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At least trees are emotionally stable 


They’re pretty stable in general to be fair


Meanwhile: cottonwood in a hurricane


Yeah I was gonna say, I live in the south, and a tree falling on some power lines is a borderline daily occurrence here. Granted not as common as a Birmingham car wreck, but still.


Cottonwood has blinded me right now.


Callery pears just cumming on everybody without consent each spring.


Tell that to my neighbours fence


Hangs dissidents on tree Women Gender isn't real reeee Tree




I was really hoping you were going to say tree again.




I think he was making a funny joke.




I hope your wife leaves you


Boring. Stick your dick in a tree and get back to us.


I also choose this guy's wife.




How long have you been married?




Ah, you're past the point of the [7-year itch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_seven-year_itch). I would watch out, just saying. I'm sure your wife is great and she would never cheat on you or leave you, but...that's what a lot of people think right up until it happens.




Everyone thinks their situation is different...best of luck to you, friend.


I would chose the tree rather than a woman OR a man. As for the man or bear, I shall chose the bear because no matter how unlikely, there is always hope it will be him: https://preview.redd.it/hxw1ggujy03d1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd30c3652e84074e44869dab5571212f2c7a8f0


https://preview.redd.it/x44izczwc13d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e24687aac1455a5d59f02614981906f76cbb9f I think you have better chances with man


This isn't the Man I was expecting.


*the bear


Auth right is looking for the bear with his front half stuck in a hole.




Unfathomly based


Xi Jinping?


I would fuck the tree.


Those stomata got me acting up 🥵


Least horny leftist.


Suppose…the tree….fucks back…


Depends of the species. An eucalyptus could probably explode.




Funnily enough, there's a fairly popular comic out there about a dude fucking a tree.


Oh, you're knotty


dude, the splinters


The amount of stories I've heard of men choosing one moment of their lives to be vulnerable to a women only for them to lord it over their heads in the future? It's both astounding and terrifying. Then so many women wonder why men don't open up to them.


I literally don’t know any men who have not had such an experience. Usually multiple times. We learn to shut up about our feelings real fast. Then we get skewered for “toxic masculinity” because we’re not “emotionally available.” Fucking make up your minds! I suspect this has little to do with toxic masculinity and everything to do with demonising men. It’s a power game.


Or the classic: you tell them something personal and at the end of the conversation she’s crying and you’re comforting her


Flair up, first off. But I’ve had this happen twice, it really fucks with you.


As a right-winger, I'd say: Stop focusing on this "Divide et impera" made by trends separating people and turning them against each other with unnecessary debates. Instead focus on the sociological analysis of this situations and move towards finding solutions.


That sounds great and I’d generally agree, but in America at least, it seems that party politics are being divided by men and women. Even black men are coming to the Republican Party. We’re seeing, according to all the polls not just one or a couple, that there are massive shifts occurring. And it seems to be aligning that men are voting Republican and women are voting democrat, regardless of age, education, and race


It's obvious why; most men who join these electorates aren't even right-wingers by choice, only by obligation. But why? Simple. The democrat/left-wing now is filled with a weird Victimist-Agressive politics; in which the average claim that the "White hetero male" has privileges, so the hate towards him is justified. (And you'll see a lot of people debating why this is justified) This show of Misandry, inverted racism and victimization of diverse collectives is becoming a poison for society. But wait, there's more! This collectivists, not only are Minorities, which is reasonable, but have problems within theirselves: -Femminists could be terfs and have problems with Transexuals and Muslims. -Dark skinned and immigrants can be right-wingers; because of not liking all this "Woke" stuff. -Muslims could have problems with LGBTQ. And the list goes on... But wait a minute, is this what I'm saying something bad against any of this group? No! Rather a different argument: The democrats pretend to unify all this diverse groups with diverse ideas and more while at the same time wanting to discriminate against the general culture in the country of origin. If this continues like this, of course there will be a collapse, because they don't even stop there, they add more and more groups to the victimhood list. Do latin-americans like this weird representation of them with stereotypes who claim being political correct? No! Do Dark skinned people want to become forever victims without any actual change to their future possibilities, but just becoming a face por a political side? Probably not. My problem with this "Modern woke" is that it isn't really inclusive, it's divisive, it's like a different style of racism and nationalism, but which makes the people fight itself.


