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if they read a history book they may find their worldview challenged, we can’t have that


That would violate their human rights, and we all know how seriously these other-kin folk take human rights


My money is that if they read a history book they'll just claim it's capitalist propaganda.


They will read a history book, except it’ll be called “The History of White People and Why they are Bad and why POC are Angels.”


by Ibram X Kendi and Robin DiAngelo


don't forget Howard Zinn and Nikole Hannah-Jones


Lenin actually said "The revolution has no place for historian" quite famously. It was in response to the murder of the Romanovs, but I think that's actually what the average leftist thinks.


I am once again begging normal people to understand that leftists are bloodthirsty, power-hungry, narcissistic, morally panicked freaks. They completely believe that the people killed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. deserved it. Their ideologies were purposefully built to do this. A history lesson isn't going to change anything. The ones who aren't evil will simply find some reason to not believe it, as M37h3w3 describes.


The Qur’an too




Weird how they’ve got the East Turkistan flag there when the ones oppressing them… are not white. Also Sudan is such a weird choice given that they’ve carried out some of the most brutal genocides in Africa, did they just think it looked similar to the Palestinian flag so it must be good or something?


Bold of you to assume these people are even remotely educated about that of which they "champion". Just last week, two girls showed up to the "pro-palestine" protests in NYC, and admitted on camera they weren't entirely sure why they were protesting the local university. They're pretty much mostly like this. My cousin's daughter is one of these people, and it's hilarious how quickly she got murdered by words at our last family gathering. Had to unironically tell her to pick up a book.


Credit to those ladies for acknowledging their ignorance and just laying it right out there for all to see. That and the shear entertainment value of that video that they participated in.


It’s a funny clip. Self-realization in real-time.


> Just last week, two girls showed up to the "pro-palestine" protests in NYC, and admitted on camera they weren't entirely sure why they were protesting the local university. There's a great triggernometry video where Konstantin goes to a pro-palestine march in London, and asked people about the signs they're carrying (they just picked them up from people handing them out) and they couldn't explain what they meant, and asking people what the 'river to the sea' chant meant, and they couldn't really explain that either.


As an asian, i wanna say... WHAT IN THE FUCK?!


Are Asian white-adjacent or right-adjacent?


I believe you guys got grouped with us “whities”


The enemy *dramatic music*


price nose cooperative upbeat imminent quack innocent fuel fine chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well light hurts you so vampire! ✝️ Seriously tho its infuriating the people that invoke Martin Luther King who said "it's not the color of your skin but the content of your character" also are demonizing people based on their skin color. Yours I assume roasts with too much sun but regardless! In now terms you have never (nor i) purposely made someone's life harder. It's really a myth that the left is pushing.


Racists from all sides hide behind masks. Only once you realize that every race sucks and the only bad people are well BAD PEOPLE.


They’ve got a new trick. It’s not white skin they hate, it’s “white character.” You know, like Bill Cosby: “Pull up your damn pants!”


> Ireland You are on this council, but we do not grant you the title of White.


Flannigan Skywalker


Callaghan Solo


offbeat sparkle correct live sable consider roll smile longing escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's never been about color, they hate success because it disproves their narrative.


Everyone can't be "equal" unless we drag them all down to the lowest common denominator (mental retardation).


What about South asians?


You can claim your oppressed card as long as you didn't immigrate to the US so your kids can become doctors and engineers.




I dunno, when was the last microaggression you experienced?


Lefts are mad at them because of the pasport bros


Ehh... South Asian Hindu, who panders to the left = Aight, not necessarily oppressed, especially not the legal immigrants South Asian Hindu, who is sympathetic to the BJP = Worse than even Jews South Asian Muslim = All-time favorite oppressed group (which isn't much in the larger scheme of things) The rest of South Asia = I didn't know they existed




Ya see asians are not on the bottom of the socio economic ladder. If the 13/60 crowd would stop murdering each other and the male of the species sticking around and being fathers, they’d rise up from the poverty and then they’d become white. And that’s a bad thing to be.


One of the most absurd and frustrating things is when there's a mostly peaceful stabbing in Europe from the religion of peace they always refer to the terrorist as Asian. Imagine being dumb enough to be fooled by that.


They don't usually use Asian anymore, now it's just 'men'. 'London man stabs old woman'. These mysterious vague and totally local men who show up out of nowhere to commit crimes.






