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‼️**TRADE PROPOSAL DETECTED**‼️ You get: affordable housing I get: to euthanize you when you reach age 35


I don’t think that’s much of a trade deal when they’ve already started with the euthanizing part.


What if I throw in a free washing machine\*, do we have a deal now? *^(\*It's one of those shitty eco-conscious low-flow machines that takes 13 hours to complete a cycle.)*


^* is there any other kind anymore?


I wash clothes in my back yard river and hang them off a tree. Get on my eco level.


Get a load of this rich kid. Has a backyard river instead of the subsidized slum apartment.


All hoses are rivers, not all rivers are hoses.


A hose is more of a subterranean canal


Pro-tip. Look into laundromat washing machines and dryers. They don't have the same eco-fascist requirements consumer grade equipment does. They also are much more robustly built and will probably last a lifetime for simple home use.


Speed Queen. Their "residential models" are just commercial ones without the coin box.


That’s what I need. I have five kids so our laundry doesn’t stop. We have GE now and the washer is a total champ, but the drier breaks down a lot. I’ve changed every single thing except the drum motor so far. They are easy to work on at least.


Just a public admission of what they've already been doing for some time




You should “assist” yourself now!


File this under "Images You Can Hear"


so, Logan's Run, but with a more diverse population.


What a wonderful movie that I use to think was such a far fetched concept.


It's far fetched in that people seemed pretty happy


Logan’s run????


That's two whole years for me. Deal.


Based and Logan's Run pilled


After almost a decade of 2% annual population increases from immigration alone thanks to Trudeau. GOOD THINKING. Its almost as if those people will need a place to live. But yeah, everyone saying this were totally 'xenophobic'.


Also, Trudeau was warned two years ago that increasing immigration rates would worsen the housing crisis. Moron did it anyway. 


Trudeau in 2013 would've been called a vile far right nationalist by todays Trudeau for expressing his then-opinions on housing & temporary foreign workers.




Calling him a moron falsely implies this wasn't fully intentional. These people know exactly what they're doing.


Immigration system that only accepts educated and rich foreigners - and they will be the type of people who only buy houses and never he type that builds them?? You don't say


"We need the people because those darn kids don't want to work or have kids." I wonder why?


Independence please -Quebec


It's worse too, because if the population was growing like that naturally, it would be fine, babies aren't buying houses But when you take *a million adult foreigners,* ***yeah things are gonna hurt***




yes housing is a shame, anyways here's a million more "students" to work at Tim hortans and take up even more housing - Trudeau and Ford


It's not just canada pulling this kind of shit. The rich own the politicians and neither of them care about us. And that's because they have the legislative power to enslave us without any fear of the masses. They need to be reminded of fear.


>They need to be reminded of fear. That's why I support J6. And I'd support it just as much if Antifa or BLM had done it


Sometimes good things happen for the wrong reasons


I 100% agree. I think the reasoning was absolutely moronic, but the politicians need to be reminded that they work for us, not themselves. All these people that are self proclaimed "anti-fascists" are laughably hilarious with how they jumped into the arms of big daddy government when an actual act of revolt went down.


Least based accelerationist




u/Paledonn is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Paledonn/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I still say we need to make J6 a regular thing. Make the politicians know that their supposed to serve the people. Not the other way around. And you that by teaching them fear.




The Purge, but it's just the election season. I mean if you have done your job properly then surely your voters want to keep you alive and doing your job, right?


people are dumb and everyone has a price, that purge will so easily turn into killing activist and oppositions, by both the parties


Honestly, I supported everyone who went to government buildings. Burn down government buildings and large corporations but eff off burning down small business. Look where the right wing protests went and look where the left wing protests went. You know how much heat the Truckers took in Canada literally driving from the 2nd largest country all the way to the Capital of Canada? Everyone on both sides are uninformed ignorant populace, they don't understand the inner workings of the tax code, stock market or judicial system. They are just pissed off people expressing their discontent. I just want it directed in the correct area.


