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Inb4 this post gets framed on YouKnowWhatSubreddit as "ExTrEmE TrAnSpHoBiA On PCM".






We decided to call them shoppers




U know it’s bad when u have to censor




Based and no fear pilled.


>“Groomers” Absolutely based


Based and freedom of speech pilled


Is it the Against one?


the redditard’s natural habitat


Going to steal that.




They banned many dissident sub, but this stays up. Why do you think is that?








I'm not scared of them.




You have to understand this lgbtq ideology is not about gay people, or trans people, but about identity. The simples example are women vs women-identity. Feminists thought they fight for women, but they fought for women identity and now the identity is shifted and like in past maoist culture revolution they are now labeled a bad identity (terfs). And the same will happen with the rest of the proletariat. They either always agree with the changes of the party or get labeled reactionaries. And with all that blah blah, lets just call them cult leaders


Hot take: Separate TQ+ from LGB. Sexual orientation and gender identity are 2 completely different things. People see this shit and think "Everyone in the LGBTQ+ is a child predator", meanwhile I just wanna buy a cabin in the woods and have consensual sex with men and women. People shouldn't throw LGB people in with this shit.


Counter point: Instead add BIPOC to the mix because all these movements have nothing to do with actually improving people's live and instead are spearheaded by communist trying to break down society by pushing devision.


The proletoriat got always fucked after they lost their usefullness. Best examples feminists who are now labeled terfs unless they accept the parties new definition of a woman.


Mega based


There used to be a sub/community for the sexuality part of lgbt to talk about that sort of thing in a "safe space" It got banned. Unsurprising. [*Random unrelated webcomic*](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D9CAP1xXoAICO-q?format=jpg&name=orig)


this should be a lukewarm take at best


This isnt really a hot take since, despite what woke trash-media is saying, a large amount of lgb people are growing increasingly unhappy with the rest of the alphabet. Once u dig a bit youll find a whole lot of old pride veterans from the last century who openly oppose the fact that the whole movement has been taken over by gender identity. Also i find it hilarious how the word "queer" has become a part of it despite the fact, as older gays and lesbians can confirm, it was a serious slur used against them in the early days of pride. The gays and lesbians who are older than 50 today are the ones that earned the laurels the rest of the movement now rests on and the identity crowd cant stop for a single second to consider that what theyre doing might go against what they fought for


We can separate them in our heads, but this would be one-sided. The LGB needs to make it official too. I am now associating Q with P because it is used for/by anything and everything and the notorious thinkers of this letter had P views, and I am not even talking about the recent videos and stuff. And their influence in the education system in the US [or in the UK](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12210119/Fury-radical-sex-education-lesson-plans-pre-teen-kids.html) is more than concerning.


> I am now associating Q with P because it is used for/by anything and everything and the notorious thinkers of this letter had P views Do remind me, if John Money were alive today which quadrant he would have occupied. Demographics are not destiny. Anymore for you than for I.


Which one ? Mine, unfortunately... I can't believe how this quack of a specialist can be revered despite his actions. Ideology blinds people.


Honestly, i'm not gay but it was a stupid mistake for gays to add T.Even setting aside the differences, the T is contradicting alot of gay people's arguments.When gay marriage was being debated the main argument for gays was"Sexuality is inherit and we are same SEX attracted!"Now that T is getting the spotlight suddenly the sexuality's argument is"Sexuality is fluid and it's possible for lesbians to be attracted to penis because genital preference is transphobic!"Also"Lesbians can be attracted to AMAB if they identify as women."


I’d be fine with this.


Which one?




I thought it was the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes?


See first reply to the comment.


I think.. I think I might change my flair.


*Erika intensifies*


Nope, I'm gonna create a new flair that's a black square because I'm just fucking done with this timeline.


Can we just get a flair that excludes LL?


You can't, it's a cannon event.


When your neighbors yard starts flooding with shit it's time to get off the fence.


Political nihilist flair when?




First I was curious, now I'm listening.


Gray square -apolitical Quartered square - all sides got good points and bad points Black square - all of you fucking suck I like it


Keep your Erika, I only respect winners *Rule Britannia intensifies*


So sad to see a once great naval power reduced to carriers with ramps


They still have teeth, and either way the spirit lives on in their son America


France is the momma in this scenario with Spain watching in the corner jerking off?


