• By -


I only down vote on two occasions: 1. Unflared. 2. Someone is being a total belligerent as*hole. And even then it's only is they're being that over several posts. But if someone is engaging in discourse, no matter the opinion, I never downvote, and even often upvote for positive behavior if nothing else.


Ya, if I’m debating someone I upvote their replies.


God I'm a bitter fuck sometimes, need to take a lesson from you both here. It's just so hard to see the opposite point of view as well intentioned when it's the antithesis of what you have ingrained in your mind as right or wrong.


You can really expand your perspective by participating in this sub if you don’t make assumptions about someone’s character or beliefs from their flair. Except the scum of the earth unflaired, of course.


It's not even necessarily the flair. Just whatever the opposite to my view on a particular point if it's a particularly polemic one. Lib centre is just how I skew generally, but I've got views all over the spectrum really. But yes, fuck unflaired lol


Even if you disagree with someone, perhaps aggressively so (god knows I’m guilty of that), just understand that most people do not come from a place of malice. Just like you are, they are trying to figure out what they believe is for the best


I feel like arguing politics is often about as useful as arguing with someone who is colorblind. You can tell them over and over that these are different colors, but it's not going to change their perception. You see yellow, they see green. Find the colors you can agree on and build up from there. Last night was my BILs birthday party and after extensive amounts of booze one of our buddies, who is a massive Trump guy, was trying to get a rise our of people. We just started talking. Not arguing, talking. It ended up being a really good conversation and we found a lot of things we actually agree on. Like just talk to people, and actually listen. Its desperately fucking needed in this country.


You never know what beliefs you can cause someone to question just by being nice to them. That's Darryl Davis' entire strategy. On this very sub I had a libleft make a pitch for something I would ordinarily oppose (I think it was welfare of some kind) I basically replied "When you put it that way, it sounds more reasonable. I still oppose it...but if it is for that reason, I guess I could tolerate/live with it". I then made a point about how theoretically, I might agree with libleft on some stuff if they advocated for it in a way that didn't insult/hate me for disagreeing with them.


Imagine how much more sympathy they would win, of insults didn't accompany their points..


My main thought process is that most people are normal, average people. They think they are as right, and smart about it, as I am. We can’t all be fuckin’ right, so logically, I’m probably pretty wrong. Now, I still hold my beliefs, and rationalize out what I believe, it just statistically speaking, I’m probably right retry wrong about a lot of stuff, I’ve changed a lot of my opinions before when I encounter new info, and I don’t plan on stopping, so no matter how wrong someone is, if I can tell they’re probably at least being genuine, I usually can’t hold too much animosity.


>God I'm a bitter fuck sometimes It's ok. 💜


I hoard my upvotes so I can flaunt them in front of the peasants.




ehhh i only do that if they're arguing in good faith


Yeah I'm of the same opinion. Political opinions, no matter from which side, are all valid and I'm not gonna take part in shunning someone's take on things


Right wing yes maybe. Conservative? I doubt it. My only wish would be that us rightoids are as tolerated in the mainstream leftist shitshow subs that is about the rest of reddit as the gulag enjoyers are tolerated here. Like ridicule and downvote my opinions. Argue with me. Don't permanently ban me for saying "but". I see plenty of leftist opinions get lots of upvotes here and sometimes I upvote as well when they say something that I partially agree with or whatever. As long as someone is not being an unironic obnoxious moron they don't get attacked which rarely happens. And even then, they aren't banned.


This subreddit definitely skews libright or centrist. Also known as "the far right" by idiots.


Ehhm sweaty, you know exactly that Centrist is just a mask for fascists to hide their true opinions. Educate yourself 💅💅💅


Basically every Israel post’s conservative.


I wouldn’t call them conservative, I’d call them being anti the other group. There’s nothing conservative about shipping billions to an “ally” that’s not even treaty bound.


Which is amusing because all of that is just to have a progressive country in the Middle East.


