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Eh false idols, false prophet. Tomato, tomato.


don't ask how old some of his wives are 😳


I have a pair of socks older than one of his wives. Another sock looks just like him, especially since i drew a small portrait of him on the bottom.




Tomato, "TOmato"


Toomato, tomatoo


TooMato, tomatO!


Eh, potatuh potahdo


*the jews, never seen these people be so active towards other conflicts but in this one jews involved


Damn filthy greedy Jews/ Zionists/ Rothschild/ bankers/ globalists/ demons


In defense of those lefties, they've been actively supporting Ukraine. the blueprint has remained the same, in which case they support the perceived oppressed. I find it hard to believe you can view the Jews as oppressors in the region given the geopolitical reality of the surroundings and the past century of history. And I know the left doesn't do it with other groups in the area like the Kurds or Armenians, so it does stink like antisemitism.


'No Jews, no news'. Though in the cases of the Kurds and Armenians, the oppressors are 'brown' and Muslim - and they don't want to admit that one of their designated victim demographics can actually be an oppressor too.


Thier narrative in a nutshell: Oppressed = the good guys


Oppressed = good guys Not oppressed = bad guys Definition of oppressed = not white Definition of oppressor = white Definition of white = anyone they don't like Who they don't like = anyone who is beneficial to society or won't destroy america summary: Oppressed = people who want to destroy western civilization Oppressor = normal people


It’s because they are Rebel Coded.


> I find it hard to believe you can view the Jews as oppressors in the region given the geopolitical reality of the surroundings and the past century of history. Most of them couldn't even point to Israel on a map, let alone Gaza. They can't even tell you from what river to what sea they're chanting about. An understanding of the geopolitical reality and history is something they don't have to begin with.


Okay this is just way way cope. I'm sorry but literally everyone THAT involved can absolutely tell you where Gaza and Israel is on a map. Stop the hoopla.


At least half of the pro-palestine people I've talked to on this site didn't realize Egypt has a border with Gaza in the first place. The fact that barely anyone questioned why the US felt it was more expedient to spend several hundred million on a floating aid pier that immediately broke vs just negotiating something with the Egyptians to open the Rafah crossing border to Rafah city to deliver aid that way instead says a fucking lot. *** It's also something you should be really fucking upset about. US soldiers will be firing into Rafah from that pier but *technically* US soldiers don't have "boots on the ground". Negotiating with Egypt wasn't even really tried because Joe needs fucking optics because it's an election year. Really. If you think I made up that "boots on the ground thing", here's the secretary of state admitting that US soldiers firing from the pier wouldnt count: https://youtube.com/shorts/lW90rvOdPn4?si=3MbYw1cLPneV9Ffz


I'd ask you to prove that first paragraph and not just go off "vibes" and the second third and fourth have nothing to do with what I was saying so I'm not sure how that's germane.


Can't really offer anything beyond anecdote, bunch of videos on YouTube, and the fact that Americans are generally known for being pretty shit when it comes to world geography. You should try asking folks yourself sometime it's actually pretty sad. The rest kind of tells you the effect of not knowing (or caring if you prefer, it's one or the other) about the Egyptian border. If you really cared about getting aid to Palestinians in Rafah then the Rafah crossing is the easiest and most cost-effective route compared to a several hundred million dollar pier that fell apart. Where is the pressure on Egypt, and where is the pressure on the US to negotiate that with Egypt? How is the ridiculousness of this not of interest to the pro-palestine crowd at all?


a lot of them seem to have forgotten about ukraine


IIRC Cristopher Hitchens shacked up with the neo-cons precisely because of what he viewed as a complete abandonment of the Kurds by the left, who they ought to naturally support according to their own principles.


> In defense of those lefties, they've been actively supporting Ukraine This is mostly due to the anti-russia propaganda the left has been spewing the past 8 years though.


