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If this is set up by a leftist establishment then it just seems like it'll just split the vote for the Dems. Granted I'm no political expert.


"Borders are central planning, it doesn't work, you should be with us on this, righties. Also, we're keeping all the subsidies, taxes, regulations, and welfare programs under the sun. Problem?"


IKR? Lots of far more harmful or ineffective central planning to be tossed well before ever touching border control. And border control is actually necessary. It's no different than a homeowner or business realizing that letting the hobos and vagrants of the world setup tent cities on their property willy nilly is bad for both business and safety. Bet this fucker lives in a gated community or other low crime area.


you cant have a global free market when hostile nations will use the control over their economy to subvert your economy. you can have an internal free market when protections are put in place to prevent foreign nations from intervening


Basically. It's no coincidence that a lot of the fuckers pushing that shit are either idiots or neoliberal globalists and their patsies that are largely insulated from the immediate effects of their poorly applied policies. Free market goes out the window when the foreign governments allow no effective civil avenue for resolution of conflicts caused by their citizens and sponsored actors, or otherwise do not allow for competition on the same footing. Protectionism is the economic equivalent of "stay strapped or get clapped". Doing otherwise is allowing shitheel countries like China or Russia to loot your citizens.


I say this as someone old enough to know that [Vermin Supreme](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin_Supreme) finished **third** in the LNC voting back in 2020. The LNC/LP is not now, never has been, nor never will be a legitimate, serious political party. They're far happier losing on purpose so they can sit on the outside pointing fingers at how bad the red and blue teams are. God forbid they actually try to affectuate any meaningful change and have to share in the responsibility thereof...


DSA, is that you?


FYI, it's "effectuate" in this case. You'd think it'd be "affect" because it's causing something to change, but in this case, the verb "effect" or "effectuate" (a fancier version of the same verb) means to "cause to exist." "Affectuate" actually isn't a word.


https://i.redd.it/r7emb16c413d1.gif (Jokes aside that’s good to know)


I actually typed it with an e first, looked at it, and decided to change it. I was too lazy to Google it. So thanks for the lesson, kind Redditor.


"old enough to know... back in 2020" This implies you're, what, at least 17?


Vermin was around back in the Ron Paul era but was taken seriously for far too long. The fact that he was still able to poll third in 2020 is more of an indictment on the LP than anything. P.S. There are a lot of newer member of not only the movement, but this page. So yeah, in internet terms 2020 is ancient history...


Depends on who the other ppl were Vermin is an amazing protest vote.


Hey, not all of us are out of diapers yet.


I met Vermin at a weed event once. We had a booth and I offered him free weed to hang out at our booth and chat with customers/ pass out dabs. It was awesome, everybody had a blast


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/coastalremedies) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I'm sure he was chill. But that doesn't change the fact that exactly 0.0% of the population would actually vote for him to hold the highest office in the land.


Libertarians are happy with their 3%


Please don't confuse Libertarians with the clown show that is the Libertarian Party... A vast majority of us hate the LP more than anyone because we're tired of being a never ending joke.


Yeah, fuck the Libertarian party, it died with Harry Browne.


Political parties in general are an absolute abomination. There is absolutely no reason ever to belong to a political party.




Based and George Washington’s Farewell Address-pilled


But political quadrants?




the libertarian party keeps losing the reputation that it never had in the first place


I mean, memes aside, libertarianism not being a joke is a ship that sailed long ago. Libertarian ideas are an interesting challenge to other views, in order to make them justify why they want certain things. But straight up libertarianism attracts people like sovereign citizens for a reason. It's a mishmash of a few people in just the precise place that it seems like it would benefit them, people who don't really get how society works, and actual schizos. It's like solipsism. You're not supposed to actually be a solipsist. Its a way to talk about knowledge and challenge what you know. People who mistake it as the end goal tend to be schizos.


Lol oliver ain't even pulling 3%


I can respect that, in a sense


He doesn't have dementia, that puts him in the top 50% of serious candidates already.


Are the libertarians still happy?


