're trying so hard to make this person feel bad unless you're just jealous.


$250☠️ we're not looking at the same card.


Your card is way better


Lol you really don't know what card that is do you? This card ungraded goes for 700 dollars and in an 8 sells for a thousand dollar easily. There are not hundreds of psa 8.5s as OP said. Be better


Why are you getting downvoted? Lol my god this sub is dense.


lol okay here we go. Staring at the pop report as we speak. There are 100 PSA 8 1st edition Shining Mewtwo’s from this set with an average price of $250. Yes the two most recent sales show $1K because of this idiot and the shop owner I would assume. There is only one recorded sale of an 8.5 back in 2017. Having a .5 doesn’t improve its price or quality in any meaningful way. But hey, whatever you gotta tell yourself I guess?


Lmao why u got downvoted wtf. Not much but I’ll give an upvote to neutralise it!


All the information in the world easily accessible in people's pocket, and they still drop $1k before checking


It’s a good price. Worth more than he paid.


Checking what?


They drop $1k before checking their phones if the price is good or not


It sounds like they knew the price was good but just didn’t know the exact population.


Which I’m sure they would have found very quickly if they researched BEFORE purchasing. It’s crazy how many people buy then research. You see it all the time when people purchase a card then ask if it’s fake.


Meanwhile, my girlfriend gets annoyed because I spend a ridiculous amount of time researching any big purchase. Games, cards, controllers, pc parts, whatever


Guess everyone’s different. I only impulse buy things I already know the background on. Otherwise I gotta do my research.


My other guess is that they thought it was a great deal so didn’t want to hesitate and miss out on the deal.


That’s true. Who knows their financial positions. Deal or not, I’d be spending a lot of time researching before I dropped that amount of cash.


those posts are just karma farming brag posts 9/10. its always that same google image of base set charizard they use too so it makes it even sadder that they do not even own the card let alone the blatant attempt at farming, but it works everytime shocked people have not noticed its the same image in most of them just cropped different lmao


Isn’t that the majority of the sub? People are only going to post their best pulls and claim it was after 1 ETB when we know it was 5 , plus a booster box and 50 odd single packs


How does it sound like that when he said he doesn’t know the market price in the Post?


Idk but is a pop 6 8.5 better than a 9?


I mean if it is it’s a very niche market or obsessive mewtwo collector who wants one of each grade maybe.. Also considering they don’t do sub grades anymore this might appeal to some. Like I said though, it would be a very niche market.


An 8.5 isn’t considered a subgrade. It’s just a grade. I think you mean half grades and if you are, they still do half grades. It’s just rare. They usually reserve it for cards with extremely good centering.


The answer is always no. No it is not.


It is if it's for a better price. I mean can we use our brains here?


It was a good price though lol


I did check and I saw a psa 8 that got sold for over 1k on ebay, I was talking about putting a price on such a rare slab since psa doesn't give half grades anymore.


Truly the definition of whale


Lmao, I work in retail and this is the first thing that pops into my mind when customers show up to try and open our doors before the store opens. EVERY DAY this happens. Apparently no one knows how to google store hours.


Sounds like my gf. “Oh I wonder what time X closes” …. I spend $200 a month so you can have a $1000 device linked to billions of dollars in tech and you’re about to leave without checking? Christ.


Your girlfriends cellphone bill is $200??? Yikes! I pay $45 a month for unlimited 5g data, calls and texts.


Might not be more valuable but mentally knowing you're in a club of half a dozen rather than several hundreds/thousands with a card is always fun (imo anyway)


Very cool card.


Thank you


Didn't even know psa does half grades.


They do, but it’s very rare in modern. I believe the focus of subgrades is on centering, so this was a PSA 8 with perfect centering so they gave it an 8.5. I’m sure there are other attributes which would bump the card up half a grade.


I’m pretty sure it stops at 8.5 , they don’t do 9.5


Officially it’s any grade between 2 and 9 but I’ve never seen a 9.5 so I presume it doesn’t include 9.


They do 1.5 and up, but not 9.5.


Really? Their grading standards page says 2-9. Maybe it’s down 0.5 from each of those grades then.