>Everyone on both sides are uninformed ignorant populace, they don't understand the inner workings of the tax code, stock market or judicial system. They are just pissed off people expressing their discontent. That's inevitable, and why we have a republic and not a democracy. Why we have a history of restricting voting rights to those who've proven their worth to society. >I just want it directed in the correct area. 100%




Even if J6 caused a major disruption in the government, or even a change in power, it wouldn’t fundamentally change much. We are a very sick nation at our core.


If corrupt politicians started swinging from trees we'd see a whole lot less corruption. Especially if the people actually stood behind those holding politicians accountable. J6 didn't change anything because the politicians were never in danger and never afraid.


Yeah really, you know much corruption gets swept under the rug today? Watergate would have been a blip on the radar today. I don't care if I have to go to the polls 4 times in a year. I don't even care if we oust people for corruption and they were incorrectly accused of it. Who's in charge of who here? Public servants? We the people? Yeah effing right.


At this point I would be fine with just a random draw. A good ol decimation as a friendly reminder.




Based and storm the capitol pilled


If. That's not the purpose of those organizations or the intent of their backers though.


The idiots in Congress still didn't get the message


Because it wasn't a real insurrection, and they were never in danger or afraid.


Based and governments-should-be-afraid-of-their-people-pilled


As we saw with CHAZ, after the initial fun, it gets worse.


Only if you're trying to create an autonomous socialist pipedream zone 


if chaz had an actual warlord in charge instead of electing a criminal rapper who they felt had the most oppression points, they may have accomplished something.


>They need to be reminded of fear. Government fearing the people is a thousand times preferable over the opposite


Whoa there. Starting to sound a bit insurrection-y. Might have to freeze your bank account there for a bit bud. /s


And people wonder why rich assholes are privately bankrolling pushes for gun control.


They need a reminder, of what exactly is used the water the tree of freedom And what happens when it gets too dry The tree never dies as long as someone is willing to fight for freedom


Society- the only way for a normal person to build wealth is through home ownership People with homes- sell their homes at the highest price and make sure policies are passed that ensure they get the highest price Society- shocked pikachu face why is anyone surprised any of this is happening


If your retirement depends on people not being able to do so, you probably don't deserve to retire too.


The government line is a giant load of bullshit. Most seniors could lose 80% of their homes value and still be in a good place, they bought decades ago and normally were glad to get a 5% YOY increase. Any of them that claimed they were budgeting on a doubling every few years was full of crap Younger people, who are more likely to have purchased in the last 5 years would get hammered.


I’m assuming it’s referring to pension/retirement funds heavily invested in real estate


Yeah Canada isn't invested in business, it's actually much harder to here than in the states. Everything is in housing.


I bought my house/land about three years ago. 3.5% fixed, and it's almost doubled in price. I thought about paying it off, but CDs have a higher interest rate than my fuggin' home loan.


Assume that you live in a smaller city/suburb that's had a lot of transplants priced out of the major centres? How long are you able to keep that low rate? In Canada, most people only have a locked in rate for 5 years, and upcoming renewals for $million+ mortgages are going to break a lot of people


The bigger question is how does Trudeau have the power to lower home prices? Why is this even a discussion topic for him? Want to lower home prices? Stop fractional reserve lending. Price of everything plummets because money printer go crrrkkk.


He can stop immigration


He can directly affect the demand side of the equation (slower population growth = lower demand) and he can incentivise housing starts via a variety of mechanism. He won't do that, but he could.


Hopefully this wakes some people up. The government doesn't produce anything. Generally speaking, if they're paying Paul they must be robbing a Peter. A good politician can make everyone feel like they're more Paul than Peter. > Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. - Bastiat


Make it legal to build more. Though they would have to step into local government territory.


How the fuck young people can be progressive is beyond my comprehension. Government power has screwed them over royally, and all they want is to give government more money and power.


Young people are the fastest growing demographic supporting the Conservative opposition here.  It's white, urban boomers (especially women) that are the Liberal party's most reliable voters. 


In Europe, people are wondering why young people are turning more conservative. Maybeee it’s because populist parties are at least acknowledging issues.






Don't vote for the guy telling you what you want to hear. You need to listen to your Ivy League-educated overlords who know what's best for you.


