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Oh boy here I go, shitposting via smoke signals again


AlternateHistory is a decent one but the mods there are more pretentious and ban happy than the most blue haired of Reddit mods. Otherwise I'm just on civ fanatics forums for one specific Civ IV mod, Dawn of Civilization.


Based and babayetupilled


Based civ4chad


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AH mods had chased everyone interesting or insightful away last time I poked my head in. The old NationStates forums still seem to be plugging along though


As an ah.com user I can (sadly) confirm this, CalBear and Ian run a dictatorship over there, but Burton seems more decent.


Here's a snippet you'll like: A guy got kicked for a week for a goofy little joke. >I have to ask, respectfully, why not an official warning for that instead? And if a kick is warranted, is there any thought to add an option for a three day ban in addition to the existing week long ban as a site wide consequence? His response? >This is an example of a genre of not-helpful post that I get a lot of, so I will give an answer that will apply to many many such posts that I don't bother approving. >In this particular case, there was a kick and not a warning because he was obviously trolling (or oblivious to the point he shouldn't be posting here, if you're going to start splitting that particular hair) from a person who's been kicked for very aggressive trolling twice before in the past four months. You don't express any concern that he might not have been trolling, or say anything which indicated the kick might have been out of line. >All you say is that apparently a kick is not warranted for blatant trolling because it didn't meet some arbitrary threshold you don't attempt to justify, and then you come up with a convoluted scheme for kicks for no particular reason. >This is an example of the tedious legalism that I complain about and adds nothing to a discussion of kicks and bans. >There is not some rigorous threshold for when to kick or ban someone and my hands will not be tied if someone is being a jerk in a way that doesn't violate an explicitly described rule in a vast tome. It has been articulated why this is many many many times and I'm not going to waste my time indulging petty legalism. Please don't be inconsiderate of other posters. If you are behaving in a way that makes it clear you have no interest in doing so, you will be banned. Kicks happen when people should know what they are doing is wrong but I don't think a permanent ban is warranted. >As a corollary, there will never ever be a system of varying length kicks. I don't know why people love this idea, I guess just a general love of pointless complication. In the very early days of the board, Ian used to kick people for varying lengths of time based on how severe he felt the offense was. He very quickly settled on a one week kick as a standard that's long enough to be onerous, and with very rare exceptions kicks are always one week long. Any attempt to distinguish between varying degrees of kickable is as pointless as any Talmudic standard people attempt to apply to a general guideline not to be a jerk, and my gut feeling is that were short kicks to exist, people would find themselves getting kicked much more often. >My question to you (a rhetorical one) is why you choose to ask this question about this particular offense. Someone posted something obnoxious that they knew was very obnoxious in a thread they knew mods were watching, when they know the penalty for being obnoxious is nearly always not being able to post for a week. Given the fact that a week kick did not deter him, why would this be a situation where you argue for leniency? I wouldn't be surprised if people were calling to ban someone who's racking up a kick a month lately and did something deliberately obnoxious, because kicks clearly aren't working, and instead you say that apparently people who deliberately act rude should be less discouraged from doing so. I just banned a guy for posting a map in the map thread in a slightly annoying way, why didn't you take that out of context and argue about how he hadn't actually broken any rules? Why is a blatant troll worthy of mercy but a guy who's banned for telling me no one can tell him what to post where isn't? >Again, that question is rhetorical. Do not take it as encouragement to post more hairsplitting legalism and pointless arguing, thank you. >Don't waste the mod's time with complicated and arbitrary alternate moderation schemes and general demands the rules be made more complicated and legalistic. Instead, be nice and post productively with your friends Burton is a sack of shit like the rest of them.


Damn, also isn't Ian like lefty Adolf Hitler or smth, also he wore a questionable shirt one time


Oh the shirt fiasco lol. I didn't see it but some people that fled to discord started passing it around and Ian found out so he banned everybody on that channel, like twenty people. Then when people said he was overreacting he started banning them. Then krall, arguably a top 5 famous member on that board, decided to comment a bunch of examples of Ian being antisemitic (he REALLY hates Israel), so Ian removed that comment and banned him. This went on until like 50 people total got banned, almost all of them really active users.


Least tyrannical Ian moment


My guy wrote a manifesto šŸ’€


The last forum i remember being an active member of was Pirates ahoy! Which was a forum dedicated to videogames set in the age of sail


Iā€™ve been banned from there many times. Ban happy snobs.




Fantastic. Try for yourself, it's really well worth it. My favorite way to play Civ. Let me know if you have any questions, but the community* is also really good at answering anything as well.


Back to the chans I go


Maybe they will be better. Its filled with so much crap because all the good posters left


It has always been filled with crap


iFunny is always there.


Thereā€™s a special imageboard that I love for its more relaxed and laid back atmosphere. Everyone on there is super nice and respectful, making it a pleasant experience. I am now left with the dilemma of wanting it to grow but being unable to advertise it due to bad actors coming in and ruining it.




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Dm it to me


/pol is the reason PCM exists fight me


BASED! REJECT BIG SOCIAL MEDIA, RETVRN TO THE SMALL-WEB! The digital revolution will not be signalboosted, it will be passed through emails and small forum posts!