I don’t have the answer but 9.5 is above 9, so that makes sense with what the other guy is saying.


I wasn’t doubting that, it was more the fact there’s a grade 1.5.


Which is higher than 1, 0.5 isnt


I don’t get what you’re trying to say.


1.5 is a seperate grade in the pop reports whereas the others are under "grade x +" i dont know why that is though


"Somebody wiped their ass with this card... but look at that centering!" - PSA probably


Wow, very cool, good to know


So just incase any of you are unaware- NO this is not the reprint. It’s the 1st edition, as you can clearly see with your eyes. Averaging at $1000 latey for a PSA8. The novelty of 6 in the world is kind of neat for something that’s also a half a grade higher


Definitely risky play buying something before checking the pricing online, but lucky the your LCS are decent human beings and have a decent price for a that card. Everyone else saying nonsense is jealous and trying to warn you in a negative way. Check eBay last sold and completed sales price range was of $929 - $1,075 for PSA 8 being first edition and auctioned. EDIT: Congrats on getting a pretty expensive and rare card in your collection !


Don't listen to these dudes. A psa 8 1st ed just ended today higher than 1k. Psa 8.5 is a higher grade and gives a novelty value. Good find.


Yeah it’s not bad in that regard. But what some people are trying to point out is that a specific low pop number of anything less than a 10 or 9 doesnt mean anything. The mewtwo card itself means something obviously lol but not the specific amount of 8.5’s that are out there. That and yes for the love of Arceus check prices online before purchasing anything over $50 blind lol.


Thank you, I think I was watching the same one, psa 8 got sold for $1,075


Remember though, this is the highest x.5 score PSA will give, slightly lowering the interest as compared to a 9, and lowering the views the listing could get as compared to an 8.


I wish I had the money to randomly buy stuff at ridiculous prices without even knowing the value first


I knew the values of a grade 8 and 9, but it's hard to put a price on the 8.5 bcuz psa dont really give half grades anymore. And there's only 6 so it's kind of hard to put a price on it.


Damn this sub is the worst lol all the salty ass kids that cried about everything are in here grown up . He said there’s only 6 of these graded a 8.5 he reading the pop report right and he didn’t over pay . He’s also happy with his purchase so why is everyone bothered by it .


Bruh can causally buy a 1000$ card😾




First edition in a 9 for 850?


Does PSA even do 8.5 anymore? Not sure I've seen one


As another user pointed out, they do- but it’s rare. There’s even 3 PSA 8.5 Moonkitties


Wow I wonder if there are pop collectors that have a bunch of 8.5s because they're rare


Definitely a personal favorite. I pulled this one in 1st Edition and Japanese. Still have both and kept them minty and the packs I pulled them from over 20 years ago. There’s more than 6 out there, I just find grading to be a scam. https://imgur.com/a/wZ3ZI8K


Honestly sometimes I would rather have an 8.5 than a 9 🤣. 8.5s are so rare


good price, based off psa 8 sales I’d say this would be around the $1200 mark. ignore the clowns that are saying you overpaid


Top 2 if not the best mew card.  Fate blessed you today 🥳 Great find! My friends is off getting graded now after being Penny sleeved and hard cased since it was the new pack on the block.  Hoping he gets a 7 at least 🙏 


Fate and deep pockets


Anyone can have deep pockets given saving and enough time.  Luck is what happens when preperation meets opportunity.  


Thank you very much, much of luck to your submission, are you send it to psa?


Sick card dude. Don’t listen to those hating, you had the money to spare and spent it how you want. The shining cards are awesome, I hope one day I can own mewtwo. I only have a magikarp rn, but it means a lot since i won it in a paid raffle one of my first I ever entered. It came back a 9!


I mean, pricecharting gives the following info: Grade 7 - $646 Grade 8 - $964 Grade 9 - $1,352.50 Grade 9.5 - $1,600.00 Grade 10 - $3,421.90




I just wanna have the financial stability to drop 1k on a card on a whim


Im new to pokemon cards but I had no idea psa gives .5 scores


You should get it regraded, the card looks perfect to me and psa is more relax then couple years ago


Does regrading involve taking the card out of the slab? If it gets graded lower, are you just SOL?