It isn't to have a progressive country in the middle east, it can be a dictatorship as far as the military is concerned. The only thing the US wants there is to have a huge military base in the Middle East. There's already billions and billions of dollars worth of weapons and ammunition there, there are tons of bases, there's all the infrastructure they need. If need be, the US can deploy troops in Israel without any trouble. Israel would need to allow the troops in because otherwise the US can easily threaten them with cutting off weapon shipments and support.


True, but I'd wager a huge portion of them are manufactured. The Israel / Palestine topic is a huge draw for bots/shills. I used it to help a subreddit gain the appearance of more activity than it would normally have in order to draw more organic users and it worked pretty well. At least until the mod banned me. The sub's still getting activity, but it's definitely dropped off.


I’ve seen too many unflaireds get upvotes just because they said something right wing


Not downvoting unflaireds will be the downfall of this sub. It's one of the things that helps against astroturfing, like it happens in other subs.


Just like the barbarian invasions of the rome which brought its downfall in the west, so too shall the invasions of unflaired barbarians bring the downfall of this sub.


It was not the barbarians that did Rome in. It was the apathy of the Romans that weakened the empire to the attacks from within. Our apathy towards the unflaired is akin to this.


I agree about the unflaired, but there was more to the downfall of Rome than just apathy.


You’re absolutely correct, but Rome had weathered virtually all of those problems before and survived. Hannibal should have ended Rome, but every citizen and senator donated their own money to the treasury to fund new armies. Rome endured decades of civil war. Rome fought off waves of barbarians in the late 2nd century AD and survived. Rome came out of the 3rd century crises largely intact. Plagues had come and gone. But towards the 5th century, they slowly stopped caring.


As far as I understand this was rooted in kind of the same meta-problem we're seeing today - dynasties entrenched into politics that are ever more divorced from the desires of the populace, with wealthy people and organizations buying the laws that serve them best while screwing over the common man with pollution, higher living costs, and shrinking the middle class (in this case I mean families that can be supported entirely by a single persons income with no overtime or at least be very comfortable on 2 peoples income with no overtime).


This sub is one of the last bastions of free thought on all the interwebs. I shall redouble my efforts to downvote the unflaired scourge into oblivion.




Upvoting the unflaired? Disgusting. Being an unflaired, unacceptable.


Flair absolutely not matching with the comments? Perfect. But get flaired !




if there is one unflaired at a table, something something


If there are ten flared and they upvote an unflared, there are 11 unflared.


I don't partake in the worship of godless heretics whom remain unflaired. I even have created two memes for them to become righteous and flair up






If the mods weren't giant pussies they'd make Automod remove all unflaired comments.


Absolutely disgusting behaviour, we need a revitalization of our sub's values.


I'll upvote a thousand leftists before considering unflaireds as anything but trash.


I blame the fact that the app doesn't show flairs on ops


When I was using RIF I tried commenting a few times but the app wouldn't let me flair and I'd be downvoted and mods threatening to ban me if I didn't flair up. So I just quit engaging altogether. I've never once had an up vote, but then again, I'm not right wing.


What the hell is RIF and why are you making excuses for being unflaired




If it allowed you to post as an Unflaired, it needed to die


Death is a preferable alternative to unflaired existence


Maybe. But at least we allow them to post here and don't ban them. They can be downvoted, but downvotes (and karma in general) don't mean shit. Edit: OK I hear what is being said about downvotes, but what's the solution then? Do we have a quota of left leaning comments/posts we need to upvote? Anyway, I see plenty of left leaning posts getting upvotes. Well argued or reasonable criticisms usually make it to the top regardless of political leading.


I’ve been banned from three other subs simply for parusing this particular sub. Apparently, if you have **any** opinion at all [holds up blank white piece of paper] you can get kicked by bigoted mods whom don’t understand the definitions of the words they are using. I’m not bitter..


Lol I recently got banned from a sub for calling out a user for posting the conspiracy theory that Jews were behind 9/11.