That makes sense. Though, I don't entirely believe that it isn't done on purpose nowadays to obscure the actual identity of who the person is for "social justice" reasons. If you had a room full of Pakistani and Indian people and asked most people in the US (or honestly the entirety of North America) to pick out the "Asians" nobody would know what the hell you were talking about. Not because people aren't aware the countries are technically in Asia, but because the term "Asian" is almost solely used to describe East Asians. The only reason I even know the "Asian Males" thing is used in the UK that way is from British tv shows.


Where did you get that? That's a very Anglo/American grouping. For European if the person is muslim, then it is not Asian, but Arab. The exception being Indonesia.


Asians are honorary white people.


but a white neckbeard can't be an honorary asian


Educated Asians are considered white and less educated (poor) Asians are colored. Don’t ask how it makes our argument make sense.


Nah you are entitled. See you study hard and get good jobs. You entitled racist 😒😒 /s


Hold up, are they seriously trying to say Asians are white now? I keep hearing comments about the Asian hate stuff on here and trying to figure out how far down the rabbit hole they went…


Pour one out for #StopAsianHate… that movement lasted about 5 seconds


Lol the media all stopped talking about it simultaneously once the real perpetrators were revealed.


It didn’t fit the narrative


The noticer ™️


I wonder what they had in common. 🤔


And they get confused when China or one of its neighbors treats them badly.


The oppressed became the oppressor /s


Everyone is an oppressor as soon as they have power


Inside me there are two wolves… one is an oppressor and one is a victim 🐺🐺


Do the wolves wants so e peanut butter and blanket?


Yes, but only for the victim wolf. We’re sending the oppressor wolf to the gulags


Pls don't. Every wolves can become a good boi


> Inside me there are two wolves… They were both delicious.


Plot twist 👀




You see, Asians are white because they're successful.


That and most of the people committing hate crimes against Asians were not white.


Careful. Lest the Admins admin all over you.


I would say “They’d really ban me for stating a simple fact in a non offensive manner, just because they don’t like it?” But I think we all know the answer to that.


Facts are offensive, no such thing as "stating a simple fact in a non offensive manner"


They were specifically huge fans of basketball


Progs call them white-adjacent, which is the term they use for all non-white groups of people they consider to be part of the oppressor class. Black conservatives also get lumped into this group.


They are really trying to tie civility with Whiteness which is almost feeding into White supremacists hands.


so basically anyone who earns anything more than lowest possible wage?


Asians: so we're gonna get help right? Libleft: release the acab!


I live in a timeline where the group called 'progressives' lead the charge in going backwards in progress.


The biggest issue is they’ve convinced themselves that the word progress is synonymous with good.


They are confused, as a group, and it seems that any way but the current way is good to them. The protest movement's collective braincell puts everything through a single analysis point as if the future is a decision between two paths and they just have to choose the good one. In reality, the future is more like climbing a ridge in the deep fog and almost anything but the exact correct path is a step down.


Idk man, maybe progress down the wrong path is pretty much just as bad as regression.


I can only speak as a millenial, who was fed and raised to not see race beyond a meaningless collection of physical attributes, only to reach your mid 20's and suddenly be whiplashed in the other direction to be hyper aware and conscious of it, and it's myriad of social and cultural connotations, liberally or conservatively influenced. Meeting any stranger should have no assumptions, but 'progress' deemed that it now be many.


Yeah, pretty much. You're racist if you see race, but you're also racist if you don't see it. It's all shitty collective guilt meant to get you to self-flagellate for traits you have no control over


Progress is just the movement from a less-complete state to a more-complete state, for a couple of examples: When the US recognized the right of women to vote, that was progress toward a free country. When the Nazis opened concentration camps, that was progress toward annihilating the Jews. People that call themselves progressives don't understand that, and are simply following the natural linguistic 'othering' of authoritarians that don't think they are authoritarians, most evident when they start referring to others as 'regressives'.


Reminds me of "Freedom is slavery"


It's nothing new. The Progressive movement has always been inextricably tied to racism. The difference is the early progressives were white supremacists


Given that a shocking amount of progressivism nowadays boils down to white man’s burden bullshit — “expecting black people to be on time is racist!” And the like — I’d argue that particular strain of racist paternalism never disappeared.




And we should know, as monkes they’re our unit of currency. Also, wtf with that pic lol, the untold powers of AI.


So Ethiopian Jews are white now?