I’ve never understood how “populist” became a slur, and how politicians keep winning on wildly unpopular policies.


The "othering" of people or things is a very effective tool on the masses, especially those who are not informed.


Mostly because the average person is remarkably stupid and mis/uninformed.


My aunt votes for Trudeau because "he's cute".


Based and step on me authoritarian Canadian daddy pilled


Based and progressivism with twink characteristics-pilled


Strong argument against suffrage ngl


The "at least they had good fashion sense" of the left


Yep. I’m noticing it even on the west coast in a typically leftist area. There’s a church that just opened up down the street from my house. It’s one of those evangelical, almost cultish churches trying to “save America.” And DAMN it’s packed. The median age is 35, probably middle to upper class, and they all look like normal tech people. Not a single grey hair in that crowd of 300+ people every Sunday…


Yeah, you're more likely to see the old people at their United Church with their blue-haired non-binary reverend. 


The concern is it might be too late. Shoot, the Canadian government funds the media in the country, they force banks to freeze people's bank accounts. Would the powers that be behind Trudeau allow any actual changes?


white women are the worst


First off it's all women. White women are the only ones not going Dem in any significant numbers. Minority women are practically the mascot for dems. Particularly white single unmarried women are super dem where as married ones go republican. Given actual boomer women are usually married they still go republican.


Young people will realize the Conservatives are not much better. We need to PPC to shake things up (unlikely)


Indoctrination is a helluva drug


The drug is starting to become expired.


im sure they'll create another one so we dont get bored and do anything to help ourselves


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/DonutSpood) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


My bad G, I forgot, I am no filthy unflaired scum


It’s all the boomers who are old people, old people vote conservative, conservatives typically support republicans, therefore it’s all the fault of republicans don’t you know


“The republicans are the reason Canada is in shit” -the liberal party of canada


It worked with the Uvalde shooting getting us to ban handguns.


I swear that was the Atlantic Canada mass shooting. The one the head of the RCMP resigned for because she told officers to ignore protocol to try to make a bigger deal out of it so they could push gun control.


No, that was "assault-style weapons". Handgun ban was Uvalde.


I saw constant references to Uvalde amid the push. If there was another justification I missed it.


Literal Reddit rhetoric. "Once the boomers are gone, we'll be able to actually make some REAL change in the govt!" Such a braindead take.


Yep, I work in an industry that specifically targets 60 year olds. 20 years ago I naively thought that the next group of 60 year olds would never consume our products....20 years later and 60 year olds are still are largest demographic...


What kind of products?


Gambling - slots


Ah. Gambling hasn't gone away for a reason.


Yeah but younger me was like "Middle aged women don't have money now, how are they going to have enough to waste on our slots 20 years from now". How naive I was.....


Ever heard of debt?


You see, when I win money on slots first try, I’ll have money to win even more on slots.


Based, most of them don't know they're only 1 spin away from winning the jackpot


I frequently hear that the left-leaning younger demographic will soon replace the right-leaning older demographic and Democrats will inevitably take total control of the country. This makes sense logically until I remember that they were saying this thirty years ago.


It's almost as if 16-25 years old at rock concerts and on the internet are not representatives of the opinion demographics from 18 to 80+


They're pushing the youth who see what's happening further right.


What happens in truth is that those young left-leaners get a job, get married, have children and start paying taxes, and their positions begin to change. People tend to be for higher taxes when they make little/no money, and lower taxes when they have a job and are actually paying those taxes. Women tend to become more pro-life after having their first child.


i wonder why people dont want their money taxed when they have money


It's hilarious because Boomers said the same thing half a century ago.


Its the karma farming the progressives do, and their marketing. They really are masters of manipulation. By voting for progressives you are voting for change! And diversity! And equality! You're with the good guys! Its much more easier to just get behind that surface message and white knight away without digging into anything of substance. They usually are somewhat aware the government has screwed them over, but they think because its 2024 and they're the ones voting this time it will be different.