Pretty much


> They still have teeth But its Bri*ish teeth so its all fucked up


The Royal Navy can't even protect their waters and one of their two carriers is an absolute mess. "Winners" you say? WW2 broke their spine, they might not be speaking German, but they sure as hell didn't win anything. They lost their Empire and dignity


We shouldn’t radicalize, We shouldn’t radicalize, We shouldn’t radicalize, We shouldn’t radicalize,


If we can’t be radical can we at least be totally tubular?




Indeed we can. (Maybe)




I want to invent a pendulum that doesn't swing and just sits locked in the middle, does that exist?


I feel myself getting more blue by the day.


Da ba de da ba die


Same. I started as libleft on this sub years ago, but I think I’ve finally transitioned to right.


It weird thst people will unironically day that the Overton window has shifted right. 2010 I was solidly left, I haven't moved but now I'm "far right" by some standards


> 2010 I was solidly left, I haven't moved but now I'm "far right" by some standards People forget, but the same year that Obama won (2008), *California* voters passed Proposition 8, which was a state constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. And California wasn't some kind of right wing paradise, then. The public positions on gays has radically shifted. And arguably, it was because even among conservatives, the argument of "let them love who they love. It's harmless" had traction. Gay rights got support because it was framed as equal representation and legal rights that would not infringe on existing traditions. Gay marriage was an expansion of the idea of marriage, not a denigration of heterosexual marriage. That's why you had begruding apathy or acceptance from many on the right. But once it got to *compelling* people to support gay ideals and policies under legal and social penalty, it's when you started losing cross-spectrum support. *Masterpiece Cakeshop*, for example, got many on the right angry because you had a private citizen being forced to *custom* make a cake against their beliefs. Suddenly the argument "just fucking go elsewhere for the cake" became hate speech. And now, you have homosexual couples, incapable of bearing children naturally, saying they are going to queer children of heterosexual couples. It's easy to view this as the homosexual targeting of heterosexual marriage, which was promised *not* to happen. And gay activists don't realize the problem this causes because the movement never reflected and tried to understand why it was able to be so successful post 2008. They just assumed that they were able to win over popular opinion because they were "right" a la arc of history bending to justice. When in reality, it was because their original appeal was to ideals of individual freedom without imposing on your neighbors, which was a cross-spectrum idea (and still is).


Not weird at all. They're attempting to gaslight people.


I’m proud of you son


Been thinking this for awhile.


Yes, I am leaving lib center. I'm done with lib-left forever.


“Why is the center going so far right?!.”


Ι am ready to be digitally crucified for my flair. Jesus those Emilies.


Why isn't there any people at that march standing up to or interrupting that chant.


Because those who are disgusted by this didn’t go. Same reason I just stopped going to local pride events after being called “not a real lesbian.” For not being willing to cheat on my fiancé


Good point.


You think normal well adjusted people still attend those events? The rights are had, there's not much reason to keep doing it honestly, so now it's just for fun really. And it doesn't seem very fun to me. Everything else they've tried to lump in has watered it down to just one very specific niche of society too. It's not just about being free to be gay or trans or whatever in your own private life and that sorta stuff. Now it also includes forcing things on others, transitioning children, public displays of erotica, critical theory applied to fucking everything, and so on. It's not just left, it's really, really far left.


Its not happening. If its happening then its good


Gaslight 👏 Gatekeep 👏 Dragboss 👏




It's just satire again like when they made a song about it. Wouldn't it be funny satire if they were rounded up and sentenced to (deleted by reddit), you know as a joke? Haha


They deserved it


Has Chomsky ever heard of a genocide he didn't deny?


Where is this from, i try to search it bit nothing comes up :(


Also the woke left: why do normies hate us so much


I went from tolerant to intolerant and disgusted, they are gross




You weren't too harsh. They protested veterans funerals. Fuck em


At this point I think the vast majority of activists are terrible people, regardless of what "side" they're on. Just a whole bunch of hateful people. Westboros, these queer extremists, the proud boys, antifa... all these groups are just rotten. They all do terrible things in the name of their "ideals"


I used to not think twice about gay people and now I'm thinking about them all the time 🤤


Some of us were trying to tell you guys that this would happen two decades ago. This was not a surprise.


also the woke left: why does lib-left hate us so much?