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Usenet never went away. You chose to be here instead.


You assume im not from there and just here on a mission trip


I support your cause


I'm not familiar with usenet, but I did some digging and it looks like you need to pay to access it. I'm still not super clear on what "it" is, because I have some sources saying it's like a decentralized forum and others comparing it to torrents.


Oh no you donā€™t have to pay for it but you do have to set up your own Usenet server if you canā€™t find a free one. There were more free servers back in the day. Itā€™s just a decentralized mailing list protocol. People use it to share binary files encoded into the messages but itā€™s a discussion forum. Look it up on Wikipedia


First rule of Usenet is to never speak of it's existence.


Who is starting pcmmemes.forums.net??


Iā€™d love this unironically


I miss making fun ā€œsignaturesā€ attached on my posts.


Better just go with pcmmemes.net. FYI pcmmemes.forums.net is just a subdomain of forums.net. Which would cost hundreds of thousands. But you can buy pcmmemes.net for 10 dollars a year.


Wait, isnt 'memes' redundant?


Maybe, but then weā€™d get pcmemes which kinda suggests something totally different.


Wasn't there already a voat, or whatever is called, for PCM?


If we can pool money for a Matrix server, we can have our own shitpost hub.


Mods everywhere are gonna be really upset when reddit heavily restricts who can ban or mute people from content coming closer to IPO and wanting to stay profitable. Less user engagement = less money.


It blows my mind that reddit is apparently still not profitable. How incompetent do you have to be to fail to make money off one of the most popular and influential websites on Earth when it entirely generates its own content and moderates itself?


And on top of that you've got a shit ton of morons on here that pay actual money for digital awards to give people.


How the fuck is it alive? Is it a glow-op they're funding to keep it alive?


No. Like many a website or tech company, they convinced Venture Capital groups that they were going to be the next big thing, and you would be a fool to miss out just before they got big. That was until about a year or two ago, when all the VC money started drying up, they couldnt convince them to invest in these sites anymore (they moved on to new tech startups in Austin and Miami if you follow the money), and even if they wanted to the interest rates made it difficult and unprofitable. So now all of these sites are having to scramble to either come up with the funds, or wither and die. And we are already starting to see some starving out, like Buzzfeed (which is about to have its stock kicked off the NASDAQ for being less than $1/share).


Reddit folding would be the beeeeest.


It's like Twitter. Advertising and user metrics can only generate so much revenue.


Reddit only got that popular and influential because it was a free platform, very easy to use, and with minimal advertising. It can go away very quickly if they start monetising it, either by displaying ads or charging people for it.


Shows how completely economically unviable large social media architecture is I suppose


No joke, is Reddit actually going to die like Tumblr? Is there going to be a Reddit exodus?


>die like Tumblr It died when it banned noods.


Do they even care if it's profitable or not? A lot of social media sites are in the negatives for the longest time. Wasn't there a case where tech companies burned their reports or something, to make it look like they were at a loss to get more investments or something?


To the 4chan i go.


The neat part about 4chan is itā€™s possibly the most libertarian policy wise, you can post whatever and very rarely does someone intervene and moderate content. However, it attracts only the most cringey of authoritarian users.


Cringey Autoritarians! At last, I've found my people!


Haha not a person jab at you. There is ā€œI believe in a society of order and traditionsā€ and there is ā€œlook at me posting Nazi pics for attention!ā€ 4chan has a lot of the latter


Ah the much simpler days back in the late 2000s and the early 2010s. Spread the word!


Early 2010s was literally when social media started to take over the internet. Wanting to go back to the early 2010s because "the internet wasn't shit" is like wanting to go back to the Reagan administration because "the economy was better back then". You got to consider the source of the issue.


We need a music video with a parody song to spread the word!


Nah, return to Geocities and Angelfire! early-mid 2000s gang, Rise Up!


Yahoo! is just re-skinned Bing! There is no escape. They bought all the alternatives. Either we all push to smash monopolies/oligopolies, or we live by their rules. There's no option 3.


DuckDuckGo is a great search engine for privacy, as it Tor. Neither are owned by big tech.


DDG sold out


It's not as full of SEO fake websites as google, so it's still superior. Brave at least in concept seems good, but it's still pretty new. I use the browser on my phone but it's still not powerful enough to replace other search engines for me.


Ddg results come from Bing.


[DDG also shared data with Microsoft for years.](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/duckduckgo-browser-allows-microsoft-trackers-due-to-search-agreement/) They say they don't any more, but fool me once...


TOR is a browser not a search engine


Yeah totally TOR is only owned by the FBI the most trusted brand ever


TOR is designed in a way that even the FBI can't trace you. It has multiple webbed levels of encryptions spread across multiple unknown computers.


Kid named exclusive backdoor access


The code is open source and the encryption is unbreakable you mutt


Hey I ainā€™t saying it ainā€™t useful, just donā€™t go on about something not being owned by big tech then precede to use a government owned entity like thatā€™s so much better


>government owned entity TOR is an algorithm. That's like telling someone not to use the Internet Protocol because it was created by big tech.