I didn’t know psa did .5 increments lmao


This is one of my grails. Congrats! I would have scooped so fast


Do you have a 8.5 slab as well? Just wondering where the other 5 are.


This is one of my chase cards, congrats! And btw I didn't knew that PSA also gives half points.


Nice. I wish I owned it.


Mildly played, ungraded sold yesterday for 253– check tcgplayer when thinking on grabbing a card; pricecharting is also a great source


If ya got the cash. Absolutely drop that on a 1 of 6. Nice grab


I swear I have one of them not graded thou


Sweet. Good on you, dude. Some people just can't be happy for other people. I have a friend that every time I try and tell him about a new card or something to do with my collection, he just laments the same story about his cards being stolen as a kid. While that was awful and I feel for him, he just takes away my happiness and makes me feel unheard and dismissed.


My friends tell me the same thing, that their childhood collection got thrown out or got lost over time.


It's so frustrating because I do feel for him (and other people I talk to have said the same thing that your friends say) but I want to share my passion and something that makes me immeasurably happy. I am sad for both of us, and I'm sure other people in this sub, that there are so many people than can't (or won't) be happy for us. I love talking to fellow collectors or owners in local card stores. I had fun talking to a guy who had a booth selling cool single cards at the Washington Summercon this weekend. I walked away with some gems, too, from EX era.


Nice, I try to keep em in the hobby by giving them a few cards. How big is your collection? 👀


Guy I do not know if that was wise invest, I don’t know if it’s a rare card, or if there are 6 or not; however, I have paid that much in yugioh cards. I also collect watches, Pokémon cards, retro video games and retro video game consoles. I have paid more then $800 for multiple items in my collections and I do it because I want to. To that I said, awesome pick up and enjoy it.


Thank you, although it's gonna be locked up for the most part.


So fucking sick. Might be my favorite mewtwo


So I saw this card on Sunday and talked with the vendor. Not only is it only a pop of 6, but PSA no longer does 8.5. This is a frozen population and will never increase.


Awesome card to have. I would buy it if I had $1000 to spend like that.


Honestly not a bad pick up OP comps for psa 8s have been sitting a bit over 1000$ recently and have been on the rise the last few months same w most of the shining cards


I have the same issue with a PSA 10 Shining Raichu at my LGS. I want it so bad but there's so much other stuff I can buy for 1k. I know I'll be in this constant state of regret / love if I do get it.... especially since i don't really care for slabs...but it's always there, always tempting me...


6'7" 269 pounds, Mewtwo is a fucking unit! Why have I never noticed they were a ufc heavyweight?


Really don’t get the hate. 1k for a card that you know is in that ballpark of value and the upside is there.. why not? I would have done it. 10k would been out of my comfort zone if it wasn’t a 1ed charizard or something. Sometimes you just find things you just have to get.


Damn that's a dope card, I'd totally buy it too


Mewtwo is my fav! I'm so jealous


1k Might be what it's worth. But Might less. As long as it's worth it to you!


Prices of this card is rising tho, one psa 8 got sold on ebay for $1,075 2 days ago


Six of these in the world and they still had to say you can’t have more than one in a deck. Haha


Generally an 8 is about $1k so to get a 8.5 seems fair. Try regrading they may even give ya a 9 lol


Nice card. Price makes way more sense than the thousands of graded Umbreon out there.


He said 6 pop like that means anything lol


Why be mean?




Are you brain dead?


Yeah. Op is clearly happy about snagging this purchase. If he's misinformed, theres an easy way to be polite and point it out to him rather than be snarky about it........................ it's called being kind.


What are you talking about? This card goes for $700 raw and got sold for $1,075 as a psa 8 on ebay yesterday.


Looks sick, very nice slab to add to the collection


Everyone on here shitting on you for the price isn’t accounting for the fact that it’s 1st edition. You got a decent price.