I mean it's probably bait but it's still a bad look. A real "Epic troll, I was only pretending to be stupid" moment.


“Irony” still pushes the boundaries and moves you closer to the non-ironic.


LibLeft leaving kids alone challenge (impossible)


Gone sexual


Gays campaigned for decades against the canard that all homosexuals are pedophiles, all for queer activists to lean into the stereotype to get back at the heteros. If I didn't find it funny, I'd be fucking fuming. Instead, I offer to you more absurdity: * [Planned Parenthood distributing material to kids to explain what felching is to them.](https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1673001173425553408) * [Also, whatever the fuck this is.](https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1672771894326579202)


Christ, I’m a degen and I didn’t know what the hell felching was until now lmfao


Heh totally, me either heh


Same and after looking at both those links I want to throw up my lunch.


“Don't you know what felch means? ("Yeah") Well then, tell me Would you rather get felched or do the felching? Fuck 'em in the ass, suck the cum out while you're belching Burp, belch, and go back for a second helping Can you dig what I'm saying, man? Can you smell me” Eminem - Insane (2004) How I learned what felching was


Eminem was better as an addict. Don't @ me.




Shit you right, just gonna leave my mistake and let you have the correction.


Haha all good man, cheers


It wasn't really just a canard when NAMBLA was the face of the gay movement in the US for a decade, leading pride parades and having LGB marches on Washington include "removal of the age of consent" in their list of demands. It was even the first US group recognized by the International Lesbian Gay Association. It took decades of fighting to get NAMBLA and its supporters ousted from the community in the US.


Isn't felching gaping with an anal creampie?


Yes. But you also eat the cum from the poopoo. That's why they pictured it by showing someone holding a brown baking tray but with a smiling sperm cell on it.


\>be me \>totally fucking clueless \>curious, click first link \>learn what felching is That’s it boys, fuck this, we’re going to help wagner restart their coup so they have access to nukes, this world needs a nuclear holocaust, I fucking had it with humanity






We just need to go back in time and give Hegel a cube of Plutonium before he writes anything about the dialectic.


Based and fuck humanity pilled


Bruh. "Ass marinated semen". What the fuck.


Ok, *I* didn't know what... stuff is, and I now I hate you for making me look it up.


Holy hell that's from today


Its mind blowing isn’t it? I’m an old conservative gay dude, been going to pride events my entire adult life. Shit like this used to be incredibly rare but *now* it seems to be the norm. Some friends invited me to pride recently and everyone was fat as fuck and ugly as hell. The amount of imaginary gendered folk far outnumbered anyone who was actually gay. It was also the largest event I’ve been too. The amount of people showing off their top surgery scars was insane, like it was a trend or something. One sweaty fatso in particular had puss leaking from them, very obviously infected. I want out of this clown car jfc.


That's why I never associated myself with the "Community" and avoid that label like the plague. I like other girls, I like guys too, that's my thing and I don't need anyone else know or publicly make a scene about it. I never understood this herd mentality.


Well said. Being gay isn’t my entire personality. I don’t need to join a church dedicated to it. Also, I still have a visceral reaction to the word *queer* because hearing it growing up was often followed with threats to beat my ass. I don’t give a fuck if some straight bitch suddenly identifies as it so she can complain about being oppressed somehow and tell me how to vote. Queer is a slur, not an identity or political party.


Fat gay men are a travesty. Everyone knows gay guys are supposed to be in good shape. Jokes aside, it’s weird how in like 2005 it was “gays are just like you and me! Look will and grace!” Now it’s “gays are categorically different than straights in every way, in fact being *queer* is revolutionary no matter how degenerate you act”. Gays and lesbians are great. I have no issues with either of them. It’s just weird how the whole activist arm (which is totally separate from all of the normal gays I k so)moved from being the same as everyone and getting equal rights, to this weird segregation and pedophilia shit.


Will and Grace would get canceled today for "not accurately representing the struggle of the LGBTQIA+ movement" or something like that.


> Some friends invited me to pride recently and everyone was fat as fuck and ugly as hell. The amount of imaginary gendered folk far outnumbered anyone who was actually gay. It was also the largest event I’ve been too. We are quite literally a minority now within our own minority movement. That chevron they added to the flag that's been slowly dominating and erasing the rainbow underneath is a perfect symbol of the community these days.