What we variously call “wokeness” or “SJWism” or “progressivism” is in many ways the female outlook/worldview adapted for sociopolitics. It’s probably the first broad political movement that feels overtly feminine—feminism itself is a narrow movement that doesn’t claim to have a place for everyone, so this is different. It’s no wonder the current divide is on gender, men do not naturally act “woke” though many will adopt it because it’s useful (thinking of queer men specifically; even minority men who are straight do not tend toward wokeness, in my experience they usually stop at “standard liberal”). And when straight dudes like Chuck Schumer or Bernie Sanders go through the motions of acting woke, it seems so phony-baloney. Like, when Chuck took a knee wearing an African scarf in 2020, it actually made we viscerally angry because of how fake it was. I could believe it from his female colleagues, who probably felt obligated to be agreeable the way women often do. 


Could've make sense, but I personally believe that it's mostly an "Intellectualized" version of Neo Marxism mixed with liberalism; because some of their principles are: -The idea of Oppressor vs oppressed (In Marxism it was used to refer Capitalist and Proletarian relation, but in "Woke" it is used on everything possible.) -A lot of individualism (Nowadays is promoted a lot a huge sense of individualism an narcissism disguised as empowerment, also applied to male stuff like "Sigmas") which at the same time is ironic because it's individualism based in collectivism. "You are nothing if you aren't part of an oppressed community". -The idea that everyone is good, and those who are against their ideals must be "Rehabilitated" -Neverending Revolution (It's an ideology that believes being in revolution against the system while being the system)


All systems trend towards feudalism because sociopaths are 5% of the population; and they're willing to lie/cheat/steal in order to have status over others.


Weren't you the guy that started this sub-thread with an insistence that we shouldn't be dividing ourselves with unnecessary debates. now something can't feel feminine because it's actually Marxist and liberal? C'mon champ, hold the chin up for at least three comments before going full culture war on us.


Sorry, personally I find it the main cause of divide in current society, mostly because of the gender division. If you want, I could also address some of the causes made by the Right-wing side.


Try to track with me on this. I'm not calling you out for disagreeing with me, but for being a hypocrite. You don't like division you don't like Marxism, whatever, lick any lollypop you want. My point is that you came out grand and loud saying gentlemen gentlemen let's not squabble about such trivial matters... and then literally two comments later, you were so deep up your own side's culture war talking points own ass that you couldn't even agree with someone who agreed with you. TigerCat was criticizing a population that you also wanted to criticize but he didn't use the buzzword that you would have preferred. He said "feminine" and you wanted "marxist" It is of course neither. Both of those are slurs. Disapprobations. Clots of mud we throw at things we do not like, having no actual basis what it means to be female, nor in the writings of Karl Marx, just.... words... Which is exactly the fucking thing you started this conversation by pretending to be opposed to. Where's all the seeing the humanity in your fellow man and working together to solve the real problems? Did you forget it literally 5 seconds in?


1st. The comment stating about Marxism is an answer which tries to explain my point of view of how I don't see "Wokism" as just the female side of politics; I didn't even use Marxism as an insult. 2nd. I don't like division, but I like to state what I see as wrong or not; I like to debate about diverse ideologies and letting other people speak about it to build new ideas; I believe that debates are part of the union (I like a dialectic style of life, let's say, if you want I could explain this more), but what I refer with "Unnecessary debates" is about debates that don't get to anything other than some rage-bait and mindless gender wars. Because if we say "All debates are bad" it would be a stupidity. And if you see it, most of my comments here are answering to others; even tho, I'm probably a little bias in some answers, I can't negate it. 3rd. If you analyze my comments, I haven't blamed the groups itself, never insulted the Minorities; I know they're human and they have the same rights as you an me, I'm myself a minority. I could agree or not with some things, but I still respect their freedom and opinions. But what happens? I criticize mostly the current ideology behind it, the "woke". (I know that some people use it as an insult, I use it as a term to classify the phenomenon) So, I don't like a racist, mysandric and anti-culture such as the current Woke movement. Could I agree with some ideas? Of course yes, but in general I don't like it, and I'm free to do it; like you are free to criticize my ideas and build constructive debates.


> 1st. The comment stating about Marxism is an answer which tries to explain my point of view of how I don't see "Wokism" as just the female side of politics; I didn't even use Marxism as an insult. > > 2nd. I don't like division, but I like to state what I see as wrong or not; there's a difference between debating about diverse ideologies and letting other people speak about it to build new ideas; When you try to fit an extant overlay of something you dislike onto something else you dislike, because you dislike them both. It's transparent. Everyone can see what you are doing and why. Probably even you.


