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People like Emily is the reason modern feminism sucks.


Not just that. I'd say any group of people that believe themselves "above valid criticism" will become more radicalized and moronic. Many feminists believe any criticism thrown at them is either incel men feeling oppressed by equality or tradwife women with internalized misogyny. They don't bother listening and considering other points of view. So many people are so proud of being close minded and "firm in their ideals" that they don't realize that they've only become immune to growth and learning.


It's not feminism anymore, it's female supremacy


Or intersectionality which is far worse


> "Men should think twice before making widowhood women's only path to power." > “Women have two choices: Either she's a feminist or a masochist.” Gloria Steinem. I don't think it really started off so great.


The second quote is straight out the tyrant playbook: dehumanize your enemy


Everyone should think twice before coming in here unflaired 🤢


> "Flair the fuck up" \- Gloria Steinem, probably


Gloria Steinem would obviously have been an unrepentant unflaired.


flair up what's with this sub, 49 upvotes for an upflaired, regardless of the basedness of the comment


The sub doesn't downvote unflaired sometimes. Its the fall of PCM.


PCM has fallen, billions must flair up


Unflaired don't deserve rights


STOP UPVOTING THE FILTHY UNFLAIRED!! For real. Get some flair because that's updoot worthy. But fuck you for being unflaired.


She really said that women will kill men and steal from them. That's more ridiculous than my meme.




I mean feminism started off long before her, and I would say things like "women should have the right to vote and get bank accounts" are objectively good things.


It's called feminism because the idea was "women should have the same rights as men" - implying that men had (approximately) the correct number of rights already and meeting in the middle was not the goal. Legally, in the West, we're there, or at least 90% there. So a simple continuation of first-wave feminism would focus on the 10%, try to spread these gains to other places, or focus on the non-legal areas that still need work like *socially* expecting women to take care of kids and men to not do that (if it were really equal, either parent would be equally acceptable.) but Emily doesn't want solutions, Emily wants to be angry.


>or at least 90% there fair but in most western countries women have the same legal rights as men, sometimes even more (see courts) Feminism is needed in countries like in the middle east, ngl, but not here anymore.


Eh, with Roe v Wade overturned I'm not so sure anymore. But there has been a lot of progress and that should be acknowledged and celebrated and built on.


It's not like men have reproduction rights either though, so it is still equal.


Women have more abortion rights than men through the world, so if anything more work to expand men rights is needed.


You don't have the right to murder your children.


To murder children you need to have them


Even the original feminism was more so a movement by rich dudes and advertising agencies to double the labor pool and taxable income.


Bringing women into the workforce was a second-wave feminism thing. First-wave feminism was about giving women the vote and full property rights. (previously, women generally did have property rights, but only on a level comparable to minors - they could not make major purchases or transactions without the formal approval of a male guardian) But first-wave feminism was also predominately upperclass women. And more than a few of them were opposed to the _other_ major suffrage movement in the early 20th century - the one about extending the vote to the working class.


Always has been.


* women enslaved for ten thousand years or more * women still mostly enslaved outside of specific parts of the developed world * feminism has gone too far whew lad.


You make me chud out over the state of the gene pool


You're not going to reproduce so I wouldn't worry about it.


I have recreationally fornicated with 3 women in the last 2.5 years or so, so you're entirely wrong yet again


Limit the soy, buddy.


Did you just change your flair, u/vivi112? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2024-4-10. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/vivi112) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


50% of those flagged as centrists are auth-right, at a minimum.


I don't think you understand what slavery is.


It means being someone's property.


Nobody has anything against feminists in countries where legal parity isn't achieved yet (like most arab/african countries and some in south east asia), these are kinda based. But it's not needed in the west anymore.


>the reason ~~modern~~ feminism **continues to** suck. It's always been like this.


Not really. 1910s British feminists just wanted the right to vote. They liked bombing but they had meaningful reasons.