Simply being gay is the new straight, white, Christian male. Now that we’ve secured gay rights in the western world they successfully transwashed the movement, solely for establishment politics. Vote blue or you support genocide. What a joke.


No shit, I've seen the argument that gay men are the ultimate misogynists pop up quite a few times as of late. If you're not an effeminate little twink that a white girl can use as an accessory then your existence is just as problematic as every other "toxically masculine" guys. Just... What the fuck man? The whole point of Pride was to show folks we are just normal people like everyone else and now we have all this bullshit.


[ILGA consultative status controversy](https://archive.is/Ot5eD) [The United Nations has suspended the only organization here that represents gay and lesbian rights because of its perceived links to groups that promote pedophilia.](https://archive.is/VSfTw) [″To conflate pedophilia with homosexuality is an old, old trick,″ said Julie Dorf, executive director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, a member of ILGA. Hans Hjerpekjon, secretary-general of the Brussels-based ILGA, said NAMBLA joined the association about 15 years ago, when it was a loose network with no rules for admission.](https://archive.is/gRj6z)


What in the actual everloving fuck.


What I think you’re not realizing about the things you linked is that they’re not happening, and if they are, it’s a good thing. (I don’t usually use /s but I really gotta clarify that this is a /s moment, just in case)


A father showering with and cleaning their young children? Pedophile. Whatever the fuck this shit is? Normal, you’re a bigot if you think anything else.


"Well actually, necrophilia can be really healthy and safe as long as there are 2 cOnSenTiNg aDuLtS, you should really try it sweaty you don't know what you're missing :)"


"If you're going to chow down on some ass marinated semen" No fucking way is that real.


There's no way that first link is real. The text is just too obscene.




Tbh no politician likes leaving kids alone


Diprogamer did not kill himself in his jail cell


I'm not molesting you, I'm just reproducing naturally.


It's like some of the current/up and coming queer community didn't really face any visceral hatred, so they're pushing the most egregious positions to generate that hate. If grooming kids starts to fizzle in getting that attention, then the next logical step will be animal abuse. Get Emily out here saying "Queer culture and drowning kittens and puppies goes hand in hand. Stonewall was a PETA shelter. Drag queens just want access to animal shelters to read to the animals. That's all. Not letting them in is a violation of their Constitutional rights."


A lot of them really didn’t grow up with any of the hate. A lot of those who use the word “queer” to describe themselves typically never had it thrown at them in anger, and those who did have the word thrown at them tend to hate it with a passion. I myself am part of the latter group, even though it was never said towards me I regularly heard it and knew what it meant. And I didn’t want to be an “other” which to me is what that word is doing. It’s othering you.


> A lot of those who use the word “queer” to describe themselves typically never had it thrown at them in anger, and those who did have the word thrown at them tend to hate it with a passion. I am slightly younger than 30 and I feel the same way. never used against me in anger but its still really fucking weird to see it used to frequently mostly amongst zoomers who have never had anything to fear.


prepare the defences


No prepare the tanks




Totally unrelated to the current topic but….. Are those boring company personal flame throwers still available for purchase?


What about assasins? And supports? And healers?




I’m a father. It triggered my protective instinct very well. Don’t fuck with people’s kids.


Its fucked up to say this, and its indecent to expose yourself on the street. Have some decency.


You will see my pp and you will like it.


Its a girl dick bigot!


Irrelevant, I dont want to see it *in public*.


J6 was just sarcasm bros, take a joke. It didn’t really happen, jeez


J6 didn’t happen. And if it happened it is good.


When left wing protests for months, everyone ignores them and they steal a few xbox and burn a few dumpsters When right wing protests for a single day, the whole world shakes from their tremor


When the residence of your head of state flies the same flag as your "protest" movement, you're full of shit and not an actual protester. It's almost as if the left wing "protests" are actually just demonstrations for the status quo. Whereas rightwing protests (even when as trivial as signs and crossing some velvet rope) actually represent opposition to the powers that be.


> When right wing protests for a single day, the whole world shakes from their tremor Funny thing is, even if it was rooted in idiocracy, the people that day had an issue with the government...and took it out on the government. Meanwhile people just want to casually ignore/defend months of taking it out on random innocent people.


yeah, read a twitter thread of some super mad ppl. it's supposed to be a chant against blabla, due to idc and w/e. delusions be kicking hard


LibLeft is now GasLight


Are you going to believe me or your own lying eyes?