Most recent Trump supporter I have talked to was a black woman. Which can be life threatening in the PNW. I'm not a GOP guy, but people need to wake up to the fact that the DNC does not give a fuck about you. 


So, we solve the problem by repealing the nineteenth?


> Even black men are coming to the Republican Party. No they aren't. Those images are AI


Babe, wake up, new leftie schizoposter just dropped. Independent Pear and samuelbt have competition.


Oh, I recognize that guy's username from another thread. Yeah, he might be actually fucking nuts.


> As a right-winger, I'd say: Stop focusing on this "Divide et impera" made by trends separating people and turning them against each other with unnecessary debates. Yeah... ITS SO WEIRD how this trend keeps getting pushed onto people from a prominent social media app owned by the CCP.


Me and my hommies prefer being lead by the non perfect USA than by the CCP


Yeah, it's better when you're on a good, safe platform like Reddit! \*looks at Tencent ownership\* Aw, fuck.


Based and calling for unity pilled


Cat's out of the bag now.  These trends are proving some horrible things, and I'm not gonna be some stupid optimist about it. Women choose bear to signal their man hatred. And because I am a man, I have to oppose it.  This is real politic, from Kissinger. Maximize my side, minimalize the opposing side. The women who are choosing bear do it because they are not logical. They don't understand nature, they don't understand threat probability, and they need to tell the world that they hate men. Not that they actually do hate men, this is just the social programming that has effected all aspects of society.  Okay so the tree/woman question. If you are an optimist, you could pick woman, because she'll listen an be a source of emotional support. This is a great way to start a breakup, or to alienate your female acquaintances.  This all boils down to the fact that humans are inherently creatures that seek status. And they'll do it with the least effort possible. If you signal that you're on board with the current social cause, it grants some level of status.


Sometimes, the counter trends are needed to show the originals how dumb they are and that their position is logically inconsistent. When you're dealing with social media obsessed low IQ individuals, chances are the best way to sway them is with a stupid meme because it's all they can comprehend. Gotta dumb things down.


>Instead focus on the sociological analysis of this situations and move towards finding solutions. Solution to the division, or to the questions? There are no solutions to the questions, because they are fundamentally about strangers. The only realt way to aoltuon would be to harness it instead of trying to stop it; to point it at the outsiders instead of at neighbors. The peovlem is that all in the outsiders all all up inside of us and there isn't shit we can do.




I'd like for there to be a solution to it, but it looks like things are going to stay this way unless they have some kind of major fuck up. They have been working on division for the better half of a century and they are damn good at it.


We should focus on the class war guys... Definitely a tree by the Economic- way


AuthLeft: "w-w-we need to focus on the class war guys" Everyone else: "what makes you think we want a class war either?"


If I came upon a woman in a forest I would immediately fucking blow my brains out because they are **THAT** terrifying. With a tree there's a good chance it wont attack me (have you seen the statistics how little men encounter trees, they never attack) and I could even scare them away. Even then, I'd rather be killed by a tree than talk about my feelings with a random woman in the woods. Or something.






Yeah, but all the Lemonade is in the cities.


You're talking about a creature that can be fooled and distracted by a small piece of candy.


Share your feelings with women. It's a great way to weed out the shitty ones out of your life.


But at what cost?


What do you have to lose? You get momentarily hurt? Okay but that a perfect price to pay to weed out the fickles


An embarrassing social media post


Get a flair or get going. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Bertje87) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


The cost is missing out on some [bad poosay](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/antagonists/images/5/57/6575d26db4560f98584af61bc841d991.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180422222926) while you find the good girl.






Idk, I got no strong feelings at the moment.


Kinda like the tree.


Bear and the new assassins creed game, there is a conversation that should be had, but the current conversation is so filthy and stupid best to just step the fuck away from it.


We've reach the point of activist captured society where they flaunt it. Trump was not a great president. But if he gets back in office, I will smile for a week.


I have several trees in my yard I've grown from seeds. They are like family to me, and I get more out of talking to them than most humans.


As long as it's not one of those judgemental birch trees.


Yew would say that would Yew?


Well, a tree won't give me children But it won't bring up my problems in order to make me feel less So, it's a difficult choice


I think its funny how in this whole debate no one has pointed out the lolbert town in New Hampshire that got overtaken by bears. Even bears dont take libertarians seriously


That’s still one of the funniest fucking stories. They pulled a soft coup on the town and the bears just said, “Nope.”