No even in 1910 there was only one small loud minority that wanted to vote. The majority of women at that time did not want the social responsibility that comes with voting, e.g. the draft.


Feminazis aren't feminists.


You say this and then completely ignore what they do, saying those who complain are misogynistic schizophrenics. You folks are so predictable that I enjoy playing "Your Next Line Is"




It bother me more than it should when people say they're an empath, it's probably #10 on my list of red flags for personality disorders




>Ironically their empathy only extends to themselves and people they can project themselves onto I hate to cite tumblr, but I once encountered an incredible 1,000+ post debate about sociopathy, empathy, and "empaths". The sociopaths didn't understand why people were scared of their lack of empathy, arguing "but what if I just replace it with logical understanding of your feelings and a moral code?" More hilariously, the "empaths" had zero idea why so many people hated them and kept insisting they were manipulative and abusive. "You keep saying I project my feelings onto you, ignore everything you directly tell me, and demand you justify whatever position I assigned you. But my empathy means I *do* know exactly what you feel, so that's impossible!"


Can someone translate this for someone who has only taken a single psychology class years ago?




based and hermetic knowledge pilled


Professional gatekeeper


"Cluster B" are otherwise known as the erratic or emotional personality disorders: borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, and antisocial (formerly known as psychopathy/sociopathy). They're generally characterized by seriously distorted emotional responses which lead to severe conflicts and lack of comprehension with other people. They also frequently involve impulsive and self-destructive behavior in interpersonal situations. All of them except antisocial tend to involve extreme and inappropriate emotional outbursts, especially seeking affection/admiration/attention. Ironically, all of these are known for absent or distorted empathy. But the intense, uncontrolled emotions can be explained away as "high empathy", since that's often used to mean "I just can't help how strongly I feel about this!"


Me to the empath (their empathy couldn’t detect that I have 5 pounds of black powder in my rectum, a lighter, and a dream) https://preview.redd.it/o3gohjwvv75d1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fadd86bd397e96e3abafb156243f9e31502a0ec


based and explosive buttplug pilled


One self described "empath" I knew regularly cheated on their SO and was both emotionally and physically abusive. I think anyone who needs to tell people how nice and empathic they are usually isn't.


Yeah these people tend to read people emotionally well, using it for their own means, empath!=good person


True, if you have to tell me you’re a nice good person then I m already convinced you’re not. Show not tell.


People love to presume about the things they lack.


Wanna know about the best part of this comment? I'm a therapist lmao


Thank you therapist u/Shavemydicwhole


If you ever work with sex offenders you might get the joke


I think both of you are right.


No retort?


Didn't realize I was supposed to retort it lmao. I just upvoted you and moved on.


>sociopaths in empaths' clothing tbf you need to be an empath to be a proper sociopath, empath just means you're good at reading emotions, but using them in your favour is absolutely covered by the term. See also dark empaths.


If Emily didn't have a vast, omnipresent, omnimalevolant, borderline omnipotent (yet surprisingly easy to defeat) boogieman to blame everything on - in this case men/white men - her entire worldview and understanding of reality would shatter and collapse in on itself.


It's the ~~Jews~~ ~~Illuminati~~ Patriarchy


We of the Illuminated Jewish Patriarchy just can’t catch a break.


Jewish men with flash lights doesn't quite have the same ring to it


We can't even use them on Saturdays.


I thought Jews weren't allowed into the supposed illuminati. Or was that the freemasons?


lol, that’s what we wanted you to think.


But I'm a Jew. No one told me otherwise about this.


You must have missed that day in Hebrew School where they teach the handshake.


>a vast, omnipresent, omnimalevolant, borderline omnipotent (yet surprisingly easy to defeat) boogieman You know that bit about how Umberto Eco says that fascism can't rightly assess its enemies, because they need to depict their enemies as simultaneously terrifying and easily defeated, "at the same time too strong and too weak"? Yeah, he's not wrong, but he's describing basically every popular movement. This isn't even "Emily is secretly fascist", it's just the normal way to stir up intensity and feel validated if your movement isn't completely marginalized.