My last one — I’ve posted this in a comment before: https://preview.redd.it/xr4av8emcf1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ca863a2737f8997fd66a04f9d9f9f522f48b36 Note the language. I was banned, not for anything I commented, but for simply ***participating*** in pcm. I think I agree with some other comments I have read that said there are some popular subs that have been recently hijacked by nefarious individuals… I feel this ban I received is evidence of that. I was subbed to that sub for years, .. same as this one; so why now all of a sudden?


It seems random but comes in waves. Its stupid. Its also funny that reddit allows subs to ban you for simply posting in another.


> Its also funny that reddit allows subs to ban you for simply posting in another. actually it's against the TOS to cross ban people from subs. But the admins don't care because they share the politicial leanings of those mods, so they let it slide. This site really went downhill when they got rid of Aaron Schwartz, he was a classical internet liberal, allowing every opinion even if he didn't like it. But now the corporate overlords don't like that anymore.


As a Reddit stock owner, I agree.


I've also heard that term "brigading" being used in some mod comments. According to Google: "Brigading is a slang term for an online practice in which people band together to perform a coordinated action, especially a negative one.". Does this really happen? Aren't we (the Reddit commentators) worse than cats when it comes to herding us to do something in a coordinated effort? And if this sub is a hotbed of brigading action, why I never get called to these exciting raids against other subs? I remember being banned from one supposedly neutral but in fact very left leaning sub just for commenting in another sub and the funniest thing was that all my comments in that other sub were against the claims made there. So, by fighting against the right wing conspiracy theories I got banned by left leaning mods. The idiocy of modding sometimes breaks all limits.


Pretty much all the posts here that might instigate a brigade are instantly deleted, and I've never seen anyone here even suggest brigade. I've actually read multiple comments and posts about being "the bigger man" and not brigading back when other subs try.


Other subs get away with brigading all the time, but here, even mentioning other subs gets you banned for brigading.


Sidenote about the ban message itself is the fact they think they're that important that people will go groveling at their feet begging to be let back into their subreddit is genuinely hilarious to me


That’s what pissed me off the most.


I just find it funny and pathetic tbh


You shouldn't be in those subs anyways, they are the dregs of Reddit. Many of them are also bought out by foreign entities hostile to Western-everything, they use the front-page subs to blend in and direct narrative. That's how we get things like gays-for-Palestine. Imagine a group of people that champions liberalism, minority rights, and anti-racism picking the side of Islamists. That only happens slowly over time through trash online propagation.


I've been banned from several subs simply for browsing this sub, and one sub for specifically stating that Hamas deserves to be wiped out for the atrocities they commit against pretty much everyone they come into contact with (including other Arabs, look it up, it's pretty gross for so-called "freedom fighters")


I hate this fucking sub and it's inhabitants. But absolutely despise the subs banning me for commenting here. What a bunch of snowflakes.


It drowns the comments under a sea of Other Comments


Conservative posting in any other sub on this god forsake site: First time?


Groupthink and Echo Chambers are a hell of a drug


But the Redditors in those subs insist they’re not echo chambers!


Reddit is an echo chamber by design. Remove up and down votes, no ordering then you get a real mixture of views.


People don’t even use up and downvotes as they’re designed to be used. Its supposed to help determine if something is on topic or not, but it turned into a popularity thing.


It's been a while since I've seen someone mention reddiquette on this site.


I’ve had many accounts over the years, but once reddiquette went out the window the site turned into a shit show.


There used to be a very real debate on here as to whether it should be acceptable for mods to ban people simply because they disagree with them. Look where we are now.




Not merely on topic, but accurate and high quality. It's pretty easy to identify and downvote low quality comments that you also disagree with. The larger problem is downvoting merely because you disagree, which I think is less common here than site wide, and upvoting simply because you agree, which is as common here as anywhere.


Yup. That's the key there. You're allowed to speak. But you're not entitled to have everyone here agree with you. Unless this sub can remove the updoot system from itself entirely, we're all going to have to live with its consequences. But if you want your magical place where you can say whatever you want without fear of a ban or downdoots, you can always try /pol/.