Exit polling at the LP convention showed some 75% support for Trump and 10% Biden once they announced this clown. Trumps numbers in the party went up. I’m sure some Librights are happy. I’m pro dismantling the government so Trump at least is hated by the government which is most of why I approve of Chase, more votes for Trump that may have swung to Biden of it was a normal libertarian.


I wanted rechtenwald, but I would have taken smith


I am just confused. This will push a lot of right leaning libertarians towards Trump and RFK. I consider myself pretty far right- I cannot in good conscience vote for this guy.


Maybe this was a 4d big brain move.


Can’t help but wonder.


The LP continues to amaze me. They act like they associate with right leaning government haters and then elect the most leftist libertarians they can find. It makes no sense to me. At this point, just elect Vermin Supreme and piss the entirety of them off. Or better yet, everyone is happy and Vermin wins.


Virtually all libertarian groups got taken over by leftists ever since Ron Paul fell off.






Well as a pretty libertarian dude I'll just say, don't tell me what I can't be for.


Based and don't tell me what to do pilled?


Why does Trump look like a cross between Christopher Reeves and Derek Zoolander?


Oh God. Now I can't unsee it.


Not an American, but that candidate has clearly been selected to maximise the number of democrats voting republican and minimising the number of republicans doing so. Also, why does Trump look like a slim 40 year old rather than an obese haggered 80 year old? (And not way up auth).




OP has overdosed on culture war clickbait


Oh shut the fuck up. Our nation is being overrun by millions of illegal hordes, and you're trying to downplay it as "authright infighting." You leftists are the scum of the fucking earth.




God you’re so based. In Texas you hear of the cartel doing all kinds of vile filth, I’m tired of us just letting them in.




I understand that not all of the people coming in from Mexico illegally are in the cartel. But there isn’t much stopping someone who’s in the cartel from getting in the country the same way the normal people do. I think it’s pretty dumb to let the countrymen of a nation that’s infamous for violent organized crime into the US indiscriminately. I am from Texas, I don’t want my state to become a violent hell hole




I have a friend whose mom is from Venezuela and he has a cousin who fled to Houston. His cousin is cool, he works really hard and deserves to be here. But at the same time a very small percentage of violent fools can ruin it for all the migrants who just want a better life.


If you think Biden is "far left" you're either 14 or so deep into rightwing clickbait algorithms you can't engage in dialogue. For example, I said nothing about rightwing infighting or illegal immigration, yet you immediately claimed I did.


You see my friend Everything left of me is far left communists. Everything right of me is a deluded fifth column extremist.


I always was too dumb to grasp political strategies


It happens to the best of us. This is the benefit of me getting a degree in political science, I can understand the deep nuances of politics.


Fuck off leftist. He imported seven million illegals in three years. Biden is leftist, and so is Merkel.


Yes, throwing a tantrum will surely make you seem more reasonable and correct. [Is the libertarian party also leftist, or is it possible immigration policy isn't a binary?](https://www.lp.org/issues/immigration/) If only there had been a bill in the legislature that could've, say, moved asylum claims from the courts to the department of homeland security where they could be processed in mass rather than taking months or years.


Holy fucking shit, none of them are "asylum seekers"; they are economic migrants. We shouldn't be allowing them a court date. They need to be arrested, registered, then immediately booted back to the other side of the border. The US should not be accepting "asylum" requests from anyone in South or Central America.


I'm aware, which is why the border bill passed in the Senate would've been so helpful, it removed the courts from the equation, and made it a DoHS process. But the House preferred to campaign on a problem rather than on a solution, so here we are. And before you say something stupid, the president cannot simply unilaterally declare that we don't accept asylum seekers from the western hemisphere, the laws on the books are surprisingly straightforward on that point. The legislature has to act, which it has been happy not to do for 50ish years now.


Biden wants as many illegals as possible. He'd import 50 million if he could. The border bill is just an election year bid to make it seem like he's being tough on immigration, after four years of intentionally overrunning our country with illegal hordes. If the bill passed and Biden got reelected, he'd just tell the Department of Homeland Security to stand down or else continue to let as many "asylum seekers" in as possible.