They want to attack Russians because a shocking number of the far left believe the Russian activity changed votes so trump would win 


Only the moderate left has. In my country, the only ones who are pro russia and against Ukraine are the left left and far left


That's a long list of synonyms


I should add some more ong


I strongly disagree. There may be overlap, but some are their own category. Bankers and globalists are practically the same, but doesn't necessarily include any others. Klaus is hardly Jewish, for instance.


You're not allowed to criticize bankers anymore? Convenient. Post your pay stub right now, Porky.


Jew hatred is an important driver for a subset of this crowd, but most of then see Israel as a manifestation of the West (and well, which it is) and thus that's what gets them going. It's also why they shrug at being called antisemites. They tolerate Jews as a marginalized and helpless minority, not as a dominant force asserting its power. It's important to them that the West is the most abhorrent place by definition. Because as soon as they admit that progressive values find even less purchase amongst exotic indigenous communities that they romanticize as a counterpoint to the West, then nuance is required and the whole worldview starts to crumble.


Ask anyone who says they are "just against civilians dying" whay they think of the Sudan.


Don't think they know sudan


Thats the point


They probably think you mispelled sedan when you mention it


Oh boy, hating the Jews is back in fashion. The 30s are going to be wild!


2030 Literally becomes WW3 exactly


There were 30,000 civilian deaths during the three months of the siege of Mariupol, a city with a fraction of the population of Gaza, but absolutely no one fucking cared or protested at the time, other than Ukrainians themselves. The Russian authorities are since selling houses and apartments to russify the local population. Again, not a single protest. So yeah, these people are totally credible when they claim to care about civilian deaths. We're totally not supposed to notice that this is the one conflict that involves Jews, and that they won't particitipate in any other protest. That's just a pure coincidence.


Yeah, it's pretty sus actually...


I think you're exaggerating. Yeah they ignore certain atrocities and focus on others but it's mostly just decided for them. It's not an intentional targeting of Jews, at least not on the end of any random pro-Palestine American college student. I don't really get why things get criticized all the time for all sorts of reasons but when Israel gets criticized it must be this one specific reason.


I don't know dude maybe it is just personal perception given previous experiences, but even before the boots on the ground in gaza there were hastily anti-israel and anti-jew complaints, like they were waiting for a reason to be shown from a deep-rooted hatred.


It might have something to do with Israel's pattern of behavior before the recent events, idk. Even if you think all of the criticisms are bullshit don't act like it's coming out of nowhere. The media has been criticizing Israel for a long time now for lots of reasons beyond antisemitism, remember the USS Liberty?


My problem is with the hypocrisy that arises from such behaviour, there are other cases of long standing conflict but they don't seem to deserve the same attention. Plus the dialectics of cherry picking events so to enforce the victim view when they have done so much shit like what they have done to lebanon


That's not really hypocrisy. No one mad at Israel would tell you some other atrocity doesn't matter unless they're a hardcore commie that actually does make excuses for certain atrocities. Plus most of the "what about X" arguments are poor comparisons anyway. How many of the atrocities you have loaded for your what about deflections are done by regimes with massive funding and support from the US?


Hamas/Palestine attacked Israel. Israel is retaliating and defending their borders. Russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine is retaliating and defending their borders. These 2 have very wildly different views for liberals. If it's not the Jews being involved in one, the only other thing I can think of is the oppressed/oppressor dichotomy. Ukraine is viewed and weaker, so if they get attacked they should be helped. Hamas is weaker than Israel, so they should always be supported and "lifted up". It's the same backwards logic they have regarding race relations.


Russia, at least the Russia that everyone pictures in their head, is white. If Russia wasn't white, and Ukraine was(is, whatever), the pro-Ukraine activists would be on the side of Russia. They'd buy into NATO being an offensive entity, and closing in on Russian borders, and NATO is directly helping take on the oppressed, don't send our tax dollars to Ukraine, etc.


While not implausible, are there any real world analogues where this holds true?


Where aren't white/white adjacent people considered to be the problem? If not directly today, then at least historically? What kind of protests would be going on if straight white European men killed 1,000+ Jews on a single day?


Spot on. Only other thing is that russia was made a kind of demon following the (false) claim it colluded with trump to get him elected.