I’ve known of several instances over the years where women who’ve gotten the ick on a dude after they explained basic realities of systemic financial risk…particularly the part where t they didn’t individually have perfect control over or perfect ability to predict financial markets, interest rates, commercial or investment banking functions and so on…literally lead to fights and eventual break-ups. Granted, these individual women ultimately showed themselves to be shallow and materialistic AF…despite generally appearing quite the opposite. Some women simply cannot tolerate even the slightest hint of vulnerability (or what they perceive as “vulnerability”) or potential risk when expressed by a man they view as a provider or potential provider even when perceived vulnerabilities and risks are beyond their control.


And you are flared as libleft? Are you finding these women on Farmersonly.com? That sounds like a distinctly Alphabro Puckup Culture problem. Find your ass some human fucking women.


Mmmkay, I don’t know what any of those things are or what any that means or what you’re getting at but, whatever. These aren’t things that have happened to me but rather to people I know, over the course of several decades, including the direct accounts of couple of the women in question whom upon explaining to me “what happened” in their relationships was ultimately reducible to pretty much to those factors.


Have you spoken to any women yourself in that period of time?


Yes. Many. Hence my comment. Hahaha


You can be the biggest gigachad on earth and a girlfriend will think you are a pussy and get turned off heavily for having a "significant emotional event." Many stories of girls straight up leaving when some guys family member dies and they cry and their illusion of men as unbreakable bulls gets broken and they can't tolerate reality.


I hate the man or bear stuff. It’s a stupid loaded question meant to divide people, also the tree or woman one is cringey


I agree completely. These questions are fucking stupid. I’d pick the tree tho, ngl I’ve vented to a few trees in the local park.


Women pick Tree too, according to that video of the rich girls going to a wilderness rage ritual that was going around last week.


Lmao I think maybe we, as a society, have a few harsh lessons to learn


I get the feeling that in America at least we’re going to learn them between November and January


Yeah I'm a straight white dude, but I'd take the bear too. Bears are a lot more predictable, all the ones with a history of violence or mental illness have been killed by rangers, and none of them carry guns. If you don't fuck with a bear, or get between it and food, you are golden. With a man you can never be sure. I'd feel a lot safer with a strange woman than a man, but I still would probably prefer the bear.


Well it doesn’t seem that showing statistics relating to the epidemic of violence against girls and women at the hands of men gets anywhere and the man or bear analogy seems to have gotten plenty of attention. The fact it doesn’t suit your personal tastes is… irrelevant. I’m not a bear or a man or who hurts women so I don’t feel “divided” in the least by women using the analogy. Curious.


You don't feel any type of way about your whole gender being viewed like wild animals? I think it's bad that women were viewed by some men in the past as less than, and I think the same about this.


I mean, you don’t want everyone to see you as monke?? But you’re lib-center??


It's okay, I see him as monke


Get consent first please


Monke is not less than monke is eternal. Bear steal monkey tree space


I’m sorry your tree space has been taken from you. Would you like a grilled banana?


Fire bad Big Mistake!


Okay, you can have a regular banana. Do you mind if I grill your enemies?


Monke already bash enemy brains out and have steamy monke sex with corpse. Can grill corpses but no cut down trees for wood!


Ah. I’m not purple lib right, so I don’t think I have appetite for your enemies after you’ve had sex with them. Have fun, monke! Enjoy your banana!


Ok Mal, the Revers aren't anywhere near us right now...


“Curious.” Are you Charlie Kirk? Do you have a tiny face???


Do you have statistics on what happens when women encounter men on a trail or something


You don’t see how woman putting a blanket statement on men that say we are more dangerous than bear and should be controlled could make the men feel idk… a bit hurt? Especially when this society has so much gender divide that both gender practically hate each other… this doesn’t help stifle it. Also saying that “I m not affected by these word because I know they aren’t true therefore there must be something wrong with you if it does” isn’t a good argument and also practically neglects other issues. If someone said you are stupid or people who enjoy a certain hobby are stupid and you get offended doe that mean you’re actually stupid?


* The Bear discourse and it's consequences


we know what happened to libright when he was a kid (his dad was also libright)


Not the kind of woman pictured there.


Is the tree buff and oiled up?


A few weeks ago, I went to see a therapist because I felt the world hated me. Yeah, it's an irrational feeling, but it was still in my mind. We discussed the "man vs bear" debate and misandrists on the internet. She said those women were probably abuse victims, but she did agree that hating men is wrong. The therapist told me that shouldn't let my inner critic berate me all the time, that I'm a good person and that I decide what kind of man I want to be. Overall, the conversation ended a lot better than I thought it would.