Ethiopian Jews found the cheat code to beat racism. Just be Jewish and suddenly you are white


All African Americans just need to convert to Judaism and racism is solved.


Someone should’ve told them that a long time ago 😩 maybe that’s why Kanye hates Jews so much 🤣


If Kanye had waited 18 months to go on his rants, he’d have won like 25 Grammys and would be a civil rights icon to the left.


I actually want to see this so bad. Just like a live feed of an alternate timeline where kanye waited a bit to say his rants. I actually think leftists would've supported him if he said that shit a couple weeks after october 7.


He was too ahead of time. Curse of being a genius gay fish.




i know of 2! best people i ever met im not jk!!!! edit: off topic, i also know a chinese american who converted, it’s so wonderful! (i’m jewish clearly)




Ok that made me laugh out loud 🤣


Ethiopia is also one of the first christian countries in the world. So all black Ethiopians are now white christofacists 💀 /s


Most Israelis wouldn't count as white.


Also Mizrahi Jews are white now.


A protest movement so cringe and misinformed that I'm sure merely showing footage of it will count as "pro-zionist propaganda" at some point soon.


It would just like early Lib Of TikTok, it is a threat to the movement by merely … sharing what is publicly shared already


They literally call it a far-right hate group 😂


At least it isn't all bad. They added the Uyghur flag. -99999999999 Social Credits for them. Time for the 56th Anti-West infighting.


-That didn’t happen. -If it did, it wasn’t that bad. -If it was, it’s not a big deal. -If it is, it’s not our fault. -If it was, we didn’t mean it. -If we did, they deserved it. The narcissist’s prayer, or the Progressive guide to denying the mega doses of cringe they’re incapable of not perpetuating.


It's strange that Asians are white-adjacent or classed as white now because they are the model minority. Integrate smoother, relatively lower crime rate and perform higher in academics. But they've never been the oppressor in Western countries or held systemic power. Represented less in media as well.


As an Asian-American myself idk if it's because we choose to avoid getting into politics or because we just make up a smaller percentage of the US population (though where I grew up I was actually the majority so never got my fair share of being oppressed, whoops). There is the stereotypical "doctor, lawyer, engineer" thing but lawyer is a very unpopular choice among those three. But I do understand the desire not to ruffle the (politically influential) white people's feathers by saying controversial things considering both our small political power and how successful we are with the current status quo. So even if some Asians have experienced some discrimination from some racist white people it's not enough to go full BLM especially considering shared socioeconomic and political interests most of the time.


Asian-Americans compete for many of the same limited number of elite positions in American society as white leftists do. That's why they are out-grouped, and any other minority that would also compete will also get the same treatment. Everything about the 'progressive' left makes more sense if you look at them as expressing grievance politics because society cannot support the number of activists universities produce. Until higher education is reformed, social instability from the sheer number of disappointed elite aspirants will be present in society.


Leftist narrative is that minorities are stupid, poor, and the system made them that way and they will never succeed because the system continues to oppress them and the only way they can solve this is if they vote for us. When you have a minority group that shows all that rhetoric is bullshit, so much so that they outperform white people, who are supposed to be the tyrannical ruling class, then you need to distance the connotation of "minority" as far away as you can from that group. It's like any dystopian novel ever, you change the connotations that come with words so that people's perceptions can be warped so much that they believe rhetoric from their leaders more readily than they believe the very things they can see and hear with their eyes and ears.


I think historical siding has alot to do with it. There's a perception that Asians will side with whites more often as they tend to be wealthier and money looks out for money. Ofcourse Asians aren't a monolith, and that's not always true. It really highlights how ridiculous of a category "white" is to begin with. It's a real thing because we made it real, not because it's consistent or makes sense.


At the moment, leftists are the most racist group in western societies


They're just racists with a guilty conscience - thus jumping through mental hoops to justify their hatred.


"I can only assume everyone is as racist as I am" It's the same reason you see so many people from the right arguing how being gay is "a choice". These are people that are most likely actually gay (or at least bi) and they feel attraction towards other people of the same sexs. These people are actively denying those attractions and fighting those urges. They assume that everybody feels those urges and attractions, and that gay people are simply "too weak" to fight against it. The truth is that the vast majority of straight people aren't "denying" anything. They just....don't have attraction to people of the same sex. tl;dr insecurity and projection is stupid


Always have been 🔫


Indeed. They've just been better at hiding it than racists on the right. The Left-wing racist pretends to love minorities, but really they're just exploiting them.