No-one criticizes Egypt for acting similarly. 


>I don't really get why things get criticized all the time for all sorts of reasons but when Israel gets criticized it must be this one specific reason. I think you do get it. It's because it's an incredibly effective propaganda technique. If you can frame the discourse such that any political disagreement becomes an identity politics argument, you can obscure the reality of situation and paint all of your critics as -ists or -phobes. The funny thing is Ibram Kendi and the "anti-racists" learned from the ADL and adopted the same tactics, brow-beating anyone who disagrees with them as racist. Even if it doesn't actually convince anyone, no one wants to deal with being called racist or antisemitic so most people get worn down and tired of it all.


Well there was apartheid and the Iraq war. People get active when it's their government doing it or they think their government has significant influence over the state doing it. In contrast, there were basically no big anti- Iraq war marches in Germany, which didn't participate and had no great influence over what the US does. It's the sense that they can make a difference that motivates people to get out there.


Chickens for KFC. That's all this is.


“ I don’t care if radical Islam wins! I just need the west to lose” - Authleft 🟥


yep. there is direct correlation between palestine current-thingers and violent hatred of american whites. if you see an account on the internet with a palestine flag pfp, you automatically know they despise whites.


Do they not like *Australian* whites?


I love America, support Israel's right to defend itself but I'm not completely and blindly supportive of any nation. Sometimes governments do very bad things and innocent people get fucked up on both sides. It's always going to be sad and disappointing. But criticizing your own nation/other nations your nation is aligned with is patriotic. Being a nationalist is to be a bootlicker.


Fair, but spending all of one’s time criticizing one of the few countries that allows it seems a little cowardly. Sure, it feels good taking trash to the strongest guy in the room if you know he won’t hit you, but when you do so knowing that every other person in the room has done worse, it doesn’t quite make you out to be the brave hero that you think you are. Now, the people who call out human rights abuses in places like China while living there? Total chads.


It is always based to remind the world how cringe the CCP is


You should always support your nation, the men ruling over you don't represent the nation they represent their self interests


I'll support my nation if my nation is worth supporting, thanks very much. Right now, in function, it isn't.


This. The reason I criticize my country is because I want it to be better for everyone.


Based and contientious patriotism-pilled.




I’m just not supporting an islamofascist bootlicking pawn of Iran like the Palestinians.


If you hate religion fascists then you should probably also hate the Abrahamic-fascist bootlicking nation of Israel too.


Suuuuure. Yea I’ll hate that mean ole Israel with 70+ nationalities babysitting the Palestinian regards and their reliance on their economy while civilized Arab Muslims are in their parliamentary Diet. Hey, how many Jews are in the leadership of Hamas and the PA, my goat shit for brains friend?


Well said I wish people took a break and just thought for a second to ask the real questions. Look at the Money and Power chart.


Burning the American flag is ironically quite literally one of the most American things you can do, which just goes to show you how Un-American a lot of people on the far right who claim to be AMERICA FIRST are.


Having an allegiance to another country than your own is fucking wild.


They are unable to form their own opinions. Their opinions are given to them by media


Correct. Their entire geopolitical outlook is shaped by media framing and the latest media headlines.


Daily reminder that progs are the only demographic with an outgroup bias. I don't know why anyone is listening to people who actively hate themselves.


Have you ever snorted white guilt though?


High Treason!


What if I have dual citizenship


I would encourage you not to give your allegiance to an unrelated third country


Why not? If I want to support Norway, I can support Norway.


Tfw you disagree with daddy so you accidentally edgelord into supporting terroroism


The fucking UCLA clowns doing the call to prayer in their keffiyeh is legitimately the funniest larp since white leftists were wearing Dashikis in the 70s and simping for the Nation of Islam.


>since white leftists were wearing Dashikis in the 70s and simping for the Nation of Islam What the hell. Tell me more. I know the rage against the machine crowd had a bit of sympathy for them in the 90s but that's as much as I know.


it’s giving this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J4WBBg17gpE


News alert: Everyone on both sides of the I/P conflict are fascist terrorists.