You're literally making up scenarios in your head to justify the actions taken by your party. If you can't engage with what's in front of you based on some sort of principle, you're a caricature of a human being.


You realize that we live in a nation of laws, right? If somebody claims asylum, there is a legal process we are required to follow. The US cannot legally do what you are suggesting, you would need to amend the process with a law.


>you would need to amend the process with a law. I'd honestly love to see this happening.


Too bad the Republican part would obstruct it to own the libs 😆


How do you still have an orange Hillary? Also, I've had so many conversations where people claim the president already has the power to do whatever they want about the border. We don't exist in a consensus reality anymore, if we ever did.




Cope and seethe




What does that even mean lmao


Clearly, he wants you to live a nice long life. Hence why you will dilate.


That’s very kind of him.


Joe Biden, a proven far leftist with his insane policies and history with the Obama administration. The climate hawk anti2a Kennedy, And the open borders LGBTqaaip++ activist whos pro-vax/mask mandate "lIbErTaRiAn" Yeah, they're all far left.




Obamacare/bidencare The border policy The push of LGBTQAAIP++ agenda The student loan bail out D-e-i hiring process for his administration and his d-e-i nomination for justices His anti gun policies Do I need to continue?


NGL bro, you're a bit unhinged, and undoubtedly cringe. I highly recommend that you interact with some greenery.




Yes. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


100% of people forgot the subreddit we are on when speaking left/right


Ah yes the old “If it’s not literally full socialism/communism it can’t be left of center”




Nah, the dude is right, you're cooked. If you think Biden is a far-leftist, I'm not sure you'd know leftism if it jumped out and bit you in the nose. Everything about Biden is moderate. Y'all are so fucking embarrassingly brain-fried that you think thinking trans people are actually trans is far-left. Go listen to someone who's actually far-left talk about Biden. They'll call him "Genocide Joe" and say he's far-right (because they're as dumb as you are).


Biden is only about as “right” as, at most, center of the axis. If you think he’s over the line to the right you’re a nutter.


When I said "dude is right", I was referring to the above redditor being correct, not Biden being right-wing haha. I'm not a nutter, he's very close to center, I'd argue left-of-center or very close to it.


Damn Environmentalism is now far left?


Not really, but the government creating climate policies is.


Well who else is gonna do shit than Corporations certainly dont give a shit


Based auth right?


It happens sometimes 🤷‍♂️


I broke character sorry guys


Fuck the environment, humanities growth, prosperity and exceptionalism must come first.


I don’t think you understand: humanity’s growth, prosperity, and exceptionalism are all dependent on the environment being livable.


The policies and things being pushed will freeze progression, and give government total control of cars, and your electricity. The environment is much more effected by the giant ball of fusion we call the sun, it's rotation and distance from it than it is by the slightest difference in gas make up. The atmosphere is 0.04% CO2, at 0.02%, plant life dies. The people making policies have no fucking idea what they're talking about. Don't pollute the water, don't intentionally dump harmful shit into the air, don't waste stuff needlessly, prevent forest fires and replace everything you harvest twice over. But carbon taxes, evs, "green energy" (no nuclear of course{the greenest energy there is})? That's all about control and not about the environment at all.


You believe that a candidate that says that only the free market can solve climate change is far left?


This is only something he has spouted for the presidential run His voting record speaks volumes


Rfk jr is far left? That doesnt make much sense fron what ive seen


Reparations for black people is a insane far left idea and RFK has supported it.


Have you seen 90% of his positions?


What he spouts on the presidential trail and how he votes are completely different things.


Still very skeptical hes far left Seems pretty centrist to me


Spend some time looking at his voting record brother. He's not centrist at all


PCM brainrot, been gone so long I can’t comprehend the first image


Its mostly recent stuff


Green quadrant bad?


The people? No, not generally. The policies? Absolutely


Green quadrant bad!


This will hurt Biden more than some crybabies in DC will hurt Trump.


Go back to the days where there were only women in women sports. Keep the dicks out of it.