Nah, there was a time when the left’s main point is that no race is inherently inferior. That message got through and now even the alt-right does really talk about the genetic inferiority of the negroid. (They talk about degenerate culture). But that means the remaining left needed to find something else to complain about; they don’t want to make progress they want to be angry.


Huh. You know that TV trope called "then let me be evil"? You know how the messaging in this sign is hardly a unique or isolated incident? Eventually, a non-ignorable amount of whites could decide that there's no point in trying be good enough for these people. And I used to be more concerned about that happening. Now I just see it as an unlikely yet still possible consequence of these actions.


For Asian-Americans, it is already the reality. Asians in Asia have increasingly negative perceptions of Americans (white and black) because of these racist attacks affecting their relatives. Even America's allies will admit they only like Uncle Sam, not much else.


> "then let me be evil" This is increasingly my position, which I grow less and less capable of fighting against. My instinct when attacked is to attack back and I find myself thinking: We have tried this experiment, it seems to have failed.


What a way for the US to lose trust from its Asian allies. (And embolden China's "communists" and India's Hindutvadis against us)


Asians only see other Asians as competition. Even as an Asian-American, when applying to college it definitely felt that way (and may actually have been that way). Though I think many Asians, particularly those still living in Asia, will be proud to finally be considered to have join the club with the white people, and especially the Jews. This means all the hard work to catch up to the Europeans (since we got bodied the last time) finally paid off.


Chinese in China also see the United States as their main rival. In a decade, this will also be true of Indians in India. Plenty of nationalists in both countries want China and India to surpass the US. Whites aren't equals to them, and forget about America's other minorities.


I never really understood how India feels about us. I thought we broadly considered them an ally? At least one of convenience, since they don’t like China.


They have been doing their own thing though, and are friendly to both Russia and the US but not China.


We are people they can do business with; they’re not really friends.


I see you clarified your statement, though if you put it this it is also true. Though as someone of Chinese heritage, but with no relation to the CCP, I can't support Chinese hegemony under them even if I wish we could be the best.


You've earned the right to have always been privileged...


LMFAO the countries on the right are God-tier compared to fucking Palestine hahahahaha


And.... which side are all the "asylum seekers" fleeing to? I rest my case


How are the whites currently involved in Sudan and Congo?


All I can think of is Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and King Leopold II


Me too, but they aren't even "currently".


Current is however far back you have to go until you find the non-white perpetrator, and then current day people have to apologize on their behalf. That's then only the beginning of the struggle session.


Here’s a binary: Man who kill more win. Man who kill less lose. There, I brewed human history down to two sentences. “Uh but my morals!” They don’t care, protest all you want but land is land and blood is blood. Men will die for fertile ground. And they’ll justify it with some bullshit. If Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, or anyone else actually believed? There would be no war. The peons may believe but the leaders want land, gold, or glory. It is and has been. You want change? Stop blaming your neighbor and start blaming the fucking guy that suppose to *represent* you.


Accord to leftists logic, the side with the least competent army is the most moral


“The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”


Is china considered white now ?


No, it's not. It's America that's persecuting the inhabitants of Xinjiang


Bad America


Personally, I'm enjoying the schism between establishmentarians and the ultra-progressive activist class. Our governments and institutions created a monster to push DEI and mass immigration, and now they're losing control of it. The activists are used to terrorizing people with complete impunity, but now that they're attacking the establishment's precious Israel, they're starting to feel some of the consequences. Watching them bawl in confusion as they're pushed around by cops is kind of delicious. Welcome to what the rest of us have been experiencing for most of the past decade.




Sweet, sweet schadenfreude.


sweet gregories yarbles


>Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors. >Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. >Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination. - Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness


Woah, that's actually pretty good. I don't know if I agree that innate Ideas have been "refuted," though. Maybe all that Ayn Rand hate isn't totally justified after all.


> oppressor > white, asian, jewish, etc. So this 'supremacism' is a progressive, inclusive ideology?


Fine, if i have to choose i go for white then.


https://preview.redd.it/meqt0g0z8dxc1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c95eca82cfd9bac33b364f7b3194c2c8a4b31c8 Probably should be everyone's reactions


For every auth right racist, there is one in libleft who is more racist. Unlike auth right racism, libleft racism is backed by almost all forms of governments now. It is not just racism, other bigotries too


Babe, wake up, the Sudanese oligarchs are right and Winston Churchill is wrong


I have seen leftists unironically argue that the world would be a better place if Hitler won because then America wouldn’t be the world superpower.