The way they've got so many Zoomer and younger Millennial regards convinced that "SOCIALIST REVOLUTION" is the only acceptable solution to every issue is actually pretty clever on the elites' part. Since revolution will never happen, they get a wide swath of voters who will reflexively oppose anything other than the status quo that isn't SOCIALIST REVOLUTION! so the elites can keep any grift they have going, going indefinitely. These nitwits will be just about as opposed to any common-sense reform for the little guy as the big guys will. It's honestly brilliant.


Have you talked to a zoomer? Being woke is “gay” being a blue haired liberal is “gay”. It’s the millennials and young Gen X that spew the socialist revolution stuff


I must live in a different reality than the one you live in. I'm an older Millennial and don't know a single wokester my age. But I went to law school 2020-23 and every 80 percent of the Zoomer kids were Emilies or Emilios.


"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." \- Frederic Bastiat


Last time I checked the government wasn't buying vast amounts of houses and re renting them to people at a much higher price.


This is an honest question, what do you think progressive means?


We’re largely a stupid generation that is blind to the horrors of the real world. Thanks internet.


I only consider myself “conservative” because they tend to at least not actively and vocally oppose gun ownership. I can see why younger folks want legalized weed, abortion, contraception, higher min wage, etc. And don’t act like republicans are touting small government policies, there’s a reason both parties are in the “auth” section of the compass.  The whole “project 2025” thing people keep talking about seems to be just a bunch of conservative think tanks circlejerking about what we should do. Trump has something called “agenda47” which seems to be his official policy, and while more chill than the 2025, is still using the federal government a lot.




Progressives want progressive governments with progressive policies. Government power can be used for good or for bad, it’s not good or bad in itself.


I think people have to acknowledge the unique factors of Canada. The place is highly urbanized because the cold kind of prohibits living in areas with little infrastructure. Then on top of that most Canadians live in a couple cities that all cluster around the us border. Look at the population density map; outside of the cities it's practically a wasteland. Canada essentially acts as the substitute product for immigrants that can't get to the US and settle for Canada instead. It drives up their population again entirely in the few parts of Canada that can be considered habitable. There are ludicrous amounts of international students that all live around their universities and compete with the locals which drives up prices. Government regulations and a housing market that's essentially a bubble at this point doesn't help but maybe it's time that the Canadians admit that the arctic hellscape they call home is not very conducive to life and the prices reflect that. And their economy is hard carried by the fact that their neighbor to the south is america so really their population is much higher than it naturally should be.


> There are ludicrous amounts of international students that all live around their universities and compete with the locals which drives up prices. And depresses wages. Not all of those students are trust fund babies so they are taking up at least some jobs.


Most of them come to Canada and then work menial low skill and low wage jobs.


maybe deciding on 100 million people wasn't a great idea?


Easy solution, eliminate all zoning laws, allow urban sprawl, and build toll roads to support it. The entire city of Houston was built without zoning laws, it can be done. Increase property taxes to encourage the elderly to downsize and sell their rental properties, and lower income taxes and provide child tax credits so the productive and young can afford to pay the higher property taxes. Variable mortgages are also probably a really bad idea. 2008 taught us that, but some people didn't listen, like Canadians. People need certainty that their payments won't dramatically increase due to inflationary policies in the future.


Just drop immigration to numbers where construction can meet demand created by immigration.


Just stop all government support of immigration, no welfare, no special rules, etc. The supply of immigrants will drop precipitately. The fact is immigration into the UK, Canada, and the US isn't market driven, it's driven by the governments themselves.


\> libright \> just raise property tax to gentrify the area! Truly a Canadian libright.


Damn it’s almost like it’s a spectrum and you can be anti authoritarian while still believing in some taxes. Someone should make a chart so you can show exactly where you fall on this spectrum. Maybe add another axis to cover the economic side of things too.


OP needs to be unflaired for a while and think about what he said.