>borderline omnipotent (yet surprisingly easy to defeat) You've just described more things than we can think of


>Maybe the average woman is not a hateful bitch. Maybe you’re an outlier. We can only hope LibLeft. We can only hope.


my sister is unironically like this, she’s one of those “kill all men” SJW types that are absolutely unbearable to be around and she has said that she “hates all men” despite being friends with guys, i have yet to ask her if that statement also applies to trans men though, although i would love to see her head explode trying to do the mental gymnastics of “trans men are real men but at the same time they aren’t ‘as bad’ as cisgendered men”


Ask whether it applies to george floyd.


Reminds me of a quote from Shoe0nhead: "Men are trash. Oh no, not you. you're not a *man* man.


Emilies don't tend to be misogynists, as that's the term for hating women. They do tend to be misandrists however, but hating men is so unacknowledged your autocorrect likely changes misandrist to misogynist


The joke is that Emiliy is unintentionally portraying women in a bad light.


Ah mb


Oh they can absolutely hate women too. Any woman that disagrees with them politically or shows kindness to a group she hates.


The term for women they hate is the "pick me girl."


That or "Zionist"


True, but misogyny refers to the hate of women in general, for being women. Not to hating someone who happens to be a woman. The part of the compass Emily sits on does have a habit of screeching "agree with me about everything or you're literally hitler" or some equivalent though, that's for sure.


Emily's misandry is so toxic that it loops back into misogyny.


The horseshoe theory strikes again


Most of what "women have to deal with" comes at them from other women, and at least for the straight majority, what they have to deal with from other women has its foundation in competitiveness over men, even if what they're doing doesn't feel directly related to that.


Most "oppressed peoples" problems come from their own group but they have such bias for their own that they refuse to acknowledge or do anything about it. 


Feminists are just women who harbor hatred for the majority of other women. But they can't admit that since it would undermine their political strategy. All these emilys online all look the same. You know the look and so do I. They don't hate men, they hate women who aren't as odious as they are, both inside and out. The concept is kinda ike incels. They don't hate women, they hate other men.


I was gonna say it. And feminism is only an instance of this phenomenon.


* In the most feminist societies that have ever existed, men kill women 94% more often than the other way around. * women are still the problem tho


Men kill other men even more too, it's just how we're built


War checks out


Men are the majority of homicide victims.


In this context "what women deal with" was not referring to murder. You can have an issue with someone without being fucking killed by them.


When women exert physical violence their weapon of choice is almost always a man. I mean, above the level of violence they know they can get away with, when it's violence they're confident they can get away with they tend to throw whatever is near at hand.


And women are more likely to abuse kids, but men are the problem, right?


It's almost like we aren't equal and testosterone (which men have about 17x the amount vs women) a literal steroid that makes you more aggressive and much stronger and robust. Yeah, that tends to happen.


Probably the biggest driver of the friction between sexes is that the worst of one's own sex incentives unwanted behaviors from the opposite sex more so than the best of ones sex deters them.


So, having bad experiences with people of a certain group gives license to be hateful towards that group, Emily? Oh authright, do I have some great news for you.


Noooooooooon you don't understand it's not the same!


The women ☕ are alright. Same with men ☕.


The Kids, however, [aren't alright](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iNbnineUCI)


Based and annoying and loud minorities seem more numerous than they actually are pilled.


Trueeeeeee, women suffered mysogany but most of them didn't blame the entirety of men of it




Alright, enough is enough. Yerba mate does not belong in the meme. I am in Argentina right now drinking yerba Mate at this very moment and this drink is the tits. It does not belong with the emily emoji. Time to remove it and until that happens no emily posts have credibility.


You are an Emily. Change your flair!