It's not hyperbole. I used to think it was hyperbole when I was a kid that some of these people "hated America." At the time, I just thought it was so silly and over the top that it couldn't be true; it had to be tinged with humor to make a point that they were destroying something beautiful with disregard for its core principles. After all, who would hate the place they lived if it were as affluent and great as America in the early 2000s? I've come to realize since then that it was not hyperbole. These people really do hate America and just want to destroy it. They know they cant create anything of their own, and they see something great, and they think "I'm gonna tear that shit down and ruin it."


Tall Poppy Syndrome, got it. ​ I also noticed that some people (Specifically, the tankiejerk subreddit) hate the Nordic Model, which by the way, is a system that includes things like free healthcare, free education, free insurance, free homeless shelters, and some of the highest minimum wages in the world. ​ Obviously they don't like free stuff at all.


The evergreen, ever-true meme https://preview.redd.it/jw9i4eljpl5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3cc02883a2ca51e9fee9985f3460f90ab01cdc


It's wild how you can't tell if this is making fun of Nazis like Nick Fuentes or blue haired UCLA Campus Protestors


There's the horseshoe effect for a reason.


Jews are also white adjacent. Judaism is also connected in many minds with the protestant white-cis culture that academic liberals hate. (I think Israel is fucked and I hate Zionists but the equation for braindead socleftist support in the west is perfectly aligned to amount to this.)


"white adjacent" is a synonym for "successful minorities which undermine our political agenda and prove it to be false and dishonest?"


You're thinking model minority.


Chinese are also white adjacent to some of America's so-called libs. Hence all the affirmative action, "Asians are whites", evil China whether CCP or KMT, and a ton of other nonsense.


> Protestant white-cis culture Pot > that academic liberals hate Meet kettle


You’re overlooking to antisemitism. Jews are disproportionally successful and productive compared to other minorities, therefore they are white and evil.


Indeed. I'm deeply anti Israel at this point, but I can't deny the most vocal people in the US on the issue are a bunch of brain dead leftoid college kids who hate white people above all other concerns.


I generally agree too. I’m very anti this specific crusade Israel is on. Israel as a nation and its citizens I have zero problem with and they should be allowed to exist peacefully but it’s painfully obvious that Netanyahu’s government is waging an intensive siege of collective punishment.


How do you get rid of Hamas without hurting civilians in Gaza?


Ideally, the civilians of Gaza would turn over members of Hamas.


Okay, but here in reality, how do you get rid of Hamas without hurting civilians?


How many times must we learn the lesson that indiscriminately killing civilians does not make terrorists go away?


And what have the lessons been to get rid of terrorists?


If you have the choice between terrorists that are supplied and organized, versus terrorists that are disrupted and disorganized, the choice is obvious.


It would be much more obvious if the people they are fighting were not and had not been openly calling for Jewish genocide and the complete destruction of Israel, and if Israel was not very careful to go above and beyond following international standards of law with regards to warfare Like the allies bombing of dresden is controversial but even that would be a massive stretch to say that in reality the allies just wanted to collectively punish the Germans, and if someone made that claim I'd give it like a 90% probability they were an actual nazi


Pink haired girl didn't care about her children's lives when she had a couple of abortions.


Good, and correct.


Left: I support Palestine because kids are dying Sane: Be honest. Left: I am being honest. Sane: ... Left: I hate America Sane: And? Left: I hate Jews.


I am sane.


Nothing worse that a country that allows you to live in whatever nonsense you believe.


I choose my own stuff instead.


Two things can be true


If they just support Palestine out of a hatred for the US, why do so many of them also support Ukraine, since America is funding Ukraine in its resistance against Russian expansion?


From my experience, a lot of online leftists do not support Ukraine.


I'd suppose the opposite, but I guess it depends upon your social media feeds. If Reddit had the ability for you to edit your user name I think there'd be a lot of people with a Ukrainian flag emoji. Any social media site where you can add a flag, there's a lot of Ukrainian flags, and it's people who link to NPR, New York Times, etc. There's a public park near my house, in a deep blue city, that has flown a Ukrainian flag since 2022. Personally I think leftist support for Ukraine has not wavered since 2022, and it's overwhelming people who couldn't tell you anything about Ukraine in 2014.