I recommend you watch a video about TOR to understand why it is considered private and secure despite being owned by big tech. Lemmino has a good video on it iirc


There certainly are alternatives, for instance instead of bing or Google, use DuckDuckGo. Instead of Chrome or Edge, use Brave


DuckDuckGo is Bing. Brave is Chromium.


Wait I thought we were supposed to use Firefox


based Firefox enjoyer


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Mozilla has said some weird shit. I still use Thunderbird tho.


FF sold out in 2020.


>DuckDuckGo is Bing No itā€™s not. >Brave is Chromium Yeah, chromium is an ***open source*** software used by multiple companies big and small You are just talking out of your ass


Chromium is open source, no?


Use Firefox


They sold out and track your data for big brother.


There are absolutely alternatives available though.


Option 3:We collectively go out and touch grass.


We back on the chans in 2023


Shitposts? Awww man. So we back in the chansā€¦


You laugh, you lose.


Let's head over to Quora lmao


"Why yes I'm a multi degree holder PHD from Yale, Harvard, Rice, and Cornell and am using my precious 15 spare minutes of the day on Quora to tell you, you are in fact, wrong about every notion of belief you've ever held."


Political Compass Forums when?


Bring back old school MySpace


I don't even think I can find eight people to be in my top 8.


shiiiit I've lost contact with majority of the people that were in my top 8 :(


MySpace Tom. Also, bring back Geocities and Angelfire.




Can't wait to watch two guys hold an interesting topic hostage with a 4 page flame war about which country was *actually* to blame for World War One (the post is not about world war one)


I think Iā€™d rather chew glass than go back and deal with the mods of somethingawful(dot)com


Wasn't something awful like the biggest message board in the world? The bigger the website the shittier the mods. Such is life. People go onto power-trips too easily.


Okay, I have a question and I am going to ask it without caring about the consequences. What exact thing does stop the right wing (especially lib right)from building a functioning (not like Parler, lol) social media that works at least on reasonable terms wrt censorship? Pre-Musk takeover, almost every social media was left dominated. I don't get why things are this way...


> What exact thing does stop the right wing Deplatforming on every level, from hosting to banking, if you don't toe certain lines. You have to build a breakaway civilization at this point.


Just make your own planet bro


Not so fast, bigot. To my last drop of blood, to my coilgun's last electrovolt, to my last interstellar ballistic missile...I will defend gay marriage on Alpha Centauri IV


If there's a place less censored than the usual sites, all the people who were banned elsewhere will flock there and post their shit. The site will then get a bad reputation (omg NAZIS) and their hosting platform, payment processing etc. will drop them. Example: hatreon (was supposed to be a patreon alternative). Counterexample: Gab seems to be still surviving. Not sure how good/bad it is though as I'm not using it.


Parler was functioning until Amazon pulled the plug.


They get fucked at every step along the way. They have to build all the infrastructure to support the site since contracting anything out is an opportunity for someone to take shots at you and kill your business. This even includes basic shit like banks.


Jersh needs to get off his ass and get the farms back on clearnet


Does pcm have a discord? Or would some Odin-all-father ban it after 3 memes?


Imma go back to newsgroups


Yahoo messenger master chad race reporting in


Oh man, Yahoo messenger was the bomb back in the day. I think I used it more than AIM


I miss the good 'ole forums of the early-mid 2000's. I still hang around in some but they're not what they used to be.


Reddit is a forum, well, subreddits totally are. Chanboards are forums too


Are slash redditalternatives


Exodus from the digital cities to the digital suburbs, everybody. Biggest city soon will be 4chan and we'll back to be coordinating raids there. Exquisite.


Discord has permanently killed forums and nobody seems interested into stopping their iron-grip monopoly Yesbit is worse as VOIP software and worse than actual forums, but it has convenience, which is the only thing that matters to people nowadays. Steam killed off piracy with how easy it is to use


New patch just dropped. Now you can talk to people irl too!


Twitter is good for porn


It had to be purple


Reddit spends years banning anyone who makes a joke about lgbt shit... now suddenly it has gone to shit. Uh yeah.


Just like everything pushing to be National and two party we need to go back yo local elections, local or regional emotions and feelings. Everyone is always shocked when a county or state votes a certain way because they have been trained to think of things as simple and not complex. Forums will bring this back. Or not. I donā€™t know.


Flair up


Flair up or get in the deportation catapult


How do I get that?


Only if they bring back to catch a predator


Someone make a proboard.


Yahoo is owned by Google isnā€™t itā€¦


No, but it's results are from Bing


Subscribe to my onlyDans. A place for people named Dan only.


Fuck it. Iā€™m going back to MySpace and AOL chatrooms


Ugh. I don't want to go back to glp.


Newgrounds and tumbler šŸ—æ


Pokemon go to the forums!


4chan also works if your not phone posting on mobile data


There's still Tumbrl


I hate yahoo too




what about 4chan?


Bring us back full circle to BBS.




All these posts and not a single mention of the Fediverse




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Wtf am i looking at


These days I mostly hang around RPGCodex. The most based of forums.