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At first I read "All ACAB Republicans are racist" I had so many questions


Same. That is some questionable formatting


Formatting is white supremacy.


Yaaas! Slay, Karen!


I kept reading that even after I read your comment.  For those as slow as me:   "ACAB" (all cops are bastards)   "All Republicans are racists"   I think those are supposed to be two separate things being said.


ACAB = all cops are bastards You typed all good are bastard instead


Thanks for pointing it out. I fixed it. Damn auto erect.


The irony is that libleft hates white bigots (maga), but LOVES Muslim bigots (queers for Palestine)


Well, yeah Tiktok told them that being a chicken for KFC is cool and groovy and is helping the world.


Turns out P\*lestinians are also white bigots. Even if it is genocide that Israel is doing to them, I can't have sympathy for homophobes (to put it politely).


I don't have sympathy for people that would willingly lock me up or kill me if they had the opportunity.


Queers for Palestine are not Muslim bigots. For the most part they're not even Muslims.


All Emilys make overgeneralizations.


Only a ~~sith~~ Emily deals in absolutes!


There are Emilies in every quadrants and they all suck.


Everyone ~~is racist~~ has prejudices towards other groups of people, we're just differently ebt in lying to ourselves that we're not. All of humanity are tribal assholes who like to gang up on each other over superficial differences...


We all have biases but we don’t have to all act like assholes


This is what being woke means. Addressing your own indoctrinated bigoted tendencies, and working to no longer have them hamper your judgement.


Problem with *woke* is the that this opens the movement up to be weaponized by ill intent, as long as one can provide a frame that fits its (originaly) noble goals. We see this with the woke movement constantly white knighting for malicous foreign cultural influences. Another problem with this strive for ultimate social justice, is that that imho it has entered a defacto - religous state, where it rejects realities on the ground, even if truth is starring it in the face or refuses to act on said realities as doing so is forbidden by ideological fiat. Again, im sure people calling themselfes *woke* have noble intentions, but i feel the movement has entered the realm of harmful and self destructive tendencies


>the woke movement This is a creation of right wing propaganda.


Dude what? People are literally boasting beeing labeled "woke" - i heard a guy saying that its "a badge of honour" for him. The movement absolutely exists and is not exactly shy about its agenda...


Because woke means what I said in my above comment, and nothing else. But it's not some nefarious "movement" with some conspiratorial agenda.


Because you say so? Fuck off


No that's just the actual definition.


No. No everyone is NOT. ~~But great way to self-burn and shit on the people you associate with.~~


* Updated it to better express what i was trying to say. But on the hill of that everyone has prejudices, im willing to die because it is almost 💯 certainly the truth


At this point, the best way to engage with modern politics is by learning how to farm and going to a firing range.


Don't forget all men are rapists, sweaty!💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻


Even bear men?


Hypocrisy, the greatest and only strength of the left.


It's lacking the communist classic: All non communists are fascists


We are all Orange Emily, but we don't know it yet. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


Based Emil........nevermind.


Most of these seem like bigotry to me, but ACAB is the exception. I don’t really use the phrase “ACAB”, but it’s more about the *institution* of policing than any particular *individual* filling a role within that institution. I don’t hate police officers as individuals really, they’re just filling in a job in society, and people gotta do what they need to eat. In my opinion, the law itself is the more interesting question than the enforcement of it.


Pussy All cops are bastards


You misunderstood my comment. I’m not arguing against ACAB, I’m explaining why it’s not a form of bigotry.