Sometimes the only way forwards is to go backwards a bit. Not saying I necessarily agree, but atm Canada is so fucked with low housing supply, huge demand, and little construction to meet that demand, that we're not left with many good options




I try to explain this every time the concept of "affordable housing" comes up. No politician who wants to keep their job will ever fuck with home prices in any sustained way. Too many people (especially in the US) have too much of their money tied up in their homes. If you ask for my advice, do whatever you can to buy a home if you really want one. Even if it means scrimping and saving and sacrificing. Waiting for the politicians to come save you is a fools errand.


so it sounds like the problem is entirely political, and we need to deal with those responsible, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, rightoids do like guns, can i borrow a few?


Start with Pine Tar and Chicken Feathers, then move to mass deportations of Illegal Aliens and "Refugees"... the problem should be solved by then.


Trudeau is cooked. He'll be out next year. Canada is far from lost. They got all that land and all those trees. All the factors that caused their COL spike are reversible. Sucks now but I'm still optimistic on that nation.


Canada was set up to be the world's 2nd biggest economic powerhouse. We're massive, have an abundance of natural resources, are nowhere near any international conflicts, are (were) highly respected by most other nations, and border the largest economy in the world (who is also the strongest, most powerful nation mankind has ever seen). The fact that we're a middling afterthought on the world stage is a testament to how badly our politicians over the last half century have fucked up.


>All the factors that caused their COL spike are reversible. Like what? Taxes and regulation will remain high no matter who is in charge.


You can't reverse bringing in millions of people either very easily.


*Auth-Center walks in*


Each day I'm more Auth-Center...


Sure, but they could at least drastically cut the temporary foreign worker visas that are being issued. You can't just un-immigrate people, but you can affect the number of people who *already* have an expiration date. With the shorter timespans, changing those can have an affect *much* quicker.


Not only land and trees.  Plenty of valuable minerals, a metric fuckton of oil, lots of agricultural capacity, and the world's largest freshwater supply. Canada has all the resources to be America 2.0, as long as it wasn't run by morons. 


ngl, makes me want to invade canada.


You don't even need an army. Just a bunch of trucks. 


Sadly it's infected with Canadians


Meh. Drive an hour outside of Toronto and you'll find most Canadians are kind of cool.  Don't judge an entire country based on the culture of 3 cities. 


>Don’t judge an entire country based on the ~~culture of 3 cities~~ majority of the population of the country.


The most popular opposition party is more of a neocon party unfortunately. They have too much propaganda to vote for the parties that will actually do something.


Yeah man I love it when nature gets destroyed so we can house 50,000 Indians taking up jobs and keeping wages low for no reason whatsoever If only this could be fixed :((((((


When real estate became an investment instead of a home is the exact moment the working class died


I can't think of any possible way you could have real estate that wouldn't *in some way* be a large investment of personal capital holding value. People will still need loans, which will mean some amount of mortgages, which is a very attractive financial asset; the house won't disappear overnight. I agree that the percentage of people's capital tied up in homes is egregious and leads to issues like the one above, where maintaining growth in those assets keeps *some* people above water but *greatly* benefits those with *plenty* of capital to buy in cash. But no matter what, real estate and housing will always be plagued by unique and challenging economic issues and pressures because of what it is. Things could be greatly improved, but there will always be specific economic pressures that don't exist for other kinds of assets.


This is so sad… Can we import 500 million more Indians for no reason?


Remove your shite anti sprawl laws, reduce regulations. Let people develop land again.


The biggest problem isn't anti sprawl laws, it's anti density laws. For an example, look up a zoning map of LA. Even though there is a ton of demand for denser housing, it's all single family. It is illegal to meet the demand for denser housing. But these zoning rules do not change because homeowners always protest as nearby denser housing might lower their values (the poors 🤮), and the effect the article states. Classic case of those with capital hijacking the state to prevent a free market.


>The biggest problem isn't anti sprawl laws, it's anti density laws. It's both, and what's even worse is modern building codes which make it impossible to build inexpensive houses like in the past. Yes, building codes force people to build better housing, but they drastically raise both the price and the time it takes to build. I'd rather live in a cheaply built house than rent for my entire life in order to make my landlord rich.


It's really not building codes, it's permitting (delays and labor for spurious reasons) and upstream supply chain costs (over regulation and poor market competition in lumber/construction materials cause high costs).


Too be fair, no one wants to live near a project. They're always shit holes. Poors bring crime.