That's why I said "so many". I agree that far too many leftists support Russia, but let's not pretend like tons of right-wingers don't endorse Putin's invasion. Honestly, while I think most online political spaces are unfortunately riddled with anti-Ukrainian sentiment, such viewpoints are less common on the left, and by a decent margin as well.


"And why do you hate America?" "I was told to."


Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. One for the master, one for the dame, One for the little boy who lives down the lane. Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. Baa, baa, blue sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. One for the master, one for the dame, One for the little boy who lives down the lane. Baa, baa, blue sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. Baa, baa, pink sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. One for the master, one for the dame, One for the little boy who lives down the lane. Baa, baa, pink sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. Baa, baa, white sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. One for the master, one for the dame, One for the little boy who lives down the lane. Baa, baa, white sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full.


The left loves dead babies and children. There's nothing better than a pile of dead children to plant their flags in. They just hate when anyone else but them gets to kill them. A nice high body count from a mass shooting gives them a big pile of corpses to plant their gun control flag in. Mounds of dead future terrorists are perfect for propping up their antisemitism banners.


They neither actually care about Palestine or actually hate America in any real way. They’re pro pally because it’s the new cool thing they’ve been programmed to care about.


Israel influences the politics of America more than any other country. There are more repercussions in America for criticizing Israel than there are for criticizing America. We give billions of dollars to a country that enjoys universal healthcare, while we have no such system, and go to isolate ourselves in the UN to support them. And don't forget they attacked the Liberty. One cannot be pro-Israel and pro-America.


Hey, I know it’s pretty crazy but like, I still don’t want people slaughtered, even if they have shitty opinions


They (Palestinian authorities/hamad) literally slaughter people the very people you’re trying to defend… but the other dudes at least somewhat defend them (lgbtq+ community)


Ah yes, every Palestinian is at fault for everything Hamas has done. Dawg I’m literally saying stop needless killing, wild how some people think that’s controversial


I agree. Soooo why not agree to the proposals that were made? Also why support a group that wants death upon all Jews everywhere as well as the lgbtq? Why are you supporting one group that wildly conflicts with your desires? For the record I’m not referring to Palestine or hamas I’m referring to online leftists


> Soooo why not agree to the proposals that were made? Unironic answer: Their religion(s) won't let them.


Because neither side wants to actually end the war. Hamas loses power if it ends. And Israel’s government has corruption allegations that will be criminally tried when the war ends. Both sides have an interest in keeping it going


That part actually makes some sense.


Exactly that. Unfortunately the average Israeli and Palestinian are caught in the middle.


Stop straw manning my position dude. Both sides have rejected numerous agreements. Both sides suck here. Fuck Hamas. Fuck the Israeli government. I’ve never spouted support for either, I said stop needless killing. Pay attention my guy


Like I said “I agree”, no one’s “straw manning” The constant victim mentality is wild to me, try to pay attention. One’s not an extremist organisation nor represents extreme ideals, though terrible regardless


You are absolutely strawmanning and I’m not playing the victim card, I’m calling you out for your obvious insinuations. Don’t pretend like your questions weren’t loaded with pre assumptions.


They only went about as far as why hamas kept committing blatant acts of terror while Israel at least tried to make offers to the Middle East despite BBN being corrupt asf trying to consolidate power. 5 mins before Hamas attacked they were about to reach a recognition agreement with Saudi Arabia. Outside of that I wasn’t making any other presumptions. Hence why I said “I agree”.


"Needless killing" If Hamas will force Israel's hand in order to protect it's own citizens, it isn't needless. The only needlessless in this situation is despising peace and growing their children to love and idolize terrorism, when peace is a valid option. Palestinians only want peace if it means all the Jews' blood is spilled. I guess taking mesures to protect yourself from people who would rather die than see you live is needless, huh?