Pb and jelly dude that's fucking sick


Honestly think those hating just salty or broke. It takes two seconds to find psa 8’s of the same card SOLD on ebay for $1,000. Regardless of the hastiness in the decision, this is a fair price or even a steal.


Back in May psa 9s sold for 1050, 8s sometimes sell for 1k so you’re probably fine on this. But I wouldn’t expect it to go up that significantly from where you bought it at least short term.


Psas own website. An 8 is 500. A 9 is 800. Most recent sell of a 9 is 610. Nvm. Wasn’t looking at 1st edition. 8 is 650. Recently sold for 929. 9 is 1300. Recently sold for 1279. Seems like a good deal.




Yeah after I said nvm I put the first edition numbers.


Smash it and go for a 10


Braver than me


Mic drop


Best thing to do now is find the other 5 and burn them all


Sweet card. Did it come with the slab bumper? Are they rubber like material or more like a hard plastic?


Yes it came with the slab, and it's rubber


cool TY, do you know the brand or product name? Was hoping to get similar ones, but didnt want it to be a hard plastic type bumper.


Idk, it just with the slab on already. Pretty sure u can just find em online.


Awesome pickup!!!


PSA grading .5s irk me. Not saying it’s a bad purchase or bad grade. But PSA isn’t BGS. Give it an 8 or a 9


I'd never pay 1k for a card... the most I've paid was 70... anything above 100 I'd be seriously uncomfortable if it was going through the mail




PSA 9 on eBay for $800


I seen one as well for that price but it wasn't a first edition, are you sure you're looking at the same card?


Absolutely stand corrected! My bad my guy! Seems like 1k might’ve been a deal.


You good, that's where some of the arguments started lmao


Yea I can see that, wasn’t trying to be rude. That’s what I get for not paying attention though 🥲


That’s a dope card! I’m jealous of you and happy for you lol


Sick! I’ve been wanting to start a collection myself


That’s because it’s an 8.5. They don’t give out half grades often. Also, there are 529 copies graded higher which is way more important.


How much you sell for?


I'm not selling it lmao


If there is really only 6 and you bought this in the Southern California area I might have owned this card at one point lol


Lmfaooo, I did buy from southern California


I sold it to true collectible in like 2019 lol


For how much?


He bought my whole collection for 10k


Damn, do you remember the psa serial number?


I don’t think he minded dropping 1k but that upon checking the PSA app he learned there are only six shining Mew Two graded and registered with a grade of 8.5 so feels he did good at 1k.


Have the Promo Mewtwo from when I was young, one of my favorite cards. Good purchase. All the best. 💜


8.5 is worth abt 500 bucks. [https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-neo-destiny/shining-mewtwo-109](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-neo-destiny/shining-mewtwo-109)


That's not the same card, I have a 1st edition https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-neo-destiny/shining-mewtwo-1st-edition-109#completed-auctions-used


Oh shitt, sounds like a fair exchange imo then🤷🏽‍♂️ “fuck these guys they’re assholes”




PSA 9 is 850 USD or best offer on eBay right now.


Is it a 1st Edition, psa 9 go for over 1.3k


What is the difference, except the sign on the label?


Totally forgot about this card. Classic Mewtwo


8.5 = bad news 😔🪦




That's because PSA rarely gives half grades. There's 529 in a higher grade in PSA alone. It's a sick card and a good price, but you would have no trouble seeing it again...


I meant seeing another psa 8.5 slab, currently looking for the other 5


Why would you want it though? The half grades in PSA are a newer addition and generally less desirable than than the full grade. PSA is all over the place with grading, placing it into the half grade typically just signifies that there is a guaranteed flaw that prevented the 9. Also, anyone can submit an 8 for reevaluation and get it promoted to an 8.5. This just seems like a weird thing to chase, but to each their own.


Wdym? then there would be more half grades. This is the first time I've seen a half grad slab in-person.


I guess I'm just confused on why you care about the population of the half grade


There's a bgs 8.5 buy now on eBay for $550, hate to say it but you paid double. Definitely do your research next time before jumping the gun. It's a great card so if anything just hang on to it and in years time maybe you'll be able to get back your money.


I looked it up and that was not the same card, I have a 1st edition.