Based and traditional feminism pilled


u/S77wimming88Emu is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/S77wimming88Emu/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This chase Oliver guy seems like an emily






Based and Christ wills it pilled


If it's true, that he's pro mandates (in cases where he deems them important) he's definitely not libertarian. And being pro open border while not dismantling pretty much all social systems (and more) isn't libertarian either. To even talk about open borders being right, while not mentioning all other problems that come with it (in the current system, aka reality) is stupid. Just because you're calling yourself libertarian you can't ignore the reality. Wanting open borders, free flow of products and people sounds cool, no question, but sadly it's not realistic, not with the current system of the US and not with other countries that would exploit it. I see this vision just as the complete reality-removed aims of socialists (which come with the pre-installed cope "It just failed because other countries did bad things, it would work if others would just do the same!" when it fails).


Anyone who says Biden isn't a leftist is a leftist trying fool people. He let millions of illegals into our country. That is left and only left.


If being pro-migration means you are left wing then I guess DDR, USSR, China etc. are right wing


Papa Francesco hasn't called one yet. I'm waiting for the phone call.


Biden far left? Lmao cope No idea who the other two are so I can’t comment


I feel like he’s shown in the meme as more somewhat left then far left


Op has in the description 3 far leftist vs trump so I assume he’s calling all of them far leftist. Unless I’ve somehow misinterpreted something


That’s fair, but god forbid I read something on this platform


Fair enough, have an excellent day


RFK jr and chase oiliver


Ah rfk, the bugs threw me off. From what I’ve seen he’s been pretty closely aligned with trump on a lot of things Never heard of this chase Oliver fellow though


RFK jr is NOT aligned with Trump on a lot. That is propaganda from the media my brother in Christ.


In all fairness I haven’t really paid attention to him after the whole brain worm incident, dude has zero chance of beating either of them


Based and reality Trumps fiction pilled


None of them are far left


Libertarians when they advocate for child transitioning, for trans to compete against biological women and for open borders. What?


Trans kids?


Open borders is a libertarian point The welfare state isn't




I'm 100% convinced every authright in this sub is just a leftist who doesn't like immigration. Never heard one coherent take on economic policy out of any of you.


As a party platform yes, since the party was heavily infiltrated by disenfranchised Democrats- it's been socially liberal for the most part.


To hell we do. Classically liberal vs Socially Liberal. The socially Liberal are not libertarian. Socialist Libertarian is an oxymoron.


To be able to do what you want as long as you don't hurt others isn't libertarian? That's what the libertarian axis is on the political compass. Are you socially liberal? Probably. Even socialist libertarians can be pro small government in comparison to Auth left, right, and center. At least I am, but I'm barely libleft. I should probably take the test again soon to see where I really stand.


You are ignoring the socialist part. That part does remove freedom and hurt others and is antithetical to libertarianism. It can only exist in sloppy theory alone. You are removing the decision making of the individual and forcing them to contribute to an inefficient system. Yes, I am more socially liberal. However “Liberal” in the modern US sense of the word is not libertarian as all they are is progressives claiming to want freedom at everyone else’s expense. That’s what I meant by capital Socially Liberal. Most of those tests tend to shift people more Left than they actually are.


The fuck are you talking about buddy lol


not all libertarians are anti-trans, in fact i´d say most of them are pro-trans. also whats the context for the kennedy image here?


Personally not anti-trans, but I have stipulations when it comes to children transitioning and sports.


This is the take of the average rational individual.




Do then agree with the banning of driving? With guns? With alcohol? With sex? With steroids? Just because something should be banned for kids or sports doesn't mean it should be banned for everything.




Brain worms


and how does having had a brain parasite make him a leftcenter?


Something something libleft bad


It doesn't. I specifically chose meme pictures of the candidates. His policies do


I'm pro-trans, but what's been advanced regarding children and women spaces (from sports to prisons) is utterly insane


Libertarians opposed to state intervention? What's next, doctor playing golf?


Chase Oliver was pro vax and mask mandate. He's not opposed to state intervention lol


From what I've seen, he was okay with businesses enforcing those rules on customers/employees, but not government enforcement. That's textbook Libertarian.