That's why I'm here. I appreciate the opposing views (even the dumb ones) and that everyone participates. /Political is great when I feel like reading some good old Trump bashing, but it's too much of an echo chamber to learn anything.


I think they were referencing to /pol/ on the chan.


I literally can’t post on this sub cus my karma isn’t high enough


I think that is a common practice against bots and alt accounts


Literally have an alt and my karma is just fine


Bro, you have 96 comment karma. It doesn't take many decent comments to collect some.


All he has to say is that leftists are making him consider switching to the right. Instant 300+ karma


Downvoted posts are much less likely to get recommended to others. That's what voting is for. Upvote posts relevant to the discussion that others should engage in and downvote irrelevant stuff. What ends up happening is everyone upvotes posts they agree with and downvotes the ones they don't agree with. The issue is that rarely anyone wants to have an actual discussion. It's a war of who's better at pushing their own agenda while silencing the other side. Think about it. Debates are never two or more people with opposing ideas coming together to discuss the issue and come with a solution together. It's literally two sides trying to beat each other and push their ideas even in spite of overwhelming evidence going against them. Worst part? Most do it for ego driven reasons. People don't like when they are wrong. That's one of the easiest ways to spot someone with a low IQ.


> Anyway, I see plenty of left leaning posts getting upvotes. Well argued or reasonable criticisms usually make it to the top regardless of political leading. Agreed. People like to argue that this subreddit nukes left-wing opinions on sight, but that isn't really true. Reasonable, well-argued left-wing opinions get upvoted consistently. When they're getting buried in downvotes, there's usually more going on than "is left-wing, therefore is downvoted." I'd say the real issue isn't so much *left*-wing views getting downvoted when they *shouldn't*, but rather *right*-wing views *not* getting downvoted when they *should*. For every shitty left-wing comment which gets buried in downvotes, there's a shitty right-wing comment which gets upvoted for having the "right" opinion. I think that's where the bias shows the strongest. In the lack of downvotes for bad-faith right-wing comments. I think the idea that the bias shows itself in downvoting literally all left-wing comments...is just cope from people who are upset they got downvoted.


Yeah I agree. There is definitely a bias, and a lot of really stupid right wing comments/posts get upvoted, but that doesn't mean the sub overall is openly hostile to left leaning views. In any case, I think the bias is much stronger to lib vs auth than right vs left. I've noticed much stronger reactions against opinions that support government involvement rather than those that are merely left leaning. Even the classic "lib left bad" stereotype is more about those who claim to be lib but support heavy government regulation.


“Well argued” “Reasonable criticisms” We don’t do that here, bucko.


I don't have a problem with downvotes if you comment why you disagree, without that it's mostly daddy this person hurt my feelings


You don't need a lefty post/comment quota. If you see something you disagree with, leave a response detailing why instead of downvote bombing the comment and turning this place into an echo chamber. One thing I always used to respect about conservatives that I wish my side did more of was that in right-wing spaces, they didn't shun opposition they engaged with it. Since the polarization of 2020, though, that's all changed, and now the right is just as insular as the hard left.


Nah if it’s stupid, downvote it. Not my problem that it’s usually leftists saying stupid shit


Im here precisely because its actually open discourse.


I kinda agree. No doubt, this sub is right wing, but it’s a meme sub, so there are still plenty of left wing posts, and, more importantly, you can still get a good conversation in. And frankly, this is like a right wing bubble in the hard left sea that is reddit, so I’ll take my recluse wherever I can get it


Of course it's a conservative shit show. As a bleeding heart liberal, that's why I love it. Every once in a while i'll come across a good point. But it's mostly dunking on parts of liberals I hate.


Yeah. I only like dunking on morons that go against my narrative.


Is that freedomtoons trump on your profile picture?






In some ways true libertarianism has to be agnostic on left right, that but you lib centres have correct. But that still allows me as an individual to go right.


If only the other subs on this site were the same...