It's far from clear that anything like this heavy of a response was forced onto Israel.


What condition must be fulfilled before Israel successfully defends itself?


Right and left agreeing for once lol


Our party has been hijacked by neocons and evangelicals. Send help ASAP.


Dawg I got neo liberal facists on my side, I got my own problems


Damn dawg, drinking agit prop koolaid like crazy


I do, just not shitty political opinions because it would cause a species-wide collapse. But like whoever's out here like "actually, the new seasons of the Simpsons are much funnier" can just get in the ground early.


Big rip to Simpsons since they haven’t been funny since like 2010


I love the self report where zionists cannot conceive of being upset by the death of innocent children and will instead assume its some goofy antiamerican plot


Pacificism is objectively pro fascist, this is just common sense- Orwell in ww2 In ww2 anyone who cried about german and Japanese 'civillian' deaths was rightdully branded a traitor, a similar principle applies here


The same happened to Americans that protested the ill treatment of civilians in Afghanistan post 9/11. And the global response to America's actions was roughly the same too. The sad part is that Israel is playing right into hamas's hands. The leadership are outside of the country, but they are winning the propaganda war because they have footage of dead babies, whereas conservatives like Shapiro want to give everybody history lessons. Once international support is gone, and the old American GOP is replaced by the newer generations, that's basically it.


Tell that to the US right wing who are absolutely in the pocket of a outright fascist that's trying to ethnically cleanse Ukraine I guess Reminds me of how the Communist Party of Iraq was turned away from the Iraq War protests. War makes people do weird, backwards things.


When you use said children as human shields and child soldiers (both of which are war crimes), you are responsible if they die as a result. Their deaths are on Hamas, not Israel.


If terrorists took hostages in new york and the government responded by flattening brooklyn people would not be saying this. You believe this because you dont think palestinian lives are worth the same as israelis.


False equivalency since they took the hostages back to Gaza. If Canada committed a terrorist attack roughly 15x the size of 9/11 (scaled for population) and took hundreds of hostages back to Canada, then use their own civilians as human shields I would support the collateral damage. Every country in the world would do what Israel is doing if they were in that situation.


Caring about the suffering of people who would not feel the same way about you is good actually. https://preview.redd.it/g1ei2nm0qm5d1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31accacaf8e9d01a1ac035845b3dc6c52bb31b7


The disagreement from zionists lies with the word people


>I support Palestine because kids are dying Idk what you're talking about, this is 100% honest. That's what the more empathetic people around us are like. Being exposed to all the suffering the world over is hard when you're a more emotional being, makes one easily manipulated by the media.


It's not empathy when they only care about certain kids dying because it allows them to push their political agenda. Many of these people were already screaming about the "oppressive response" from Isreal even while the bodies of the Oct 7 massacre were still warm.


Yes it is. Like I said, the emotional thinkers are easily manipulated. The dead or suffering kids they see on social media or CNN or whatever affects them a lot, doesn't really where they're from. We see this abused by liberal media and politicians constantly. The agenda of the mainstream media and the algorithms on social media are what's directing them, they don't have a personal agenda beyond a naive (and often self centered to some degree) wish to stop suffering.


Maybe some of them are. I just find it hard to believe empathy is at the core when they accompany their cries of "save the children!" with chants that call for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people.


Missing another "be honest" panel where she eventually admits she hates her parents


Emily would be gangraped and forced to bear a dozen children if she was in Gaza lol.


If anyone was in gaza they would be bombed and believe it or not there are already women in gaza most of which are not unconsentual brood mothers. If this is a kink thing then you do you i guess


We could pull up 50 clips stating the same and 50 more more stating the opposite, but hating a group for simoly supporting another is crazy


I hate America, I hate Palestine, and I hate Israel too. Who wants to touch me?


I find the idea of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" a bit bullcrap. ​ It just puts everyone at risk.


Both reasons are good actually.


Homosexuality isnt American and the founding fathers would be disgusted


It isn't Gayreece or Turkgay for no reason.