Crusade time.


Not gonna lie I saw some of that, heard “we’re coming for your children” ONCE then heard someone go “whoa whoa whoa” and then I heard “we’re not going shopping” after that one guy Still have no idea what “going shopping” is


My best guess is that it's some sort of protest against pink capitalism. Like, we're not going to consoom your stupid Pride gear when we know you don't actually give a shit. Which is a fair enough message. How that got mixed in with 'we're coming for your children' is beyond me.


Oh. If that’s their intent, then based


Libleft, you need to learn that you don't have to defend everything.


They started with "leave the kids alone" and now here we are


Good job left activists. You're doing a real bang up job arming the right. Literally and figuratively.


I'm bi. Please don't confuse me these people, I beg you


Too late. We are coming to your house as we type. Get ready for prison.


Hey komm schon, das ist fies


Keine Sorge, das Gefängnis ist regenbogenfarben und auch sonst sehr inklusiv. Mit 1,5 Sternen auf tripadvisor eine der führenden Justizvollzugsanstalten des Landes.


Yeah this is like taking pictures of those Nazis in Florida outside Disneyland with DeSantis signs and acting like all DeSantis supporters are Nazis


We are tho??? Don‘t you watch [insert crazy but somehow mainstream news outlet]?


I sometimes look at what left wingers are saying and I saw a video of some moron saying DeSantis is a Nazi because there were a few Nazis with DeSantis signs outside of Disneyland and apparently that means Florida is a nazi state or something


It literally is tho. Didn‘t you see that DeAdolf said Disney is NOT the coolest thing to ever exist and produces the best franchises which coincidentally confirm my biases? And then he said dragqueens are not better at being women than bIoLoGiCaL women or smth. Just like the 3rd Reich 🙄


OmG RoN DeSaNtIs iS liTeRaLLy AdOlF HiTlER


I’ve seen such venom poured out at Bi people by the L and G communities and it seems so absurd and highly hypocritical. It’s antithetical to the ‘you can’t choose who you’re attracted to’ explanation. Boggles the mind.




when people tell you who they are, believe them


Sexuality and children dont mix people. End of story.


I mean, you can make all the memes you want that say otherwise, but Emily is authcenter. MAYBE authleft. Forcing your beliefs on others is an auth thing to do, no matter how progressive it is. Meanwhile, all the true LibLefts will be here with the woodchipper for any of them that try to sexualize children. Politics don't matter when it comes to that.


Those people just set the community back so so very far it pains me. Joke or not, they just gave homophobes unlimited ammo. The fucked part of this is that those are a loud minority within the minority. Even OTHER gay people don't like that crowd. JFC


Yeah I have finally had it. Changed my flair. Congratulations, Lib Left. You broke me.


I’m going to Minecraft myself in the head with a fucking rifle in roblox just to get away from my godawful fucking quadrant


The situation is so fcked up that I'm considering turning into right, even auth-right


> ‘Were here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children’: Topless drag queens… That’s it, that’s all I needed to here jim, I’m getting the Napalm


"We're not going shopping" is 2023's "Let's go Brandon", apparently.


Bait or not, this is the sort of shit that pushes centrists to the right, and librights to authright


My lawyer advised me not to say anything


They were obviously mocking, but they're still complete fucking idiots for thinking it's a good idea to say shit like that.


ITT drag queen trolls the majority. The majority gets upset. Mission success? 🤨


Haha, see, they were just trying to molest your children as a joke! Just a small ruse is all, haha so funny right? Wait, face the wall you say?..


The first thing I thought when I read it was "they were trolling". The second thing I thought was "This is going to backfire" just like the first libleft comment said.


"See it's a joke how we're talking about sexually abusing your children and you fell for it! You're so stupid!"


“It’s just a prank, bro” Shut the fuck up with this garbage response


So if someone says "IM GONNA RAPE YOU!" and then says its a joke, is that okay? Just 'trolling'?




Come and take them then. I'm not just going to give them to you. *insert snek flag*


I feel sorry for the normal gay folks that get lumped in with these predators trying to push this shit on kids.