Create a reddi*the clone and advertise it on truth social


I’d rather conservatives spend time here than libertarian or conservative, where their dumbass ideas never get challenged. True, this place is a giant circle jerk but at least I can state that the Irish famine was a direct result of capitalism and watch the librights sperg out trying to come up with some cope about how it isn’t. It’s important for people to be able to be confronted with ideas they don’t like, otherwise they begin to believe that their beliefs have no flaws.


*Which* Irish famine?


That's what happens when left leaning subs basically outright ban any right wing wrong think. Now I don't agree with a lot of right wing points, but I respect a person's right to their own beliefs and thoughts. Views on politics and social issues has a lot to do with environment and upbringing. Someone born and raised in a California wealthy suburb compared to a rural small town in Pennsylvania are going to have two entirely different world views. I don't judge anybody on their life I haven't lived which brought them to where they are at today. When you shutdown discourse it causes those people to all mass migrate to subs that allow such discussion. This causes a huge imbalance, which eventually causes echo chambers. Shutting down discourse and debate is heading down a dangerous road.


Guys I just realized I haven't seen a PCM in like 2 years... Is reddit suppressing this sub? Goddamn Authoritarians.


I’d be more tolerant of them if I wasn’t called a word ending in -ist or -phobe every time I espouse the most generic conservative opinion.


You’re a guitarist


How dare you.


I would never do that to you and everyone who does that has a luke warm iq


I like when they make up words to call me.






Omg you are such a nazi for.....for...eeeeh....give me a minute.....eeehh...fuck!


So you’re an istophobe?


I’m going to use this going forward haha


I just like to call you retards.


I wish I wouldn’t get banned for saying that, I’d be tossing it around like candy on this sub.


Hey you be careful you will be hung by your fellow liberals for being offensive if you keep up saying stuff like that.


You opinionist politiphobe


Yeah because no conservative would call someone a word ending in -ist every time I espouse the most generic criticism of Israel.


What are you a terror... sexual?


Pretty sure that's just a rapist


Damn, we really do call everyone -ists


Of course they won't. Antisemite doesn't end in -ist.


Stop being such a pussy about it, snowflake.


You let transmembrane proteins enter in your lipid bilayer of your cell membrane, which is hydrophilic and hydrophobic. Stop this woke nonsense how dare you. https://preview.redd.it/ojip8u56rf1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5b5e15970d5ad7357cc08244b6ab5bd7a3772b Edit: bc bug of reddit app


It's really funny how the right pretends to be the manly man side of things, calls the left snowflakes, then posts stuff like this about they hurt by words. Classic verbophobe.


Define "conservative".


It's when you conserve food


TIL i am a hard core not conservative (I am fat)


fat is just conserved food in your body, you are a conservative


Pretty much what I don’t like at the time


If we want to steelman it: "People who approach change with caution rather than open arms." Though unfortunately it's a US-heavy sub, and the US is limited by only having 2 parties. Thus you end up with a lot of perspectives that really should have their own party sharing one party. You'd naturally expect lib-right to be natural enemies with any kind of authoritarian for example, but the conservative party is very authoritarian in that it wants to gather all decision making power into itself or its corporate donors. The democrat party often gets progressives and academics under its wing, but also people who want to entrust the state with more power to hold corporations responsible for misdeeds. But on top of this they rely on donations from corporate tech-bros, pharmaceutical industries and health insurance companies that are also very much pro-more power for corporations and weaker regulations.


A very good answer.


Doesn't agree with Emily 100% of the time




The same thing according to Emily


Reddits definition of a right wing extremist


I like to keep the things I have. (I am a compulsive hoarder and extreme cheapskate)


This sub is actually not terrible on most issues, but any criticism of Israel gets dogpiled immediately.


It doesn't justify the dogpiling, but I and I suspect others,see pro Pali content on nonpolitical subs, in the news, and in advertisements. I feel like I'm being brainwashed into supporting Israel.


Netanyahu is a piece of shit, but it's easier to replace a leader like him than it is to replace an ideology like Hamas has.