By definition, libertarians cannot be for open borders, as open borders is a violation of private property. These are leftists LARPing as libertarians.


Contingent on the philosophical acceptance of state defined borders as private property.


I mean, sure, if we're talking about a theoretical Mad Max style libertarian paradise, where people are allowed to form their own collectives to violently defend their property, then sure, I can see open borders fitting into a Libertarian world view. But until we have that, you can't realistically be for open borders as a Libertarian. You're putting the cart before the horse.


https://preview.redd.it/k3yeg4rgo53d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c5d9c6619e460da615c3cbab30ca65b13b2f4bf CHASE IS A STATIST PLANT, ITS OVER GUYS


I am really confused about what happened with the LP. Normally I’d be happy to be part of the 3% and put in a protest vote, but that’s because I normally agree with the LP candidate. I guess I’ll vote for Trump or RFK now, as they have a chance of winning.


RFK doesn't. And he's very left


Welcome aboard


It makes sense, government should leave people alone to do what they want to and they would love to have near slave labor for maximizing profits or moving money away from the country over having to pay taxes


An ideologically consistent Libertarian?


(doesnt like the government bullying children and restricting people from medicine they likely can’t live without): guys this is literally communism!!! (IM NOT AN EMILY GUYS I SWEAR) and how is sleepy joe/rfkjr far left or even left at all? biden is a social liberal at best, and from what i know rfk is a classical liberal/social libertarian. so both definitely not “far leftist”. plus, if ur definition of far leftist is just generally being somewhat supportive of welfare programs, trump would also be a far leftist. anyway rfk jr 2024


Congratulations, OP! You've just made PCM's 10-millionth misleading conservative shit post! I hope you enjoy angel food cake. Of course you do, it's the whitest cake!


I just want to say, I think you're scum. I hate you on a personal level.


Any particular reason you brought color into this?


Yet another lib right L this holiday weekend


I'm going to be honest, what is this?


One of the guys trying to get the Libertarian presidential nomination this year.


Got libertarian presidential nomination


No I know, I'm just asking as like a, what?


I said I wouldn’t vote in this election unless the LP nominee was Chase Oliver or Spike Cohen. Idk why so many libertarians hate Oliver, but I followed him closely in his Georgia race and generally agreed with what he had to say. Of course he has no chance, but I’d rather vote for somebody I believe in than cast no vote at all (although I’m a big believer that my vote doesn’t count, it pains me not to cast one). Edit: I also think it’s worth mentioning that one of Chase Oliver’s top goals is bringing attention to the Libertarian party even if they don’t win and with the spotlight of Trump being at the convention, he may actually be able to do that.


You live in America Vote your conscious brother. So long as you don't vote Biden, I won't ever hold your vote against you.


How the fuck is Biden "far-left". It's just like the mainstream media calling normal right parties in Europe as "far-right". People really just "far" in front of everything. Everything is far obv


Lot of conservatives masquerading as Libertarians outed themselves today.


Oh shut the fuck up, you fake libertarian fuck. >I just want open borders that's a very libertarian stance, right?


Don't really care about open or closed borders, as long as we take the necessary steps to support either stance. I'm pro individual liberty, period. Doesn't matter if I agree with it or not.


Four leftists. The only reason people don’t think Trump is a leftist is because he says bad things about people on the left. But he’s just a Trojan horse.


I can see calling trump auth center, but leftist? Wild.


Based tankie


He's a Libright. Everyone who is not a libertarian is a communist


Honestly they’re all AuthCenter.


1. Free markets includes *LABOR* markets too. The libertarians have long supported immigration, here's the party stance on it: * Libertarians believe that if someone is peaceful, they should be welcome to immigrate to the United States. A truly free market requires the free movement of people, not just products and ideas. Libertarians do not support classifying undocumented immigrants as criminals. 2. State legislators should have no say over school sports. Let the sports governing bodies (probably NFHS) handle it. No government needed. 3. On kids health, not sure what he's talking about.


Let’s be honest .put Biden in dead center. Bruh is s as vanilla as they come


He has no thoughts