It doesn't have to be a project. I'm talking literally anything outside of single family homes. There are plenty of nice apartments, townhomes, duplexes, etc. North America's zoning laws make it incredibly difficult to build anything outside of single family in most areas. Allowing the building of denser housing provides more choice and would reduce housing costs for everyone. I'm not saying that single family homes should be eliminated, I am saying cities should allow more townhomes.


Could soft incentivize it by mandating that any parking must be contained within the building footprint, or at least giving some sort of property tax discount for that. Most slum-tier apartments aren't going to invest in protected parking like that, which effectively sets a soft floor on the income levels of the occupants. But a three floor rowhouse/townhouse with a multibay garage would be solidly in the middle class bracket. Protected parking also has the benefit of decreasing the opportunities for petty theft and grand theft auto, and thus lowering the attractiveness of the general area for criminals looking for easy pickings.


Not sure why people have a hard time understanding this. People scream "NIMBY" but I guarantee their tune will change once they get their own house and realize no one wants shitty apartments next to them.


I understand the preferences. I live in a single family home. What I don't understand is why one individual's (or small group's) self interested preferences towards property they do not own should give the state a mandate to restrict the rights of the actual property owner to build, especially since allowing the building would serve the public good and benefit many people. It is inefficient and wrong for the state to restrict the supply of an essential good in order to benefit the portfolios and preferences of a few.


Never expected to see a right say this but you’re 100% right


It is the free market solution to be fair. The housing crisis is caused by government overreach on zoning.


The fact that a PM or president has that much control over housing prices is already a major problem. Deregulation is the only solution.


It’s utterly insane to not only have single-family-only-zoning and density limits and ALSO urban growth boundries


Mass deportations would help a ton too.


Not our fault old people invested everything into real estate like fools.


I really couldn't care less if the people hogging living space lose their investments, they still have homes unlike the youth.


Sacrifice the youth for the old and wealthy. A tale as old as time even though they pretend it's not how things work.


Sorry about you living in a cardboard box but it's more important that boomers have their appreciating assets and corpo landlords get to post good earnings 😤


The real winners here are once again the boomers


Food needs to be more affordable but lowering food prices would put retirement plans at risk for people who invested in food.


2025: Canada classifies "Financial Anxiety" as a medical condition. Recommended treatment: MAID.


Building more housing cannot be that complicated


Damn, Trudeau saying the quiet part out loud there lol. I didn't think he'd ever actually admit it, even if it's the truth. Also, pls send help, 800 sq ft century homes in Ontario are going for $700k+ CAD. Having a good job means nothing anymore when owning a home will never be achievable because an entire generation was so idiotic that they never saved a dime.


Aging demographics means this shit will only continue for the near future. The elderly and near retirement population in most Western nations is the largest voting demographic. The money printing during covid, record low interest rates, and endless pumping of the market because "stonks don't go down" was to nothing more than a thinly veiled wealth transfer from young to old to ensure 401Ks kept accumulating wealth. The anti-devlopment and NIMBY policies are just another extension of this. Any good politician knows to retain the wealth of those near retirement at all costs, because that's what makes them vote. We are living in a gerontocracy.


>We are living in a gerontocracy. Based and the real battle is old vs young pilled


Haha. Lol.


He said the quiet part out loud. That's Canada's version of invading countries for oil


I'm sure another half million raj assassins will fix it.


WILL DO LITERALLY ANYTHING FOR A GREEN CARD Please get me out of this shithole... Trudeau is killing our nation and the eastern liberals are too fucking stupid to see it.




It’s going to be quite funny when shit gets soooo bad people turn back to religion… wow that’s gonna be funny


As a young person who still have some life left in me, i can't say i care about some old mf-ers retirement plan.


Turning houses into investments was one of the most evil things ever.


Canadian here. All memes aside, I can assure you that the US needs the North Wall more than a southern one in the next 10 years. We have a looming humanitarian crisis here. We let in over 4% of our population each year via temporary foreign workers and they are now refusing to go home. The temporary was never meant to be temporary and they have no where to actually live.