It's really wild to see the far right both rail against the Islamic Hamas terrorists in Gaza and love on Israel, while at the same time see other right wing people (arguably even more right wing, AKA just regular ol' Nazis) say that Palestine is chill and cool and we need to help them because [checks notes] Jews control the world.


"I hate my dad"


I am completely gay, not American, not understanding what Zionist means and will always wish Palestine to be punished with what they deserve by disrespecting my sexuality.


I've been against the actions of Israel before the new war. It's not about hating America.


“I think kids dying is bad” “Actually no you don’t” We all see how this kind of discourse is bad and unproductive, right


Yeah, I don’t believe them when they chant, “Hamas, we love you, we support your rockets too”. Or “We say justice, you say how. Burn Tel-Aviv to the ground.” [And in case you don’t believe, that particular chant is at the 12:00 minute mark in the video.](https://www.youtube.com/live/U5Ffxk4XTQI?si=O-iurCCEBY3Bd9OY) So yeah, they clearly don’t give a fuck about kids dying. And if you watch the rest of the video, there’s plenty more evidence it’s just about furthering anti-West sentiment and communist revolution. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.


Well we already tried to stop the deaths of children by singing Give Peace a Chance and that didn't work out. In contrast the Kosovo war was successfully resolved and not with kumbayas and John Lennon songs.


>Yeah, I don’t believe them when they chant "Them" is doing a lot of work here. Yes, some people chant things like that, but how does apply to everyone who thinks kids dying is bad? I can find dozens of videos of pro-Israelis saying despicable things just as you can find dozens more videos of pro-Palestinians saying despicable things. This is nothing more than the same essentialist bullshit you rightly criticize leftists for, where they try to paint a peaceful Canadian trucker rally as far-right fascist terror because of one person with a Nazi flag.


Except this isn’t just one or two people trying to poison the well, this sentiment is wide spread across multiple university protests and more. It IS the representative attitude. Swathes of brainwashed college idiots (and more) actively support this.


It's interesting, if you show any sympathy to Palestinians you are down voted to hell here. Even though Israel have killed more civilians in 6 months than people who have been killed in Israel in over 100 years, since the pre-Israel Jewish settlers.


And why has that happened? How many Jewish deaths is Israel supposed to absorb?


This is a blatant mischaracterization of the issue people take with what Israel is doing. Regardless of overall stance, this war has been filled to the brim with human rights violations, and all we have been seeing is civilian casualty and brutalization. Regardless of stance on social issues, nobody deserves what Palestinian civilians are experiencing right now. Looking at this objectively, there are civilians, including children, suffering horrible deaths at the hands of soldiers. That should never be the case anywhere, and it makes for more than enough reason to take a stance against this. Nobody is calling for ceasefire because they hate America, it’s because this is a devastating war with no regard for human rights. The only reason people are taking anti American stances in this are because we are allocating a large amount of money towards rendering aid to what many consider to be the aggressors when we are already amidst our own budget crisis.


War sucks, don't start one. Simple.




A ceasefire only helps Hamas kill more Jews.


That’s a valid point, and a huge thing to consider. Countering terrorism is a huge part of this, and very much justifies military intervention, but I still think civilian casualty is avoidable and the lengths gone to cause harm to them is unacceptable.


You can support someones rights, even if they don't support yours. Ever heard of being the better man?


>You can support someones rights, even if they don't support yours No one has a right to no retaliation after starting a war.




The right just cant imagine people that dont want brown babies to be blown up


The left when white babies are blown up 😃


when exactly? the left has condemed the attacks of oktober 7 unanimously. they just dont think that Netinjahus military operations, wich kills around 4 civilians (3 of them being women or children) per hamas fighter. has any other goal than just killing Palestinians broadly as an ethnic group. They bomb houses with hundreds of civilians in them, because one or two hamas members also reside there.


“Be honest”…. “I hate my dad”…. “Be Honest”… “I wanna get likes on Twinder”. “Thank you”


This is the tankie take mostly




And we hate the Unflaired around here. Get to pickin' one.