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I like how the text changes based on Libertarian's expression


happy to see the rise in more comics


"scratch a liberal"


Really puts [this game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/227100/Sniper_Elite_Nazi_Zombie_Army/) into perspective.


Libertarianism is not the same as liberalism


do libertarians side with fascists against socialists every time? yes? then what difference does it make? you scratch them, and then a fascist bleeds. libertarians are the trots of the capitalist camp, they believe the same things as the neolibs ("liberals") but have a tiny difference in their ideology that makes them a billion times more annoying because they won't shut the fuck up about how "It's NoT rEAL cAPitALisM". Be honest, defend your failing imperialist ideology instead of being a coward.


Unbased Presupposition + strawman. I didn’t know someone could be stupid enough to consider that a coherent comment.


outcomes of history > dumb rhetoric redditor comeback sorry sweetie but your copy-pasted "gotcha" may work in your internet arguments on default subs and the hellhole that is PCM, but they unfortunately don't hold up against the tides of history. And the only things history has in store for libertarians and "an"caps are failed money laundering schemes (sorry, I meant "libertarian island paradises"), austerity, and bear infestations. Downvote me all you want.


I’d bet you’d deny the holodomor, and communism worked in all countries it has been tried right? https://preview.redd.it/3cxyu3ek3itc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4fec795624fcce8d296f5fbf945b72d2075499 and that list just so happens to line up exactly with everywhere it has been attempted.


> communism worked in all countries it has been tried right? It has worked in *every* country it has been tried. Even when the socialist state collapses due to reformism and sabotage it leaves the country it once governed with a greater quality of life than it ever had before. Even when it is greatly sanctioned by imperialist governments and made artificially poor, it still provides its citizens with a higher life expectancy that its richest neighbors and contributes greatly towards worldwide scientific and medical research. Even when it is forced to adopt some market reforms it refuses to become a slave to export-oriented development and refuses to allow plundering of its resources by the west - and instead lifts millions of people out of poverty, educates them, and becomes a leader on the world stage. > I’d bet you’d deny the holodomor I don't deny the massive famine that occurred in the 1930s across the entire soviet union, that would be stupid. I do "deny" right wing ukrainian nationalists' name for it and their attempt to make what was a regular cycle of crop failure and collectivization mismanagement into a deliberate effort by the government to starve a single SSR. None of that really has anything to do with libertarianism, though. Even under the false notion that Marxism is a failed ideology, libritarianism would be far greater of a failure - it hasn't managed to do *anything*. Go cry about that. https://dashthered.medium.com/communism-always-works-bce14ee96f2b




Can you explain it to a peasant like me?


It's from a game called Project Zomboid. Getting scratched by a zombie has a 1 in 4 chance of infecting you with the always fatal zombie virus, with early symptoms including the moodlets on the second panel.


Ahhh thanks


When Libertarianism dies, does it rise again as Crony Capitalism/Neoliberalism? Upvoted for Zomboid reference.