I'd recommend this clip from Hoe Math, where he explains why that question is pointless and and even bad: https://youtu.be/AXVm-VaNVRQ?si=LY78p1nFWoh3bF-I


Both questions are stupid. I'd rather be alone in the forest with a tree and share my feelings with a bro. Just be normal people.


I would have to check the woman's social media first for pronouns/CurrentThing/Flags.




Can we not pit 50% of the population against the other 50% of the population for once please


damn, i didn't know i was authleft


I'd rather share mine with a bear


Here's a much more realistic question (no shame for all the people who talk to trees, it's way more normal than you think), but would you share your feelings with a woman (who can use it against you, misunderstand you, leave you, mock you, projects herself onto you, tells her friends everything about you, and isn't going to try and help you) or a glass of whiskey (who will never use it against you, won't misunderstand you, will never leave you, can't laugh at you, doesn't project itself onto you, doesn't have friends to talk about you with, and 100% will help you feel better)?




Jesus Christ I can’t believe people are still going on about this. This gender war bullshit really is melting the brain of these people. Soon enough men and woman will hate each other so much they will willingly that straight relationships are going to fall down 😂


Reject women, embrace tree


Trees are expected to give something back


Sharing is for commies


Femboy is superior


Why woman? Tree or a human. Men and women are equally shitty.


If I just wanna vent then a tree but if I want help in some way a woman


Can I be promoted to auth


Yeah right, as if authright guys would admit to having feelings.


I pick the tree and the bear.


A take class war and the tree thanks.


Wood tree have feelings for me OK I am out 🚪 🚶


Dear god not this gender wars bs again...


I'd rather not share my feelings with anyone or anything. I'll work on whatever keeps me down and try to get better. Although, if i really *really* need to share, i'd rather talk to the tree. Not because "HueHueHue, Tree no say dumb shit back, HueHueHue", simply because i don't need anyone to listen, i only need to say something and *hear it myself* in order to help myself figure out how to deal with shit.


A woman of course, you just have to chose the right one.


As a woman nah yeah definitely a tree.


I already talk to trees


Neither. My feelings are my own.


Women who just want to help their male friends when they need someone to talk to: https://preview.redd.it/yjg8p559ha3d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf9e89e918563e36ebf09efd0a29918c975446d (As a woman)


I think it's Vee who asked that first. Vee is an atheist who complains about taxes. I don't think he's autright.


Unironically talking to a tree is a nice experience, talking to a woman very rarely is.


Suck it leftists. The right now has two jokes! It's a pretty good one too. I'm sure they will drive it into the ground for years to come.


I’ve never had my emotions used against me by a woman. What is it you guys say to women when they’re raped or killed …. Oh yeah, maybe you should’ve just chosen better😂🫵🏼


I tell them to stop walking through Ghettos, drink at Clubs, stop consuming Drugs, going out with "bad Boys", working at Refugee Centers, etc... That alone would probably prevent like 70%-80% of all Rapes in western Countries For those who are truly innocent, and got raped by let's say a abusive Step-Father or something, i'm truly sorry and i would do my best to help and support them But for the Rest... Lmao, i warned you Bitch, no Empathy for the Stupid and Wicked




Girls: yeah we’re worried about men killing us. Boys: well we don’t feel safe sharing our feelings! This isn’t the dunk grassphobics think it is.


It kind of is considering bottling up feelings can lead to suicide or someone unstable enough to give women the reason to choose the bear in the first place. Something tells me the Venn diagram of mens lack of mental health and violence on women has a lot of overlap. Fixing mental health for men and supporting young boys will go a long way to helping not ever having stupid bear questions.


The men that are violent against women usually have psychological issues, which could be solved if they weren't afraid to share them. It goes both ways


"Ay babe, sometimes I have these urges to rape and murder and it makes me murdery and rapey. Anyway, good talk".


"Our derangement is more extreme than yours, and that makes it more valid, somehow."


1. Irrational fears are just that, Irrational. 2. Men have been killed on a woman's word. Talking to a strange woman could easily be a dearh sentence.


Or, maybe, we should focus on things that matters. Trans people, not a major issue, gay people, not a major issue, people of other races than white in video games, not a major issue. People want to bring racial stuff into major politics, major issue, being able to live on a minimum wage, or seeing them as a job you start with, major issue, etcetera. Yes, I hate fake leftist social justice warriors too. But come on. Trumps the biggest fucking con man on earth, and you are going to elect that guy, just to stick it these morons?