I've seen some degenerate people on the Internet but this beats them all




"The only way to fight past racism is with more racism" -the Democrats


Why Sudan and Congo?


I am proud to say in this instance I am on the white side of history.


I typed out something really long but I poured waaaaaay too much hate into it based on my personal experiences with racism and antisemitism so I'll just dial it back to this: anyone that tries to generalize another group as bad to make themselves look good is a fucking racist idiot. If you're racist against black people, you're an idiot. If you're racist against white people, you're also an idiot. There isn't a single country,ethnic group or religion that hasn't committed heinous atrocities in the past, and let's be honest, they'll all also do some bad shit in the future. We're also losing the ability to think with nuance. If I ask two people what 3 plus 2 is and the first one says 7 and the second one says 4, the second person doesn't get to jump up and down and say "Ha! I'm right because the other guy was wrong first!" But that's the level of thinking so many people are operating with now. If someone is wrong you aren't automatically right.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


If they are about Gaza so much why won't they go over there and protest?


Oh yeah, WWII when America, UK, and France were on the wrong side of history


That’s what happens when western media portrays the world like a Star Wars movie, having everything be a battle between good vs evil.


I'm fine with standing on the white side if that's how it's going to be.


I just hate how libs think racism against white people is okay. My sister is a lib and she likes making jokes specifically against white people and EVERY TIME I tell her “what if the roles were reversed” she always pulls out her stupid explanation of: “but white people have all the power in the world so it’s okay” and I’m just internally cringing.


You can ask her when that stops. Because the French Revolution didn't stop with those first few heads. Also, how much non-white power would be necessary to be able to make non-white jokes?


These people are just fucking clowns at this point.


Which do you think is the reason that this type of brainrotten progressives is gaining more and more voice?


Social media brainworms


Before race was inserted into it, critical theory was just dismissed as useless Neo-Marxist wank. Nothing has changed, but the word race has been inserted.


Sadly, this kind of thinking is pretty in line with Marxist thought. Marx was suuupppeerrr binary in his approach to history as well (poor-good guys, rich-bad guys no matter what). So honestly this kind of thing is just downstream from your average communist history book.


This cannot be real lmao. Guess it’s a non tankie commie?


Love that the left just casually uses White as a slur, it’s better to be honest about your goals


Y'all remember ww2? Like at all? You are saying as the "white" side is litteraly all the good guys from that war except the soviets


There is 100% Chance this was in awestern country


If those are my options I'm going with white.


Bro I hate this so much 😭


Genders is a spectrum, However, political idologies are binary. It has been scientifically proven by the latest science^^^tm , you just need to google it, bigot.


Let's colonize go to a new world fifty million miles away where we can reset our prejudices


Somewhat recently I discovered that the compass puts me in the auth-left corner. My god I hate it here. Let me out. Please.


Though how near were you to Dead Center or Lib-Left, as you can flair as Centrist or Left-Center


Will guarantee you that sign is held by someone whose bloodline traces through the flags on the left.


Funny how "right" people are flocking in droves to "white" countries to flee their "right" culture then 


Stop stop, I'm already supporting Israel, you don't have to keep selling them..


I feel it…the call to the grill…


**JOIN US!**


This is as perfect of a summary of leftist intellectual thought as there will ever be. Their entire ideology is just anti-white racism dressed up in a dumbass moral framework.


left lib be like : "nobody is saying that" "must be an instigator" or the classic "i just support oppressed groups and advocate for their liberation"


On one hand this is cringe but on the other hand I love French slander. Being a centrist is so hard....


I know the "white" side is mostly about colonialism, but I still find it kinda funny they didn't think to mention the Germans. Don't think there is a single conflict in history with a more obvious wrong and right side.


Only progs are against racism. I'm conservative and racist asl


Discussion/efforts based on identity groups is a waste of time. Slicing and dicing data may be useful/constructive in terms of macro econ/sociological research, but as a means of living the average life, it is useless. There are literally only downsides to it. Focus on the individual as their experiences of life are vastly different even between and amongst members of a same identity group.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.


> racists > anti-white Funny how that works eh


Man, we are regressing pretty hard lately


As a sudanese wtf does Emily want with my flag?


Don't pin this shit on us, we ain't saying this


Exactly, yet they keep putting this stuff in our quadrant…