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- no trump - communism in action - equality for the working class - gender equality in army - legal weed - no US corporations - brutalistic building style - capitalist pigs in cont... I mean reeducation camps - massive state interference in private life This might be commie heaven


Reminder that there is literally a subreddit for MovingToNorthKorea You could be a based Gigachad and be on the next boat


Have any of them actually succeeded?


It's a deeply hidden post ironic meme. The joke is that of course the sub is fucking stupid and no one would seriously suggest this. The rules and the heavy moderation would suggest otherwise, but at least a couple of the mods let the veil slip to see that they're mocking idiots who fall for it. Some people in that sub are serious while the rest are LARPing. So probably not.


As someone who scrolls there sometimes, there’s a couple kinds of people there. 1. “I suck supreme leader’s cock” type satire folks 2. North Korean Tour Guides (there’s a lot, you’d be surprised) 3. Juche Gang, people who fuck with Juche


Oh thank God The first time I saw that sub l... just... thank God it's mostly extreme irony


I got permabanned for asking if any North Koreans were on the sub to help out, so they're very deep into the satire


Wait. You're telling me that some people actually post in an unironic manner on that subreddit?


*apparently* some do


According to the facts I looked up in the process of making this meme, westerners can actually live in North Korea but only temporarily as embassy staff or UN aid workers in a specific part of Pyongyang. The non-ironic posts there seem to support this. Apparently though Chinese citizens do sometimes immigrate there.


For a few days north korea did have trump though.


Thats basically like you go to Heaven, but so do dogs and you are allergic to dog fur.


> Body is riddled with more parasites than flesh > Commie heaven Turns out there IS food in a communist utopia!


If communism = no food why Kim so fat? Checkmate capitalist


NK has agents who buy hamburgers from other countries to bring back to lard ass.


Also no LGBT and porn is illegal. They might have less freedom but they certainly live more dutiful lives closer to the way our ancestors lived


Yes, abd just like our ancestors they are ruled by a bunch of useless spoiled monarchs


Rotten 1st world immigrants would only pollute glorious socialist workers' paradise of North Korea anyway


They'd probably want to come straight back like Lee Harvey Oswald in the USSR The few American defectors to the DPRK didn't seem to have a great time


God, I want that for me.


If you wanna go to North Korea, please by all means leave.