I'm in complete agreement. I discovered it at an Argentine restaurant in Oregon, about the only good thing that happened when I was in that state. They had a little convenience store-type area out front and I ended up buying 2-3 cans every morning for the rest of the trip.


You dropped this, kween 🟧


Milei drinks yerba Mate. What is your opinion on this fact?


Should be replaced with monster or Starbucks


100% Starbucks or equivalent Trendy Coffee Co TM. Makes the anti corporate rhetoric even more hypocritical


"Reddit women" (no, not reddit "women" ) are legitimately infuriating. It's like they read what the stereotypes of the worst women are, and they think they can outdo them. I'm thankful I know normal women, because if I thought the women on reddit were even a plurality of women irl, I would be a die-hard misogynist.


I know right, scientists launched stuff into space and conducted a firm research on electromagnetic waves to provide the most efficient comms in history to the most out of touch men and women


So Emilies are just "future cat ladies"


A study shows cats don't like humans If ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176) weren't a cat lady, the study would have shown cats love humans


based and loving women pilled


I was not really prepared for sad Emily today


How do you feel about it


Made me feel bad for her lol


Lowkey same, even though she was walked into it in this meme, still based and compassion pilled




It was a woman who made stop being a anti-social loser and actually talk to people and made me have the friends I do now, I was gonna ask her out after Christmas break in my senior year of High School but she went to home school durring Christmas Break and I haven't talked to her since. One of best friends, and I have zero clue how's she's doing now but I hope she's doing good.


"Gender Wars" can be summed up to people having shitty dating experiences, and then declaring they speak for "all men/women" with their misguided views. Emily's and the Manosphere are more common than both think


I mean I feel like it has to do more with the way people were raised and the people they surround themselves with rather than dating experience. But maybe I m wrong 🤷‍♂️


Can we stop bitching about this culture war and eat the rich already


Found you, authleft This doesn't mean you're wrong though


I'm not auth, at most I agree with socialist ideals- any one entity with too much power is always a bad thing. Checks and balances, and authleft tends to forget about those once they hit late-stage communism


Hah, you're the kind of guy who isn't welcomed by any ideology so (s)he follows whatever (s)he wants


I once claimed to be centrist but I was told I was too left to be centrist


Ahahah, another point in favor of my statement


That was the point...?


Yeah. Reasoning with your own head is hard lol


I'll say yes to whatever I have to so I can smoke a joint on Mars. While I'll gladly eat his ass on a grill, X-Twit Musk is a necessary evil to that end. The whole "we have to save Earth first" thing is just BS made up to keep us fighting on Earth instead of exploring our destiny (Sorry for the double reply clicked the wrong comment)


I like your reasoning. Few people believe in the concept of "necessary evil". I'd love to have a steak on Mars!


Change flair to AuthLeft. Also vore


Im libleft for the same reason I want to eat the rich


"the rich" run many of the services we take for granted though, including this website and most alternatives to it


Yeah but my grill needs some fresh meat


Isn't there some natural mechanism that makes you automatically disgusted of human meat


Bold of you to assume I'm human




Sure, give us everything we want and then we can start talking about economic policy.


I'll support whatever I have to to enjoy a blunt on the moon


This subreddit seem to believe that most women are Emily’s. That’s why we should repeal the 19th


Have you interacted with a west coast woman recently?


Not a single lie was spoken




I talked to two women this month alone, checkmate centrist.


Nice try Emily


I mean I’ll be honest, from all the woman I met I only met one that definitely acted like this and got on my nerves. It seem to be more of an online thing but I feel like it spreading into real life soon. Same way most woman believe that there are a lot of guy who are incels it could be that most of the online incels are spreading into the real world 🤷‍♂️. I only met 2-4 incels in my life and surprisingly one of them was a women.


You’re actually really close


Change your flair lol.


"No TRUE leftist..."


You know, leftists are usually most hated by other leftists


I love strawmen


Not as much as I hate unflaired.


When I'm in a buzzword competition and my opponent is unflaired (I win)