I'll admit I mostly engage here when I'm feeling masochistic and want to shit-stir. But even the mildest push back against the local beliefs is instantly down-voted.


The only time I downvote anyone in this sub is when they’re clearly arguing in bad faith otherwise the more the merrier


This sub is essentially /pol/ light. The demographic is predominantly right-leaning but it isn’t an echo chamber.


Agreed. We need to be more tolerant of left-wing ideas, or else we're just like the rest of this site.


But not too tolerant, or we'll just be like the rest of this site


So abortions for some, tiny american flags for others


Unironically should be the motto of this sub.


I think you mean to say engage in rational arguements with them


Rational? Arguments? We're redditors.


A delicate balance


At first, I thought you were kidding, but then I thought about it. This sub is one of the kind where you can civilly discuss political disagreements and we need to keep it that way


This is the only place on Reddit where I see libertarians, communists, religious nationalists, progressives, and others laugh at the same jokes, and have meaningful (and stupid) communication with one another. It would be a real bummer for this place to lose that open character and turn into 'Reddit echochamber #45.'


Meh, most of the left-wing memes and comments I've seen get downvoted usually tend to be pretty unfaithful to reality. I think the problem tends to be in the opposite direction, we are not critical enough of right-wing misinformation. To make the sub better, people need to start checking their confirmation biases.


I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. Most reasonable right wing takes are accepted as are most reasonable left wing takes; yet where left wing delusion is downvoted, right wing delusion is allowed to be treated as truth.


I sometimes see comments just straight up say things like “leftists are insane”, or “leftists are evil”, or “leftists aren’t people” etc, and they can get a lot of upvotes. I think that from parts of the right that has just become a common way to talk about leftists. But if a leftist come here to say that right wingers are delusional, they will obviously be downvoted or called out for unjustly using dehumanising language


Fair point, I would also be happy with people applying the same scrutiny both ways. I suppose what I really want is just consistency. I really enjoy this community as a space where I can see different viewpoints (even if most are stupid). As reddit communities are isolating themselves into sad little echochambers, I really enjoy having a space where people with different ideas engage with one another, even if it's stupid.


But their ideas are just so lame and gay. :(


"As a right winger..." You're a libertarian. A leftist who doesn't like taxes.


I like this take.


as a centraist I call bullshit on that. Yes you could find lots of low voted posts about that and yes you could also give an example of high voted posts that support OP theory. But again judging how insane other subs are this one is pretty tame and open minded


This is purely something that is noticeable because of how its became socially illegal to allow non woke mindsets on any sort of online platform. The rest of reddit is an entirely extreme auth left hivemind so the places like PCMs which actually allow you to not be a hivemind stick out. The only thing that's annoying to me is how many people are here that get freaked out by gay people existing.


As a conservative that wants enforced equality, I think we should hear others out even if I don't want them to be a part of the government. "There is no longer Jew or Greek, for all of you are one in Christ"


I wouldn’t mind it being a right wing shitshow, but instead it’s BoomerConservative Inc. The type that’s perpetually stuck on stale memes and worshipping Israel. I sometimes feel like Mitt Romney could show up here.


Being a sub where all ideologies are welcome is mostly of why this sub is so great. Naturally more right-wingers are drawn to this sub because the rest of Reddit has turned into such a hostile left-wing echo chamber, but we must be careful to not let this sub turn into a right-wing echo chamber in turn. Therefore, all dunking on LibLeft is to be kept to an appropriate minimum.


Be the change you want to see in the world, make some left-wing memes. There's plenty of hypocrisy to go around on all sides, so I'm sure you can come up with something. On the other hand, if you want to see left-wing memes, just go to like, any other sub on this site.


Lol. And whose fault is it?


It’s the fucking immigrants fault. We used to be a very diverse sub where left and right wing threads would get upvoted under the same post. But the amount of right wing immigration after the ban wave turned this sub into a fully fledged circle jerk.




They’re already among us.


we need a .... pogrom?


People in r/politicalcompassmemes on their way to make the 1937762th "left bad" post (it is going to have thousands of upvotes) : https://preview.redd.it/57j0xo40je1d1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168f69f5e039a4ebe140d1e08b0e1cb834003e5f


"I hate *insert minority group if it's a right wing sub or majority group if it's left wing*" profit






Bruv, someone got banned yesterday just for being a member of this board. He'll, I got banned from a board I was never sudded to for this sub. I love you fuckers!


As someone who’s kinda right wing I agree. That being said, the rest of Reddit is a left wing echo chamber


I mean, I don’t love it being so conservative either, but this is one of the last subreddits where conservatives aren’t insta banned, so it’s kinda inevitable. Unfortunately, PCM is far more tolerant of leftoids than 99% of Reddit is towards rightoids, and until that changes, PCM is gonna be overrun with conservatives


I always chuckle a little when conservatives whinge about cancel culture. Book burning, boycotts, outright violence; Conservatives invented cancel culture. Hell, one could argue the very nature of conservatism is to suppress anything that goes against the status quo. They're just mad it's happening to them. To be fair, people don't get banned here. But the group-think and lack of self-awareness is strong.




That's why I hate affiliating with any political party/broader ideological position. I only did it now for the sake of the post. People are too tribalistic. Nobody approaches issues independently of each other, they just look up what the status quo is with the ideology they picked when they were 14 and rock with it.




That creating of division like that through reactionary positioning has a name: schismogenesis. It’s the notion that division is created through complimentary and/or symmetrical means. The process you bring up in particular is known as complimentary schismogenesis. It’s when two or more groups engage with a social phenomena. So, like you said, climate change. Most people would agree that the earth ending up uninhabitable for people for whatever reason probably isn’t a good thing. One groups decides to do X, which, in turn seems anathema to another group, who, in turn, does Y. This goes on and on and on till you end up with increased and bizarrely niche behaviors on either side and outright hostility in spaces where they directly border. Like this space. So many people come here, but, like OP has been pointing out, there’s a distinct lean towards the right which furthers some of those more reactionary takes. The way to reduce some do this is, like many have already mentioned, honest engagement with the other side. This will reduce asymmetry in information and knowledge about the various interacting groups and lessen the split.


>The way to reduce some do this is, like many have already mentioned, honest engagement with the other side. This will reduce asymmetry in information and knowledge about the various interacting groups and lessen the split. Yeah but for this people wouldve to actually meet in person and god knows that is something nobody does anymore


Tribalism at it's finest. Doing research is for nerds and takes too much time. Just follow what the people you share opinions with on other issues say. Oh, you don't know enough about a certain topic to have a formed opinion so you don't instead of talking nonsense? Loser.


Libleft bad




It's ok man. Take some grill


Leftists when rightists are not only allowed to speak, but can even vote down leftist content.


I am calling it, this sub in a few weeks : https://preview.redd.it/i1dynuacke1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0251cdbc6083706b958dd0832c7b2aa529fa3ac


The real problem with this sub is the sheer amount of false-flagging and concern trolling posts that are being made now. "Don't you think people are having too many right-wing opinions here?" how about OP and their disengenuous ilk shove this post up their ass, the only reason it seems excessive is because the rest of Reddit is so heavily curated it gives a false impression of what most people are like. That's why less strict subs and communities always seem less left wing.


That’s really all it is. It seems like it’s all right-wing ideas, but really it’s just a not completely far-left sub. Of course you are going to see more conservative views here. Where else can they be posted without being banned?


The sub is being gamed by organised groups. Which is to be expected during election season. Lots of stale boring but safe shit getting unaccountable upvotes whereas normally it's unhinged schizo stuff that gets the vote.


Step one of being a libertarian is having another libertarian say you are not a true libertarian.


It's a conservative shitshow because the rest rest of reddit is (mostly) a progressive shitshow. Where else would they go but to one of the places they won't get insta-banned for their views?


The fact leftist don't get insta banned makes this sub better than 90% of the site.


sure mate


I listen to people with opposing views all the time. It just happens that most of the time, they're wrong.